'i riVJ' ?V i Sv VI ! . 5 LOCALETTES 5 See L. A. Haskius for fine- potatoes. Will Ralley wout to Omaha the first of the week. Mrs. Paulson is home from u short visit in Republican City. 1). It. Whitukur went to Stratton, Neb., the first of the week. Mr. and Airs. Kil GUlard returned to Nr. ponce .Saturday evening. Miss Delia Ken! has accepted a posi tion with the Argus as compositor. The revival meeting at the Rrcth 'ei church closed Tuesday tilht. Miss Juliet Galusha of Lincoln vis ited with friends here this week. Hiss Hlanchc dross returned Friday f re tn a visit with friends in Franklin. Ladies' all wool underwear at F. NVwhouse's. Now is the time to buy. Allen Tulleys came down from Nap on ' Monday for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John G. rotter are ho-ne from an extended visit in Grand ls:nd. Hrs. George Newhouse and children went to Campbell Saturday, returning Tuosday. Fay Hrower of MeCook visited with the Garber boys and other friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sauers and Mr. and M:-4. Fred Feam spent New Year day in Guide Rock. Moyd Munsell is expected home to morrow from a visit with his mother and sisters in Chicago. Mrs. Walter Roby of Nelson was the jjuerit of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. 'I'. Kohrer, this week. Rert Vest and Charles Jennings left Monday evening for a trip to Denver and other Colorado points. Mrs. N. S. Rants entertained her boarders and a few friends last Sunday by giving them a dinner. John Wecsner returned to his duties as principal of the Webber, Kan., schools Sunday morning. Miss Riah Olmsted and Miss Powell went to Riverton Tuesday evening to attend a masquerade ball. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Whittaker and children returned to their home in Mt rat ton the first of the week. ' Miss Ha.el Garber has returned to her homo in Alexandria, Neb., after a vi-.it with relatives in this city. Miss Ressie Thicker, who is a nurse in an Omaha hospital, visited with Jier mother and sisters this week. Hiarles Phares left for Lincoln yes terday, where he will take the winter course in the State Agricultural col lege. Miss lSlanche Osborn accompanied her uncle, Fred Hummel, to his home in Hot Springs, S. 1)., upon his return 1o that place today. Don't Worry Keep Smiling The GFoeer All the Phones McFarl anils L Dresser scarfs and table covers In Austrian fillet work at F. Nowhouse's. Faum koi: Rknt 200 acres on see. 21-SM0. Inquire W. V. Law. 'Jt Rev. C. A. Wilson of Rldgeway, Pa., Is expected here today or tomorrow to assume the pastorate of the Rnptist church. Drs. Welriek & Rlddlle, Eye. Far, Nose aud Throat Specialists. Glasses fitted. Over German National Rank, Hastings, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goble, who have been visiting with the former's brother, 1211ns Goble, left last evening for their home in Silverton, Colo. Ira Wagoner is recovering from his recent severe illness and it is hoped i will soon be able to be brought home from North Rranch. Mrs. II. A. MeCunc and granddaugh ter, little Grace Jones of Inavale, went to Rladen to spend New Year with John MeCune and wife. Arthur MeArthur, who has been em ployed In a pr'inting otllce at Clay Center, Neb., for the past few months, has returned to Red Cloud. Miss Millicent Slaby, who has been vlsitingwith relatives In this city, re turned to her dutiesi as a teacher in the MeCook schools, Monday evening. Dr. Warrick, .the specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses properly fitted, at Dr. Damereirs olllee, Monday, Jan uary IB. Mrs. Mary Goble and Miss Minnie Goble. mother and sister of Elias Goble, left today for their home in Holdrege, after spending the holidays' here. The Episcopal Sunday school had its Christmas tree und services for the children on Saturday, Holy Innocents day, ati o'clock, with a full attend ance. - " Mrs. Frank Smith of Garfield town ship went to Lincoln last Friday morn ing to assist in earing for her daugh ter, Lulu, who is taking treatment in a hospital. Landlord Powell of the Cottage Inn, at Riverton, was in the city Monday and made arrangements for his daugh ter to attend the Red Cloud Business college. Stock shipments are getting light. Only eight cars went through this city Sunday from the west six for St. Joe and two for Kansas City. The conductors on all passenger trains now lay over in Red Cloud. Their runs are from St. Joe to Red Cloud and return, and from Red Cloud to Denver and return. While the ice was a little soft for skating in the afternoon, the warm sunslisne attracted quite a number of base ball enthusiasts to the grounds, v, here a practice game was in progress. Regular preaching services at Bap tist church each Lord's day. