The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1907, Image 5
)fcMtiwim A jW3mmm Um9d by t IfWAIETTEC m millions m Hocking horses at (Jotting'. Mr. Krrett is seriously ill. Mr Whuaton is serioiihly ill Dolls cabs, cradles, etcatCotting's. 'The iloyot force was cut ."undny owing to Mack business. Traveling Engineer llailev of Mo ,'oolc was in town Monday Nfwhoijst Hros. carry the tvmnVto list of IMiviu Phonograph record-.. Mr. Jut- Mci'uno of Bladen was visiting relatives in Red Cloud Mon 'da. MooreV N'ou-Lcakublc Fount. 'n I'cn he.t. Sold hy Cotting, tbodrug- alume Baking Powder pile with tha Pnn' Lawi of orerjr Statu., m Red is th gist. lVrry Karg was helping ' the switch yards here Sunday and Mon day. Any l-M win Phonograph record do s'm'il may be obtained of Newhouse llrt.. Kn'iutr t7."n died at Franklin Saturday by h blow off valve becoming stuck npttn. (J W Hoard, (J. Y. M., was sick the tirst of the week, but has gone to work- again. The I" K. O.'s will hold their Uhrist m.v bazaar on December l.'tth and 1 tth at thi Fair store. Mrs. K L. Perry, who has betn sick- for the past week is able to be ;vVoiiml again. A biuskot supper was given at Miss Mabel Kvans' school north of townfc'ri day evening. Itoone Saunders has been enjoying the pleasures of a siege of rheumatism during the past week. Mr 0. 11. Swartz and daughter Y'Olla returned Sunday from a week's visit with relatives at Alma. The city council met in session Sat urday night. Their proceedings will be found on another page. Mrs. L. H. Fort returned Friday eve ning after a ten days' visit with chil dren living at Orleans, Nebr. Walter C. Cox returned Friday night from Friend, Nebr., where he has just completed a contractor electric wiring. Uhas Smith of (Juide Rock underwent -an operation for hernia Tuesday at the -homo of his father-in-law, K. Uobbins. Misn Louise Hates left Monday for Hustings and Lincoln after a few days' visit with her father and friends at this place. li'rwl Hummel, formerly of Red Cloud but now of Hot Springs, S. IV, is here visitiug friends and expects to remain for .several weeks. Mrs. Joseph Warren left this morn ing for Washington, la., in response to a telegram announcing the death of a sister at that place. Mr and Mrs. Frank Smith took their daughter Lulu to Lincoln Thursday morning in the hopes of the trip bene fiting their daughter's health .Josias Lmnbert of Smith Center will sell forty head of Poland-China iiogs eligible to record at Inavale. Neb., Dee. ai, consisting of 10 males and 30 gilts. Owiug to a leaking boiler at the elec tric light plant, the city remained en veloped in deep, damp, gloomy black ness all Tuesday night, save for what light a faintly discernible moon afford ed. Moral: Keep your gas or kerosene lamps trimmed and ready to burn. Last Friday evening Mrs. L. H. Klackiedge opened her house to the Episcopal Sunday-school. Games were played and refreshments served and a Jolly good time was greatly enjoyed by tho whole school. A series of evangelistic meetings commenced at the United Hrethreu church last Sunday morning in charge of F.vangelist Lampin of Illinois, to continue indefinitely. The meetings are still in progress and are drawing Jrge crowds. Rev. Mr. Lampin is a power in thb pulpit. Do not fail to hear htm. The meetings will continue next week. Public sales are becoming numerous again. We have noticed bills adver tising seven public sales before Jan. 1, jn the vicinity of Red Cloud. Do not forget when yon are ready to order bills printed that tho Chief office is prepared especially for that class of -work, our charges are reasonable and vrc now have-help enough that we can deliver your work promptly. i We understand that a change in the Burlington's time card will take effect next Suuday, by which tho time of No. J 3, the westbound morning train, is changed to 0:10 o'clock a. in., and that of No. If., tho westbound evening train, to 7:20 o'clock p. in., each arriving and Icaviug an hour earlier. Chas. Spence of llladen was in Cloud on business Tuesday. Snow foil yesterday afternoon for several hours, but it melted almost as fast as it fell. Superintendent Oscar Hurroughs of the electric light plant was in Franklin Wednesday evening. 