M v i. c- Ft, . r I Watch Specials We have a particular ly strong line of good watches at prices to save you money. Sil ver, Silverine, Gold Filled and Gold Cases Elgin, Walt ham, South Bend, Rockford and Hamilton movements. A line of watches having just the watch you need, at the price you feel is right. : : : : : west nntl north of the Iowa creok, which Imb Its conllucncc near Poncn, In Dixon county, comprising Dixon, Ccdnr, Knox, Pierce, Antelope, Holt and Brown and counties west, besides part of South Dakotn. At tho time this treaty was made the Sioux tribe were In such close proximity and bo hostile toward tho Omahas thoy declined to occupy tho alloted tpultory and appealed to tho dppartment for another home. In tho Inst agreement or treaty the govern ntcnt gave the trlbo 300,000 acres, comprising Thurston, part of Cuming and Hurt counties as their poriiinuont homp. As the tribe now claims, the government promised to pay them In lieu of the dlffproncp of territory, up proximately amounting to about 3fiV 000 acres, 110 cents per acre, besides $40,000, tor the transfer and moving Horn their abodes to tho now home. Those claims they avow lme tiovor been paid bj the government. MARCH 13 DATE OF, HANGING Shumway Judge Kcllignr Decides Must Die Then. Heat rice, Nob., Nor. 30.- -In tho pieMiieo ot nltornoys, newspaper men ,iiiil oHloem, Judge Kclllgnr Hontoncod It. .Moad Sbumway, convicted of th inurdor of Mrs. Sarah Martin, to bo banned in the penitentiary between I 1m bonis of 10 and ." o'clock, Match l.'S. ".t'is. Shuniway was hi ought be fore tin' couit and when ashed if lie ftci The Kitoeys An Weakened by Over-Wtit. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only arinnry nud bladder troubles were to lw j-vn. irai tu in i hi; hiiuiup, but now modern science proves .that, item I v all disease have their beginning in the disorder of these most important oi gaits. The kidneys filtc and pit. if v the blood that is their work. Therefore when voor ki-ineysaie wealc or out of order, you e.iu utidorstiitid how (juieklv your entire bodv is alfeeled and. how every organ seems l fail to do it ilutv. , . If ou are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kiiluev uwoily, Dt. Kilmers Swamp Root, because as soon isyourkKlnevs.no well they will help .ill the other eugnus t health. A trial wil' convince nuvoiic. If jolt .tie hick m eoi m.d.e no mis take' 1v fust docloimg oi. kidneys The milil .md the olr.i"nliu.ity cfleet of Dr. Kiliuu's Swnmp-Ruot, Hie great kidnev lemedv, is -non vealied. 1'. stands the highest lm its womb i fill cure of the most distrcss-ii' oases, .ml is sol 1 on its merits bv I'll druggists in fifty-cent. Mid ne dollar sie bottles. iiti in iv have a sample bottle by mail flee, also a pvunhU t it Ming vo how to find out if ou have kidney e bladder tiouble. Mmf. m ibis pa pi" f Aw flSafcsaf-SKBja ltlaruP"n ih- nt -m niai rn"jiitiitjwsy)''J i.ii.m fSTTinnp-KooL KISMOPlSIfcyiiK?l Bring1 us work of all kinds. We do it right If lr.'rTmrfNr?-;Tr:t-J jgeBaayawrawTtiffHnKflangHB Pf rvttJjr' till fc V 1A invlhlug to say, ho remaiked: when wiitinglo Dr. Kilmer iv, Co , Hint! Iiamtoll, .. . 1 'oil I iiiiiue any iuisuikv but reiiifinber the name. Swuinp-Koo:, ' Di. Kilmer's Swaiup-Uooi, and the ad ucss, niugliaiutoii, N. Y.. on every bottle. Newhouse Brothers, Burlington Watch Inspectors. Jewelers and Optometrists. -vsA" NEWS OF NEBRASKA. REPORT ON MINOR CROPS irsttrr, Part Has Become Beet-Grow-incj Section. Liimojtj, Die. J. The spelu 'fop is lighter 'his year than .ait. .o do t'Asuti l.alioi CommN-Ioner It) nor in a rej'oM The proline'. ion .!.b ear was . .'",: 74b bushels. wl..l .ast yeai inoit t);;.i. J.OOi'.'JOu bu.-h. i? rt ;"" ilmti. Stiiridan couir.y, wi'.h li.'itl busbeis w.is the .t'tulaiu oua'y Biott' H'.uttt and Holt eov.ntb'i luims not TIa Niliinska taniie: rai.-eil -uo.-2h tons o; Hiir.uurluu ur.l'.o' and 1 '. 33!) tons ot sorghum ui.d ean---. The utiiiilitr oj ton.i of simar iieots pro iIiilpi! w:i- an.iio'i. The tirod'iitiou of hatlti u:n amounted to :0jo um. ItiMl W.ilow (ounty wa.s '.he loahng .oinr.x n the produdtou of Miar beets. ;.,71'i tons being srown. Mall couiit es.nie next with '.!"