1 Tar' '. 'W .. qa 7 t r94444 LOGALETTES Jutnt-s IVUtmuj 5s in Chicago on busi ness Mrb. 1,. A Hush ins is on the sick list this week County Judge Rdson is on the sick list Hit- wu'k. A H K.v'ey has gone to Klk Creek to speml the winter. Mr- .1 H Railey visited relatives .it utile Unek scstcrday. Cuarhy and dohn Turner left Tues day for Mratton. Nelir. I'nele Tod l'uul of Cowles was visit iti; in lied ('loud yesterday. A eluh danee was given at the Ma sonic hall Saturday evening. Mr K I.. I'errynnui is somewhat Mnder the weather this veck. Horn to Mr. mid Mrs. V. IS. Kulton lust Monday, ii bouncing hoy. V'jtronue tile. Husiness Men's I .ve in r- 'our-.e. Thursday, Dee. 1'Jth. Mf Win. I'rahtn was a 111 tie Hill visitor ; eterday, returning Unlay. Attorney .1.0. Saylor left Wednesday uiflht on a hus'mei.s trip to Omaha. Mrs ha rah Kiddle of Strrsburg, Mo., is iisit:ng Mr. and Mr.-. .1. .1. Carey. Jerome Wright of Hebron was visiting with o'd friends in lied Cloud Sunday. Mr and Mrs. C. II. Minerentertained tin Junior Wliistclub Tuesday evening. Ur- I'hns Hesse this week purchased .i tfG0 Autopiano of G. V. Argabright. Front room for rent over Storey's clothing store. Inquire of .Jns.McGuire. Corn to Mr. and Mrs. Kltner Komi Wednesday, a hoy of the usual weight. Nelson UanU is here from MeCook for a visit of a few days with relatives. Harvey Reitor of Republican City was- .i lied Cloud visitor last Friday. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Yost Mnturday evening, a boy of the usual weight. A new tloor was put in the grocery -department of Turuure Rros.'storelast "Sunday. Mr. f!has. Potter has been visiting J his week with her daughter Hertha in Lincoln. Paul Phares has accepted a position with the Argus and commenced work Mouday. The public schools of Republican City have been closed on account of diphtheria. The Ragle lodge of the city held their annual election of oiheers Wednes day evening. Alfred Hadcll wont to St. Joseph, Mo . the first part of the week on a business trip. The V. K. O.'s will hold their Christ mas bazaar on December Kith and 14 th at th.- Fair store. I V.. Throne has succeeded N. 1. Klowgard as stenographer for Attorney I. 11 r.laek ledge. It. S. Marsh and family have gone to Aliles City, Mont., where they will re side in the future. The Modern Woodmen of America hold their election of officers next Thursday evening. Mrs. J. L. Miner gave a party Mon day evening in honor of Dr. Robert Mitchell's birthday. Dm. Creighton, Mitchell and Nelson Fulton y Grocer Co. (Successors to John Griffoth) DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Groceries A full assortment of Seasonable Goods kept in Stock. Call and Sec Us. We will try to Please You. 425 Webster Street. toll phone MM. lad- phone 11 joined the Kagle lodge at their meeting Wednesday evening. A bun-eating contest is to be held at Mabel IJvans' school five miles north of town this evening. Mrs. A. Walker is very ill with blond poisoning at the home of her son Irvin northwest of Inavale. Mrs. Marion Mercer returned Satur day at noon from a visit with her par ents at Gibbon, Nebr. Khine Hirkner returned to his home in lied Cloud the first of this week after, an absence of three years. Hoy Hutchison left Wednesday for Hastings, where he will spend a few days visiting with relatives. How about a good time? Are you having it? No? Well hear the Apol lo (Quintette mid Hell Ringers. Miss Louise Hates came down from Lincoln last week to visit her father and many friends a few days. Do you love good music? Yes? Well, patronize the Husiness Men's Lect ure Course Thursday, Dee. 1'Jth. M. (!uy of Guide Hock was in Red Cloud yesterday, lie reports the loss of sixty head of hogs from cholera. Arc we downhearted? No? We are going to hear the Apollo Quintette and Hell Ringers Thur.sd y, Dee. 12th. Miss Maliel Hotter, niece of Clerk of the District Court Hutchison, spent Thanksgiving visiting with relatives at Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunt returned Monday evening from their Thanks giving visit with Mrs. Hunt's sister at Heatrice. The Apollo Quintette and Hell Ring ers at the opera house Thursday, Dee. lath, at 8:.'I() p. in. He sure and hear them. Misses Ruby White and Gretchen Ma scr returned to their home in Franklin Sunday after a few dayb' visit with Miss Myra Griffith. Geo. Knodel feft Sunday for Marys ville, Kansas. He will spend a few days there and then go to his home in Wiscousin. Mrs. C. II. Swartz and daughter Y' Ola left for Alma the first of the week for a weeks' visit with friends and relatives. Roy Garber severed his connection with the Chief Saturday, and has been working this week for Albright llros.' furniture store. Wolf hunts are very much in vogue around Franklin just now. Last week five were killed. There is to be anoth er on December 7th. Will and Grant Itiiiley, who recently went west to look for work, write home that they do not like that country and expect to return soon. Mrs. T. C. Hacker left Saturday for a visit with relatives at her old home in Nemaha county, Kansas, and is ex pected back ne.t week. The new house being erected by T. H. Leonard of