The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1907, Image 8
v 'p - w r;, iUSBRTCA .1 i i r 'j T! i ,1 .' RS?.l2fe..Nebraska is Good EnoughJg&JgS Why go to Texas and New Mexico for $1 5 Land, when you can BUY BETTER LAND AT HOME from $3 to $5 LESS PER ACRE The tail end of those TexaB hot winds a plenty hot for me. Do not be misled by fanciful written articles about the Sunny South, where you 'wilJ shake your home grown teeth out of your head nine months in the year, (how about your store teeth.) Again, I don't like the idea of paying so many middlemen agents, etc., a commission, of 31 an acre to each, soon counts up to half the price of the land I have done away with all middlemen and SELL DIRECT to the purchaser And my prices prove it, J don't only say this, but will prove it to any party going west with me, that tiie prices I quote you are true, and from $1 to M an acre cheaper than other agents quote on same quality of lands, that simply take you to some agent in the west or south. My commission is right and I need no middlemen to take care of the boodle A. T. WALKER, V&SLtt& Red Cloud I I Jlemsy flotes prom Neighboring Towns ! 3 GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES LEBANON. (From tin Thai's.) Mrs. lionjiiinin V. Miissoy, formerly of this city, utteniptod suicide at her homo in Corning, Kims., Monday eve niiiK by vullowitiK an ounco of carbol ic acid. A I Hayes and wifo of (Jnide I took, Nebr.. drove down Sunday for a short visit with relatives and friends. Tliad Smith plead guilty to the charge of forgery. Sentence lias not. been passed. RIVliRTON the hoy (From the lhview.l Mr. and Mrs. I'eiry Bennett are proud parents of an eight-pound which arrived Monday morning. A big wolf hunt took place in Wash ington township last Saturday. one wolf was captured. I "rank Kim-aid. ( ha-.. lames and I 'red Stelling indulged in a coon hunt Sat urday night. The dogs got. .runt of some coons on the head of Thompson creek and followed it to the Wepubli can river, where they niptuied two largo coons. on pouts, to enter business. Mr. Wright was a member of the linn of Wright, Wholan Bros. A- King until last week, J when Wholan Bros, purchased his in terest, as well as the interest of King. II. 15. Boyd and J. W. Davis returned from Old Mexico Monday, whoro they have been looking over tho country. HLUK HILL (From the Leader! Bruce Frame, Jacob (!o!l, dr.. ami Misses Stella and Ethel (iilmore were at li'od Cloud last Thursday witnessing the football game. (ileu Arnold returned home last week after an absence of nearly a year, lie was attending tlie Business college in Bed Cloud last winter, and left there ery suddenly without notitying his Only parents, air. ami Airs. i'lias. .inoiii, land it was some time hefoie they learned of his whereabouts. Tho boy has boon spending his time in Texas, Louisiana and Illinois, and judging from his looks tho trip must have agreed with him. "Uip Van Winklo" showed at the hall last Saturday evening to a largo house. Harry Heal wont down to Rod Cloud Saturday to visit friends. Born, last week, to Mr. and Mn. H C. Wright, of Kosotuont, a boy. Grandpa Korforko died yesterday morning at tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. O. H. Stolfrogan. Tho deceased was eighty years old, and was among tho very earliest .settlors here. A number of the relatives and friends of Mrs. Harm Van Boening. who lives southeast, participated in it surprise on her Wednesday evening, that day be ing her birthday. The ladies took an abundance of cakes with them that were ample proof of theirgood cooking abilities. Mr. and Mrs. Van Boening tendered the siirprisois their house and a n'casant evening was passed in card playing and dancing. on tho complaint of Miss Clow agahis J. G. Smith, tho defendant was bound over for trial at tho next term of court giving bond in tho sum of JoOO. He try Mochlcr mado a deal Saturday with dolm Donafon by which ho traded his house in town for tho hitter's quar ter of laud two miles straight south of town. Tho price given for tho farm was Slot) house being taken as half pay. Henry will now farm on it big scale. Karl Sponco, editor