aatiKiiR-Wi.Ji-J . If M IN A. Cough Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectortl Is regular cough medicine, a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. Good for easy coughs, hard coughs, desper ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don't take it. Never go contrary to his advice. A We publlih our formuUt W hanlfth atnohol y from our medlolnep Wo uro you to comultyour doctor 7 yers The dose of Ayer's Pills is small, only one at bedtime. As a rule, laxative doses are better than cathartic doses. For con stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headaches, they cannot be excelled. Ask your doctor about this. "Tado b.Y U J. 0. Astt Co., Lowell. Mia. I DESPERATE FIGHTER Courage and Daring of Colonel James Bowie. cstanf houso of worship Id tho republic woe Inld In San Augustine. The mnn whose timely ntd proved bo effective was Colonel James Bowie, and the knife In his belt wnB the noted "bowie knife," given to lilm by bin brother, Hczln P. Bowlo. It was mode of a large tile, strong, of admirable temper and gave Its name to a family of terrible weapons not yet extinct Crockett met Bowie for tho first time In the Alamo, and ho writes In his journal: "While we were conversing Colonel Bowlo had occasion to draw hlH famous knife, and I wish I may be Hhot if the bare sight of it wasn't enough to give a man of a squeamish stomach the colic. Ho saw I wob ad miring It and said ho, 'Colonel, yon might tickle a fellow's ribs a long time with this before you'd mnko him laugh,' " Bruve, generous, determined and en terprising, James Bowie sought adven ture for its hazards, and ho was natu rally among the llrst to take up arms for Texas Independence. Three moro desperate men were never brought to gether than Travis, Crockett and Bowie as they tool: their last stand within the walls of the Alamo. Sick and help less lu bed on thnt last terrlblu day. Jim Bowie died lighting. As u Mcx ieun ran forward to kill him he roused himself by n supremo effort, caught his assailant by the hair, plunged the fatal knife into his heart and fell back dead. When the story of his death was told to his mother in Louisiana, she said, "I am sure .Tim never died with n wound In his back." and, with a quiet smile, turned again to her household duties. Exchange. HIS DEATH IN THE ALAMO. Gratitude Is n fine virtue, and yet It Is wearisome when carried beyond doe bounds. IO Sage. Dramatic End of Thlt Brave, Generous and Determined Spirit Tho Way the Fearless Fighter Once Protected a Preacher In Texas. One tine summer morning in lZSa? thc year that Santa Anna seized the , presidency of the new republic of Mex- ' ico a small party of horsemen crossed tlic Sabine river about sixty miles from Its mouth and entered Texas ter ritory. Moat of them were clad In buckskin and armed with rlllc, pistol and knife a rough, determined look ing crowd, with two notable oxcep tlonj, one clean shaven, dark skinned, with a bright, restless eye that scan ned the woods constantly, as If lu Ncnrch of an enemy, and the other a wmall, mild mannered man, whose gen eral appearance betokened the preach er. These two were riding In front, talking earnestly of the convention which had just been hold nt San Fe lipe de Austin and of the possibility that Texas might one day become an Independent state. Suddenly some one in the party behind them started u song with a memorable chorus When other states reject ua, ThU Ih tin: one that uhvaja takes ua. From that Jingling rhyme some de rive the name "Texas." Certain it Is that this great new land took lu and sheltered many a fugitive "who left his country for his country's good." That prince of pirates Lalitle had sail ed away from Galveston ten years be fore, and his thousand freebooters were scattered to the four winds, but erowds of adventurers from all parts of the world were pouring in, with many of the belter class, to swell tho tide of Texas Immigration. The little band jogged on and dually reached the municipality of San Augus tine, then a mere collection of rude log huts, with one or two adobe structures built by Spanish missionaries. Here the preachur posted n notice that the J'.ev. Henry Stephenson of the Motho dl.it denomination would hold a meet ing in the evening. At the hour named the bouse was crowded to overflowing with rough, desperate men, nil armed and ready for any fun or fray that might arise on such a novel occasion. The minister gave out n hymn, and It was sung with spirit. Then came the text, but not another word would the rowd hear. They hooted and yelled, shot off their pistols, crowed and bray ed In derision. The tumult was deaf ening. The quiet little preacher stood his ground bravely, though In bis heart wishing he wore well out of U. With difficulty his traveling companion forced his way to the front, still carrying his rule and a huge knife In his belt. Tho wild cheer that broke from tho crowd souudod lu the cars of tho preacher, now thoroughly alarmed, like the howls of a pack of wolves or the yells of Indians hungry for scalps. But In stead of jumping upon him this strange mau, wltii restless eyes flashing and long black hair streaming over bis shoulders, jumped on a bench and, throwing his hut to the ground, shout oil In a stentorian voice: "Men, this man has come to preach to you! You need preaching to, and I'll bo blanked If he shan't preach to you! The next man who disturbs him shall fight me! My uame Is Jim Bowie!" Tho effect was magical. With quiet, respectful attention the rough audience listened to the sermon, joined heartily in the closing hymn, and not a few persons came up to shake hands with 'the little man and apologize for the rough reception they had given him. A month later at the tlrst camp meeting over held in Texas some of thorn be came members of the church, and lu 18118 tlie.j:ornerstoneof tho first I'rot- Insect Mypnoiism. "Did you ever know." said the hypno tist as he played with a curious, glit tering hypnotizing machine of crystal and sliver, "did you ever know that hypnotism Is practiced among insects?" "No." "Well, it is a fuct. A queen bee can hypnotize her whole hive whenever she wants to. She makes a curious humming sound, and within a moment or two every bee In the colony falls into a hypnotic trance. "The death's head hawk moth is also a hypnotist of grent power. This crea ture, indeed, makes its living out of hypnotism. Entering a hive, It makes a sound not unlike the queen bee's note, and, the bees immediately sink- Mice U Udders. Sealed proposals will be received at the ofllce of tho County Clerk of Web ster County for furnishing supplies to said County during the year 11(08, to-wit: CLASS A. 1II.ANK HOOKS. 8-quire Plain Kecords,medlum, per book u printed head records ' ' ' ' printed page records ' " " tax lists, double-demy, ' " " " " double-cap, " " Patent backB, per book, Canvas Covers, per book. All reconlb to be made of Byron Wes ton's best Linen Ledger paper, extra bound. Tax Iteccipts for 1908. Tax Receipts for 11108 for carbon. Extra for printing year in red. Chattel mortgage files. Assessors' schedules, per 1000. Assessors' schedule flies. Lithographed warrants, per 1000. Reversible document envelophs, per 100 llt.KCTION SIMM'MIIS Poll books for election 1008, per 100. Poll book envelopes, per dozen. Ballot bags for votes cast per dozen. Instructions to voters per dozen. Election pencils per dozen. CLASS II. l.i:0AI. IU.ANKS. Whole sheet cap blanks, per 100. Half sheet cap blanks, per 100. Quarter sheet cap blanks, per 100. Eighth sheet cap blanks, per 100. CLASS C. omcK Sl'ATIONKltY. Ink. Diamond, Carter's, StaiTords or I equal, per quart. I Pens. Clucincum Spenccrian, per gross; M. V. Ground Point Pens, per gross; Esterbrook's or (lillette's, per gross. Pencils. Perfection Nos. 2 to 4, per gross; t'nbcr Nos. 2 to 4, per gross; Hardtmuth Koh-i-noor, per dozen: llai'dtmuth Ivoh-i-nooi copying, per doen, Hardtmuth Mephisto copying, per dozen. Penholders. Tower's Bank No. 300, per dozen; Fabcr's cork-tipped, per dozen; plain polished cedar (swell) per gross. Erasers. Rubber No. 102, per dozen; Rubber No. 101, per dozen. CLASS 1). I.KYTI'.UllKADH, KTC. Letterheads, 12-lb. Franklin or equal, per 1000; noteheads, 7-lb Franklin or equal, per 100; envelopes, No.OJtfNo.l rag, per 1000; envelopes, No. 10 No. 1 rag, per 1000. All of said supplies to be first-class tf to to to to to to to to m to to THIS YEAR THIS STORE has made special effort to please Christ mas buyers. at- neatest ft to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to NFCKWFAR The best silks, the most to lLilVWLni tmrtUm colorines. the nea 2J of single boxes that we could find. to to SILrx SUSrHlNUUKS, MUrrLLK to in silk and wool in the new shapes. Two-Collar House Coats, Gloves, Mittens, Slippers, Handkerchiefs and all the other little things that go to make the most valued gifts for a man or boy. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to SUITS and OVERCOATS ft ; Ing Into slumber, the moth proceeds to plunder nt Its leisure." New Orleans ; in every respect and to be furnished in Times-Democrat. Free Consent of the People. The "pioneer American Democrat" was the Rev. Thomas Hooker of Con necticut, who, lu n sermon In Hartford in the year KKJIl, said, "Tho founda tion or all authority Is firstly laid In tho free consent of the people." There, lu embryo, were the Revolution and the great republic. In the "Funda mental Orders of Connecticut," Inspired by Hooker and adopted at Hartford In 1C.1S, we have the first written consti tution known to history that created a government. And that government was as near u perfect democracy as the world has ever seen. New York American. Turkish Farriery. Turkish horseshoes are simply n flat plate of iitm uitli a hole lu the middle. In his volume of "Personal Adven tures" Colonel J. P. Robertson de scribes tho extraordinary method of preparing the horse to be shod. The farrier takes a good long rope, doubles It and knots n loop at the cud to about the size of a good large horse collar. This Is put over the horse's head after the manner of n horse col lar, the knot resting on the horse'i chest. Then the two ends of rope are brought between his legs. Each rope, then taken by a man, Is hitched on to the fetlocks of his hind legs and brought through tho loop In front; then by a hard, steady pull the hind legs are drawn up to the fore legs, and tho horse falls heavily on his side. All four feet nre then tied together by the fetlocks, the horse is propped up on his back, and the farrier