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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1907)
",.V T r -.. V v h rhft : fleuisy Hotes From fleightaring Towns CORRESPONDENCE GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES Jlu-ajfiirA RIVERTON (From tho Review.) W. H. Hoburt has plncod n steel coil ing iu his hnrdwuro store. A half car of furtiituro arrived Tuos day for our how furniture store. Mrs. Charles Wlick was in lied ('loud Wednesday looking at the tall build ings. Of late our marshal has had some troublo with several of the lads of this vlllnge who porsist iu violating tho curfew rulo. Tho wolf hunts that have boon in dulged in within tho past thirty days iu Fraukllu and Marion have been very successful, from tho fact that seventeen wolves woro killed and sev eral crippled. Tho line-up of hunters in each township was strong, being about three hundred. BLOOMINGTON (From the Advocate) Leslie, tho littlo three-year old son or Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Pickle, died last Sunday night from pneumonia. Kenneth Scott of Heaver City spout hiBt Sunday with frionds here. Tho young men of this city ought to bo ashamed to allow an outsider to como to town to visit ono of ourj good looking young ladies. A telegram received last Tuesday cvoning from Hot Springs brought the sad news that 1011 Hrown was dead. The news came as a shock to his many f rieuds hero, for tho latest report hero was that ho was getting along nicely. FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Clarouco Davis lutolylluislted boring a well over near Roamsvillo that was 4 10 feet. deep. Tho wolf hunt in Logan township Thursday resulted in no slain coyotos, though Will Schounoman succeeded in ho badly crippling one that he thought it would die. A beautiful and artistic doublo tomb stone, G feet and 1 inches high, has been ordered from the lied Cloud Mar ble Works by tho Maser children to mark tho graves of their father and mother. Two cars of Baud and brick arrivod this week and ti Burlington gang are busy laying their sidowalk to tho depot. Whon finished it will complete ono of tho most useful improvements Franklin has had iu a long while. Mrs. BLUE HILL. (From tho Leader j A. M. Walters is very low. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoyle man, Saturday, December 7. a fourteen pound girl. Work on the I. O. O. F. hall ha-, been moving fait lately and it will not bo very long before tho lodge can occupy the upper floor. Harry Kauney, formerly of Blue Hill, now working for Nelson, Morris fc Co., of Kansas City, was struck by a portion of a broken fly-wheel Monday last in thts face, (trashing his noso and the side of hi- face, pushing (hum clear back to tho ear and entirely de- town, and another doctor was (Milled and discovered that tho bone was bro j keu. Dr. Mays contends that the bono was not brokon when ho made tho ex amination; that Mrs. Becker had a sec ond fall and that the fractuiooccurrot at that time. SMITH CENTER (From tho viosscnger) Jim Wnods, tho un'ortunato follow who received a broken skull while ,iu m ping from tho train here last week, is cottiug along flue and will probably recover. Luriou Hobbs, who has been quite sick for tho past week, is ablo to be around again. It was feared for a time that ho was threatened with ap pendicitis. Duano Wolfe, our register of deeds, received a letter from Portland, Ore., tho first of this week, saying that his mother, Mrs. Margaret Wolfo, was seriously ill. George Church received tho sad in telligence Tuesday morning that his brother, W. D. Church of Hobron, Ne braska, was not expected to live. Ho and Mrs. Church left on tho jorsoy that evening for his bedsido, but ro coived word just before starting that ho was dead. GUIDE ROCK. (From tho Signal.) Guide Rock now has throo hotels. Vm. Hoove has recently painted and ropalrod tho old Occidental building and made of it an up-to-date hostelry. It is now known as tho Commercial hotel. A horso race caused much excite mont in town Tuesday. ''Teddy,'" a Bostwick horse, won over tho Arbuokle mare, a blooded filly, lrom Burr Oak, Kan., in a .'150 yard dash by about 8 Incbos. Wo understand tho owners had up 81000 a side, besides hundreds of dollars woro up on side bet'. Charles Shoelcy and wife of Grand Island visited relatives here tho foro part of the week. Charles has recent ly patented a veterinary tabic that promises to bring him haudtomo re turns. He also expootR'to patent a tire escape that will be a great im orovement over anything of the kind yet in use. 