Riverton in the Piatt .addi tion will be occupied by Ernest Grave as soon as it is completed. Mrs. .1. I). Crans left Saturday for ExcdMor Springs. Mo., for medical treatment. On her return she will be accompanied by her father. Mrs. Frank McClintie, who has been suffering from a chicken bone which became lodged in her throat Thanks giving is slowly recovering. A. It. Sellarsof the Red Cloud Invest ment Co. and Horace ltrown left Tues day on a land-buying expedition tothu Panhandle country in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Crone- returned the first of the week to their home at York after a visit of several days with their daughter, Mrs. Frank Peterson. Ted Harris, who had his collar bone broken during the football game at Itlomnington three weeks ago, was thrown from a buggy Friday and again hurt. The machinery nt tho waterworks has been freshly painted and otherwise slicked up and now presents a much more neat and cleanly appearance than formerly. Clarence Young of Cowles, aged 20, was adjudged insane, by the insanity hoard last Friday and was taken to the state insane asylum Saturday by Slier HT Hedge. Lost, near the farm of J. M. Pur gesb four miles northwest of Inavale, a fur glove. A liberal reward will be given for the return of the same to this office. Darley Plumb has returned home af ter a visit of several days with his bro ther Herbert at Des Moines, la., who is studying for the ministry at Drake Univorsity. Mr. and Mrs. I, Frisbie returned on Wednesday from University IMnco, where they have been visiting with I their daughter and sou-in-law, Mr. and CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Thi Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho m Signaturo of ' Mrs. Harvey Cox. Perry Karg brakctnun on the Hurling ton moved his household goods down from Oxford Saturday and he and his wife are now comfortably settled in the Mrs. Meltride proporty. The Ladles' Aid society of the MethJ odlst Episcopal church will give a tea; in the church parlors from .':( to s.mi o'clock p. m. next Friday evening, De cember HI. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mis. .loliu Kaufman living north of Itladeii. came down Sunday torn visit with their daughter. Mrs. .1. E. Yost. Mr. Kauluuin returned home Monday and his wife is still here. If you should happen to meet a man who resembles the pictures nf Win. Me Kinlcy on our streets don't get fright ened; it is no ghost; it is L.P.AIhright. He has had his mustache removed. Found, in front of Doc Nelson's livery barn Wednesday morning, case containing bicycle tools. Owner can have same ly calling at Chief olUee. proving property and paying for this notice. A convention of the school teachers of the county is to he held at Hlue Hill in the Ceristiau church, Friday Decem ber l.'l. at 8:01) oclock p. in. and at Red Clone in the High School building tin following after noon at tl:. o'clock. The prngams will appear next week. A letter from 11. .1. Clark ad fees us of a change in his post office address from Arhorville to Polk, Nebr., on ae count of a change in rural routes, mid further gives us the news of the arri val at their home of a new 1 1-pound hoy who arrived Wednesday last week. Evangelist Lampinof Illinois will lie gin a series of revival meetings at the United Hrethren church next Sunday morning to continue for an indefinite time, services beginning at 11 o'clock a. in. and 7:.10 o'clock p. in. Special song servico Sunday uvening at 7 o'clock. Your presence is desired. Professor Gettis of University Place, field secretary of the Weslcyali Uni versity, delivered a lecture at tho'Mcth odist church last evening on "Muscle. Money and Mind." There was a large attendance, in spite of there being an other attraction that evening, and the lecture was said to be very entertain ing. The Eagle lodge of this city received on Monday the smaller of the two eag le recently sent, away to be stuffed and mounted. The bird measures s. and one-half feet from tip to tip of the wings and is now .suspended in the Eagles' hall. Roth the eagles were killed near Red ( loud and presented to the lodge as souvenirs. "The Two Orphans" was presented at the opera house last evening by the Fred G. Conrad company with Eugene Moore as leading man, to a crowded house. The play came well recommend mended, and deserves fully every word that has been said in praise of it. The audience appeared to be greatly pleased witli the production. Miss Fisher Shlpp, reader and so prano soloist, is 1) y nature and training a most delightful enter tainer. She will be with the Apollo Quintette and Hell Ringers Thursday, Dec. lath. Every member of this company is a well known artist and will give the best entertainment of its kind ever given in Red Cloud. The Illoomington Champions will play tee Husiness College football team on next Friday afternoon December 12 th. It will be a great game. Roth are heavy teams and have made good rec ords this season. Rlooiuington held the championship of town teams of the Republican valley. This game will de cide the all chompionship of southern Nebraska Tho Apollo Quintette and Hell Ring ers, Thursday