sits quiet ly down beside him, takes off all the old shoes and puts on new. When the work Is tlulshed the horse Is untied and allowed to get up. Crab Has 2,000,000 Joints. The crab known as the scale tailed apus was believed to have become ex tinct in Great Britain fifty years ago, the last recorded specimens being tak en in the ponds on Hampstcad heath. But now It has turned up again In some numbers lu two ponds on Pres ton Morse, near Southwlck, In Kirk cudbrightshire. About two and a half Indies long, the apus bears a very striking likeness to that remarkable creature, the king crab, and this be cause the foie part of tho body Is cov ered by a great semicircular shield or carapace, while, as in the king crab, It swims on Its back. In the great number of Its legs the scale tailed opus has few rivals, while In tho num ber of the points which these share between them no other creature can compare. Tho naturalist Schaffer once essayed the task of counting them and mode tho magnificent total of 1,802, 001. Latrelle put down tho number at a. round L',000,000. London Graphic. to to to to to to to to that give satisfaction we always have and this year more of them than ever I would appreciate your business and wiil give you satisfaction or return ioo cents for every dollar. to to to to to to to I Paul Storey, cv 1 '&&&&&&&&&&&&&.&&&& accordance with the requirements of the various county olllcers. Said bid and bond, in the sum of TwoThousund Dollars, must be pled with the County Clerk on or before 12 o'clock, noon, on tho 31st day of December, 11107. Dated Red Cloud, Nebr., December 2d, 1007. Lr.i: Dr.Toi'it, County Clerk. Notice to Bidders. Notice is hereby given, that the Hoard of County Commissioners of Webster County, Nebraska, will on January 15, 11)08, open bills for the building and re pairing all wood and steel bridges re quired, for the period of one year. All bids must be made according to plans and specifications on file in the county clerk's ollice and shall specify separately, the sum bid for .superstruc ture per linear foot; pilingaud tubular piers per linear foot; lumber in caps, sways and bricking per thousand in place; all other steel In substructure pound price in place. Kids for repair ing work to be bid per unit quantity in place. So farasknown the following bridges will be built: One steel spun bridge .'10 ft. long, across Willow Creek and others as may be determined by the County Board at contract price for the year 1003, and such other business as may be ordered by the Board. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 8500 and tiled with the County Clerk by 12 o'clock, noon, December 27th, 1007; said check to be forfeited to Webster County in case successful bidders fail to sign contract within ten (10) days from date of award ing said contract. The Board reserves the right to reject .my or all bids. Li:k DkTouh, County Clerk. Pubic Sale The undersigned will sell by public auction at his north and two east of Red Cloud, farm four miles Tuesday, Dec. 3107 beginning at 10 on clock a. m. 57 Head of Live Stock 8 Head of Horses Ono bluo-rouu team of mures weight, JUfSO, coming eight a d nine years old with foal by pure bred Percheron Norman. One red roan buggy horse, weigiit, 1200, coming eight years old Two six-mouths-old colts, bluo roan, weight 725. Span black mules, five ami six years old, weight 2300. Ono black mule, six years old, weight 1200. 4 Head of Cattle Ono milch cow, weight 1.100, coming fresh in one three-mouth old calf. spring; two yearling cnlvos; Don't Buy land nor Loan Money on Real Estate without getting one of Teel's perfect Abstracts of Title. The oldest and most reliable set of Abstract books in Webster Co. 810,010 b nd filed and approved. Represents six of the best In surance companies doing busi ness in the state. LOANS MADE on CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. Office In Over Ing Block. Phones: Bell 98, Farmers36 45 Head of Hogs 0 gilts weighing 200 lbs , black; sows with pigs woight .100 aud 100; 31 shoots, weight about 75 lbs. Farm Implements 1 low hay wagon, wide wheels; 1 Molino .IJtf inch wagon; 1 new spring wagon; 1 top buggy; 1 two-row stalk cutter; 1 throe-section harrow with har row cart attaclied; I band cornshellor; 1 Van Brunt drill; I Khodo Island corn planter and ovoner; 10x7(5 disc; Standard 5 foot mower; 10-foot 22 tooth hoy rake; Ohio Oshovol corn plow, 4 extra largo shovels; 1 Ohio tongueless walk ing cultivator; 1 Emerson gang plow; 1 fourteen-iuch wnlking plow; 1 flvo tooth cultivator; 1 Hollook weoder; 1 hay fodder; 1 subsoil pa kor; 1 barrel cart; 1 grindstone, and other small articles. Will also soil three stucks of alfalfa, 1 Btack of pruirio hay, 800 bus. now corn, 2 stacks of oats. LUNCH ON THE GROUNDS. TERMS: with approved security, bearing 10 por cent interest from dnto of sole. No proporty to I o removed uutil settled for. iVJl5,msof1Xlo-90AnduUflopi Cftsh- On sums over $10.00 a credit of 10 months will bo riven on notn ,J. II. ELLINGER, Auct. Tr r J3 D 7 O L2 ' O. J. POPE, Clerk. W O. OCloC I This solo will also include .1 thoroughbrod Shorthorn bull calves: year lings, with good bono aud color, owned by T. J. Shoror. tf , wNwpayJacvrra?Js'w - i..l. ..(ifftVWjVl-i aBMWWBMWUvW g-JggSgggiaU KptaaH&u&mi