1 F ft; 'J i. i1 it i The Spoilers. By REX E. DEACH. Copyright, 1500, by Ilex B. Ilcacli. (Coutiuuod from Page 1'hrce.) lit the "Tlico to llio. it ml on lifto tholttroot. Whenton addressed tlits bunker: "Mr. Morehouse, we've got orders rind wrlt.s of one hind or another from the circuit court of appeals nt 'Frisco dlrci'lfiii; that this money he tin-noil ( vor to us." Ho shoved tin papers to ward the olher. "We're not in n mood to In lie That gold belongs to u.s. and we want II." Morehouse lool;ed carefully papers. "I ean'l help you." lie said, documents are not direcled They're issued tit Air. MeNainara and .Judge Klllliiiiin. If the circuit court of appeals eoniuintids me to deliver it to you, I'll do II, but otherwise I'll have t hoop tills dust h-'tv tiil it's drawn out liy order of I he court that gave It to me. That's the way It was put In here, mid that's Hit way it'll ho taken out." "Wo want It now." "Well, 1 can't let my .sympathies in lliiouee me." "Thou we'll lake It out anyway." cried (lloiilsrer. "Wo've had the wort of it every where eKe, and we're sick of it. Oorne on, men!" "Hiatal hack, all of you!" cried Morehoii.su. "Don't lay a hand on that Kill. I'oys, p'ck your men." Ie called this lat to his clerks, lit tho snnio Instant whipping from liehind the counter n carbine, wiiidi lie cocketl. The assayer brought into view a shot pin, while the cashier and clerks armed themselves. It was evident that the deposits of the Alaska bank were uhunihinlly safeguarded. "1 don't aim to have any trouble with you -all," continued the southerner, "but (hut money stays here till it'a drawn out right." The crowd paused at this show of leslstauce, but Glenlster railed at them: "OOIM' matter la his ey not ho balked. Helen felt that a crisis was cotnr and braced herself. 'I hose men were in (loudly earliest -the white haired hanker, his pale helpers mil time prim, quiet ones ouMile There stood brawny, sun hrowuul men with Mt JiivH and frowning fn'-es and yellow haired Si-iiii..luuvlaus in h--i l'ue eyes danced the llame f b.ilile. These had been ba tiled at every turn, goaded by repented failure, irid now stood HliDiilder to shoulder In their reslst nmi! to a cruel law. Suddenly Helen heard a command from the street and the quick tramp of men, while over the heads before her she saw the glint of ride barrels. A file of soldiers with lived bayonets thrust themselves rough ly through the crowd at the entrance. 'Clear the room!" eonimanded the ollicer "What does this mean?" shouted Whoalon. "It means that Judge Stilliniin has called upon the military to guard this (old, that's all. Come, now, move quick!" The men hesitated, then sul lenly obeyed, for resistance to the bluo to grant them. Whenton called n meeting of tho Sweden and their attorneys, advising a Junction of forces. Dextry, who had returned from the mountains, was present. When they had tlnlshcd their discussion, he said: "It seems like I can always light bet ter when I know what the other fel ler's game Is. I'm going to spy on that outfit." "We've had detectives at work for weeks," said the lawyer for the Scan dinavians, "but they can't find out anything wo don'l know already." I Mostly said no more, but that night j friii 1 li in lnnlcd In the building ad Joining the one wherein McNniiinra had ' his olllce. He had routed a back room j on the top tloor, and with the help of his partner sawed through the eotlhg Into the loft and found his way thence to the roof through a hatchway. Kor tunaloly, there was but little space be tween the two buildings, and further more inch boasted the square fronts coiiimo i In mining camps, which pro jected h'g'i enough to prevent observa tion from ajmns the way. Thus ho , was eii!il)hd,wlllioot discovery, to gain th' roof adjoining .mil to cut through Into the loft. He crept enutio".aby hi tlro'ig'i the opeid' g ,md out upon a Hour of Joists soiled on the lower side, then lit a caudle, and locating Mc-X-iei'ira's o !lce, cii' a peephole so that by lying lint on the timbers ho could o'.i.eve a c msldorablo portion of the ro'iin I'uioath. Here, early the follow ing morning, he camped with the pa tience of an In llan. emerging in the , ., , ,, ., .. crime Is biyainy, or mayhem, or a lo on! Cone on! What's the , tnln(kl. of troaso 8(imoUlIn An, with your And Iron, the lis ,t , w lh . t , , Jn ,um- tIj yo t was evident that he would ,, t, wimt- T, n ,, . u "Out of my waul" he cried. 