The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 27, 1907, Image 1

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    B Subscription
efi&XX&tf&G&llr&XXIfth Ht
Eight Pages I
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$1 a Year
in Advance
Home Print
Business College Notes
School closed Friday for'onc week's
vacutioii. School opens again Monday
morning tin 10th.
Professor C. M. Wright received hi.s
certificate of tneinbship from the
National Penman Teachers Association.
To be a member of this association
means to almost be a master of the
pen. lie will form a penmanship
class the first of .January, all those
wishing to enroll should make appli
cation before. This will be a night
school work.
Miss Ournoy and Miss Kinsel have
entered the music department of the
business college, taking lessons on the
President Steward and wife spent
Christmas on the. ranch. Mr. Steward
says the prospects for the coming
year are very good, though not what
il would have been had it not been for
this financial crash.
Do not forget our music department.
Hurry up and enroll.
President Steward was in lliverton
Tuesday looking after the interests of
his school..
Messrs. Ted Harris and C. Carpenter
have entered the violin class of the
.music department and are doing nice
Who sav.s we are not football
Champions of "OS? The Omaha lice
said so Sunday and what she says
goc. Do not contradict her or yon
are li'ible to be stung.
On Friday evening January the :ird
an effort will be made to establsih a
Husiness College orchestra. Mine,
llundcrup as director.
Mrs. O. A. Nclon is a member of the
guitar class.
Merry Chistuias and a Happy New
Year to vou all.
? . 'A
Wedding Bells.
1" .?
On the evening of December .' 1th, at
the residence of .1. W. Kicker in .lew
ell county. Kansas, occurred the
marriage of hi.s daughter (iracc to
Kobert C. Harnett. The ceremony !
was bv Kev. I. W. Edson of this city.
A large company of relatives, neigh
bors and friends gathered at the in
vitation of the host and his good wife
and a merry evening was enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Kaructt will reside in
Smith County. Kansas, where the
groom has a flue home waiting his
Tho meetings at the Krothronohurch
are still in progress and will continue
over next Sunday. Without a doubt it
is the most uplifting meeting Red
Cloud has had for some time. Evan-
1! . !.. ! !.. .1 1 -..
geiisi i.uinpiii is ii power in ine puipii;
his argument is clear and pointed.
His theory is "Common Sense IJeli-
,ri,,n ' Well ill inn- rut.. . m-..
I- " ' " ---,' ' I ! '
doing some hard thinking and search-
.. a . i . . . .
ing the "old noon, to see "whether
these tilings are so." Seventeen have
nuide the good confession and many
others are counting tho cost. Kev.
Lampin's subject Sunday morning,
'The Ideal Home," was his best. He
held his audience spellbound as he told
in his simple way what constituted an
ideal home. The evening service
hiMiight a fall house of anxious listen-
ers. On account of one member of the
quartette being sick they did not sing
as was announced. Strange as it may
seem a collection was lilted Sunday
evening, being tho first during the
meeting, to which there was 11, liberal
response, amounting to nearly S.iO. (,
Morton b. Hill, of Lebanon lad., any; "Mj
wife liwl Inflammatory HIiciunntlHin la cvory
miikulo nail Joint, Dor Hitl'urhiK wan terrible
nail her boil and face wcro swollen almost be
yonil iceoBiiltloir. laid been In bed Mx weekt
Binl liad elKlil I'liylcltiiK. bat received no
benefit until Mm tried lir. Detclmn'h Hillcf for
llheamatUm. It Kvu immediate ronei into
fcbo wan able to walk Bbout la tbreodayH. 1 am '
mre It wived Her lire." soiu oy u. m. unco,
jirugglst.Hed Cloud.
-t ::
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County R-eportors j
Mr. and Mrs George Henderson
have been visiting in Missouri.
Mrs. Ross Wert's brother, Mr. Ken
ton, is visiting here.
The Prairie Center school, district
No. :!.", celebrated the last day of the
first semester by rendering a good
program and spreading a good dinner.
The .parents of the pupils were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Douthit depart"d Mon
day morning for Douglass county,
Nebraska, to visit over Christmas.
The scliool district fill is contemplat
ing having a grab bag the !Mth.
Many related families in this neigh
borhood will gather at some home on
Henry Zimmerman purchased a now
wagon at Jack Harris's sale.
School district No. .10 will have one
week vacation during holidays.
The F.ckley school has a new teach
or.s" desk.
Kllis Crom left last Saturday morn
ing for Tobias where he will visit a
few days before leaving for South Da
kotah where he has a brother living.
Miss Messa Foutch left for Kearney
Saturday morning where she will visit
home folks during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kailey of Ohio
gyle, Pa., came in last week and vis
ited friends here until Saturday morn
ing when they returned home.
