The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 10, 1908, Image 4

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    You May
Need It
Ask your doctor about the
u-i&dom of your keeping Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral in the house,
f rt fnr oniric, prktirthc. rrniin.
il&ronchitis. If he says it's all
fright, then Ret a bottle of it
ai once, why not snow a
ttttf e foresight in such matters?
Early treatment, early cure.
X4bL .JJ)jV
Wo publish oar formulas
m. Wo banish aloohol
from our xnodlolnos
Wo urico you to
consult your
"ftmy a boy is called dull and stupid,
..viwnlhe whole trouble is due to a lazy
s-r, VPc firmly believe your own doc
::r v fll tell you that an occasional dose
.t Aysr'i Pills will do such boys a great
ZtixX of Rood. They keep the liver active.
-'i1 hjthoJ. C. AyerCo., Lowell, Maia.
SM (be Confercftatlonal Church Society
-Reports of Officers.
The n,nuual meeting of the Congrc
AM'tanal church of Kud Cloud, Neb.,
Vw. A. A. Grossman, pastor, was held
Sltouxry 3, at a:30 p. m. The reports
fftijvAl that the year 1007 was a most
-unctesfiful year for the church in all
-tartii?.'ntH of work. Following is a
'irrief nummary of the various reports
lSKtor rciHirt Church open for pub
lic services every Sin day but one. Held
services at Indian Creek twice a month
Sunday afternoon. Delivered tflO sor
mons and addresses, made 435 pastoral
calls, olllclated at 0 fuuerals and 4
Clerk's report, At the beginning of
the year we had in memburs, lost 3
by death, dismissed 2 by letter, re
ceived into the fellowship of the
church 10. Present membership, lii.l.
Treasurer's report Received and ex
pended for pastor's salary and im
provements, S3, 175; benevolences, 8175.
Sunday school superintendent's re
portAverage attendance, 8(5; expend
ed for supplies and Christmas, S100;
missions, 8,10; for cimrch improvement,
8 !0.
Y. I. S. C. B. report Attendance
good; expended for car is and missing
library, &J1; church im irovement, 840;
missions, 813.
Ladies1 Aid liaised during the year,
Ladies' Missionary society Home
and foreign missions, S20.
Butirc amount raised by church and
societies, 83585, of which amount S3t0
was for missionary purposes.
The following are theolllcers for the
ensuing year: Pastor, Hev. A. A. Cress
man; deacons, C. L. Cotting, II. Shel
don, A. II. Pierce, A. G. Green; trus
tees, B. J. Overing, Jr., C. L. Cotting,
A. G. Green; treasurer, Mrs. C. .1. Pope;
clerk, Zephyr Cressinan; chorister, C.
1j. Cotting; Sunday mjIiooi superin
tendent, B. .1. Overing, dr.
The church is indebted to many of
the citizens of lied Cloud for liuaneial
help and attendance at church serv
ices. To them we are under obliga
tions and take this opportunity to
thank one and all for their sympathy
and help. . ,
The church starts out with bright
prospects and determined to make the
year 1008 one of the best spiritually in
the history of the church, and hereby
extends a most hearty invitation to
all to aid us in this most noble and
glorious work of spreading the Gospel
of Christ at home and in all parts of
His dominion, to the end that all may
be blessed and saved.
Lantry Gains in Recount.
Chicago. Jan. 8.- The result of a re
count of votes cast a year ago last
November for Thomas Lantry and
Ferdinand L. Barnett (colored), candi
dates lor tho municipal court bench,
showed a gain of 2C7 votes for Judge
Lantry. Harnett's- loss was 243 votes.
The count was made on a petition by
Iiarnett, who charged fraud and error
in the original count.
One Killed, Two Missing.
New York, Jan. 8. Thomas Flem
ing, a steel worker, was killed', two
men nre missing and five others were
seriously Injured in the collapso of a
three-story building of tho Flanagan,
Nay & Co. brewery, on Tenth avenue.
We have just ONE
: 1
li imev'mmm'S!B'(SSl
i m i i 1 1 i in i ii w n ii '! iiin up i iii ii
i MmsmMmmmBimwmmmdiKM
1 .. -. " "'
Iowa Man Appointed.