evening, Dec. latli. The third number of The Husiness Men's Lecture Course and one of the very best. Red Cloud should fill every seat in the opera house and hear the well known and popular organization. The very best of its kind on the road Unlay. Reserved seats f0c, general ad mission 35c. On sale at Ilattie Morris on's Fair Store. The Apollo Quintette and Hell Ring ers is the third number of the high grade lecture course, guaranteed by a few business men of Red Cloud for the entertainment of our people. So far the venture has been a dismal failure financially, which is rather discourag ing. Wo would like to see a packed Mixed on T5he Overcoat Question? Well, it is certainly difficult to de cide what to do when every Clothing store in town has "the best at the lowest price" and all "give t.atisfac tion," "money back," "save yon a third to a half," &t, &c , &C. Now, there is only one way to set tle this perplexing question lightly, and that is to investigate. If you'll do this, we are right sure that we will seli yon an Overcoat. Every Store Says Overcoats at 8. 10, 12. 15 to 25 Dollars livery store, perhaps, has Overcoats at these fig uresbut what do these prices mean until you see the Coats- at the prices? We're safe in saving that we've the handsomest Overcoats the town affords. We believe that you can do better here than else where -but INVESTIGATE. Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE First Door North of Post Office house for the attraction and firmly be lieve everybody will be satisfied. Seats are on sale at Ilattie Morrison's Fair Store. Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses properly lltted at Ur Damerell's otlicu Tuesday, Pec. 10. "Crotnuplo" at Fulton Grocer Co. See I-. A. Ilaskius for line potatoes. Good thing to eat at Fulton Grocer Co. Ruth Warren will do your burnt, wood work. Some bargains in canned goods at Fulton Grocer Co. See Ruth Warren for all kinds of burnt, wood supplies. I'hreo eats lump coal for sale, ?7.fi) per on if oid in ten days. .1.0. Caldwell. Din. W ir.ck & Huldile, Eye, Ear. 'ose and I'hroat. Specialists. Glasses lilt d Over Gorman National Rank, Hastings-, Nebr. I.loyd Hradhook will leave soon for hong Island, Kuns., where he has a position in a lumber yard. The Red Cloud Husiness College, will hold a banquet at th.i Royal Hotel ibis evening in honor of their football squad. All the students connected with the football team will lie present. Mr. and Mrs. David Whitaker have returned from Rrush, Colo., and we understand will again take up their residence hero. G. S. Albright and W. A. Olson tiro in Riverton today. To the lovers and Learners of Good Mu sic of Red Cloud and Vicinity. The Red Cloud Husiness College has again made a step toward tho advance ment of success by securing tho ser vices of Mrs.Mattio Ilundornp who is known throughout tho couutry for her talent as a musician. She is a eoruotist, teaching the samo and is a to oherof tho violin, mandolin, guitar, and piano, Tho music studio is in connection with tho college and all those wishing instruction on any of the above instru ments will ploaso call at the college olllco and tn-iko arraugemoute, Hero Is a chance to learn music at home. The Name Saratoga. The original mime of Saratoga was "Scrachtaguo." About tho middle of! the eighteenth century It was "Sarngh togc." During tho administration of Governor Lclslcr It was "Sarachtoge." Isn't this quaint from 11189: Upon yo ncwB yt throo Fcoplo nhould be lctld nt Unrtol Vromnns at Surachtoga by yo Indians, Resolved by yo Convention yt 1.1 ot Jocli I m Btaetn forwlth goo with ton men to Saraclitogo to eo how yo matter In, & brhiK us an nccompt with yo Ilrst, & yt ho Clto send a Post hither with yo Udo lnjjs. Spelling reformers would bo delighted with "klld." And "ye" Is shorter than "the," and "yt" la shorter than "that." "Goo" Is expansive, but "for wlth" for "forthwith" Is u contraction. Schoolcraft thinks that Bnrntoga is de rived from the Indian words "Assa nit" sparkling, and "ogn" place. Now York Press. Cn.ytiiilil, I'W llir I Iimiv ill Kuux'iiliciirtf Stationary Waltzing. "You let him hug you in the con servatory." "I did not. I made him remove his urm every time the music In the ball room Htopped." I.oulsvlllo Courier I have purchased Len Anltz's Dray and will do all kinds of Light Draying. Leave your orders at Piatt & Frcese Lum ber Co., 'Phone 50. ERNEST GRAVES. I-I. H. ASHER Veterinarian Blue Hili. -:- Ni-hra.sk a Will ho iii lied Cloud Saturdays at Smith's bain. Don't Buy Land nor Loan Money on Real Estate without getting one of 'feel's perfect Abstracts of Title. The oldest and most reliable set of Abstract books in Webster Co. 810,0(0 b itid tiled and approved. Rcpn seats six of the best In surance companies doing busi ness in the state. LOANS MADE on CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. Oltlcm In Overlng Block. Phones: Boll 98, Farmors36 Savinders Brothers RED CLOUD, - NEBR. Canon City, Sunnside, and Genuine Nigger Head Maitland COAL You may bo particular or what some call "cranky," but OUR COAL will please you. Our coal is clean and "we deliver promptly. BolTol.GO. Rural Tel. 71 i