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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1907)
1 The Spoilers. By REX E. BEACH. C o p y r I tf li t . 10 0 0 by Hex E . tl c n c h . -:- meat "WJWttr Continued firm InM wi-id. "Do you remember when tlioy oro.u' .Wo your safe mid look Unit money V" "Well, what made thorn think you foail $10,000 In tliore?" 4,t don't know." "I do. Duxtry told her." OluuistcM' arose. "That's all I wnut ao hear now. I'm going crazy. My railnd'aclioM, for I've never had a fight like (Ids before and II hints. You nee, Vva Imn'H au autmal all these years. When I wanted to drink, I drank, and what 1 wanted, I not, because I've Jh:uii strong enough to take It. This Is new to me. I'm going downstairs :ww and try to think of something else then I'm going home." When he hid gone slio pulled back tJio curtains and, leaning her chin In 'jiPr hands, with elbows on the ledge, caused her to start, listen, then drop her preoccupation like a mantle. A man was speaking of Glonlster. Ex citement thrilled his voice. "I never saw anything like It sluco emotion he had displayed two hours saw n man licl so reckless. I guess I'd better quit, eh ?" He noted the sneer on the woman's face, and without wait Ing a reply dashed oft again. They saw him clamorously light his way In toward a post at the roulette table. "Let mo through! I've got money, and I want to play It!" "Pali!" said Mnlllns disgustedly. "He's one of Uiem Vermont despera does that never laid a bet till be was thirty. If Glenlstcr loses he'll Imto hlnrfor life." "There are plenty of his sort here." the girl lemarked. "His soul would lit In a flea track." She spied the Dronco Kid sauntering back toward her and Joined him. He leaned against (he wall, watching the gossamer thread of smoke twist upward from bis ciga rette, seemingly oblivious to the sur roundings and showing no hint of the MeMaster's night In Virginia City, thirteen years ago. He's right." "Well, perhaps so," the other replied tll0 kM loubtfully. "but I don't care to back - T)l(J lefore. "This Is a big killing, Isn't It?" said uouijuuiiy. "Din i uo i euro u huuk - Tho CTU,,,1(;r 0ddod, murmuring In- yon. I never -sianeu- a man in my differently. "Why aren't you dealing bank? Isn't life. tt... ttii ...... i "Tnen HMiii me uie money, i n imy j ta3 ,.()m. s,ffi" It back hi an hour, but for heaven's ,,'j lt lnfit nRi,t; sake he quick. I tell you he's as f , , t , t, , ff , right as a golden guinea. It's the lucky t,,,,, for von night of bis life. Why, ho turned ovor. "Yes; I own t the black Jack game In four bets. In the place now. Bought t It yesterday." uiieen mmuies nore we can i got cioho Goo(1 hoami3l Tuen ,t.s your Illon. OHOIIgll lo a iiiimu io nuiiu. in our uiuiii-y (y j10.H winnlng!" "Sure, at the rate of a thousand a with a messenger boy every sport In j camp will be here." "I'll stake you to fifty," tho second Ka-M'd down upon the crowd. The man replied, in a tono that showed a ' astatcij tables behind Glenlstcr and ?how Wiib over and the dance bad be- trace of his companion's excitement, j , u followers At that liiRtnnt the Kun, but she did not see It, for she So Glonlster was gambling, the girl j , , , . t,mt M mncr ,,a(1 minute." Bhe glanced at Uio long trail of dev- was thinking rapidly with the eager- learned, ami wan sucn hick as 10 nreau ( nBnln llml jt ,inWned upon Cherry that mohs of ono who sees the end of a the black Jack game and excite the t,l0 pnn,,cr beside lier stood too quiet- long and weary search. She; did not greed of every gambler In camp. News j ,y t,mt hls ,m1(l aml vo,co were too notice Ue Ilronco Kid beckoning to of his winnings had gone out Into tho . ,',.. ,., nnoo ,M4 ,,ni(i ., i, tl!ir. I .'v...v. , u.., r,...... .