$ 3 H AWAifcAUartknkifcafa( OrAvV ik AU( Or OrAi (( 0. i Ih e grice fleaisy Jiotes From neighboring Tomns f $ GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES M JCr im Jrr&Mmf 5f5Tiiii7i''i,f,ri,i,'Pi,'i,'',T'iTnv''r'r'rii'?'ri''r'n'r'n i"f t r fjy ""MPw' T" Jm I tm ftfi down to .low ell county, Kansas, to! attend tho funeral ol bis father. Geo. Znliuil litis sold tlio Wilson villo Hour mill to .1. IJoyd, ol lilooiniiiKton, possession to lio ulvnn GUIDE ROCK. (Worn tho SIkiihI.) A diiUKhtor was born toMr.iind Mrs. .1. KniKtfc, nonr liokloy, last wook. In somo manner ii horao full on (loo. t,0 llst ()r (, tllontli. Hunt, oripiilitiK Ids rifjlit lc hudly. A tin Hhowor was given In honor of MissKatlo Durban Tuesday ov.miiiK at tho ifsldonco of her sister. Mrs, A Dillon. Hiifus liiirKont and wilo drovo to Aithur Ii. Kimherlinj,' for sovorut years the foreman of the Advocate , olllcf, was married at Alma hist Wodnosduy to Mias Mabul I'itehor of I that place. i At ImkIi noon yesterday at tho homo , Ci'arllold township. Wednesday to visit of the Kroom's parents, .Scott Walker her sister Mr.s. Ida Kent and lelatives a1( jMlss ytm0 ps, mmj nmrried. from California. j 0V, Thos. Walker, unclo of tho groom Mrs. Fred Watt died Thui.sday, No-' performing tho ceremony. vember 'Jl, at L ainbridge, Idaho, aged T'A years, mo and '2 iluyn. The fu neral was held from the M. K. church Saturday, November J:ld at that place. Wednesday afternoon, Mr. James Simpson and Miss Katheriue Durbin, accompanied by Mr. Donald Hitylos and Miss Geneviovo Hobinson. hied themselves to tho county judge's ollice at Red Cvlontl and were married. HLUK HILL. (From the Leader) C. l Harvey, or luavalo, was hero Wodiuwltiy having some dental work done. FJorn to Mr. and Mis. II. Ibiulf, southwest of town, Wednesday morn ing, a girl. Mrund .Mis. Kay Frame loft Tues day for Sidney whore they expect to make their future residence. Mr and Mrs Nod Grimes came up from Red Cloud Wednesday and a to turkey Thursday, with Ids parents. Mrs. W. C. Kralun icturned to Ueil Cloud Monday alter a few days visit with her parents, Mr. anil Mr-.. A. M. Walter.s. Tho dance Wednesday evening was attended by a large crowd. A lied Cloud oivhusini fumi-hod the music, anil they pleased the dancers mure than any music that has played for dunces for some time. HLAHKN (From the lOuterpiise.) Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dowd. a line boy. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Aichie I'reslon last week, a boy. Worn to Mr. and Mrs. Geneureaux this week, a lino baby girl. Doris, the little child of Mr. and Mis T. J. Riggins. is seriously ill with ty phoid fever. Tho carpenters havo linished work on the Kimmol building, and it will soon be occupied. Itavivul meetings will bejin at tho Congregational church Sunday ee ning, Dec. S and continue indelinituly. A deal was made lutweeu Whclan Hros., Wriglit and King the llrst ol the week, by which the. two former became possessors of the blacksmithing and implement business, formerly owned by tho tinn of Wiight, Whelan Uros. A- King. FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Wednesday. Nov. -7, Ai thur Kimber- hng and Miss F.lnie Pitcher were mar ried in Alma. () i Wednesday evening, Nov. 27. at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. W.F.. Kwiug, occurred the marriage ol their daugh ter Kiln to Melvin R. Sptout. The Methodist parsonage is being enlarged, the work ol laying t lie found ation having begun 1'uosday. A kitch en, pantry and porch aie 'eiug added. While the family vidting relatives ot Will Tucker