'Some careless person discharged a riile in tho cast part of town Tuesday morning and tho ball entered Jones' hardware store through tho glass above tho front door, making a small hole and cracking the glass. The ball dam aged a picture hanging in tho west end of tho building and imbedded it self in the wall. Wmki is Well is Mm lire la Miserable by Kidney iri Interesting Items Gathered DldUUH IIUUUIB. by Our County Reporters luuney uouoic prcya uircu inc minti, (J discouragesandlesseiisambition; beauty, SUPERIOR (From the Expiess.) Superior'-, two banks show ovor a half million deposits, which is not. bad for a town of this size. Tho Gulbreth building is Hearing completion, nud the factory will prob ably move in about January 15. The incubator factory has completed 100 new incubators and expect to have a car load finished iu a short timo. L. Goodhue had a new plate glass put in his hotel yestorday, and the stroying the left, eye, so that it had to fronts of tho Dahlgren and Galbroth t present no is in a fair' buildings are to be put in tins wouk. bo removed. way to recover. He is a brother of A. U. Kannoy of Bluo Hill. BLADEN. rs. S. W. Hogato was a Bluo Hill visitor Saturday. Mrs. Carl fcuachko and son Frit, spent Sat iu day in Bluo Hill. Charles Spcnce was a business vis itor to Hastings last Saturday. W. A. Hasebrook was a passenger to Ashland, Nob., Monday morning. John Baker has lately laid a brick walk alon his lots on West Main and North Thoruo streets. John L. Ford returned Monday morning to Swanton after a week's visit with friends hero. llov. Pyoho went over to Campbell Saturday ovoning and preached in tho Congregational church Sunday ovon ing. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Potorson, northwosc of town, last Fri day morning, a lino boy. Mother and child doing well and Frank is expect ed to recover. Tho bridge eommittoo of Adams Tin I r tT f,Ju1mmmm ' vigor and clicenul liens Booh diisappeai when the kidneys arc out of o"der or dis eased. Kidney trouble hns lccomc so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to Im: born afllictcd with weak kidneys. If the childurinntcstoooften, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be ablo to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, lliucaiibuof thedifii culty is kidney trouble, and the first step" should be towards thi treatment of these iinportantorgans. fins unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of tlie kidneys ami bladder ami not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swnmp-Root is soon renliml. It is sold by druggist!-., iu fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a rtoroo of 8nmp-Hoot. pamphlet telling nil nlxnit Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters icrcived from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., r.iiigliamton, N. Y., be sure and mention Albright Bros. Undertakers We cannot afford to tlo less than satisfy in quality, style, price and give to you our person al service and careful attention. Calls Answered Night or Day Rural and Bell phones at store and resich n :e. Just Received, a Car of FLOUR. AT PLUMB'S FLOUR , and FEED STORE You can save money by taking 500 pounds of him. county has recently built four now , this paper. Don't make any mistake, bridges, with steol girder, tho balance J1 ."m" U,c 1,n",c' Sivwini-ttoot. iw.:.. ' 1 .... n... ......... .. t I Pr. Kilmer's hwnnip-Root, and the ad- .H u,., ,. tuu uuuuuiwtiuii uoKuii , dress, Ilinghamtoii, N. Y., on every aim onvor Liako townships. Those bottle. bridges have long been needed and uro very much appreciated by resi dents of these townships. STILLWATER John Kniggo has a now wagon. A. J. Harris had a salo on Tuesday. C. D. Fishol shelled corn last week. J. II. Richardson shelled corn last weok. J. II. Greonhalgh butchered a beof last week. Mrs. A. J. Harris is on the sick list at present. Vera Peak visited with Gertie Cro v.ior last Sunday. Viola and Lawronco Peak visited ovor Sunday in Cowles. Martin Meonts has tho foundation laid for his cement house. A cousin of Charles Reeves, from Nelson, is visiting him this week. Tho oast oighty of tho old Vanco farm was sold to Portonier recently. J. II. Richardson shipped three head of cattle last weok through tho ship ping ttbsocintion of Guide Rook. Will Crozior, Gleuwood telephone director of his own line; was around last week putting in big polos at tho corners and in front of rosidoncos. Names of Dances. The position taken by the dancers gives the name to tho "quadrille" -literal Knglish for "a little square" In the French tonciiu. From the French we gel also 'country dance," which, as a mallei of fact, has no reference to rural frolics. "Contredanse," which has reference to the position of the couples, opposite each other, Is readily corrupted Into "country dance." The "polka" Is a Polish dance, the name being derived from I he ltohenilau word "pulka," meaning half, and refers to the half step which occurs In this measure. The "wait." Is German waltzen, meaning to revolve the elr culiir motion of the couples easily ex plaining the eonnecllon. The "reel" Is suggestively obvious. ".Jig" Is of course from the French glgue. Har per's Weekly. Saunders Bros. lumberSCoal Dealers S RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. We havo in stock at" all times a complete lino of Building Material and Good Coal. Our prices are reasonable. We solicit your patron age. Bell TolvU0. Farmers Ind. 71. . Th4e Delicious lemeiPlcs. The kind thnt. "make your mouth water'' are easily made with uofushing and at least possible expense if you use "OUU-l'IE" preparation. Don't hesi tate. Try it and tell your friends. At grocers. 