of tho Bladen Enterprise, spent tho Sabbath day in oloo proximity to tho city of Franklin but his time being more pleasantly oc cupied we did not have tho honor of oven a chance to say hello. Tuesday night parties forced their way into O. F. Hayden'.sstoreand stole theiefrom several boxes of cartridges and shells. Tho thieves gained admis sion by breaking through a window in little hope of his recovery the rear of the store, and this at is house breaking, which makes it a pen- SMITH CENTER (From tho Messongeri A man giving his name as Jim V. t mot with a frightful accident at t o railroad yard hero Wednesday niou ing which will probably cost him hi'i life. Ho was on board tho blind bag gage of passenger train No. (5 and hi tho train was speeding through tow i he undertook to jump oil'. When h i made tho leap the corner of tho baf, gage car struck him on tho head break ing his skull in .several places?. Tl a city authorities were notilled and ha was taken to Drs. Ivolihan'soltlco whoi his wounds woie dressed, aft1- whici ho was taken to a room of Ed Miller on Kansas avenue. The man will mil give tho address of his folks further than that they live some place in ( h cago. Ho is about '.VI years old Th man was still alive at the time of goin; to press-, lint the doctors entertaiu In r. An cNciting runaway took place hoi FRANKLIN i From the Scntinc-l.) In the preliminary hearing Tue 'ay itcntiary olfense. Certain clues fciispicioiis are pretty strong, but far no arrests have been made. and Monday. Will Smith drove his tea. 1111 til M CUT lllHIt1 till. fllltlMt ffl Itillt (111 1 j wagon load oi corn, when they bocuu e I frightened and came down Main stroi- . John Ciieen Smith moved out of the at a --Mil gait. They turned west i (HJIl)E ROCK. (From the Signal.) There is now a prospect of a well be ing put down soon south of t wn with tho object of prospecting for oil, gas or coal. All that seems to be lacking for the start is leases on enough laud to justify the parties in spending their money. Mrs. Ed Parker and son Wayne are homo from the hospital, where an op eration was performed on the boy, who isgot.ting along line now. Mrs. Myrtle Morharl came down Irom Ked Cloud Wednesday to visit herpai- onts I). Jones and wife. The Snyder boys ami Beit Butler have been hauling hogs to Bed Cloud. CAMPBELL (From the Citien.) Mr. and Mis. Peter Place were called to Red Cloud yesterday by the illness of their daughter, Mrs. Porrjmnn. (Jen. Firkins has decided to take a six months vacation, and to that end has leased tho meat market to Charley Richardson. Possession given Monday. Miss Nettie Bailoj was a passenger to Ked Cloud yost onlay. Announcement was made Saturday of the sale of the restaurant of Emilo Denials, the purchaser being Fied Meyer, an old time Campbell boy who has recently been making his homo at Hickman. Mr. Meyer also purchased it residence property that, known as the Charley Itoauu place, for which he paid SIO(H). Cheap Lands in the Texas Panhandle and Pecos Valley, New Mexico. People arc just licyinning to realize the fact that thousands of acres of the cry best agricultural lands in the rain belt in the diked Slates are in Potter. Ittimlall, Swisher. Male. Palmer. Bailey and several other counties in Tonus as well as the land lying east of the mountain range in New Mcn'ico and the Pecos Valley, where they irrigate from artesian wells, which have been lving idle during the long years for want of knowledge of their real worth. People arc Hocking there by the hundreds follow ing those who have preceded them into the region and proved its worth beyond doubt. The discovery that here lie Lands, the Equal of the Best in the older reirioiis at one-tenth the nrice. lands as fertile and oroductlve and much easier cultivated, is the inducement that is causing people to locate there. The portion of Tonus mentioned is Known as the "shallow water district.'' and . hotel hist week into the Uose house In lecciitly leasod. A few of the boat dor who wne with him are .still taking meals with him in his new- location. Court stieet and plunged into Pin Mm .singer's horse and bugiry iud in 'north oi Kirk patiiek's