were piepat ing the Thank sgiving dinner, Wediiesily,an old shot gun which had been loaded for a long time was. iccidentally knocked overand every one of the four persons then in the room leceived a part of its contents. Mr. Tucker's wife and little boy were t he worst in.jui ed, t lie boy get t ing much ot the charge in tin shoulder. The mother in-law Mrs. Ibirnes was uImmii juredas was a fourth member of the group who was also in the room at the time. The hoy mentioned died of Ids injuiies. BLOOMINC.TON (From the Advocate) Died, Sunday, Nov. r.M, l'.u7, Millie, the beloved wite or .). F. Goings. Allen Tulloysreturnel Monday from Brush, Colo., where hu expects a job in sugar factory. W. C lmtis Inst Friday was called Win. A. Cole, tho real estate dealer, closed a big real estate ileal the past week whereby a Mr. Maxtield. of Ne maha county, comes into possession of the old Ruby ranch, north of town, consisting of 9(!0 acres, tho c nsider ation being SUkoOU SMITH CENTER (From the Messenger) Miss Weruice lloughman who is em ployed on the Kensington Mirror, came home Saturday night to spend Sunday at home A. ('. Young, living north of Athol, was found insane in probate court last Monday and will be taken to the state asylum for tteatinent. The union revival meetings, which ' have been in progress hero for the past three weeks came to a close last ' Monday night. Over ("00 people had taken the stand and declared they would lead a dilfcrcut life. X lioot! Shew Hern Dec. 13. Manager Mtnh.irt of the lied Cloud opera house h. is guaranteed Duhiusky Urotliers' musical comedy "Pickings from Puck." which appeals in this city on Friday. Dec. III. the largest amount ever assured to nnj company appearing in this city. This ,vas done undur the impression that tiiepeopleot 1 'yd Cloud would appivciati the oppui hinity of .seeing an attraction in this city such as freipieut ti ips are made to the larger cities to witness. "Pickings from Puck's" appeaiauce in Omaha or Kan sas City would attract a large Hum-1 or ol lied Cloud people to see the cut- j ertaiumeut and now that the chance j is given to save this expense the house should be crowded to the poor. It will be a long timo before the opportunity is again given to lied Cloud people to j witness such an entertainment "Pickings from Puck,, is a merry, jingling musical comedy. The company couttiiiisauumber of the best comedians ami vocalists in the profession. Pretty ' girls and tho original and famous Am erican "Pony Wallet." In New York,, where t he pieeo was originally produced it was an instantaneous success. I It is expected there will be a largo at tendance of theater goers fri.jn the surrounding towns, and in every way the entertainment promises to be the most nota'de engagement ever seen in this town. Commissioner '& Proceedings. Kmi Cum I). N it.. Dtc. 3, 1907 County IiojmI in session and tneinbeis all picbcut. A committee was appointed to in vestigate. The claims of 1C. M. lladcll was ict'eied to city of Red Cloud. The icpoit of the appiaises ol the committee on the c: of sc; sec. 36 i) Value pe acie Sjo and thr w ol the ee. sec. ,5(1 1 o value pel acie Si 7 In the asscsMncnl of l.ymant I' .11 iuilus on 3500 bushels of un lie ing assessed in two piecmcts was suicken fioui tax list in one place. The boaid m.ide oidei dei'laiine, toad a public load on sec 34, .mil 5 town 4 y. Petition of N. I".. Haivcy and others to open ro.id between sec tions 20 and H) town 2 12 and dam age allowed Win. Moote at t,o. Miil'l 1 11 1:0 l.lrfii The following marriage licenses weie issued this week by Judge I'M son. James