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. The public is cordially Invited to attend all services. Rev. C. A. Wilson pastor. Hon. "RilP'Renkelof Inavale is now a grandpa. Wo understand, via grape vine telegraph,, that the Honorable is very low. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Con ley of Inavale are the proud parents of a nine-pound boy, who arrived at their home on December 23. Rrakcman Perry Karg came near having a disastrous fire at his home on Cedar street, Monday morning. For tunately the fire was discovered by neighbors in time to be extinguished before much damage was done. It is said that Mr. Karg slept peacefully through the wholu proceeding. Paul Storey, the clothier, has adopt ed a novel scheme to attract customers to his store. Tomorrow (Saturday) he will give to every twelfth customer In his store whatever ho purchases, if the amount is not over S.r. If it exceeds Sr, the purchaser will be allowed S5 on the amount of his purchase. He is also selling overcoats and heavy suits at a big discount. One of the nicest stretches of road in this vicinity is that lying along the north side of Charley Piatt's farm, a mile west of town, where Hen Pcgg has been using a road drag with the perseverance ho always shows In every thing he undertakes. It is a pity that more of our farmers do not show simi lar enterprise. Probably the largest crowd ever seen at a public sale In this county was that which attended "Hilly" Renso's sale last Tuesday. Everything sold high, most of the livestock and many of the farm Implements bringing a higher price than they originally cost Mr. Reuse. The sale was the most ex tensively advertised of any salo ever held here, and the result bhows the wisdom of a liberal use of printing ink when you have anything to Bell. Al Nolan was down from Rladen. Rert McCoy was down from Hladen Thursday. Miss Ada Schultz is on the sick list, this week. Mrs. S W. Foe visited in Cowles this week. James Rurden went down to Kansas City Wednesday. Marion Neal was up from Guide Rock yesterday. With this issue The Chief starts upon its thirty-sixth year. Henry Phares returned last night from a visit In Topeka. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson are home from a visit in York. The new county officers will be sworn in next Thursday. C. H. Spcnoe, the Rladen real estate man, was in Red Cloud this week. Wanted Girl for housework. In quire of Mrs. Phares, at NewhouseV. Will Parkes, Sr., left this morning for a visit in Indianola and MeCook. Miss Flora Sellars of St. Joseph, Mo., visited with relatives here this week. Jim Correll left for York, Neb., where he will attend busines college. Starke Rros of Amboy shipped six cars of cattle to Kansns City Wednes day. Harry Letson came in yesterday from Lewiston, Idaho, for a visit with relatives. Elmer Jones of Lincoln was a guest at the home of Dr. Damerell the Hist of the week. Mrs. Nettie Martin of Doniphan. Nebr., is visiting with her father, Rev. G. W. Hummel. Mrs. John Polnicky and son Paul returned Monday evening from their visit to Wilber. Willis Edson returned Thursday to Grand Island to resume his studies at the Raptist college. Engineer Fitzpatrick, of Nos. 1.1 and 10, was laying off the first of the week on account of sickness. R. I). Davis and wife of Inavale will leave for a visit to his son, who is located in New Mexico. Marion Lindsey of Caldwell, Kan., is paying a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lindsey. Roiler Inspector Spence of MeCook was In Red Cloud Monday, inspecting the boilers at the Rurllngton round house. Roscoe Wecsner left Thursday morn ing for Lincoln, where ho will take the winter course in the State Agricul tural College. The concert given by the Citizens' Concert band Tuesday night was poor ly patronized, considering the merit of the entertainment given. Charlie and Joe Gurney returned yesterday to their studies at the State Agricultural College in Lincoln. They are taking a complete course. Mrs. Dora Felker of Topeka, Kan., and Mrs. Anna Parker of Alva, Okla., left for their homes Thursday morning after a holiday visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Fincher. Miss Leturncau returned Tuesday to her home