$ 'oils. Doilto county and Matlison county,, whi'it formerly weie ra:eu th' thou haiius uf tons (onsumed in ;he Ames and Norfolk sugar factories, ulieilj little or no s-tgar beets. Doiu couu-i ty 'is ct'ditod with seventy-two tons.' while Maill-on county bus but eight tons uedlted to It. The western puitj of the ftato is now the areat sujsur sloin rs are not sme ihey hau j'liis diction in the ase, inasmuch as. part of the shipments involve iuteis'ato buiiH'.-,s. but they took tho matter un der consideration. The ipn-siiou is alreath p iidiug befoie the inl'istaie (ommeice ominisslon. MICHAEL HICKEY FOUND GUILTY Charged With Attempting to Wreck Train Near Pender. West Point. Neb., Dee. a. Mlehnol llldo.-y wa round guilty of aitnnpt ing to wr( 1; u southbound Chicago, St Paul. Miumapolis and Omaha train. Ii'-uuen Pender, and Haueioll, on ,I ii j, -'(. Tho eviileneo develop d that lllckoy was put off tho blind bag gage of a train nt Thurston tlo- evn ' ltis heloro, that In looted It to Pender i and then started for Hamiolt, that four obstructions were placed on the ' Hack soni" little distance apart, that the (list obstruct ion, being pa.-d In salety, served as a warn lug and the otheis wnc discovered in time lo pie vent a disastrous wreck. lie was; j posltivolj identified by the tiain eiew j who put him off and by the operator . at Pender. ;Leet prrdiu ing portion. k DEMAND FOR CARS IS LESS Report to Railroad Commission Shovs Business In State Has Slacked Up. Lincoln. Dee. 3. The report of the railroads to the railroad eouimisaioa hIiowh fewer cars on track in liutitilt tind more cais waiting for louds. at Mebias-ka stations. Dotvveuu um dates or Oi t. 3u and Nov. 27 the otoek Chris fell from '2 15 to 137 TREASURER FILES REPORT Over Quarter of a Million to Distrib ute to the Public Schools. I.lueoln, Dee. 2. The report of State Trcasiuer Hrian, tiled with the state auditor, shows the loeoipts or the genotal fund for the mouth ol No vember n mount Pit to $r?t,3ti! sr. Thp receipts paid Into the temporal" school fund amounted to $27,040.73. making a total in this fund or $'.:, 221.1... This Is; Iho sum which will be certified to the s-tntt siipeilnteiiiient today for dlxtilhutiou auioim the s liool districts or the stat". In the loaded i permanent liool luml uulnvcsteil ; curs 1 i here i only $1 OS. The cash, chocks BLOODY FIGHT IN ENGINE CAB loa.leii witti irraiu fiom 231 to ti7. and ! tuid cash Iipiiis on hand amount to bOMur. ordered lor other iimpo.-es ! $j 8,054.43; cash on depoilt. IIOU, liom 1,014 to 814. in;t.7t; sm-eial and unlvpisH v rund Complaint was filed with the ,-iate . wanaiu, $J23.J.5 SO; Idaho bonds, iiiilniO .ominisslon by Hip Cornell-' JtjO.oOi). "Yule Lumber company of llolilrege, ' ebuiglng the Hurllngtou raiboad with enforcing a reeoiiulgnmeiil charge of Fireman Uses Torch and Is Felled by b a car on luuiner. ii wa.s auegeu tiiut the Burlington had exacted V-.M'.j Ju rccoDBlfcnmont charges from th" .... ..!,..,.. ...(rir.o l-iv 1 nnnfrriri In thfVbn.h-,11 law." The state commls-he Union Pacific ongaged in a bloody ,wc 'Tr"'""1 fiqht on their engine. Cluik ashaulted Chunk of Coal. Beatrice, Nob., Dec. 2. Noah Clark and Fireman -Engineer Benson of P.-iisi,n vv ih a 'oi'h, Inllbiliig ."vie ihjill.es Ml l.i-. head. Heii-oii l.imckeil Clark down with a chunk ol i oul, cut t!nu his toif-lnad badly. The n. n weiv r-ovi led wit 1 1 bloofl when laKen lioill the engine ),y friends Tl.iii niiuries woio -ueJi that extra m u win sent out on their : un. Money for Rosebud Indians. ValeiitiiK. Neli., Nov. ::n Thlriy eight ihoiisind silver dollai. weigh ing 2,.'!mii pounds, left Valentine, in charge ot a sipiad of join I 'i mounted police foi the lll't ians at llie Kneliiol agency. Th" uinupy is the (list in stallment ol the. $ii,iiimi which will rei ompeusp the Indian loi the laud sin icu le iei by ilieni in III'' Boiu -teel liai i Kvi'v adult and i h I lit on tho les'-ivallou will roeilve $.!u. Th" re niaiinler oi i ho money niu.-l b sent to the agency beloie Jail. 1. Brakeman Eastwood Killed. McCooli, N b.. Dec. :',.