'of llncti Sam comes only at the coat of much consideration. "They're robbing us with our own soldiers," mild Whenton when they were outside. "Aye," Hiild Glenlster darkly. "Wo have tried tho law, but they're forcing s bade to firat principles. There's go ing to be inurder hero." OHAITKll XII. GLHNISTHIl had said that tho judge would not dnre to dis obey the mandates of the cir cuit court of appeals, but he was wrong. Application was made for orders directing the enforcement of tho writs, steps which would have re stored iwssesslon of Jthe Midas to Its owners as well as possession of tho treasure in bank, but Stlllnmn refused Mill of that night stilT. hungry and atrie'-tiMy onx. Meanwhile, there had bee i another meeting of the mine owner:, and It had been decided to fiend Whoa ton. properly mined with allldavits and transcripts of certain court records, back to San I'randsco on the return trip of the Santa Marin, which had arrived In port, lie was to Institute proceedings for contempt of court, ami It was hoped that by ex traordinary effort he could gain quick action. At daybreak Dextry returned to his pott, ami It wiis midnight before he crawled from his hiding plnce to see the lawyer and Clenlster. "They have hud a spy on you all day, Whenton," he begun, "and they know you're going out to the States. You'll be arrested tomorrow morning before breakfast." "Arrested! What for?" "I don't Just roinemlKjr what the crime Is biyainy, or mayhem, or nt- ny- t's hey think you're the only lawyer that's wise enough to ' cause trouble and the only one they can't bribe." i "Lord! Whafll I do? They'll watch every lighter that leaves the beach, and If they don't catch me that way , they'll search the ship." "I've thought it all out." said tho old mail, to whom obstruction acted us a stimulant. . "Yes; but how?" "Leave it to me. (let your things together and be icady to duck In two hours." I "I tell you they'll senrch the Santa I Marin from .stem to stern," protested the lawyer, but Dextry had gone. "Hotter do us he says. Ills schemes are good one.i," recommended Ulenls tor, and accordingly the lawyer made preparation. I In the meantime the old prospector had begun at the end of Kront street to make a systematic search of the gambling houses. Although It was very late, they were running noisily, i and at last lie found the man ho want ed playing black jack, the smell of tar In his clothes, the lilt of the eon in his boisterous laughter. Dextry drew him aside. ' "Mac, there's only two things about ' you that's any good your silence and , your seamanship. Otherwise you're a dlsreppltable, drunken insect." j The sailor grinned. "What is it you want now? If it's J concerning money or business or the ' glowed up side of life, run along and i don't disturb the carousals of n sailor- . man. If it's u tight, lemme get my . hat." "I want you to wake up your fireman and huve steam on the tug in an hour, then wait for me below tho bridge. You're ohnrtered for twenty-four hours, and, remember, not a word." "I'm on! Compared to mo the splnks of Kgyp' is as talkative as a phonograph." The old man turned his steps to tho Northern theater. The performance was still In progress, and he located the man ho was hunting without dif ficulty. Ascending the stairs, ho knocked at the door of one of the boxes and called for Captain Stephens. "I'm glad I found you, cap," said he. "It saved mc a trip out to your ship in the dark." "What's the matter?" Dextry drew him to nn isolated cor ner. "Me un' my partucr want to send n man to tho States with you." "All right." "Well er-here's the point," hesitat ed the miner, who rebelled nt asking favors. "He's our Inw sharp, an' the MeXumnru outfit Is trylu io put the steel on hhn." "I don't understnnd." "Why, they've swore out a warrnnl an' aim to guard the shore tomorrow We want you to" "Mr. Dextry, I'm not looking for trou ble. I get enough in my own busi ness." "Hut, see hero," argued the other "we've got to send lilin so ho can makt a powwow to the big legal smoke In 'Frisco. We've been cold decked will a bum Judiio. They've got us into o corner an' over the ropes." "I'm sorry I can't help you, Dextry but I got mixed up In one of youi scrapes and that's plenty." "This ain't no stowaway. There's tic danger to you," began Dextry, but the ollicer Interrupted him: "There's no need of arguing. I won'! do It." "Oh. you won't, eh?" said the old man, beginning to lose his temper "Well, you listen to me for a minute Hverybody In camp knows that me an1 the kid Is on the square an' that we're gettln' the bunk passed to us. Now this lawyer party must get away to i night or these grafters will hitch the horses to him on some phonv charge m I h can't get to the upper court. It'll be i him to the bird cage for nine' dips i He's goln' to the States, though, nn' ! he's goin'- In our- wagon! I'm talk In' to von- man to man. If you don't take hhn. I'll go to the health Inspector - lie's a friend of mine an' I'll put n crimp in oti an' your steamboat. 