The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1907, Image 6
. J' v i i,miinr'iVmJXfiimiiumM miimu 'jum j.,. WHlKl)lMlWMI ' U. flff' j, 41M4A ! n -.Jt -H.-.. - . JT . sr..l MWlJi'W'- W l!? i3 The Spoilers. By REX E. BEACH. Copy rlu lit. I DOS. MaaaaareacMB.imiiiMiri in ', (Continued Iioiii l it- i I "flo iltdu'l gel invny." wild !' awara. "IIc'h !ii towu .vol. Just let 1110 3:unl liim in Jail mi HOUR' cvciNc! I'll Iuld him (III Miiiw Men." f'tnivp mill; .nil) a i-lmlr and lit a clgarolto Willi -ra wring Imiiil. "This 's n hell of a g'i'iie, nlu'l II. Vac? IT ,tm siim we'll wl'i?" The in:) ii overhead pricked up hln usirn. -Win? Ari'ii'l we winning? Wlinl do yon inll Mils? I only linpo wp can Iny hnnilH on Whenloii. lie knows tiilngH. A Utile knowledge Is n dan r.croiiH thing, bill more i uotvi, i.nrd! Ifouly I bail a mini forjudge In place u' Kllllmnii! I don'l know why I tiroiight hlni." "Thnl'H right. Too weak. lie IiiHii't ?M llin backbone of an angleworm. 3!c nln'l lialf I lie mail Mint IiIh niece Is. TJIicre'H a girl for yon! Say, what M ir1 do wilhonl her, ehV She'ii a pippin!" 2lenl.iler felt a sudden lightening of wry iimsele. What right had that yrmnY. Honor sodden lips to apeak so of Aor! "She's a brave little woman all right. Unsl. look bow she worked f!i"ilstor and bis fool partner. It took nerve to lirliu: in those Instructions of .ours alone, anil If It hadn't been for her "we'd never have won like this. It Makes mo laugh to think of those two mii mi slowing her away In their sluV Tonm while they slept between liv ks wllli the shee), anil her with the pa pers in her bosom all thy time. Then, when we got ready to do business, "why. she up and talks tlieui Into giving us po.xsossloii of their mine without a ifcht. That's what I call reciprocating n inan'M alTectloii." ;ieiilster'H nails cut Into his tleli. -rhili! Ids face went livid at the words. Jlo fnlil not grasp It at once. It ma le him nick -physically sick- mid Tor winy inoineiils he strove blindly to 'teat back the hideous suspicion, the Thorror that the lawyer had :voupd. 3ILs wns nol a doubling disposition, ami Tlo liim the girl had seemed as one pure, mysterious, apart, nngcllciilh- kicapa le of deceit. He had loved her, feel ing that some day she would n in hli affection without fall. In her great, im vtniiiloil eyes ho bad f"Uiid m le:hi' jplueo Tor double dealing. Now-Ood! Jt conliln't be that all the time she h..d Jknown! He liad losl a part of the law.voi's speech, but jieored through his obser vation hole again. McNnniara was at (lie window gaz .ing out Into (ho dark street, his back toward the lawyer, who lolled In the A:ilr, babbling garrulously of the girl. ;ienlster ground his teeth -a frenzy pos:ins:--ed hlni to loose his anrer, to fj Hi rough thy frail celling with naked tuinils ami fall vindictively upon the 'two men. ".She looked good to me the first -line I saw her," continued Struve. lie paused, and when he spoke again a Aange bad coarsened his features. "Say, I'm crazy about IH1 you, I'm crazy and 1 know she does or. "would her, Mae. I she likes uic anyway, slit "On you moau that you're In love -Twilh her?' asked the man at the win dmv without shifting his position. It nremed that utter lndllTerence was In Ms question, although where the light onn on his hands, light clinched be Iilnd Ids buck, they were bloodless. "Love, her? Well-that depends-ka! "Ton know bow It Is." he chuckled coa.rsol.Y- Ills face was gross and bos--tlal. "I've got the Judge where I want :fclin, ami I'll have her" Ills ml; ''le words died with a gur Mite, for Mo'aniara had silently leaped Jtitix whiralilc word dial with a rjurylc. send Jhrottled him where he sat, pin--Blmr him lo the wall, (ilenlster saw lAc big polltlelan shift his lingers align My on Struvo'H throat and then lrop his left band to his side, holding Jlls victim writhing jiiul helnless with --iti -4'tr jV -v. rtmP' wWrwK by It c x li . I) c n c h . : n .TUP"-'?