The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1907, Image 1

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    fSitt '&riZmtiM&m'
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Eight Pages
Home Print
xxxm,f)iyfW3r?&3&iyMW9aim m
I Subscription I
$1 a Year I
I in Advance I
A Merry
is sure to convj to all who
buy their presents of
Chas. L. Cotting
He always leads in variety of
low and medium-priced goods
such as Toys, Albums, 1 .eather
Goods, Dressing Cases, Rock
ing Horses, Doll Cabs, Pocket
Knives, Books of all kinds,
Fancy China, Fountain Pens
and so many other things we
cannot number them. Come
and see.
Hats Off In Church.
The editor of this paper is not very
far advanced in clmreli work -probably
belongs in the kindcrgarden
classand it may seem a little out of
place for us to ehirp out at this time,
but we are going to start a littlo cm
slide which we know will meet the
approval of at -least all the ehureh
going men of this town. It is '-Ladies
remove your hats" while the preaehei'
's delivering his sermon at least.
What is more annoying or distrusting
than to be compelled to he tlm-t inr
your head around a broad rimmed hat
eighteen indies high covered with
dowers, ribbon, leathers, lords, etc.,
tryingtogetn glimpse of the preacher'.'
This alone is enough to keep a man
out of chm-eh. It would be but mighty
little trouble for the ladies to remove
their h.its and we are going to put up
:i little tight until we bring it about
and by .so doing we will have done
one good act for Cod and man. Pas
tors, please ask the ladies to remove
their headgear before you start in on
your discourses. - Smith County .Mes
senger. He. Told the Truth Once.
A Michigan editor who grew tired
of wielding the whitewash brush in
the matter of obituaries decided to
reform and tell the truth just once,
lie commented as follows upon the
death of a well-known eiti.en: "Died.
. aged Mi years, i', months. '. days.
Deceased was a mild-mannered pirate
with a mouth for whiskey and an eye
for boodle. lie came here in the
night with another man's wife, ami
joined the ehureh at the tlrst chance.
Ho. owed us several dollars for the pa
er. You could hear him pray sis
blocks. He died singing '.lesus paid it
all," and we think he is right, a.s he
never paid anything himself, lie was
buried in an asbestos casket and his
isuny friends threw palm leaf tans in
the grave, as he may need them. His
tombstone will Tie a favorite resting
place for hoot owls."
Banquet for Football Team,
The Hcd Cloud Husiness College ten
dered a banquet to the members of the
football squad at the Hotel I Soya I last
Friday evening, December 0. Plates
were laid for twenty guests. The ban
quet was prepared under the manage
ment of Yaple llros., of the Hotel Ho,
al. An enjoyable evening was spent,
music before and after the supper be
ing furnished by d It. Steward and
Miss Riah Olinstcnd. The menu was
uk follows:
Cream of Tomato auv Crouton.s.
Dressed Celery. Spiced JSeet.s,
Sour (ihcrkius.
Fried Lake Front. Maitri de Motel.
.lulienue Potatoes,
Itroilcd Sugar Cured Ham.
Pineapple Preserves.
Ilaked Young Turkey.
Cranberry Sauce,
lloast Domestic (loose.
Oyster Dressing.
Salad a la .Millcnalsc.
French Peas. Asparagus Tips in Cream.
French Fried Potatoes,
Parker House Itolls, Cream 1'mud.
Fruit Salad with Whipped Cream.
Vanilla lee Cream. Assorted Cake.
Cheese. Wafers.
Cafe Noir.
Queen Alfalfa.
Alfalfa, the queen of the west, has
added to her domain in the Inst year
and the report of Labor Commissioner
Hyder shows Unit the state is wealthier
this year than last because of lior In
crease in acreage. The bonutiful plant
has yielded to the farmers this year
more than eleven million dollars, and
the prospects of an increase next year
in the crop are promising. Western
Nebraska has been rejuvenated by the
alfalfa plant. The sandy soils of the
western counties permit the toiling
roots to dig deep into the hills and
valleys, producing a wealth of feed
and enriching the soil as well as the
"Illuming well over the mark of
eleven million and a half dollars, the
value of the alfalfa raised in I DOT
shows pretty conclusively that the
farmers of Nebraska are fully awake
to the importance of this great fodder
crop," said Labor Commissioner ltyder.