F. Simpson and Miss K. Dusbin. Mauicd by lodge Kdson. Frank P. idctten and Miss Knniia Wellnian. Mnnicd by Judge F.dson Joseph II. At rants and Miss Lena V.' Mason. Manied by Judge Kdson. Ml m j. . j. m jj w ,7.W"aEi REMEDIES' i HAVE ARRIVED IN TOWN. No doubt yon bave heard of them. They are used by several millions of people t5srougboi!t the United States, and we sell them to you with a guarantee that if tfcoy are not what we claim we wiIS gladly refund your money. One remedy for each fcwraan ill. Some three years co a number of cd by the various druggists const luting prominent retail drnr's rcc!.ir2 the company. that a b g change was to be made in the From these, about two hundred proprietary medicine budncss, that the wcrc selected cs being the bast reme public demanded to know what the in- d. ICS known to medical science for gredients were ox th preparations they thfL f urc of .il Particular ailment. were advertising, and that a general J;;! r.., u. 4. . 1 1 were then transferred to The United reform was about to ta!:e pbee in pro- D:T Company, which has since manu- pnetarymcdi.acir.iu.iC.ur.-gandad- facturcd t!:cm in its superbly equipped vcrl.i.g, formed a co-cperative com- laboratories in Eo-ton under the now pany to meet the public's demand. TI.Is fa.no-. s nr.me of" The Retail Remedies. company was calbd'fhe Ur.iJ Tri'g Note thwn,f.rst of a".l, these facts: Cn. nftuhirh 1 i.flprr.i.mM? V."t l-o ?- a t-. .... - . . ' " :, - w ;.. ..,w. ..... v.- AijU iv.e;r-a rc.ers.not ;o one rcm- comconcofthetyot!.DU"t ndmembors Our object vr s, f. t, to manufacture a line cf prcccr:.;::."-.s i: :rh as w: had tried cui in Cv.r r.rrca ar. J fv.: d io give the cry bcr.t cf rexus, a-.d Lcond, by ov.-ning oui own c'-oera.iv: :nar.i.ac tunug company . vci:Ii re :tUc to l:r,ow the erct ie ula i.f cvr ry prepar ation v'C were c" " -, l'.-s cr..'! ;.r.? us to give to the p.-1 ' 2 I .c ry I.-t icm cdks we cou .I ". ..i ct actur.I r::anufcc- turir. , coct, pus a 1 '.-"!e rj o 'i prcf.t. cdy but to ubodt two hundred each fcr some one partiuaiai purpose. Uobody l.ncws bctti.1 th-ui The United Drt c Coir p: ny druggists the absurdity cf the "c :re-ar." . Tnrh "T?e.v" IVrnwdn'o o (!ic.. c:l c.r.d proved rec-ss, selcctc: fcr its cc:ipicr.cus i.-.eri.. f-om many of its cL.cs. AI! had c stabiished rep utations ;hroi.gh thc.r continued use by physicians '"".iore they became rremb-rs of il.e "Rexall " family. 3rd. " Res-'l " Rcmcc:es are sold at low prices Leccuse they are free from' heavy manufactur'ng charges, job bing profits, era tVe heavy evpense of being advertised separately, as formerly. The United Bru't, Company, which This enabled 1 '.e United Drt.g Com pany to escce t' e heavy churges f r advertising a d other cri'cncs such as have to be pa! J by proprietary remedies. What was most important, it insures safety and satisfacti-n to our customers, because we druggists Jmow just .hat ive are seiiing. A committee of :::perts was ap- manufactures the exall Remedies, has pointed who spent a lngll.e in testing already scored the greatest success the merits of mere l!:n two thousand ever known in the history of the drug formulas and prescriptions recommend- business. Three of the 200 "Rexall" Remedies, one for each human ill, are: rl CATAnnH-MUCU-TONE FCn KEFIVCS- FIEXALL "93" liAIH TONIC The chii-f i: rcilirntr. of AlilcmCAKITIS ELIXIR The famous KpviIPW," Hair Wiicu-Tone :i! (jcnti. Cu- ...... n , ....,.,. T.mSf. ,...,, ,..-,i ;., u:..tr tlfDF, L.lht.ir.1h.p..lU.;, t-.ter- ;,;..,;,.,,.,,. , , 1.,,,j It. .soro .1. 