- " 175 Ills right dc-mllo the man's frantic at niggles. McNn mura's head was thrust forward from his shoulders, peering Into the lawyer's face. Htruvy tore Inell'ecliiiilly at the Iron arm which was squeezing his life out, while for endless minutes the other leaned hU weight against him, his Idle hand be him! Ids buck, his lees brace 1 like stone coIum-ih as he watched his vic tim's struvrlcs abate. Stnte forg'U and wrenched while his brealh caught In his tlr-oat with horrid, sickening .')un's, but gi (dually I eyes rolled farther and farther buck . . they slnred out of his biack'Mied visage, straight up toward the ceiling, the hole through which ('Ion is tor piored. Ills struggles loosened, his chin sagged, and his tongue pro truded, then he sat louse and still. The pDilllclau flung him out Into the room so that he fell limply upon his face, then slo.ul watching him. I'MnnMy, Me X.imara passed out of the watcher's vl lo!i. rel".ni!ng with a water bucko!. Willi hi; foot he rolle.l the unconscious'' wretch upon lih hack, then drenched him. Replacing the pall, he seated himself. IK a cigar and watched the return of life into his victim, lie made iio nioe. even to drag hlni from the pool hi which he lay. Struve groaned and shu Idered, twist ed to his side, and at last sat up weak ly. In his eyes there was now a great , terror, while In place of his drunken- j i less was only fear and falntness ab ject roar or Ilia groat bu'k that sit and smoked and stared at him so Il-.hily. lie fell uncertainly of bis throat and groaned again. "Why did you do that'.'" lie wills pored, but the other made no sign. Hi tried to r'se. lint hi knee ro'.ixod. He staggered and fell. At last he gilnod h's t'et and mai'o IVr Hi door. Then, when Lis hand was on the kmli. McXaimira spoke thr.Mih his teeth, without removli.g h!s e aur. "Don't eve- talk about her again. She I; gilng to marry n:t." When lie was abne. ho looked curl- oudy up at the ce'I over 1 ' ; head. "The rats ere thick In till-; shack," ho mined. "S -ems to me I hoard whole swarm of thorn." A few moments later a crept thrmgh the boo In th ro ' if tle hou-o next door and thence down Into lh. stro't. .V block ahead was the slow moving irni of Attirney ftruve. Had a Mtrangor met theiu bo!!i he would not have known -v!i" it or the two had felt at his throat the clutch of a strangler, for each was drawn and haggard and swayed as l.e went. Glonlstor unconsciously turned to ward his but at Icivlir; the lighted streets the thought or its dark noss and .silence made him shudder. Not now! Ho could not bear that still ness and the company or his thoughts. He dared not be alone. Doxtry would be downtown undoubtedly, an 1 he. too. i must get into the light an 1 turmoil. He licked his lips and fotuivl that they were cracked and dry. At rare Intervals during the past yours he had staggered In from a longi march where for hours he had waged a bitter war with cold and hunger, his limbs clumsy with fatigue, his gar ntents wet and stllT, his mind slack and su)lun. At Btieli extreme seasons ho had felt a consuming thirst, n thirst which burned and scorched until his very Iwncs cried out feverishly not a thirst for water or a thirst which eaten snow could quench, but n sav age yearning of his whole exhausted system for some stimulant, for some coursing fiery fluid that would burn and strangle, a thirst for whisky, for brandy! Honiembering thoso occasion al ferocious desires, he had become charitable to such unfortunates as wore too weak to withstand similar tempta tions. Now with a shock he caught himself In the grip of a thirst as Insistent as though the cold bore down and the weariness o' endless heavy miles wrap ped hhn about. It was no foolish wish to drown his thoughts or to banish the grief that preyed upon him. but only