The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1907, Image 7

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Christmas Time Is Here
Not the GMm
the Hardest Time.
We have been planning, selecting and preparing for this time for almost a year
and have gathered one of the newest, down-to-lhe-minute line of gifts ever shown in
this city. An almost endless variety of gifts for friends and relatives. Something suit
able for every one, from baby to grandparents. Inexpensive remembrances for friends
to the expensive gifts for the family. Prices are on a cash basis, meaning a saving to
you of 1 0 to 20 per cent. You pay only for what you get and a " not paying for
some one else's goods. You pay for no forgotten charges, no poor accounts. You get
the benefit of our saving by our cash buying. In addition we have been able to buy to
better advantage by going to market for our goods. Personal selections from some of
the largest jewelry stocks ever gotten together. Come in, look over the stock, get our
prices and we know we can please you. Below are a few suggestions and examples
of prices :
For the boy, $l.oo. 2.oo and up
nickel and silvorinc cases. In silver and
gold filled $5.oo, 7.oo and up.
For the girl, $3.oo, 5.oo and up
nickel and silverinc cases. In silver,
gold iillcd and gold from $6.oo up.
Watches for ladies and gentlemen at
prices equally low, and. above all, the
quality is in every one of these. We
never misrepresent our goods and will at
all times sell you an honest watch and
guarantee to gi e you full value for your
For every one, and nothing but solid
gold goods in the entire line. We pride
ourselves on the fact that in our entire
business career we have never sold any
thing but solid gold rings, not a plated
or filled ring in the entire stock.
Baby rings 50c, 75c, 90c to $3.oo.
Misses rings $l.oo, 5.oo.
Ladies' rings, $1.75, 2.oo and up.
Rings for the boys $2.oo and up.
A particularly nice line of signet rings
from $1.50to9.oo; something in here
suitable for any member of the ramily.
Lockets and Chains
A suitable and pleasing gift for any
body can be found in an excellent as
sortment of charms and lockels of every
kind. We have an assortment of the
newest styles, with prices ranging over
so wide a field that we can supply the
article to please your taste and suit your
pocketbopk. A particularly nice line of
emblem charms for the lodge man, no
matter what the organization.
Optical Goods
A new gold frame or a new pair of glasses
complete makes an acceptable trif r for one
who needs them. (Masses of all kind- prop
erly fitted. A nice pair of Held or opera
glasses is a gift, appteciated ly many. We
have a well .selected line at popular prices.
Chains and Fobs
We are showing one of the complet
es! lines for boys and jjl.U, ladies and
gentlemen. Gents' chains in nickel 50c
to $2.oo: gold plated and filled 75c to
7.50. Ladies' and misses watch chains
$2.oo to 9.oo. Ladies, misses and chil
dren's beads, square, cable and curb
link secret locket and neck chains $l.oo
and up.
, A most desirable gift for a lady,
young or old, can easily be selected from
our line of brooches, gold plated, gold
j filled and solid gold throughout.
Baby pins in sets and singly. Waist
pins, lace pins, collar pins. An exceed
ingly good line at prices that are right.
Stick pins in all styles, Lucky Pins,
Swastika, Teddy Bear, set with garnets,
rubies, opals, pearls and a variety of
other stones. Prices 25c and higher.
We cannot begin to name the many
beautiful articles in our holiday display
of silverware. We merely ask you to
come in and see for yourself the splen
did assortment of rich and appropriate
presents. We can mention but a few.
For the table we can show a variety
of most useful and ornamental pieces,
such as baking dishes $5.50 to I 5.oo;
bread taays $2.50 to 5.oo; fruif dishes,
cake baskets, spoon trays, compotes,
cracker jars. Practically overloaded
with tea, dessert and table spoons in
both plated and solid sterling silver
Knives and Forks, Fruit Knives, Butter
Knives, etc. In fancy table pieces such
as Sugar Shells, Gravy Ladles, Jelly
Knives, Oyster Ladles, Tomato Servers,
etc., we show as complete a line as can
be got together. Silver Toilet Sets,
writing sets, embroidery sets, hairbrushes,
military sets and silver novelties some
thing here at prices to suit.
Like tiWagic
Welhink if is wonderful whoa wo mid of
a luiigichm pooling trom a bottle any hind
of wine that, mil v 1 1 asked for chaiiipnguo
fur iim sherry 1 1 ir another and so on. How
inu.-li more wonderful tin- nisii iiinent thai
! r- out at will any kind of music. Such
an instrument is the Kdisnn Phonograph or
Victor machine. IJytlio -implo change of a
record you ran have any music you want,
from a full lirass hand to a single instru
ment, from a full chorus to a single voice,
from an old familiar hvmn to a funny rng
timi' coon song. They do each equally well
and please every one who hears it. Nothing
nicer for a gift lo the family.
You should have one and you can buy it
of u. $10.00 to Wl.uO.