1 don't want (o do that -It ain't my reg Mar graft by no means but this bel goes through as she lays. I novel belched up n secret before. No. sir. 1 inn Hie human huntiu' case vaoh. an I won't open inj face unless you press me, but if I should, yoi 'II see that It's time for you to hunt a new Job. Now, here's my scheme." lie outlined his di rections to the sailor, who had fallen silent during the warning. When he had done. Stephens said: "I in" er had a man talk to me !lk that before, sir never. You've taker advantage of me, and under the clr vuinstnnces I can't refuse. I'll do this thing not because of your throat, but because I heard uliout your trouble over the Midas and because I can't help admiring your blamed Insolence.'" j He went back Into his stall. Dextry returned to Wheaton's olllce As ho neared It he passed a lounging figure in an adjacent doorway. "The place Is watched." he announc i ed as he entered. "Have you got ii back door? flood! Leave your light burning and we'll go out that way.' They slipped quietly into an Inky, tor tuous passage which led back towaro Second street. Floundering through al leys and over garbnge heaps, by clr cultous routes they readied the bridge where in the swift stream beneath thoj snw the lights from Mac's tug. Steam was up, and when the cuptulr. hud let them aboard Dextry gave bin. Inst met Ions, to which he nodded ac j quiescence. They bade the lawyei t adieu, and the little craft slipped lu . moorings, danced down the current . across the bar and was swallowed uj In the darkness to seaward. "I'll put out Wheaton's light sc they'll think he's gone to bed." "Yes, and at daylight I'll take youi place In McNumaru's loft." said fllen lster. "There will be doings tomorrow when thoy don't find him." I They returned by the way they had come to the lawyer's room, extinguish ed his light, went to their own cubit and to bed. At dawn Glenlster arose and souirht his nlnco aliovo MeNie , mnrn's olllce. To lie stretched at length on a sin gle plunk wllh eye glued to a crack Is not a comfortable position, and tin. watcher thought the hours of the next dnv would never end. As they drag .-..1 .......M. .tiuf litti lutltfio lulfviltl ft- gOll MC.IIIIJ Hli " """" ..f..." .- ache beyond endurance, yet owing tc the flimsy structure of the building lu dared not move while the room below was tenanted. In fact, he would not hnvo stirred hnd he dured, so Intense was his Interest In the scenes being enncted beneath hhn. First hud come the marshal, who re ported his fullure to find Whenton. "He left his room somo time Inst night. My men followed him In anil saw n light lu his w'.ndow until 2 o'clock this morning. At 7 o'clock w broke in, nnd ho wus gone." "He must have got wind of our plnn. Send deputies aboard the Santa Mnrln. Senrch her from keel to topmast, nud have them watch the bench doso oi . he'll put off In u small boat. You look ' over the passengers that go aboard yourself. Don't trust any of your men for that, because he may try to slip through disguised. lie's liable to make up like a woman. You understand there's onlv one ship In port, and he mustn't get away." "Ho won't." said Voorhees, with con vlctlon, and tho listener overhead smiled grimly to himself, for nt thai moment, twenty miles offshore, lay Mne's little tug, hove to In the track ot the outgoing steamship, and in her tiny cabin sat Bill Whenton eating break fast. As tho morning wore by with no news of the lawyer, McNamam's uu easiness grew. At noon tho marshal returned with a report that tho pas sengers were all aboard and tho ship about to clear. "By heavens! He's slipped through you," stormed tho politician. "No, he hasn't. He may be hidden aboard somewhere among the coal bunkers, but I think he's still ashore and aiming to make a quick run Just before she sails. He hasn't left tho bench since daylight, that's sure. I'm going out to the ship now with four men and senrch bur again. If