- Itrnkemnu lohu W. hiistvvood of this city was Wiled at Akion. Colo, laM niglil whlln" vwitehiug a Height Haiti on a Killing. Botli hgs weie cut off. Tho body was brought to MeCook for buiial. llo re .ently moved here Horn Osf:rd, Neb. INDIANS OFF FOR WASHINGTON Omahas Go to Prosecute Claim Against Government. Penue-r. Neb., Nov. 30. -The Omaha Initial. s have b?en holding nuiiK-rous toiiin lis the la-it month wit Ii refer elite, to u ilauu which they have against the government- ."Saturday Uiev held a general council at the ageiuv, at which as a tiibe thev elect en a delegation, whivh left for Wafch ingtoii to be pre.ieiH .it he opening ol onpress. The deiepation coiisiB's of uigl.t nietnljeis, llhani Chase and Thomas I.. Sioau no aitoinyi tot the iilbe and abo atioiuevs tor the dele gKtmn. They will present their claim, amounting to $127 OUO and in terest. This laliu dates from lb54, when the I'nlted States government made Its first treaty wi'h the Omahas, who at thai lime claimed all the teiritory west and south of the Missouri river on the east and west and all north of the Platte ilver we.t as far as the sandhills east of the Rocky mountains. In this treaty the Omaha tribe ceded to the government all tho territoiy i uoi guilty. on are piinlsiitug tin wrong man." .lodge K'-llignr In lornied lb" prisoner that ho had beon given the In i of counsel and that tho veidicl ot the jury was in accordance wltli law and jiislli- Shuinway was' taken to the penitent Inrv. The nttor iipvs foi I he deb ndiint will flic a mo tion lm a new trial. I Drainage Case in Supreme Court. I Lincoln. Dec. J. Objectors to oper ations under tho Kuowles drainage law appealed ti tho supreme couit for the puipioe ol testing the const i tiitioualllv of tho law under wlilc h ilv l,c are to lie built to pioteCjt land at oi near Fremont from the overllow ii tli" I'lntte ilver. As riilboad plop 1 1 v is m ihe proposed di-irici. mil ir I leirpniationK ami their olllcoi.s ,il no 'le-ll 'I. I II" I'ltti I i o in il i ni il ill tavor o the legality or tie iliiniiaeo di-iriei organizalion. I'nu:i Mti an tipjii'iil Is ttiki'ii bv .b '.in . Hair.- .md titheiM. I PURE FOOD LAW ATTACKED Packers Dcclnic It Will Result in De priving Them of Property. Lincoln. Dec. I!.- Answer was made in lb" di-triot court by Swift & Co. and tln'li Lincoln representative, Will lam Huxt'ilile, charged with violation of the Nebraska pun food law. It is declared that if tlie law Is construed by tho i oiii I to mean that It will be cou.-idcn"! a penal offense to hill to pine i i ho net weight on packages by Ho del'tnilant oi olhei packer.- il will result In depiiviiig them of llieii prop eily. Tin' law is attached on the ground that ii Is uii onslitiitional. Sev eral reasons rue given whv il in claimed that it is Impossible to com ply vviili the law by the defendant siii'h as shrinkage-, arying weight of rover-:, etc. .Mr. lliiMabl" was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. Examinations Came Too Late. Hustings. Nob.. Dee. 2 Chailes Boss of Prohsei died in Hie dislint cloik's ollleo oi Hie coin i houct In tl.ls ebv wiiile he was being PViunlimil to be s' in to the Lincoln avs,liiin un der th" dipsomaniac law. He was a butelcr ami became violently drunk in Prosper, when Dr. Baxter or that place took steps to have him commit ted. But a few questions had been asked him, when he was seized with an epileptic fit and died in the room. Mercer's Barber Shop Basement of Potter Block. Massaging a Specialty ead F. NewHoxise' Adv. cm page 6. DoY Eat Meat? When you aro hungry i:nl want somolhig nice in the meat lino, drop into my market. We have tlieniceht kind of Home-made Sausages anil meats, fish, and game in season. Wo think, mid almost, know, that wo can please you. Give us a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON BURDEN. .lllMLllolMltUfcibtloloblUloltbtlo.'itikiUilob 1 a SAY, niSTER! 1 Do you know tiiut it will pay YOU, hs well ns US, to tmy your Kiiilding Jlu toriul and Coal at onrynrds? Not only that our prices average lower, or at least as low, us those of our competit ors, but nr.CAL'SK we tnko especial cure of and protect all can be classed as K B U U I. A It CUSTOMERS. PL ATT FREES CO. Coal. Lumber. nvmmmifmnn City Dray and Express Line. F. W. STUDKBA11KR, PKOP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAUS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 188. Offienc). ii