- - jfier. or the mnn with liiiii. so tin gambler brought his friend along and invaded her box. He Introduced the utiau lis Mr. Champlan. "Do you feel like dancing?" the new- comer Inquired. "No; I'd rather look on. I feel so- viable. You're a society man, Mr. Olininplaii. Don't you know anything f Interest? Scandal or the like?" "Can't say that I do. My wife at street, and the spurting men were com lug to share his fortune, to fatten like vultures on the adversity of their fel lows. Those who hail no money to stake were borrowing, like the man next door. She left her retreat and, descending the stairs, wns greeted by a strango sight. The dance hall was empty of all but the musicians, who blew and ilddled lustily In vain endeavor to draw lends to all that for the family. Hut from the rapidly swelling crowd that 1 know there's lots of It. It's funny thronged the gambling room and do me the airs some of these people stretched to the door. The preis was Assume up here. Just as though we thickest about a table midway down weren't all emml. north of fifty-three, the hall. Cherry could see nothing ot .li never heard the like" what went on there, for men and wo- "Auythlrg new and exciting?" In- men stood ten deep about it and oth--siulied P.roneo. mildly interested. ers perched on clnlrs and tables along "The last I heard was about the the walls. A roar arose suddenly, fob Judge's niece. Miss Chester." 'owed by utter silence: then came the Cherrv Malotto turned abruptly, clinic and rattle of sliver. A moment -while the Kid slowly lowered the front nnd tho crowd resumed its laughter gs of his i hair to the floor. and talk. "What was lt?" she Inquired. I "" down, boys." sounded the level ;,,Vhy, It seems she compromlFcd her-1 voice 6f tho dealer. "The Held or tho tlf -etlv badlv with this follow Glen- favorite. lie's made eighteen straight 'JBti'r'comhw ni on the ste-mie- last passes. Get your money on the line." wring. Mighty brazen, according to There ensued another breathless In- iii- ire. Mr". Champian was on tho stunt wherein she heard the thud of wir -hip nnd says she wan horribly dice: then followed the shout of trl- Ktinckcd." umph that told what the snota reveal ed. The dealer paid off Glonlster Ah! Glenlstcr had told her only hnlf reared liimself bead and shoulders .3e (ale, thought the girl. The truth nbove the others and pushed out vas baring itself. At that moment through the ring, to the roulette wheel. Ohnmplan Hint glit she looked tho typ- The rest followed. Behind the clrcu- 3cal creature of the dance halls, the lar table they had. quitted, the dealer crufty. Jealous, malevolent ndventur- wns putting away his dice, and there was not a coin in his rack. .Mexico MuUIiib approached Cherry, and she questioned him. "He Just broke the crap game," Mill llns told her. "Nineteen passes without losing the bones." "How much did be win?" "Oh. be didn't win much himself. :ss. "And (he hussy masquerades as a lady," she sneered. "She Is a lady," said tho Kid. lie wit bolt upright and rigid, and the knuckles of hi clinched hands were xcry whlto. In the shadow they did iot note that his dark face was ghast ly, nor did bo say more except to bid but it's tho people betting with nun Champlnn goodby when he left, later that does the damage! They're gam n. After the door hnd closed, how- biers, most of them, and they play the ver, the Kid arose and stretched Ids limit. He took out the black Jack bank muscles, not languidly, but as though roll first, $4,000. then cleaned the Tub.' to take out the cramp of long tension. By that time the tin horns began to He wet his lips, and his mouth was so dry that the sound caused the girl to 3ook up. "What are you grinning at?" Then, as tho light struck bis face, she started. "My, bow you look! What alls you? Aro you sick?" No one, from Dawson down, hnd seen the Bronco Kid as be looked tonight come lu. It's the greatest run I ever bcc" "Did you get In?" "Now, don't you know that I never play anything but, 'bank'? If lie lasts long enough to reach tho faro layout. I'll get mine." The excitement of the crowd began o Infect tho girl, even Uiough she "No: I'm not sick." ho answered In a looked on from the outside. Tho ex- tvraeked voice. I ultuut voices,. Uie sudden hush, the Then the girl laughed harshly. I -Do you love that girl too? Why, J0"'1 ,f, nrvo Jt "n bl " 66t ue'H got every man lu town crn.yl" ,lcr a-tinl. A stranger left tho throng 8he wrung her bands, which Is a bad nml r,,sluHl to tll, sPot whcro Cherry r.1gn In n capable person, and as Glen- Mexico stood talking. He was ister crossed the floor below In her "'J"1" nu san'' with shifting glance rtlght sho said, "Ah-h-I could kill him and chlnless Jaw. Ills eyes glittered, lor that!" u's teotu fdxmc rati Ike through his dry .,i,i t uni.i n,n Tv'i.i nmi ir. lips, and his voice was shrill. Ho Kw .vi.iii ., ;... . ... . .