The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 20, 1907, Image 7

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Otta 'Bandit 'Is Captured and Another
Wounded by Poase.
Hpokane, Wash., Dec. 18, An at
tempt was made to hold up thu west-
. bound Noithern Pacific train oloven
inllcH east of Spoknno about 1 a. m.
Ttiroo men attempted to Hug the ttaln,
but the engineer letiuuul to stop.
Hurry Dtiiper, with a posse and lii.H
bloodhound, hun led to Trent In u
upenal train. A freight train was
topped and' three men started to lleo
from It. One man, 1). 11. Murphy,
wan caught by Draper and It Is be
lli vod on robber wns wounded. Tho
bloodhoundu followed the men five
inlloa. Under a bridge near Trent tho
ft1crs found five dynamite bombs,
om fuses and soino safe crackers'
Constitutionalists Erect Barricades
Around Parliament Buildings.
Thornn, Doc. 18. Tho situation
here Iiium become more threatening.
Tho reactionaries have taken pos
wdflton ol and now holding tho
kihi square and open places In the vi
cinity of the palaco, while the consti
tutionalists to the nu inner of about 10,-
U0 have erected barricades extoudlng
for miles aiound the parll.mcnt build
in i?8. Tho latter are acting solely on
tho defensive and in an orderly man
ner The rough elemeuts are aiding
the reactionaries and several murders
nuil some looting has occurred.
Attorneys Fight In Court.
San Jose, Cnl., Dec. 18. District At
torucy James S. Sox and Attorney A.
If. Gorman of the defense ouch called
tho other a liar and threw books and
inhutands at each other's heads dur
ing a bribery trial. A missile hurled
by Sex missed Its mark and struck an
aped spectator, Zachariah Tucker, on
tho head. Tucker fell Insensible. His
kull is fractured and he may not
rcoovoT Th combatants were ar-rtutod.
Some Good Offers in
Ccyne Sentenced for Perjury.
St. Louis, Dec. 18. Charged vlth
arrjury because ho "could not remem
ber" when queEtloned by tho giand
jury concerning alleged' bnodllng in
the houso of delegates; William It.
Coyne, once a member of Tammany
Hull and prominent in local politics,
was convicted by a jury and sentenced
to two years in prison.
Collecting Funds for Powers,
Lincoln, Dec. 9 The latest collector
4o strike Lincoln Is a man who says
bis name is B. W. Cress. He is try
Ins to get money to help out Caleb
Powers of Kentucky, who Is being
tried lor the murder of Governor
-tluebel of that state. He said Robert
Cowell of Omnha was chairman of
Uio committee to look after the money
Crete Gets Reduced Rate.
MQcoln. Dec. 7. Tho stato railway
-commission issued an order against
the nurliugton railroad to compel it to
put In a lu-cent rate from Lincoln to
Crete and return on cotton goods to
bo used by the Lincoln Shirt and
..Overall company of Lincoln. Tho
company asked for a 10-cent rate, thf
rate at this time being 20 cents.
Bosworth Testifies in Walsh Trial.
Chicago, Dec. 14. C. M. Bosworth,
n national bank examinor, took the
tand In the trial of John R. Walsh
unit described conditions which he
found to exist In tho Chicago National
Jmnk when he examined Us affairs In
1904 and 1905. He assorted that
Wjulsb had' been repeatedly warned by
hi in and by the comptroller of tho cur
rency to unload the over-supply of se
curities carried by the bank, but that
the warnings went unheeded, while
conditions became steadily worse.
McBrien Not Candidate,
Lincoln, Dec. 16. 8tato Superin
tendent of Public Instruction J. L.
licBrien has announced that he will
not be a candidate for renomlnatlon
before the next Republican atate prim
arlos A number of edurators.of Ne
braska have cast longing oyes toward
this position and to ease their minds
the decision is made at this tlmo
Mr. McBrien will probably engage lu
aornial work of some kind.
Search On for Lost Mall.