1$l:.l iVnihtli.,1 anil t'.tiflly of free riui-j!iorus, rili)c.unn. Kcsmcin i one of the latent n-.d most l . active f.A'ini-l;illcis di.iLovcinl by a m li'iu-o," ami in Cuniuctum wi'lilii-t.i N.iphthol, !ii('i is liotli fti'imuhlnl and inc, and Sar.-apruilla. m CiH.tianisiecn-i.i-cdiainru.. (u.nlio,.', 4 ,, Iroaluo' icine as o 11 v ot t.ic an.ittrt j,., t)l)uw ...ui CalUi, .x. " loan's tver discovi red. It is .... , ., , :. . f ,, . kill I U 1 tUMM via 1 n i ri.. 1 " ., . 1 . ... . .1 . a i r.mn u i.iii. r.. ,.i.., ....,. rcuulyaici ictntltu 1... t tl...t bines in hi,;h doKne the 1. Ac tt'v. ;.. V,A'"' ."..l0 lVB powiin ot all the Knov.n 4'liit- ''',".' ex!;'. 1 1 a (ci i.;ti.in m tBTh. o d ' !.k-hitc...ilwi..Mnu!iat,lya-.l "":'".. ' c.ml.i.M 10,1 is ? 11 niZi l,,. en-.ily taUn ip Iv them It is f;m l uh.d, n-.t only denv , ..ol..g.v...ppliiYtot urn. lIie v , (, I -c talj, j,, t!-eL;cnnsuhidi...l) the hair of CulK'lw Imvc lr-b(,n rcr. Mdi f'ree'l'!1...;.hou'.-i:1..t i iis milrifnwit, but c-ratcs a I'll I'jii.iiu.i w!.. !i k 1..: s in- c. (.an ana ne.iithy condition oi d(.iuii;i.ly i..io.iui..i.d ij 1. id. the .'calp, which prevents the The CI; rtviho-ph.Uv ,, a 'af.l lodgment and dowhipnient of ncr c-ti.. uc iK.ildti-, aio t -m of new ytr...s. the most n-eut :v 4 ..! jMe ,,., . .. , additions to t'.e li ' I of this J iIoc.upin is a well-known tiaiuhof nu'ia'. i ua .dti-.iqi. ,- nmt for tvMt.iin. the hair to liM'uMy a in. eirkiit n i- is natural color, wheic the lo-. edvtl.m tie w e 1 1 - J: n o v 11 of color has In en-due to a dis 00,111 id sa cr v ntl.etn . t ir.eiit of all eaUiihal 1 .ulitioi s. Its acti'-n i pr "pt and its bftiefit almo.it im..ii..Me. In v.h.tever p.: it of t!.c In 'v the inflamed or diea.sed c 1 . it'on of the :;nitot:s nienibrane l-aIms, the ii-.e of Cubehs has In en leconnueinlfd by the Ik .t phy tic an-, hiriiiaiivueiicra: .r n 01 ll.popiiosphiui. e...e of the M.ilp. It is not a .Cacara Sa-jratla is epe- '1 llC u,n p. n)p, vphatcs is c.,-,,,,,,,, ., ,- or (hcit .,. cnllvmi.nduced for its new- ,ilC mo.tea-ilya.-'in.ilJtul 1. m ii t I 1 ,n ,.irv l.i.iti.-f iiiniii'i ii'. ,.. :.. 1.:. 1. ..:... 1 oui.es il.s tiKLl l) MlllluiailllC ' -J 1 III iiii.i Hllivu i:i.- 1. 1 u .'ill ,1, ... .1.. . 1 1, ." 11 1 ..-L The lombination of these i..l ir, and the coml.ineil ali.a- l'walp .m.lju 1 follicles ta with C.l..Tiine and Sarsap.uilU loi.is of Cah.-aya Ii.uk have u health and acine life, makis .Miici-Tone a reniedv tonic etTn-t on alivo-,t ill the Thi-. c om bin.it ion of cur. that att-uU ( itanh fiom eu-ry f.-nctions of lh.; bo, . . avts 1)ll.(l wlh acliuiX as a pomt.t; adually ie.stoie.sai. I ic In ninpoiuulintt these van- s,:,mii ,, .....f... K .i,,. .,.,,.. (. bwiltU the iIi.-eaM.-tl tissue to mis elements, tie vtiv liUlu-t ' ",",a"1,,,Vi . ? I 1 a i.iiri.i-m..i-iIniiiii .i.wi wti-. ...hi. ,i...r... ,. i.i.m....... !,..r. tin Uctie leiueiiy lor nan ana promotes digestion and creates has been employed. 7."ic. ami 'l 'H." Known to-day. a normal appetite, liottle, rie. ,M ..'0 a bottle. liotlk, .l)C. " Rexall " Remedies are found only in the stores of druggists affiliated with The United Drug Company only one in each town and each backs up this " Rexall " guarantee printed on every package : " This preparation is guaranteed to give satisfaction. If it does not, come back and get your money. It belongs to you, and we want you to have it." H. E. GRICE, Druggist The &Xall Store & 1 Subscribe now for the Chief. One Dollar a year, and well worth it. J i M ( i ft . -r -21 t 'VrtJ!! TJSTI' Maa&ntu a?i KW3. irmmU ot, & ma i -- - 1 1 m$i - -. - wny na niH)ii.'",n ' . iifwqwimmMnnaTVfff wm'