"The figures on the state production
of alfalfa have just been completed,
and give a total production of 1,."0,7.V.
tons. Figured at a very conservative
valuation this is worth Sll.iiOii.OT'.V
The total acreage was reported as
lft.ri,.vr.'. and the average yield :t.lil tons
per acre, which Mr. Hyder insists' is
away within the facts and reports
from other sources bear out his judg
ment. - The I Hue Hill Leader.
School Teachers In Session.
The school teachers of Webster
county will meet in session at Itlue
Hill this evenidg at s- o'clock in the
Christian church at that place and
will continue their convention here
tomorrow afternoon at '.' o'clock in the
high school building in iu. Damcrell
block. Following are the programs:
vi in. I i mi. i iosn.ui.
Violin solo, selected. Prof. Otto Itcrgt
Vocal solo, "The Flight of Ages."
Miss Carrie Hubler
Address. State Inspector of High
Schools A. A. Heed
Vocal solo with violin obligalo.
"Whisper and I Shall Hear."
S P. Duncan
limn: loMoiiiiow vrn:n.oo.
Piano solo .Miss licruice Potter
The Magnitude of Little Things
in Life Supt. II. I). Moritz
A First Lesson in Heading, to a
I'eginning Class, conducted
by Miss .lennie Joy
Quartette, selected. .Misses Mabel
Winfrey. Nita Argabright,
Mildred Fulton. Pearl Smith
The ( )ld Versus the New
Hon. .1. S. (iilhain
The Standard of Kthics Among
Children .... Supt. II. F. Hooper
Vocal solo Miss Josephine Mixer
Address Inspector A. A. Heed
Piano solo., Miss Cert rude ltlackledge
Grand Army and Woman's Relief Corps
Elect Officers.
Ciaillcld Post No. so, (j. . 5., and
the Woman's Hclief Corps both held
their annual election of ollicers last
Saturday, the latter in the afternoon
and the former in the forenoon. The
otllcers elected by the (!. A. H. were
as follows: H. Turner, commander;
K. Hobbius senior vice: .1. W. lEogcu
rief. junior vice; F. Ncwhousc. sur
geon: A. S. Campbell, chaplain: .1. W. I
Warren, quartermaster; J). L. Croat,
officer of the day; A. Drown, otliccr of
the guard: Jos. W. Warren and D. L.
Croat, delegates to state convention
at Hastings.
The otllcers elected by the W. It. C.
were as follows: Mrs. Julia Warren.
president; Mrs. Mary McConkey. senior '
vice: Mrs. Fannie Dow. treasurer: Mrs.
Anna Kiser, chaplain; Mrs. Welseh.l
conductor: Mrs. Abel, guard: Mrs.
Dogenricf, delegate to state depart
incut convention at Hastings.
Modern Woodmen Elect Officers.
The Modern Woodmen met yesterday
evening and elected otllcers for the en
suing term as follows:
Venerable consul, C. W. (I rout: wor
thy adviser, K. W. I toss; banker, L. II.
Fort; cleric, K. II. Newhouse: escort, II.
D. Clennuons; watchman, Ceo. Sheldon:
sentry, dry Day; camp physicians. Drs.
It. F. Haines, Hobt. .Mitchell and K. A.
Crelghton: manager, K'lnscl: chief for
estnr. It. (!, Huuehey. i
It was voted that an amount equal
to 10 cents per member be paid from
the general fund for the sanitarium
for consumptives at Colorado Springs.
' Last Sunday was the birthday of I.
FrlsbU. and was the occasion of a big
family dinner at his home at Ainboy.