Omaha, Dec. 14. Postofflce Inspect
or U A. Thompson arrived in Omaha
to take up the matter of the missing
Utter pouches lost from a screen mall
wagon between the Omaha postofflco
and the Union station. Tho missing
pouchcB contained ordinary letter
mall destined for Nebraska and Colo
rado points. Thero wore about 2,000
letters In the two pouches.
, ,
Chops Hole in Ice and Plunges In.
Lyons, Neb., Dec. 14. Frenzied by
the fear that she would be compelled
1o end her days in aa lasano asylum,
Mrs. Charles Wearer of South Omaha
drowned herself In the Logan creek,
after preparing her watery grave by
chopping a hole in the ice,
Unanimous for Postal Savings Banks.
Unjoin, Dec. 17. Three hundred'
answers In reply to questions sent out
by tho Lincoln Commercial club show
that the sentiment for postal savings
banks, 6 unanimous.
I Dress
M rvt-
I FT ' 1
I M-1 M
I iiw
h bk ill Vv
WW 1
Nothing nicer for a Christ
mas present than a nice dress.
While I haven't the largest stock
of Dress Goods, have taken
great pains in selecting my stock
and would be pleased to show
you before buying elsewhere.
A nice line of Suitings in plain
or plaids from 27 inches wide
to 32 inches wide ; some of
these are are part wool, at
15c to 30c
A better grade than the
above, 36 inches wide, from
30c to 50c
All wools in 36, 44 and 54 inches wide, from, per yard,
50c to $1.25
infants9 Wear
A nice line of Infants' En
glish Bedford Cord Long
Coats, lined, Cape on some
is embroidered.
Long Coats with Cape,
trimmed with silk braid and
Cluny lace, prices from
$1.25 to $3.50
Infants' Long Skirt with
insertion and lace around bot
tom at
50c to 75c
Art Linens
A nice line of art linens, consisting of centerpieces in round
or square.
Pure Linen Mexican drawn work at remarkably low
TERPIECES, LUNCH CLOTHS. All new imported goods.
A full line of Outings in all weights from
8 1-3c to 15c
Hand Bags
Children's Leather Hand Bags with the 3 lucky
signs painted in colors at 25c.
Ladies' Imitation Leather Hand Bags at 25c.
Ladies Imitation Leather Hand Bags with coin
purse, card case and looking glass, 50c to $1.25.
Ladies' Genuine All-Leather Hand Bags with coin
purse and card case, from $1.00 to $3.50.
Golf Gloves in all colors and weights at 25 and 50c
Wool Jersey Gloves, self fleeced or silk lined at 50c
Ladies' Mittens with fancy back and ribbon bow
at wrist at 50c.
Also a nice line of Infants' Long
Dresses made of a good grade of
long cloth and India linen lace,
trimmed with lace and embroidery
insertion around bottom, each
75c to $3.50
Infants' Bear Skin Hood, Cro
cheted Hood, Baby Jackets,
Bootees, Rubber Diapers, Wool
Hose and Wool or Cotton Vests.
1 1
m I
s t
m M
I have the largest, cheapest and most complete
stock of Yarns in the city.
Fleisher's Shetland Floss in all colors at 10c per
skein, 3 for 25c.
Saxony at 8c.
Meisher s Imported Zephyr at i2c per skein.
A large line of Fleisher's Knitting Worsted
Fleisher's Spanish Yarns always on hand.
Knit Goods
In Scarfs, Fascinators, Hoods, Baby Jackets and
We have all the newest styles in Collars. Planen
Lace Berthas, Planen Collars, Silk Embroidered Col
lars, Oriental Lace Collars.
Children's Picture Handkerchiefs. Ladies' hand
kerchiefs with hemstitched border from 5c to 25c.
Ladies' Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs with lace and
hemstitched and embroidery borders, from 20c to 50c
Christmas Suggestions
THREE DOLLS GIVEN AWAY. With every 2 So purchase
we give you a number. The one holding1 the most tickets gets the
largest doll. The one holding the first draw gets the next largest
doll. The second lucky number gets the next doll.
WP H AVF an established reputation for cor-
- v - ryinpr the largest and most com
Webster county.
This month9 s Butter ick Patterns
10c and 15c none higher.