'Pickings From Puck" is to be pre sented as the opera house tonight by Dubiusky Hros. It is a musical comedy. The. Apollo Quintette and Hell Ring ers held forth at the opera house yes terday evening and drew a fair-sized crowd. A fistic encounter of short duration on tho. street Tuesday furnished excite ment for those who happened to be present. The Rebecca lodge will meet Thurs day, December 10. All members are requested to be present, as business of importance is to be transacted. The Episcopal Sunday school spent a pleasant evening with Miss Gertrude Hlackledge last Friday evening. Miss Louise Hates of Lincoln was the guest of honor. m a m '.'if: iPX fid $ ft :!. fee i yit US What About Christmas Presents ? SP m tit vIB The football game which was to be played here this afternoon between the Hloomington town team and the Red Cloud Husiness College was called off by the former, and consequently no game will be played. Beware of "Factory Cost" Prices. I can't sell new pianos at factory cost and remain in business, but I can and wim. sell them as close as anyone. I nuv my pianos, and they will not be "shipped back to factory." I expect to bki.i. them. Comiwiu: i-iucks before you buy. Take your time. (i. V. AltUAHKIUIIT. Potter Block, upstairs. "Cromaplo" at Fulton Grocer Co. See L. A. Huskin- for fine potatoes. May Face Old Charge or Murder. Omaha, Dec. 7. Joe Williams, col ored, who Is charged with poisoning his wife's family In Omaha fiftoen years ago, lesuiting in uio ueaui or a small boy. is now under arrest at Georgetown, near Seattle, Wash., on a similar charge. He will probably he brought to Omaha to answer tho charge of murder. E. P. Reynolds, Jr., Dead. Wymore, Doc. 10. E. P. Reynolds, jr., a pioneer railroad builder and one of the most prominent citizens of Wy more, died after two years of ill health. He 13 survived hy a wife, two sisters and two brothers. Tho body was taken to Rock Island for inter ment. Editor Rhode Dead. Plattsmouth, Doc. 10. Gustavo P. Rhode, for several years city editor of tho Plattsmouth Daily News, died here, after an Illness of several weeks, of tuberculosis of the throat. A wife and three children survive him. H was twenty-seven years old. ise i I i'"'V i:-V 'fXi YX -'A '! '$ 'j I'M fee B. sty? m m. ; m I (.fi WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BUY THE MEN AND BOYS OF THE FAMILY? ? ? We point with pride to our choice se lections of , , , , . , ,, 1 11,"' M I '"I m &9 ivx ($ fee in fea m fee m rd'i'. it m Convrialit 1907 Tiic I louse of Kupcnlieimer Cliicngo t If. Jllen's Foroishings for the Holiday Trade We've exclusive and elegant NECKWEAR, the best makes of GLOVES, perfection in SHIRTS AND COLLARS, the best brands of UNDERWEAR, choice HOSIERY, MUFFLERS, NIGHT ROBES, UMBRELLAS, HOUSE COATS, Etc. All reason ably priced. Men's, Boys9 and Childrens Suits and Over' coats, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Men's Suits $550 to 2500 All good reliable goods and backed by our guarantee. Men's Overcoats $550 to 30.00 - Meltons, Vinccnncs, Kerseys, Friezes and Furs. JIK it; I i CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of 2LM W&&! Don't Buy Land nor Loan Money on Real Estate without getting one of Teel's perfect Abstracts of Title The oldest and most reliable sot of Abstract books in Webster Co. 810,000 b md tiled and approved. Reprt'8ents six of tho best In surance companies doing busi ness in the statu. LOANSNADE on CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. Office In Ovcrlng Block. Phonos: Bell 98, Farmnrn3B V '? 'i 'St. We invite Christmas shoppers to visit our store. We are sure you will find what you want. The Cooiden-Kaley Clothing Go. liK m M m 'Mi ?: m i:- ALWAYS o o r Nor RELIABLE th of Postoffice ': First D . !,":.."!. ": :'.," ;.'... :" :". . !"!!,' ".: "'' !.'! ;."''. - ."; :. !":..fT: RHEUMATISM OUHRD IN A DAY nr.DutcluuiH Itcllef forltlicumnllKm unrt Neural Kla radically currHln 1 to3UayH, Hf action uiiou liio nyhiem remarkable and niyHturloiH. II romnvei at once th- cause and ihodlKeaxo Im mediately dlHappearH. The Unit dose greatlj benrflts, 73 cms and II. Sold by H. K.diuoB drugflst. Rod Cloud Good thing to oat at Fulton Grocer Co. Ruth Warron will do your burnt wood work. Some bargains in cannod goods at Fulton Grocer Co. Seo Ruth Warren for all kiuds of burnt wood supplies. Three cars lump coal for sale, 7.50 per ton if sold in ten days. J. O. Caldwell. Drs. W.irick & Riddllo, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists. Glasses Iftt'd. Over Gorman National Bank, . Hustings, Nebr. Saunders Brothers RED CLOUD, - NEBR. Canon City, Sunnyside, and Genuine Nigger Head Maitland COAL You may bo particular or what some fall "cranky," but OUR COAL will please you. Our coal is clean and wo deliver promptly. Be I Tol. GO. Rural Tol. 71 MeFarlands chrshas Tres M'5Nel"oe a H0LLT Bluk W. E ASHER Veterinarian Hill -:- Nebraska Will bo in Rod Cloud Saturdays ut Smith's barn. Candies 10 to 50c per pound. Nuts 20 to 25c per pound. (Cheaper in large lots.) Oranges, Apples and Bananas. Ben Davis Apples $1.50 bu. Fine Baldwins and Genetins 50c per peck. High Patent Flour $1.35. Second Grade $1.25. JVlcFARhAND The Groeer All tho Phones Fulton Grocer Cp. (Successors to John Griffetu) DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Groceries A full assortment of Seasonable Goods kept in Stock. Call and See Us. We will try to Please You. 425 Webster Street. Bel) phono 10.!, Ind. phono 14