10 cents. Everybody is pleased with "Ol'U-PIE." 1 Mercer's Barber Shop Basement ot Potter Block. Massaging a Specialty Mi L&& & &CD PPHHJ SJ SiB izjmn w - LEBANON. (From tho Argus.) Wos Good has lost nearly all his young hogs, and tho herd of Harry Atkins has boon greatly depleted. The littlo child of Mr. and Mrs. El mer Isom fell last Thursday while playing upon an old step ladder, and ran a silver about four inches into its leg. Aaron Roberts and Jim Merritteach delivered a bunch of, twelve hogs re cently und 20 lbs. was all tho difference in tho weight of tho bunches. Roberts' pigs weighed 4(m0 and the other bunch was twenty pounds better. Tho men livo on adjoining farms and delivered the hogs ut thr same time. Tho case of malpractice against Dr. Mays, which was tried before a jury iutho recout term of court, was de cided against him and the damages fixed at tJ'-MOO. Tho case will bo car ried to tho supreme court. Tho caso grow out of a call to treat an old lady. Mrs. Becker, who hnd fallon. The doctor treated her for a sprained hip. Ho wus called again, but was out of .1. O. Story, a brakemau on the branch, mot with a painful accident rho last of the week, by getting his thumb caught iu a chain while making a coupling. F. R. Barret received a pig last night from Illinois which weighs TOO pounds. Uailroad men say tho express charges wero more than it would cost to send a car load of stull" to river points from hero. Mrs. McKoighan and Miss Davis of Rod Cloud, stopped for tho dance Fri day night 011 their way homo from Nelson, where they attoudod tho dis- trict meeting of tho Robekahs. Prof. A. Snapp of Rod Cloud was up to Superior yestorday conferring with our baud members and musicians with regard to organizing a baud here. Mr. Suupp is ono of tho best musicians and band directors iu the country, nud we sincerely hope ho will succeed iu his efforts. Superior needs a good baud, and there is plenty of material here to make one. Inside Light. A number of butchers were convers ing 011 what (hey had found hi the stomachs of auhnals they had killed. After narrating several stories which could only be accepted by the credu-' Ions an old fanner sitting by declared that he had something to beat anything that had yet been told. The company asked for It. "Well," said the farmer, "I had a cow once, and 1 went out Into the yard wllh a lantern to feed her. and I left the lantern la the yard ami did not see It after that until the next day. When we killed the cow there was the lantern In her stomach and the light still burning." They Compel Admiration First, because they look so Rood, and then, because they wear so well and last so long. That's the Studebaker Waft on ' M and we guarantee that there isn't a better made wagon in the whole world. It s right to the last detail. All lumber used i.i air seasoned; all iron and steel tested and inspected. Come in and let us show you what a real ly good wagon is. We have soma Studebaker books' for friends who call. Get ouc. It is worth reading. .'tf: 'jy :j li.v iit Wt rt'jfi m& . r .-. r, $!$ KHKUMATISJI C'UHKD IN A DAY. Dr.l'etrhoiiH Kclluf forltheumftUsm fUKlNrtirnl Kin nullcally curtN In HoHiIhjth. Iu Action upon tho gytitcm Ik rcinnrkable and myi-torlout-, 11 removes at onco thu raiiM) ami tho dlseaso Im mediately dUajipear. The llrt tlowi greatly beuHUtH, 75 cent and II. Sold by 11, E, Giiicb druggUt, lied Cloud. Patted the Limit. "I purchased these shoes here last mouth, and 1 want to get them ex changed." began the man Iu the de partment store. "You'll notice that the patent leather has cracked." "Oh. yes," exclaimed tho clerk when he lnid examined the Shoes. "They are old slock. The patent has probably ex pired." Harper's Weekly. jkw?2&HL lZSflfcMpm B iBT Ftv X&: Wolfe O Bcardslee, Red Cloud, Neb. 4)iiAMb'ii'Ji&Ji4UftbA'J'At'A'J Heeded Instructions. Father -.loe, why do you suppose that old hen persists hi laying Iu the coal yard? .loe--Why, father, I think she has seen the notice. "Now Is the time to lay In your coal." t'hlladelphia Inquirer. SAY, rilSTERl Do you know that it will pay YOU. as well us US, to buy your Building Ma terial and Coal at our yards? Not only that our prices average lower, or at least us low, as those of our competit ors, bat because we take especial oare of and protect all can be classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. 5 PL ATT & FREES CO. Coal. Lumber. 'M.'t'MP'M' A C-J .Ml s V a.' ? M f- C-' I I I ft f- f-f-' I If e I wnmxi& fnlmvpDitgiMKl '.. " i2??kM0m