-.. .... .it ... -tier without adieu. darted toward Uiem like some furtive, frightened littlo animal, unnaturally excited. "I guess that isn't so bad for three bets!" Ho shook a sheaf of banknotes at them. "Why don't you ntlck?" Inquired Mnl llns. "I nm too wise. Ha! I know when ural. Tbe next moment approved her Instinct. The musicians, grown tired of their endeavors to lure back tho dancers, determined to Join the excitement nnd ceased playing. The leader laid down his violin, the pianist trailed up the key boii rd with u departing twitter and quit bis stool. They all crossed the hall, headed for the crowd, some of them making ready to bet. As they approached the Bronco Kid. his lips thinned and slid apart slightly, while out of his heavy lidded eyes there flar ed unreasoning rage. Stepping for ward, he seized the foremost man and spun him about violently. "Where are you going?" "Why. nobody wants to dance, so we thought we'd go out front for a bit." "Get back, all of you!" It was his first chance to vent the passion within him. A glance at his maddened fea tures wns sufficient for the musicians, and they did not delay. By the time they had resumed their duties, howev er, the curtnlns of composure had closed upon the Kid. masking bis emo tion again, but from her brief gllmpFC Cherry Malottc knew that this man was not of Ice, as some supposed. He turned to her nnd said. "Do you mean what you said upstairs?" "I don't understand." "You said you could kill Glonlster." "I could." "Don't you love" "L bnte him," she Interrupted hoarse ly. He gave her a mlrthly smile and, spying the crap dealer leaving bis bankrupt table, called him over and said: "Toby, I want you to drive the hearse when Glonlster begins to piny faro. I'll deal. Understand "." "Sure! Going to give him a little 'work,' eh?" "I never dealt a crooked card I:, this camp," exclaimed the Kid, "but I'll 'lay' that man tonight or I'll kill him! I'll use n 'sand-tell,' see? And I want to explain ray signals to you. If you miss tho signs you'll queer us both and put tho house on the blink." Ho rapidly rehearsed his signals in a Jargon which to a layman would hnve been unintelligible. Illustrating them by certain nlmost Imperceptible shlft lngs of the fingers or changes In the position of his band so slight as to thwart discovery. Through it all tho girl stood by nnd followed his every word and motion with eager attention. She needed no explanation of the terms they used. She knew them rill; knew that the "hearse driver" was the man who kept the cases; knew nil the code of the "Inside life." To her lt wns all m an open page, and sho menlorlzcd more quickly than did Toby the signs by which the Bronco Kid proposed to signal what card ho had smuggled from the box or held bnck. CHAPTER XIII. FOU a long time Cherry Malotto sat quietly thinking, removed by her mental stress to such au Infinite distance from the music and turmoil beneath that she was con- 4j.lnnu rf It- mitv n(i n fnrmlnuu f.lnmnr She bad tipped a chair back" against t( Vlt. He can't win steady-bo don't .the door, wedging lt beneath tho knob Play any system. ,ko that she might be saved from Inter- "Tll0 1,tJ lms Boti chance." said truptlou. then flung herself Into an- ,riIrL . .., .other seat and stared unseelngly. As ' here he goes now," the little man tdie snt thus and Uiought and schemed f-rl,e,dttt8 V,10 !!l'r?1ar ar?S0' . !.to,d y,?" Ouirsh and hateful lines seemed to eat el oao" At P ,co ,of j0 "u"1 dnto her face. Now and then she .a 1,e wavered as though affected by moaned Impatiently, as though fearing Home powerful magnet, wf , L ai... xmo nintfinp. "But he won again," said Mexico. : Tho Kind You Have Always Bought:, and which has been in uso for over 30 years, lias borno tho signaturo of si0 i- and has been mado under his per- fiz . jLJ&fflj1 sonal supervision since its infancy. itafyyt -eucSUte Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" JtiHt-ns-good"are but Experiments that tritio with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience ngahist Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pnro goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishncss. lt cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signaturo of (&&&&C&M The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CKNTAUR OOMPANV, TT MUKMAV IThHT, NIW VOHH CITV. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE llJm3B L. StiiSKMAN, General Auctioneer Resldonee: birnt door south of lied Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster street. Can be found at homo every fore noon. Terms reasonable TO UK CONTINUED.) TT Did ho? Lord I I quit too 2c8t the strategy Bho was plotting might prove futile; then sho would rrlso aud pace hor narrow quarters. .She was unconscious of time and hnd Mmint- nnrlintm VI hntir.4 tllllR wllfm mM i. iiiim of tnik in the next mny tightly clutched 4'ompartmont she heard a namo which "D( yu s'noso u's a.fc? Ruling on Rights of Pupils. Lincoln, Dec. 9. Deputy County At torney Matson holds, In an opinion given out, that a Echoo) teacher has no right to compel a pupil to say tbe Lord's prayer. Tho question was asked of him by a Johnson county teacher, one of whose pupils refused' to join In the daily devotional oxer clses. , Buckingham for General Manager. Omaha, Dee. 10. At tho annual meeting of the stockholders ot the Union Stock Yards company of South Omaha the following officers wore "No! OAAn 11 no scampered back Into tho other e,,ectcd: nPrf "f"1' 2ll ! room, only to return, hesitating, his kTx never raanaBer, Everett Buckingham. Do You Eat Meat ? When you eio hungry r.nd want somothig nice in the meat lino, drop into my market. Wo have the nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and meats, fish, nnd game lu season. We think, and almost know, that we can pleaso you. Give us a trial. Koon Bros., SuceeHors to KOBINRON ,v. BURDEN Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone ending nnhelrh nnd description mnr ? Illicitly lucortulti our opinion freo whothor an nYontlnn Is protinbly pnleiitntilo. Communica tions RtrlctlyrnulUlciitlul. HANDBOOK onl'ntnu tcntfrco. Oldest nuenry lor iocurlii(r patents. l'atouta taken tlirouuli Munn A Co. rccelre IV trial notice, without clmrcc, lattio Scientific American. A hnndntticly IllmtrnlPrt woekly. I-nrceat clr dilution if nny i iltlc J'liirnul. Tctiiih.13 your: fnurtnontlii), tl. Sold byull ttensdcnlors. MUNN &Co.3clDfoad"-New York llrntich omen. G25 F BU Wmhlugton. D. C llMN SI) RAN CI tvgulnbt b'ne, Lluhtuiim, Cy (dones and VViudstorms, see J NO. B. STANSER agent tor the Kartners Union Insu anoo Co., I.iin'ulii, N'eb., the lint siifMiiet i'ihi i it inlliij ! CATARRH $M m IY-EEVER mm roVD HJN SVO Ely's Cream Balm Sure to Clvo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCC. It clcunscH, noothos, ln-alrf and protects tho diKoasod membrane renulting from Cntarrh and drives nwny a Cold in tho Hoiid quickly. Ttofltorca tho Sensed of Tasto and Smell. Eaay to two. Contains no Injurious drags Applied into tho nostriLs and absorbed-' Largo Hizo, 50 cents at DruggLita or by mall. Liquid Cream Balm for use li J atomizers, 75 contu. fr ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. New York. f. i j. and . vomen t-rlurcj (, .t. Ji'r lf" headaches, waist pains. fJlinj? ftflfeciL, .., nervousness, ir regular periods and other sunerins: can be relieved or cured, as were those' of Mrs. Lucy Rowe, of Gilford, IlL, by taking WINE OF GARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF She writest "Fo 4 vears I sl- f ered terrible pains in my side, trom temale trouble, wine I of Cardui cured them. Theyl were better before I finished one bottle. The doctor wanted to oner ate on me. hut I took Cardui instead, and now I am nearly welll Cardui in a. cut. fn AitiA orders of the womanly func- uons. irvtt. E27. .... ai tii urogttns, mm PARKER'S . HAIR BALSAM Clftnin nd lifimiriei 111. lutr.'l ITntllntfcl nntk I Niivur Fmlb to liastore Or.yl -..,. ,w j q ttiLuiiiui uo or. 'Il 'liutitana tr !.( .11l ml u at DrupRliU iiunr cu rji 1 t iH 1 i J I .i k ?s. ..- , . tV'- f(r- -5C'" fy tltttr 5? 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