.Kurt Clark and wife went to Grand
Island Monday morning to spend the
holiday season at the home of her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Klmcr Garner left for
Hickman Monday morning to visit rel
atives during the holidays.
Mrs. A. W. ''ox received word the
first, of the week that a sister living in
Lynch, bi. had .lied, and departed
for that place Monday morning to at
tend her funeral.
Miss Klanche Pox went tip to Kear
ney Monday morning where she will
.spend the holidays at the home of
Deaths and Funerals.
Mrs. Mary Provalt.
Mrs. Mary Provalt, formerly
Smith county, Kamsas. died last
Thursday at the home of her son in
Kurlington. Kansas. The remains
were brought back to her former home
and she was buried in Mount Hope
.........t .... I....I C. ..!.... I.... I! IV II .
wimvn iuii ninm.i,!. m. vi, ii.imiii-
""'' conducting the services. Mary
Princ was born at Chatham. Ontario. '
June a. IS'.'fi. and came to the I'nileil
States when 1(5 years of age. She was
1 i. X J 1 lt. 11 .....
marrieu to .Milium r nzgeram in is Hi.
in Indiana, and to this union five sons
were born, only ono of whom. . L.
Fitgerald. lives in this vicinity. Her
first husband died in IS.'iS and she was
married to William Provalt in Hill,
There children were born to this
union, Mrs. Almcda Arbuckleof .smith
Center being the only one who resides
near here.
Hie family Smith
c unity in Isn't) from Ohio. Deceased
was the mother of eight children,
grandmother of thirty-six and great
grauduiather of one,
' Any 12-Ycar-Old Girl
can make those (Jeliciims Lemon. Choc
olate and Custard pies as well as the
nlore experienced cook if she uses "Ol'lt.
PI IJ- preparation, which is now sold
by nearly all grocers at 10 cents per
package. Just the proper ingredients
in each package. 1
- .
IWKI'MATISM cuiiKD in a day.
Dr.Deti'tious Itullef forltbciimntUm mill N'iiiml
Bin radically curt-n In 1 io:jdnK. its aiVtlouupoii i3, doiainaiory aim iiooious ar
!,,T.L,,.n. .re,,i,nrkn,,,e "i.'yf!erloii. it ticlo in thoir paper, tho Lebanon
reniiiven nt ution ttiH pinion Hiul thwffbnatn im. l '
mediately disappears. The firm dote ureatly
iienemn, ,.1 renuinua i, aoid by II. E.diucr,
dntSRlbt, Hed Cloud.
Tcrtm Headed by W. A. Holmes Wins
over Dc Tour's Flock.
Last Monday two teams of ninirods
"m,, l from members of lied Cloud
Aerie, Fraternal Order of Kaglos, mod
theiuselues to the jungles adjacent to
lied Cloud and proceeded to slaughter
game in an indiscriminate manner.
The hunters were captained by W. A.
Holmes and County Clerk Lee He Tour
and they brought in a total of lift de
ceased jack and cotton tail rabbets,
owls, snipe, sage hens, etc.
Ceptain Holmes had for his helpers
Harry and Horace Drown, Ed Ku-
-lienan, Wilbur Peterson, John Hart
and ,loe Fogol. This team scored a
total of SU.I points.
Captain Lee Dc Tour was assisted by
Homer Morgan, John Holsworth, Wul -
tor Gurney. Will Scrivner, Charley and
Lou Walter, Matt Doyle and John
Holsworth, Walter Gurney, Will Scriv
ner, Charley and Lou Walter, Matt
Doyle and John Havel, and, although
there were two more members in this
party than in Holmes' party, they suc
ceeded in scoriug but S20 points.
The most remarkablo shooting done
by any member of either party wi s
that of Will Scriver, who failed to hit
anything at which he shot.
"The Nad Old, Glad Old Days."
I am growing old and feebh . ;.ml
my clockwork's badly worn, an. I my
joints are all so rusty that they squeal;
and my teeth are out of kilter so 1
cannot eat my corn, and I have to
feed on bran and oilcake meal: so I'm
sitting around and waiting for the, that will haul
me to the boueyard on the hill: anil
you'll find me grumbling that, tho
world is growing worse, that this
life is but a mighty nasty pill. O the
world was bright and joyous in the
sunny days of yore, when we sm
and wove our garments from the
fleece; when we had no underclothing,
and no carpet on the floor, and we
lit the house with caudles made of
, grease. Then the dandy oiled his
I tresses and the world was all his own
and thegirl with hoops around her was
1 in style; ami we had no fool con trap-
tic)" ll,S4' lw "'" telephone, and a
iciier iooic a mount to go a nine.