Washington, Jan. 8. John J. Crock
ett, formerly clerk of the supreme
court of Iowa, was appointed assistant
reading clerk of the senate by Secre
tary Bennett. Seventy-two contestants
had been tried for the position.
Countess of Yormouth Sues for Dlvorco
Loudon. Jan. 4. Tho failure of an
other alliance of the Encllsh uoblllty
with an American woman of wealth
became public when the Countess of
Yarmouth, who wan Allen Thaw of
Pittsburg, a sister of Harry K Thaw,
whoso second trial for tho murder ot
Stanford White will begin next Mon-
flnw In Mntif Vnrlr ltv armllarl Ia Ha
I divorce court for an annulment of her
1 marrlaco to tli Karl of Yarmouth
! Son of Congressman Marsh SulcldQ.
Warsaw. 111. Jan 4. Charles Car-
' roll Marsh, agnd twenty-fceven yearn.
Ron of tb lata Congressman Marub.
committed Ruicidu at nu hum, auar
lioro, by shooting himself with a nhot,
gun III health is said to have cuused
bis acL
Japanese Veterans Ordered Home.
Portland. Oie., Jan 6. The Ore
gonlau has a special from Vancouver,
I) C, stating that hundred.'; of Japa
nese ox-soldiers, now In Vancouver,
have received ordora from the mtkadu
to return to Japun at ouce.
Per Cent Off
Better "get in" soon, as
to to
!!; Suits and Overcoats $
at prices we are mak
ing will not last forever
Men's Pants
Chickering Bros. Piano
!' -u I. : . ..A ...L- L 1 LL L
the raise m price (pept. I st). 1 he bargain
price at which you can buy this ONE can
not be made on subsequent orders. Don't
Maine me if your neighbor buys it for less
money than you can buy later in the season.
1M 4 lift 4 DnifiUT' TI ma
ii 1 sm M I MM sf 1 M 111 J 0 1 V Irl V
hotter Block. Red Cloud, Nebr.
l "J;
Stock Yard3 Charges,
Lincoln, Jan. -I The railroad com
mission learned from Attorney Frank
Hansom of the Union Stock Yardn
, company that the nO-cent switching
charge tho company has been seeking
fo add to existing charges at the yards
, will not be L-ufoiced until a suit in
1 the supreme court is settled that will
decide whether the company is a com
mon carrier.
Five Years for Morrow.
Omaha. Jan l. ISImor R Morrow,
who fired throe phots at his wife and
tried to burn Ids house down Thanks
giving day because she did not have
Thanksgiving dinner ready for him
when ho got home, was sentenced to
five years In tho penitentiary by Judge
Tioup on his pica of guilty.
hi ....Sale of
it Saturday, Jan. 11th
Some snaps on a spe
cial table priced at less
than hall regular. It
won't hurt to look at 'em
to w
to rt.. C4., 15he to
SSKttUI dUHG?, Clothier
&'&&& &&&&;&&&&&&&: :&&:;'
Business College Notes
Prison Population Grows.
Lincoln, Jan. ti. The convicts In tho
penitentiary at this tlmo number 400.
This Is the largest number that ha
been In the prison for several yeats.
Vesuvius Loses Cone.
Nnples, Jan. 8. Following a number
of heary detonations, a portion of the
cone of Mount Vesuvius sank within
the crotor. Enormous columns of
smoko rose from the crater and spiend
out for miles, Professor Matteucchi.
director of the observatory, said that
there was no dangor of a new erup
tion, the sinking of the cono being
merely a gootogical phenomenon.
Tho college orchestra will not meet
tonight. A meeting will be held Fri
day evening, tho 17th.
Conrad Quirin of Campbell entered
the business department Monday.
President Steward spent the latter
half of last week in the northwest
part of this county and the northeast
part of Franklin county.
Charles l'.rule of Campbell, a former
student of the Hastings r.ushiess col
lege entered school here Monday.
II. E. Miipinan is getting quite wise
since entering college. He has been
laid up for several days because of a
troublesome wisdom tooth.
Wish some of the citizens would
help us along by taking boys to work
for their room and board.
President Steward came in contact
with some CIrand Island business col
lege students last week, and in talk
ing they stated that there were about
000 in attendance. President Hargis
boasts of 1,000. He had better hustle
we will soon be with him.
School Board Mectlni.
The board of education met Monday
evening. Present, It. F. Raines, presi
dent; Ii. II. Fort, secretary; K. J.