Business College Notes
Notice to Bidders.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the otllce of the County Cleric of Web
ster County for furnishing supplies to
said County during the year MOS, to-wit:
S-quiro Plain Hecords,mcdiutn.perbook
" printed head records " " "
" printed page records '
" tax lists, double-demy, "
" " double-cup, " "
Patent backs, per book.
Canvas covers, per book.
All records to he made of DyronWes-
ton's best Linen Ledger paper, extra
Tax Heeeipts for 1M)H.
Tax Heeeipts for 1008 for carbon.
Hxtra for printing year in red.
Chattel mortgage tiles.
Assessors' schedules, per 1000.
Assessors' schedule Hies.
Lithographed warrants, per looo.
Heversible document onvclophs, per 100
l'.UHTlOX Hl'I'l'I.II'.S
Poll books for election JOOS, per loo.
Poll book envelopes, per dozen.
Itallot bags for votes cast per dozen.
Instructions to voters per doen.
F.lcclion pencils per dozen.
ci.vss it. i.i:u vi. in. i,
Whole sheet cap blanks, per inn.
Half sheet cap blanks, per lu.i.
'.'muter sheet cap blanks, per I no.
Highth sheet cap blanks, per too.
I I Vss . 0' l; s' l t.
Ink-. Diamond. Carter's. M affords or
equal, per quart.
Pells, liluciiicuiu Spencerian. per gross;
M. V. (.round Point Pens, per gross:
KstcrbiooU's or (iillette's. per gross.
Pencils. Perfection Nos. V to I. per
gross, Fa her Nos. v to I. per gross:
llardtmuth ICoh-i-noor. per dozen:
llanlt ninth Koh-i-nooi copying, per
doen. llardtmuth Mcphisto copying,
per dozen.
Penholders. Tower's Dank No. JUKI,
per dozen: Faber's cork-tipped, per
doen: plain polished cedar (swell)
per gross.
Fraud's. Huhhcr No. 10V, per dozen:
Itubber No. 101, per dozen,
u.vss n. i,kiti:i(iii:.iis, i. ii.
Letterheads, i:Mb. Franklin or equal,
per 1000; noteheads. 7-lb Franklin or
equal, per 100: envelopes. No. i!'..No.l
rag. per 1000; envelopes. No. in No. I
rag. per 1000.
All of said supplies to be llrst-class
in everv respect and to be furnished in
accordance with the requirements of
the various county otlieers. Said bid
ami bond, in the sum of TvvoThousiinil
Dollars, must be Hied with the County
Clerk on or before IV o'clock, noon, on
tho Illst day of December, 11107.
Dated lied Cloud, Ncbr.. December
'.'d. P.M.7. Li:i: Dl.Toi'it. Count v Clerk.
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday, Dec.
10, furnished by the Fort Abstract Co..
L. 11. Fort, Manager.
William T. Durnham to K. .1.
Delahoy, qcd, Is 0-10 b I.Svvazy's
add Dine Hill s
Oliver 1). Hedge, sherilV, to
Hugh W. (iulliford sheriff's. deed
Is :ms and .-ai b :i Carber's '.' add
Hed Cloud
William M. Mines to Cottlicb
Pol fus wd sw Ut-'Mi tiiHIO
William Hoats to Stellu White
wd IsO and O-'.'t b I (iulliford's
add Hed Cloud l too
Abram L. Hews to John Witt-
wer wd ne :.':t-l-ll .
1 t t i
Mortgages Hied, S7.'!77..'iO.
Mortgages released, 34000,
Any 12-Year-Old Girl
can make those delicious Lemon, Chin:
olate and Custard pies as well as the
more experienced cook If she uses "Ol ' It
PIK" preparation, which is now sold
by nearly all grocers at 10 cents per
package. Just the proper ingredients
in each package.
Dr. Warrick, tho special ist, will
meet oyo, ear, nose and throat patiuuts
and those neoding glussos properly
fitted at Dr Dumurcll's ofliee Tuefldav,
Dec. 10.
uiinifxTTaitnininTnicuuinxiiiiiitiniiiiinTHnr nittmtn
Deaths and FuneraSs.