Then we cleaned our teeth with pumice
and with tallow blacked our shoes,
and we traded eggs for sugar at the
store, and we took the county paper,
which presented all the news, that
bad happened seven months or so be
fore. Kill it fills me with emotion
when I thinl; of olden days, and 1
have tostop mulshed a pint of tears:
O the dear old bygone people, with
their dear old bygone ways, O the in
cense of the dead and vanished years!
From "The Mad Old Glad Old Days,"
by Kill Jay. Emporia Gazette.
Our Doll Drawing
Mrs. Henry Diederick received
largest doll for holding the largest
number of tickets. Mrs. Oliver Noble
..! II'. 1 . Il . I .1 . !
in it in ii i rrcciuui icecivcu inc nexi
for holding the lucky number No. .1st.
And the other doll has not yet been!
...illi.,l r.. Thts .1..1I ivtll l... .rU..... !..
" ' ., f,, , , ,, , ,.
the persom holding tickets number
. .
H)i:i as soon as it is prensentcd.
your tickets over vou may him
it. !
F. Newhouse's.
- -- -
(From the Messenger)
Mrs. 111. Hannan met with a very ,
painful accidont last Friday. Whilo i
at work leudoring lard sho suilled hot !
grouse over hor hands, burning Loth i
in a frightful manner.
... 1 1 ....... ..,. 1 1. . 1
1.. .1... .1! ..1' W. .11. .. HT..11-.
111 uhj uivuicu i-iist) in 11 011s , viijii.s
the court gave Mrs. Wells a divorce
and 82000 alimony, tho defendant pay- enough to fall through ono of tho win
ing the costs of tho suit. 1 dows. Marshal Cooko .says they can't
Dr. Single, county health ofllcer, was ! It P si'ap enough to be arrested for
in Lebanon Sunday to investigate the fighting.
scarlet frtvor cases wliioii were report
ed over there
A case was filed with tho clerk of
the district court last Friday against
li. C. and J. M. Mays of Lebanon,
charging thorn with publlshlnga false,
... ... , ... .
Times, against Drs. ,J. 1. and IJ. A.
1JJ Kes.
Newsy Jiotes prom
(From tho Loader)
Mr. and Mrs.OruUibbyof Red Cloud
on mo in Wednesday to visit hor pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Miiguer.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. ). 11. Cook,
last Friday, a boy. Joo tonds his du
ties at the ga'lory now with a smile
that indicates pleasant thoughts.
Azarinh Magnor died at his homo in
Uluo Hill, Tuesday, December 17, agod
85 years, 8 months and -I days. Ho has
.boon oonllnod to his bod for tho past
six years, and his death was duo to old
i. 1 Rogers returned homo from Lin
coln last Friday, where ho has boon in
n hospital for a fow weeks recovering
from tho ofreets of u fractured tinkle
Honry Thowes, who has boon con
ducting a saloon at Roseniont for some
time, committed suieido at Lawrence
last Friday by cutting his throat, llo
had been ailing for some time and on
"Wednesday of last week was taken to
Lawrence and placed in tho homo of a
friend to bo nursed through his sick
ness. Whon a member of tho family
wont to arouso him Friday morning
ho was found in bed with hi.s throat
(From the Citizen.)
Yesterday, at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Homy Koch, just west of tovii,
occurred tho niarria'go of thoir son,
Jacob Koch, and Miss Lizzie Koch.
Mrs. Alfrod Chartior, tho latest can
didate for an operation, was taken to
'Omaha Wednesday evening.
Miss Blanche Chevalier wont up to
Upland Wednesday evening to take
temporary charge of tho Bank of Up
Upland has been undorgoing a diph
theria scare and tho schools have been
olosod and public meetings prohibited.
Jas. Cline, national bank examine
was in town Monday, checking up and
examining tho condition of tho Com
mercial State bank, which is soon to
be merged into a national bank.
A party of friends united Monday
evening to surprise Oscar Sears on
tho occasion of his birthday, fiuosts
assembled in fancy costume and
masque, and the evening was pleasant
ly spent in pastimes of various kinds.
iv i v I.MU IN
(From tho Review.)
Sunday Dr. Myors was called to tho
homo of Mr. Polignot to remove an
abscess -from Mr. l'olignofs nock.
On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs.
B. W. fihopardson entertained a fow of
their frionds at dinner, after which
games and music worn indulged in
m,fi i. ,,,,
. , ,,' , IJo"k1us who lllls ,)t,c'" on ,M0
h'Ok list for tho past two weeks, is ro-
ported bettor
Mrs. William McCraekcu died
hiy evening from child-birth.
Miss Nancy Hamilton died Monday
night. Miss Hamilton was an elderly
maiden sister of Mrs. S.J. Wilson
with whom sho had inado hor homo ,
for more than thirty years.