in Aurora, Kans., after a pleasant visit with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. N. Longtln. Miss Alfa Longtin accompanied her as far as Superior. Vic Fulton left Tnesday morning for Fort Cobb, Okla., being called there by a telegram announcing the serious Illness of hlsfather-in-law, F. E. Goble. Mr. Goble has not been In good health since his visit to this city a short time ago. Colonol C. W. Kaley is home from an extended trip through Old Mexico. He accompanied the Stillwell party, whose itinerary included a trip to Topolobampo, on the west coast of Mexico, the terminus of the Orient line of railway. O. W. Taber's "Welcome" restaurant at IJlue Hill was destroyed by fire at !i o'clock Tuesdaj morning. It is not known here how the fire originated. The restaurant fixtures and stock were almost completely destroyed. Insur ance, sfo,500. The building was owned by County Treasurer W. C. Frahin and was Insured for 81,000. The loss on the building will be from S500 to S800 above the insurance. Councilman Will Wolfe had an ex citing runaway Tuesday evening. As Mr. and Mrs, Wolfe were returning from House's sale they passed the waterworks just as the 0 o'clock whistle was blowing. The colt which Mr. Wolfe was driving turned round and started to run, breaking all the spokes out of one frout wheel of the buggy, and ran'untll the whistle quit blowing. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe walked into town, leading the colt. 3; m m Commencing w & $ & Jan. 1, 1908, We will sell Suits, Pants and Overcoats For Men, Boys and Children at 20 per ct discount from regular prices. NUF SAID I to m w ,f !' I'M rws M 1-.-V- i-.-U m i 83 vfc m THE Goiaden-Kaley dotting Go. Raseball and skating on January 1 shows the kind of weather we are enjoying in this part of the world. President Steward of the Red Cloud Rusiness college had an experience with a team of mules the other day that he. will not soon forget. He was out to the Steward-Damerell rnneh the other day and, wishing to go to Wonier, asked if he could have a team to drive to that place. They told him to take the mules, and he started. He had not gone very far, however, when the mules became frightened and started' to run. He says that he held to the lines and yelled "Whoa!" until his mouth became filled with mud, but the mules ran until they got tired. No damage except to the president's nerve. COUNTY COURT NEWS. CIVII. CASKS. City of Red Cloud vs. Fox and Hines, Settled. I'ltOIIATI. CASUS. Estate of Harris Noble. Rond ap proved and filed; letters issued. Business College Notes I.. M.STi:AI!l, I'llKHIDHNT. Five new students. A happy new year to all. Marie Kaminsky of Inavale entered the normal department. Ray Mitchel of Inavale entered the businoss department Monday. Miss Viola Peak of COwles is now a member of the shorthnnd class. Win. Noble of Womer, Kan., entered the business department Monday. Mrs. Steward spent Now Year Day with Miss Rertha Harlow and parents. Things in the school room arc start ing off nicely for the first of the year. Presdent Steward spent most of last week on the road rustling new students. Miss Engels, a post graduate of the high school, was a college visitor Tuesday. Prof. C. M. Wright spent part of his vacation down in Kansas. He reports gcod eating. Mr. Win. Powell and sister Alice of Riverton entered school today. They came to Riverton recently from Illinois. Do not forget the organization of the college orchestra on next Friday evening; meeting to bo called at the college hall Come! II. C. Shlpman of North Rranch, Kan., started to college last Monday. This meant one less for the Grand Island business college, as he had intended to go to that place. A. R. C coffee's as good asthe best, at Fulton's. m til Si: to: tot to: m m to: H P.?: m m &. Wi m i to: M1 Don't Buy Land nor loan Money on Real Estate without getting one of Teel's perfect Abstracts of Title. The oldest and most reliable set of Abstract books in Webster Co. SIO.OCO b nd filed and approved. Repn sents six of the best In surance companies doing busi ness in the state. LOANS MADE on CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. OtTtcc in Overlng Block. Phones: Boll 98, Farmcrs36 H. E. ASHER Veterinarian Blue Hill -:- Nebraska Will bo in Red Cloud Saturdays at Smith's barn. Fulton Grocer Co Headquarters for GOOD THINGS TO EAT Telephone Your Orders . BETTER STILL- Call at Store and Leave Your Order. w u ' w i 3 mMt'm I A- w. - r y waui: r U " M - - - J