Jf&fJ&fl JfjfCAft Vr-TtrWilrV A
Mrs. Electa Walker.
Mrs. Klccta Walker died at her home
iu this city last Friday, December i),
11)07, of pneumonia, at the age of 8D
years, ft mouths uml HI days. She was
ill but a few days before her death,
having been previously in remarkably
goon neaun tor one oi uer age. miic
was the wife of Alexander Walker.
who died a few months ngo at the age
or ninety years. Three children are
left to mourn her loss-Mrs. Frank .
Smelzer and A. T. and I. (). Walker,
all living in this county. Mrs. Walker
wus born June 2',, lSL'ft, and had been
a resident of Webster county thirty
years, and of Ited Cloud seven years,
i ne funeral was held from the home
,i i 2:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon, De
cembers, 1007, and was conducted by
Hew A. A. Cressman, pastorof the Con
gregational church. Interment was in
the Hcd Cloud cemetery.
Andres Anderson.
Andres Anderson was born in Den
mark June ',".!, 1S27, ami died at his
home thirteen miles northwest of town
in P.alin township, Webster county,
Nebraska, last Sunday, December s'th.
J007. at the age i.)f 80 years. ." months
and 0 days. The cause of his death
was heart trouble. The funeral ser
vices were held Tuesday, December 10.
and were conducted by Hev. Mr. . I en
sen, of Huskiii, Ncbr.. and Hev. Mr.
White of Inavale. Interment was iu
Daniso Lutheran cemetery iu Hates
Mr. nderson leaves ten children
si v boys and four girls, tlve of whom
live iu this county, one at Fort Logan.
Colo., and four in Iowa. Mrs. Win
Patten, one this city, is one of the
live children living in tliii. county
Mrs. V. B. Fulton.
Mr. V. It. Fulton died at her home
iu the west part of town yesterday
morning at :i:()0 o'clock. Iler death re
sulted from a complication of diseases
which set in since thedeathoi her baby
about a week ago. Funeral services
will be held Sunday afternoon. She
leaves a father, hushandaue three chil
dren. She has lived here the greater
part of her life.
Letter List.'
List of letters remaining uncalled
for ut postofliee at Hed Cloud, Noh,,
for tho week ending December o, l'.iO".
Win. Urackui.
Thos. CJreenvvood.
b F. Hudson.
B. ll.Me.Vey.
'iurnieo Ituby.
These will be sent to tho dead letter
otllce December 111. !)()", if uncalled for
before. When calling for above please
say "advertised."
T. C. H.u kkr, Postmaster.
Degree of Honor Elects Officers.
At the meeting of the Degree of Don
or lodge last Tuesday evening otllcers
were elected for the ensuing year ith
C. of II.. Julia Warren: T. C. of IL,
Julia Lippiucott; L. of IL, Maggie
Smelser; C. of ('.. Mary Hull'er: Fin.,
Lyda ltosher; recorder, May Wolfe;
treasurer. Matilda Darkloy; usher,
Matilda Welseh; I. W., Mary Polnleky;
O. , Oliver McNutt.
Scholarship Offer.
The Hed Cloud Duslness College will
throughout the mouth of December
give you u life .scholarship in anyone
department for ff 10, any two for S7.";
but after the first of January. P.ioS, it
will cost you S0." for a single course
and SI'-'O for a combined course. Take
advantage of this special offer and en
roll before the first of January.
Not Responsible.
"Hold on," Jwlil the learned cliemlxl.
"Didn't 1 jfive you a bottle of my won.
derful tonic I It it 1 would make you look
twenty years .vouujferV"
"You did," replied the patient, "uml
I took It nil. I was then thirty-nine,
and now I am only nineteen."
"Well, then, will you plcnwe settle
this bill you owe me for the treat
ment V"
"Oh, no! Ah I am only nineteen now,
T aiu a minor, and minors are not held
responsible for the bill they Incur.