thirst, thlrst-ti crying, trembling, physical lust to quench the Arcs that burned Inside, lie remembered that It hud been more than a year since he had tasted whisky. Now the fever j of the past few hours had parched his every tissue. As he elbowed In through the crowd' nt the Northern those next him made! room at the bar, for Ihey recognized j the hunger that poors thus from men's faces. Their manner' recalled Glenls tor to his senses, and he wrenched himself away. This was not some soil- tury, snow banked roiidhonse. IT would not stand ami soak himself shoulder to shoulder with stovedoros and longshoremen. This ivus some thing to be douo In secret, llu had no pride in It. The man on his right raised ii, ylass nnd the young inuni UtirUm W1f SV- ft rmnZfimmmfltoi frMmv'' "Well, so fihe hns, but what of It? I'm thirsty. She's going to marry Mc Naiuara. I've boon a fool." Ho :: l his teeth anil reached for the drink with which the lxy had returnei "McNainara Is a crook, but he'd a man, anil he never drank a drop In lily life" The,. girl Hiihl It cas'iiull... e eu . , but the other stopped the glass half way to his lips. "Well, wlmt of It? Go on. You're good at W. C. T. U. talk. Virtue be comes you." She Hushed, but continued: "It sbt'ply occurred to mo that If you aren't t"ong onoi'gh to handle your own throat, you're not strong enough to beat a man who has mustered his." (Jlen.stor looked at the whisky a mo ment, then sot It back on the t-ay. "Itrlng two lemonades," he !' I. and with a laugh which was half a sob Cherry Mulatto leaned forward and kissed him. "You're too good a man to drink. Now, toll mo all about It." "Oh. It's too long! I've Just learned that the girl Is In. hand an 1 g!oo. with the Judge and McN'anrira-that's all. She's an advance ag nt their lookout. She brought In Iholr Instruc tions to Struve and p"rsu:idcl Hex and me to let them Jump our claim. She got us to trust In the 1-uv and in her uncle. Yes, she hypuotivd v p-vi-erly out of mo and give It to b ' ver, this ward politician. Oh, she's rniooth, with alt her Innocence! Why, when she smiles, she make you ".' 1 and g.uid and warm, and her o,vm are as honest and clear as a m i; ..t.iln pool, but she's wrong sli.-'s wrong--an. 1 gro-it God! how 1 love her'" He drop pod lil- " c Into Mi ban !s. When she hail pleaded with hlni for hluo'elf a moiiH nt bofoie cherry Ma lot t was genitive and glr'Nh. but now as he spoke thus of the other woman n cm. in ,-o came- over her which he w.i.i t i. disturbed to note. She took on the subtleness that masked her as a rule, and her eyes were not pleasant. "I could have told you all that and. more." "More! What more?" lie questioned. "Do you remember when I warmid you and Doxtry that they were coming At "You're too ijoml a viun to (Zrn7c." to search your cabin for the gold? Well, that girl put them on to you. I found It out afterward. She keeps the keys to McNamara's safety vault where your dust lies, and she's the one who handles the Judge. It Isn't Mc Nainara at all." The woman lied easily, fluently, and the man believed her. strangled ii madness to tear It from his hands. Instead, he hurried back to the theater and up to a box, where he drew the curtains. "Whisky!" he said thickly to the waiter. "Bring It to me fast. Don't you hear? "Whisky!" Across the theater Cherry Malotte had soon him enter and jerk the cur tains together. She arose and wont to hlni. entering without ceremony. "What's the matter, boy?" she ques tioned. "Ah, I'm glad j-ou came. Talk to me." "Thank you tor your few well chosen remarks," she laughed. "Why 'don't you ask me to spring some good, origi nal jokes? You look like the finish to n six day go-as-you-please. What's up?" She talked to him for a moment until the waiter entered. Then, when sho saw what ho bore, sho snatched tho glass from the tray and poured the whisky on the floor. Glonlstor was on his feet