Last Saturday afternoon some trnu-
i.i ,.nsl! hntween Scotfv rw-im .m,i .
v,,iLor Moore, which settl,.,l will, '
----- -. -
i ij,.jc.s to tho persons ol
eithor. It started on tho street, but '
fm. ,,,,11.' 1 nn tlmv sfi,.i i,, fi.,.1
" ---- -1
ir 11 1 . 1 ...i ... .
viuioy uaiiK, wuero a sciiiuo ensued,
and ono of the parties was a k ward
(From the Advocate)
John F.arsom was attacked with a
fainting spell in the rotunda of tho
postoflico Wednesday morning, and
for some time it was thought to bo
serious, but ho recovered and was
taken to tho Commercial hotel.
H. Arnold this morning received
Neighboring Toains I
neniy ISOlK) bullfrog pollywogs from
Missouri, which he will use in stock
ing his pond.
Tho pooplo of this vicinity wore sur
prised to learn upon reading the Nun
day State Journal that Mrs. Thoo Mis
fire w had filed a petition in Laneastor
o.ounty for divorce from hor husband.
R. V. McCJrow, of this place. Shoal
legos tho usual allegations in such
oases, but as there are always tw.
sides to such cases, we prefer to make
no comment on tho case. Tho gonoial
fooling hero is that she is not tho only
ono who has grievances.
Three or four years ago, while hunt
ing on tho plaoo known as tho Castor
farm west of town, John W. Kirkbride
lost a silver watch and was unable to
find it. One day this fall, whilo pick
ing corn at that place, Curt Castor
found tho watch. Tho works of tin
watch woro in good shape, and by the
addition of a now mainspring and a
i crystal tho watch was as good as new.
(From the Sentinel.)
ProL Wright, ono or tho faculty in
tho academy, inado an excursion to
Naponoo Friday night, tho guest, of
i Willie Houltx, in order to onjoy a live
possum hunt. Rooder Kosslor of this
city, Prof. Chas. Holt of Naponoo and
" --ftl- party whoso name wo did not
- K' - - ' HHtltutod tho quintette that
' imb,(3'1 through tho night for Mr.
Possum. And thoir search was not
unrewarded, eithor, for tho crowd
brought back throe of tho deceitful
little animals which someone will get
for u savory stow. Wright declares he
walked thirteen miles and oll'ere a
lame anklo to prove it.
JamoH Grout, ono of the county su
pervisors, whilo climbing out ot a
wagon hist Thursday, lost his footim
some way and in falling .suffered
dislocation of tho olbow.
W. Ii. Carpenter, oucu proprietor of
the Commercial hotel, but now of
Stratton, Nob., is hero in very poor
health at tho homo of his father, iuu(
is under tho care of a physician,
- - r - .
(From tho Argus.)
J. M. Tygart slilppod out a car load
of alfalfa sood last weok that contain,
ed 41,100 pounds of seed. As he paid
ii 1H f In i.H ... I..... in .
tho load cost over $4,000.
Mrs. M. V. Wandel) .Hod at Rose-
dale, Kan., December Pi. Tho boilv
was brought to Lobanon Monday ut '2
a. in., tho funeral being conducted
that aftornoon from the M. 10. church.
Mrs. 17. M. Tweedy has been out to
tlio homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. S Spurrier, this week, in'lninu to
care for her father, who is sick.
Dr. Mays received word from Colo
rado Springs, where his daughter, Mrs.
Frank Dudley, and hor husband aio
slaying, to come at onco and bring
their little girl. Mrs Dudley lias been
', , " ,,,n" l"" ,," w suppo-so
l",lt sho is row'K worse,
I 1-"wboii Viers brought in ihl head of
. ii. ,- ., .
hogs Monday and shipped next day to
Kansas City.
A team consisting of eighteen mem-
bars of tho Smith Contiw w.,i.,,..
fume to Lebanon hist Fiidnv ..e,.i,r
- .
liml "listed the lodge hero in taking
' twenty-one now members,
p...i ...... -.. .
' mii uiu m:u.
-i, .. ...
uingot iiiss hula Mao Morton and
Mr. Charles Moore, at St. Joseph. .Mo..
Saturday, December 1.
Mathiiis (Jral)osh died at his homo
Hoar Salem, December 11, 11)07, aged !5
years mid 1 mouths.
Kd (lilhird experienced a nil. away
Sunday last when his trotter seared at
an automobile between hero and Frank
lin. LM had driven down from Napo
noo in a cart, and it took the horse
only a minute to break loose fiom the
tho cart and start home free. Kd rode
back to town with IL P. Stewart, who
had his pacer out that day for ah air
ing. Franklin County Tribune.