Overing, J. (). Caldwell and V. A.
The following bills wore allowed:
Thomas Charles Co., supplies. . .$ 1 01
(loo P Ilrown Co, supplies 2 TifV
(linn it Co, books 10 4 1
American Hook Co, books l." 20
Neb School Supply House, beats. .14 29
John 11 Kellogg.repairing school
house 32 20
B J Pulsipher, labor i fit)
Ridge l.eggett, labor 4 00
j IJufus Mikscli, labor 1 .10
111 ..1... .1.. . n,.
N ;uii., imiyuge i .;
Mitchell Jewelry Co, repairing
. clock l 00
R Y) Moritz, cash paid freight.. 70
The chiim of J. II. Craddock for Sr,T.
for drawing plans, details and specifi
cations for the new school honse was
Miss lone Albright was elected to
All the vacancy caused by the resig
nation of Miss Ward, at a salary of
850 per month.
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Loweitt
Residence 188.
The Best Land Proposition
on the American Continent today. Healthiest climate in Old Mexico where you will get
well on the climate, not medicine. Where we have plenty of rainfall and heavy dews.
"Where tho cool air from tho mountains causes rainfall ovory mouth in tho year. Whore
Uwt ui only u few miles from tho coast. Where you do not need to irrigate. Whore you aro near
ufi largest deep water port of Mexico. Where you liavo 12 miles of river frontage, and on tho Jiue of the Mexican Central Railway west of Tanipiuo, Whoro tho constant sea breezes make
-mxraer time worth living. Where it never freezes. Whoro there aro no winters, cyclones, bliz-
.rI- tornadoes. Where tho llowors bloom twolvo mouths every year. Where you can wear the
- -caw clothes ovoiy mouth in tho year, comfortably. Whoro tho winter months aro only twelve to
-iW-eu degrees colder than tho summer. Whoro you aim oat oranges, bananas, pineapples, lorn-
Htra, limps, pomegranates, llgs, coooanuts, mangoes, tomatoes, melons, and all garden products nil
nfx yKi: "Where you rais-o two and three crops of corn ovory year. Where cotton, potatoes,
-.s;tr cane, rice, tobacco, dates, rubber, cofToo, liber, castor bonus, corkwood, ponchos, rhlcory.
-via, tidiRo, popper, yuea, sarsapavilla, chlncona bark, ul es, camphor, almonds, tangerines, gin-
.jivisara grass, rye, barley, broomcorn, rnuiio, homp, alfalfa tho lluost on earth -and thousands
jfdP.uor products are raised on tho same farm. Where thoro is cheap labor. Whoro ull the prod
ucts of tho oarfh aro raised. Whoro you sleep with your doors and windows open in December
mid January, in placo of feeding your stock and freezing to death. Whero you farm ovory month
of tho year. Whoro you save more than you make in tho north. Whero tho tide of immigration is
rapidly turning, and land viilues aro rapidly increasing. Whero your stock will got fatter on tho
native grasses than if fod on corn. Whoro the same laud yields evoryihing that is raised in tho
tropics, and In tho north. Whoro you do not work six months of tho year to keep from sturvinir
nnd froezlng tho other six. Where the winter doos not consumo all that you produco Whoro five
or ton acres of oraugos or bananas or any other fruit will make you a fortuno. Whoro tho water
comes from tho mountain springs, and is soft, pure and plentiful. Whoro tho nvorniro rainfall
exceeds GO inches. Wtioro yon live in a healthy summer houso, surrounded by Unworn fruits nnd
palms tho your round. Whero taxes are practically "Nit." Whoro you can buy this land in tracts
Whoro tho
lonoy than any
palms your rounu. wuero taxes are praoucauy" wnoro you can buy this h
of 50 to 10,000 acres at S7.&0 por aero, and in a fow yours it will bring you $ir0 to ?.i00
man or woman of small means can buy a 50 to 100 acio tract, and make more mon
Webster county farmer makes on tho best !J20 farm and with less labor.
Excursion Rates Every First and Third Tuesday
Hill be in Hed Cloud Thursdays to Saturday noon at Royal fU A HI C C; FIE iy f E
Hotel, or call or write me at BLaDEN, NEB. vHlKLEo or ENIjC
i a.-; c - -. - -
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