Good day, nlr." HlUHtrutcd Dltn.
A Scries of Articles Describ
ing Ufa in the U. S. Navy
No. i -
I'AUL . ULACKIWRN, Ensign, V. S. Nary
Jack Ashore.
The Ideals prevalent in this country
that the sailor from our American
inen-o'-war goes ashore only to loaf
'"'l liar-rooms, carouse and "paint.
thl" 1,,WI1 m1'" P'liurully. How far
t,,ls i,K'u is fn)1" t,,e vorruutoiu! would
bu uvluViit to anybody who could see h.
"liberty party" from one of our shirk.
in a port with historic or other inter
esting places to visit. Permission to
go ashore Is granted whenever tl
sanitary conditions ashore and thi
work of the ship will permit. As i.
rule, half of the ship's company 's
allowed liberty each day front 1:00 p
in. till 7:00 a. in. the following moru.
ing. On Wednesdays, Saturdays and
Sundays, the liberty parties go iudiort
at 1 p. m. These men are nearly ml
American born, imbued with the shim;
ideas as those whose lives follow other
channels in the Dnted States. Wi'J
they miss seeing those things for which
their countrymen jburney thousands
of miles and spend hundreds of dollars
to see'.' The kodak pictures taken by
these men surely go to prove the con
trary. When a point of particular in
teicst, such as Athens, is visited, tl.
chaplains of the ships take parties tt
visit the different places, explaining
the historical associations of the
verious buildings, calling attention
the most interesting features; thus a'
fording the men abundant opportunity
tti ilciIvt flw. ftillitei iiitnitUt r,...i, ii...
I.-r . ..... ......JV .'..V.,,1. ,W,t till.!
.visit. Many an out of the way town.
rarely visited by a tourist, sees tho
stars and stripes Moating over an
American man-o'-war vessel. Some
times the ships jr UM a cruise to show
the tlagas the cruiser Denver did whin
she visited nearly every one of tho
Windward Isles from St. Thomas to
Trinidad. At other times the ships go
to protect American interests iu places
where there are revolutions. Trolley
cars, jinrickshas and other methods of
locomotion iu use in the cities and
countries visited, take our blue jackets
to see volcanoes, gardens, battlefields
and whatever there Is to see.
The men of the navy are not all
saints, some of them have vices, but it
is manifestly unfair to say that be
cause one blue-jacket has been seen
drunk in uniform, that all the men
who wear the navy blueare drunkards.
Most of them are clean, upright, self
respecting men whose actions on shore
as well as on board ship are creditable
to the country they serve.
Preparing for the Holiday Trade.
That the merchants of lied Cloud
are determined to get their share of
the holiday trade or the buying public
is evident from the many well-arranged
Christinas, window displays in town.
A care has been taken iu the selection
of holiday stocks that makes Hcd Cloud
tho best pluce in the county for you to
do your holiday trading, and with their
extensive patronage the merchants of
Hed Cloud are enabled to make prices
that should draw your trade.
Among the many well-arranged dls
play windows we have noticed thosoof
C. L. Cotting and the Fair store, con
taining all kinds of Christinas toys and
those of Paul Stmoy and the Cowdcu
Kaley Clothing Co.. both containing
articles from their lines of clothing,
such as fancy neckwear, gloves, etc.,
than which nothing better can be found
for Christinas gifts. F. Newhouse ami
Newhouse Hros. each have attractive
window displays, the former of article
from their line of dry goods and tho
latterwlth a glittering inassof jewelry,
silverware and other articles of great
variety, but all of the highestsUindaul
of quality. A glance at the display
windows about town will give you
many new Ideas in theselectionofyoui
holiday gifts,
Those Delicious Lemon Pies.
.The kind that make your mouth
water" are easily made with no fussing
and at least possible expense if you uso
OF H-Plir preparation. Don't hesi
tate. Try it and tell your friends. At
grocers. 10 cents. Everybody is pleased
with "Ol'H-PIK." l