store. inu;rii. ! the li'iiso some and demolishing tl. i buggy. The team was .stopped at tic. I'he big llres at Ax toll and Exeter corner with no further damage lou. 1 have put an insurance company out of Commission and a petition has I been tiled for tho appointment of a receiver, it is the National Mutual , Fire Insurance Co. of Omaha. Their risks in Axtell wore very heavy. About nil the doctors in the count - i x i i. ...... n.:.. i jiuiH' nircii iu-iu una nech as u:i-5s-t in tho Mays malpractice case. Court convened Monday luurmnv The docket is a short one and will I about finished up this week. good water may be obtained at depths ranging from y; to l(li) feet. The alti Hide is I imiii feci, and this is conducive to the mild and bencllcial climate w ith uincii the southern plains are blessed, N ou can plow the whole vear around if von choose. The soil is a rich loam. This land grows from BLADEN i From tho Entorprise.i This vicinity was grieved to learn of tho death of N. H. .Moore, father of our townsman, Jake Moore, at 7:Xt o'clock Thursday morninu. Mr. Moore has boon very sick for some time and little hopes of his recovery were entertained. Ho was 71 years, 'J months and "20 days old at his death, ito leavessiN children two boys and four girls -to mourn his departure, beside a large number of friends. Oliver Wright; departed Monday morning for Clibbon, Xebr., whoro ho 40 to 50 bu. of Corn, 50 to 60 bii. of Kaffir torn, 25 to 40 bu. of Wheat, 6 to 10 tons of Alfalfa, ( otton. Millet. Sorghum. Npple.s. Peaches, drapes and all Kinds of small fruit, Irish Potatoes etc. Almost all kinds of garden stntl' grown with little care. This is probably one of the best countries on earth for hog raising, and no hog disease has ever been known there. There arc good school ami church privi leges, good live towns, and good railroads. Some of the land is sold on ten years' time, with reasonable cash payment. Deferred payments draw from il to S per cent, band from S'.l up. Come and go with our excursion party, which will leave Bed Cloud Tuesday, Dec. 17th and return possibly within a week. However, if yon desire, you can spend a month on the trip and stoji at any point either coming or going. Kxeursious will be on the tlrst and third Tuesihivs of each month, for by going on these days we can have the advantage of tne low rates and special trains made up of Pullman cars. If you feel interested call and we will give you more informa tion regarding this html. Wo are in a position to sell you some of the best agricultural laudsin west ern Kansas and eastern Colorado at prices ranging from S.'i t f'.,S per acre. Call for list. The Red Cloud Investment Go. Potter Block, Red Cloud, Nebr. I. H. HOLMES. Pres. D. J. MYERS, Vice Pres. 4. B. SELLARS, Sec.-Treas. mWnBRmmtltBMM i W. ' m r - trat ft u urbh i Hit LeffiracEfe Siinl' I'ftrWffr l'i M MX --mAl W, MMMIWUUll"UluiuiL,i;,i)rUUvUat m. m m mHi o tV-sv They Compel Admiration First, because they look so Rood, and then, because they wear so well and last so long. That's the Studebaker Wagon and we guarantee that there isn't a better made wagon in the whole world. It's right to the last detail. All lumber used i.s air seasoned; all iron and steel tested and inspected. Come in and let us show you what a real ly good wagon is. Wo have some Studebaker boohs for friends who call. Get one. It is north reading. iLw k-jaiiHl.. Hl H BHfS HRriil ' ' :''" V m a 'Mm , vsTl B ? .fM.', .'." ('iV 'It. il V mmmmm x" : 'M iAfimzhif : ' 'TV. J-fcT.l" '. lT7t" 7-ABW Wolfe 6 Beardslee, Red Cloud, Neb. 4i,VirvlrU(aiUrUllrliUiilavfcarU'UUU(kkVU(lUvlilViiUUifcvl(Vl(a(UU(vVkU(Uiikliltikte jati' 9 4 9 4 I 9 9 - a 9 9 9 SAY, HISTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Huilding Ma terial aud Goal at ouryards? Not ouly that our prices average lower, or at least as low, aa those of our competit ors, but because we take especial care of aud proteot all can be classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT fr Coal. FREES CO. Lumber. tt- tr. It tr I 1 i H 41 ' i Mr r - th ' tr tr I th tr ' iwwvwwmwiMwiywwwwwwwwy h - 1 r 4rw-vWWjMS)i.(rA'iqf'rMi,9',i "vV I!- MW)MwialJrV'Mww ii $r