and had her by the wrist. "Whnt do you mean?" he said rough ly. "It's whisky, boy," she cried, "and you don't drink!" "Of course It's whisky! Bring mo an other!" he shouted at the attendant. "What's tho matter?" Cherry Insist ed. "I never saw you act so. You know you don't drink. I won't let you. It's booze booze, I tell you, lit for fools and brawlers. Don't drink It, Roy. Are you In trouble?" "I say I'm thirsty and I will have It! How do you know what It Is to smolder Inside and feel your veins burn dry?" "It's something about that girl." the woman said, with quiet conviction. "She's double crossed you." Continued.! W i Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, ami which hits been in uso for over 30 years, lias home tho signature of 0 and has been made tinder his por- SL45f;yy fional supervision since Its infancy. VVJ; '-cttCSUOi Allow no one to deccivo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Kxpcrlmcuts that trillo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience tguiust Expcrimcu;-. What is CASTOR I A Cnsloria is a harmless Bubstitul-o for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is JMeastint. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. J ts ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Foverishncss. jit cures Disirrlaea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho .Stomach and Uowols, giving healthy a. id natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORSA AI.WAY Bears the The KM Ton tee Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY BTIICCT. NCW YORK CITY. I3Z 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone bpiuIIiir a rkclrti mid description mr nnl'klr a.curl,iln our n miuti fruo wliutlicr an Invention in pruhniily it-uontniiln. Coniiiiiinlrn tUmfltrlctlYrMillc;iitlil. I'flhOBOOK on 1'ntenU cntfrco. nl'liM nuvnry foi-Hi'iiintiKPutoiilR. l'ntontt tnlU'ti tliriniL'li Jlunn ft Co. rccolTO tpttUil tiuflcf, r. tu ut clmrce, lu tho scut!" t JMKrtcan. A hnndsn .Inn Y-ppkly. T ircot clr- .. ''III. 'I iMi.t3 j, I. fcwJ by ull funhilcalerK. cululltm i.f your: four m M ftfiOSCirrcmlvvav, NfiW YOfR uruncii uiii?i, o.o i ec. u nsniimion, u. j, t INSUftANCl .tfuiuM I' iio. 1 .14. Ill iiinu, (Jy Iohoh anil Wiiidsinrtns, soe JNO. B. STANSBM. auiii lor the I'tti'inuih Union immih auce Co., Liin kIii, .-n., the hei qiimnci) com pit ii uit.lii- 4'.t L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer ReHidenue: Pir-t door south of Rod Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster street. C'nu Iio found at home every fore noon. Tortus reasonable. Do You Cat Meat? When you do hungry und want soniethiK nice in the meat lino, drop into my market. We havo the nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and meats, fish, and game lu season. We think, and almost know, that we ran ploaao you. Give us o trial. Koon Bros., Successors to IIOBINRON BURDEN. IjmTTO i Signature of CATARRH ELY'S Crsawi Balpji Suro to Civo Satisfaction. ClVES RCLlEP AT ONCE. It clninsofl, KOothoM, licala nnd prottla the divoiiM'il liicmhnuioro.Miltini,' from Cutnrrh and drives nway a Cold in tli- lit-ml qiiichly. Tti-storps tho KciiMN of Tn-lo nnd Kmcll. Kav to hkc. Coutniim no iiijiui .us driiKn Applied into tho lhwtrils and nhorbed. Lnrjjo Size, fiO cents at DruistB or hv muil Liquid Cream Balm lor use in ntomizors, 75 tontH. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren SI.. New York. 1 0 ; J r . - ..e :o ti .' ' :arrs 1.0.... . their zcix ! lot o.-.!v vt-t but hcl- ylov Iacfc-lu ltc eyes, sallow comp!tinonf ?.r.iy hair, allolj Iwhica tell ct jircmaturc oldi aec TJbc or. mention o thts.3 fi:ca iu yuur own nanas. KCum the disease that causes! ii? S'.S TTrifl. Tt . ,."vrcr flrA cf rrr4-l I 61. .-i,,.. .w.Bm-i vi n i out weakened consti itutioii, with WINE OF WOMAN'S RELIEF ol which Mro. 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