Come in and hear them. A full stock of
bo li machines and records on hand at all
times. Call or send for catalogues. Every
selection in the Mdisou catalogue now in
Don't forget our
Fountain Pens
Do you want ;'our friend to remember you
forever? If you do. make him or her a pres
l'KN. When you give a 1'arker Pen your
friends know you have not given them a
snide pen, but the best pen to be had regard
less of price and will appreciate it accord
ingly. Prices rango from $l.,"i() to glO.t'O.
We have other pens at Toe and $1.00 or wo
can sell you a Waterman's Ideal Fountain
len if you prefer it.
Kodaks and Supplies
A nice Kodak makes a pleasing gift and
one enjoyed for many days Pleasing home
views and soinenirs to send to old friends
easily made. Daylight all tho way. No
bothersome dark room. Picture-making the
kodak way so simple a child can do it.
Prices $1.(10 to :i:.00.
A Kodak Christ inns Box at 81.00 makes a
most ai' tptalile gift to boy or uirl.
Repair Department
No job too small. No job too complicated
for us. Prices as low as consistent with
good work.
Come in, select what you want while the assortment is com
plete. We will lay away any article you may want and keep it till
Christmas. Shop early and at your ease. It costs no more and
lessens the bother of choosing'. Always willing1 to assist you and
always pleased to show goods whether you are merely looking1 or
whether you are buying1.
I InterostitiH Items Gathered V$
, i by Our County Kcporters
A cold wave and rain prevailed her
j Sunday evening, but we're glad l,.
to see the sky again.
Ilcv. Mr. Myers closed a two wivk',
revival at Fcklcy Friday night.
Corn husking in this cuiuuiuuli;
ended quite early this year.
Arthur Martin has returned hum
from northwest Nebraska.
loseph Kichardson, a nephew of X.
V. Kichardson, is visiting relative.';
here at present.
Willie Uiehardson husked corn for
John Thompson last week,
Hiram Hendricks and family, from
near lthulcn, visited Messrs. Douthl.
and Fishcl over Sunday.
Robert (irccnhalgh purchased a
horse from his brother .lames this
Ott Knigge has been ill the esiten.
parts ol the state basking corn thu
past few weeks. II" came home lusl
week accompanied by his con-do.
Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Itoreti of Cuivli
attended church at II -klcy Sunday.
K. II. Vance and family expect ti
depart for New Mexico this wevU
W'e wish them success in their nu
home. Mr Vance has been superiu
tiMidcut of the Fckley Sunday sellout
for two years past. A beaut if u
firnily bible was jiwn them Suiulnv
fovenoon by the Sunday school. Thu
gift was presented by .laiues Green
halgh, after which the song "tfod Ittr
With You Till We Meet Again" -wasting.
The friends and neighbors bud
them farewell.
Jewelers and Optometrists,
C, B. A. Q. Watch Repairers
S. II. Denton returned from Wester
iile. Nelu-.. Friday of last weelc, wlioiv
he has liecn husking corn the past Uvw
The funeral of N. II. Moore hero Sat
urday was attended by a large gather
ing of I he friends of the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nclswnngei nndf
children were over from Campbell Sun
day visiting at the home of their par
cuts. Fred l'.aker returned from Treutiiui
Sunday morning.
.lohu I. Ford came up from Swan
ton Monday evening and visited Ms
friends here for a few days.
Mrs. .I. I.. (iiMiulstatV went to Hast
ings Monday morning, where her fath
er is very ill and not expected to live.
Mi, and .Mrs. Fd Austin moved in ti
the Kimmcl residence on Helen street
last week.
Work on the new Spcncc building;
has been stopped again owing to tlu
eold weather, bast week the weather
was so good that considerable progress
was made on the work and it wtis
liuped that the weather would continue until the brick work was ltnishci?
The Methodist and Congregational
churches will hold Christmnsprogi-airv-.
this year, ai.d theteachersnndchildiei
are busy preparing the programs. Tin y
will also have Christmas lives..
lievival meetings are going on at llii
Congregational church now. and will
continue indefinitely.
Ordinance flto- GO.
An ordinance vacating to the ums i'
Finest Welch and wife, adjoining own
ers. a portion of the alleys in block '.
of Kaley A- Jackson's addition to the
Citv of cd Cloud. Nebraska.
lie it ordained, liy the Mayor and'
Council of the City of Ited ('load:
Section I. That in consideration oi'
the transfer and conveyance to the City
of lied Cloud, fur street purpose, -of
the tract of laud situated in Itlock '.'.
in Kaley Jackson's addition to tlu
("ity of l!cd Cloud, in Webster County.
Nebraska, and described in the dcci
dated December T. I'.illT. executed by
Frnest Welch and wife to said City.
tiiat all the alleys in said Mock, oat
side of thu lines of tin' proposed street.
I)- and the same an- hereby vacated ti
the use of said Frnest Welch and wifi-.
adjoining owners.
Section '.'. This ordinance shall take
ell'cet ami be in force from and after
its passage, approval and publication
as required by law.
Massed December 7. l!M7.
Approved December1.). P.ID7.
J. (). Cai.oi:i.i Mayor-..
Attest: L. 11. Four. City Clerk.'
f Will and (irant ISailey returned frnuv
C . their western trip Monday morning..
j nr.iui wein on to umaua ami win w-
liiaius here.