wo don'l mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tho Kind Yon Ilavo Always Bought, mill -which has been in iiso for over 30 years, has homo tho signature) ol ami has been made under his pcr- tV -y Honal supervision since its infancy. f-cCccJuM Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" arc hut Kxpcrinicnts that trillo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience ugaiust Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parc gorlo, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is IMoasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Mibtttancc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishnoss. It cures Diurrhoja and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE 'OR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CtNTAU COMFiNY, TT MURRAY STI.CCT, NCWVORK CITY. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijTTnjra CATARRH Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. AnyononpnilliiR nulitlrti mid rtcucrlpllnn may quickly nsrurlnlii our opinion froo wiiellier an Invtmtlim Id pi-nlmbly y upiiihIiIp. ('nnmimilrii-tlimsRtrlcilTi-nimiicnil.il. HANDBOOK on I'nicnta satitfri'O. Ul'lo-t KKonry lor fccnriiiif imtentn. 'litems tukuu tlinniL-li Muim X Co. rccolve tpectat notice, without elm rao. lutlio StitMilic Bneiicrai. A linnrtsoniply lllii.troti"! wrolilr. I.nrrct clr dilution of n iy i .. i 1 in mil. 'J rmi, t3 a yc'-ir: lour nioiitlu, i. tSoiduyull tioivMluulora. folUNN & fio.30,rcada' New York llrniicti onloo. 025 V ."(.. Washington. IJ.C, Ml INSURANCE tigtiiiiHt Firo, LiK'litnintr, Cy clones and WiudstomiH, sou JNO. B. STANSER, annul tor tho Farmers Union Itisur auce Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho best in surHiice company intho sto ; I (VlVrrfi ' w "! L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer KoHidcnco: Firt door south of Kod Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster streot. Can bo found at homo every fore noon. Terms reasonable. HUKUVJATISM CUKKD IN A DAY Pr.DcU'hoiiH Itellef forltlieumullMn hikI Neural Kia radically cur In 1 lo3da)K. It actionurioii tho nystom Ih rcmnrknble mid myRtcrlouti. II romnvck at onco l- crukp and ihoiltonso Im mediately dlhappoarH. Tho flrnt 1ohc (,'ruatlj boti-IIU,7S c-ntB and II. Sold byH. K.Omcx tlriiKRlht, Itci) Cloud. Elvs Cream Balm Suro to Civo Satisfaction. ClVES RELICP AT ONCE. It clo.-iriH-H, Hootm-i, liwdrt and protectH tbo tli-cu-nl inr-iiibrtmu n'iltin fr m ('.iturih nntl tlrivtinwuy a Hi ill in )!( Ileail taie!dv. (J.'siort-- tl.e Sou- of Tasto and SnviL. ICll.-V t UM'. Ooiihlhw no initiH.iiw ilrinm Apjilifd into tho iiusViL, ami i;itort) il. jfl inuil Liquid Ore.irn Lalm for n- ir atoinircis, 715 t-oiita. U BROTHERS, 5G Warron St.. New York. bring him off, you ciin bet he's lying out Bomewhcro In town, and we'll gel him luter. I'vo stationed men along tho Hhoro for two miles." "I won't hnvo him get away. If lit Don't Be Nervous ladies, but get rid of the dis-1 ease which is the cause of most of woman's nervousness, viz., female trouble. I was I very nervous writes Mrs. IT. Im Tones, of Gallatin. I Tenn "and suffered six years with every disease peculiar to my sex. I had headache, backache and acute female inflammation. I took three bottles of Cardui and it cuted me I trained 35 pounds in weight. I tell my husband i that w should reach 'Frisco Toll your nion I'll give $f.00 to the one that finds lilin." Thive hours later Voorhees returned. "She sidled; without him." Tho politician cursed. "I don't be- llevo it. He tricked you. I know lie did." Glenlster grinned into a half eaten sandwich, then turned upon his back nnd lay thus on the plank, Identifying the speakers below by their voices IIo kept his Mfjt all day. Lnter In the evening he hoard Struve enter. The man hnd Loon drinking. "So lio got away, eh?" lie begun. "I was afraid ho would. Smart fellow, that Whenton." I.TO BK CONTINUED. 1 CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF I 9 was worth its weight in gold to mc, and I recommend it to fl all women." I 1 At all Druggists I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM (!IfiiMi anil tieniitllln Uif hilr, l'roiniitt. n luxuriant pmulli. Nover FaiU to Iloetoro OruJ llnir to ltii Youthful Colnivl wJwK.i.lnf .fi..li ntnw.A. lHiiw.g.ii)r)i)jiwrtiwHNWiMBr'i wTwsafes. ..UI,.,....MMUJV..,1M .... .. , f.. !HliMSSJiWrtM.aaiiBiwwwTOtws y V i &h ml ill. Vi j.- ' . .-L. , J -h -ka - . m ilM iJiaJBMBMII m I