The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 06, 1907, Image 3

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1 Hik AivAn Auav IW 9 J mmnc,ni.atH?3'' I
The Spoilers.
uf iviitj miTUii nil j wp - novemDeruwewm8ivc
a number with every 25c purchase entitling you to a draw on the Dolls. The
one holding the most tickets gets the largest Doll. The one holding the first
lucky number gets the next Doll. 1 he one holding the second lucky number
gets the third Doll. Call for your tickets when making purchases.
Cnpyrliflit, 1005. by Hex C. nench.
Fall Goods Sale
"f heard yon Inul it narrow iwi'ape
Hi's in,p.;.!. Mi. Wheaton. TK Int. i:
Wh.H cm I i.) I'm- yimV"
The l.-i'v.v t-r rapidly oiitlincnl his posl-
1ll)Il II, "I St.llOtl In ciUHlusloii:
'"I (tic! -irtllicil eopUM (" ' so or
tlnrs Willi (111 clerk of I Ik mini ten
minutes ;t no. 11 ml now t make furnial
demand upon you to turn over the
Midas In Mimm's. (Jlonislcr .uul In-;-try
ami ihi to return nil t lit gild iliHt
in your safe deposit Iidmh la accord
nn v wltli litis writ." Hi h.itiih'il Ills
tlti-uuictits to MeNamara. who toed
Hi' m .m his desk without elimination.
"Welt." said tin' politician quietly, "1
voti'l do it."
Mini h lii'i'ii .slapppil In tin face the
attorney would not have Imm-u more ns
IO'lislied. "Why -you"
"t won't do it, I .said!" MeXntnara
repeated sharply. "Don't Ihlnk for a
minute Unit I havon't gone Into this
lighl -innod for everything. Writ of
supersedeas! null!" lit1 snapped his
"We'll soc whether you'll obey or
not," sjld Wheaton, and when lie and
Ulcnlster were outside he continued:
"Let's get to the judge quick."
Am Miey neiired the Coition t!:ite ho
le they spied MeNamara entering. It
wis evident that ho had slipped from
tie door or hi office and beaten
tliiMti to the judielal ear.
"I don't like that," said Cleulster.
''He's up lo something."
So It appeared, for they were llfteeu
miiiutcH in gaining ueeess to the mug
Isfr.tte iiikI then found MeNamara
'with him. Itoth men were astounded
nt the. change In Stilhnuu's appearance.
During the last mouth his weak face
inul shrunk and altered until vacilla
tion was hetrayed In every line, and
tie (tad tu'iulred the habit of furtively
w.tfeliinu: .MeNnnmru's slightest move
ment.. It seemed that the part lie play
ed sat heavily upon him.
The judge examined the papers per
functorily, and, although his air was
ilHiberate, his lingers made eluinsy
work of it. At last he said:
"I regret that I am forced to doubt
tln aathenlleity of these documents."
"My heavens, man!" Whoaton cried.
"They're- certltlod copies of orders
ironi your superior court. They grant
IIlm appeal that you have denied us
mnl take the case out of your hands
ul together. Yes, and they order this
iiijiti to surrender the mine and every
thing connected with 11. Now, sir, we
vriuil you to enforce these orders."
Stllliuan glanced nt the silent man
la the window and replied:
"Wm will, of course, proceed reg
ularly and make application in urt
In the proper way, but I tell you now
Unit. I won't do anything In the mutter."
When Ion stared at him tlxedly until
the old man snnpiictl out:
'You say they are certified copies,
flow do I know they are? The signa
tures may all bo false. Maybe you
signed them yourself."
The lawyer grew very white at this
mnl stammered until Cleulster drew
him out of the room.
"Oome, come," he said; "we'll carry
this thing through In open court. May
be, his nerve will go back on him then.
IeNnmnra has him hypnotised, but he
won't dare refuse to obey the orders
of the circuit court of appeals."
"lie won't, eh? Well, what do you
think he's doing right now?" said
Wheulon. "I must think. This is the
1 boldest game I ever played In. They
' told mo things while I was In ' Frisco
which I couldn't believe, but I guess
they're true. Judges don't dlsoliey the
orders of their courts of appeal unless
there Is power hack of them."
They proceeded to the attorney's of
fice, but had not boon thero long be
fore Slapjack Slmms burst In upon
"Hell to nay!" be punted. "MoN'a-
mum's taking your dust out of the
, "What's that?" they cried.
"I goes Into the bank Just now for
an assay on some, quartz samples. Tho
nssnyer la busy, and I walk back Into
his room, and while I'm there In trots
MeNamara lu n hurry. He don't hoc
me, as I'm Inside tho private otllce,
und I overhear him tell them to get
his dust out of tho vault quick."
"Wo'vo got to stop that," bald Clou
(Mr. "If he takes ours, he'll take the
Swedes', too. Slmms, you rim up to
the Pioneer company and tell them
ulwut it. If ho geta that gold out of
there, nobody knows what'll become
ef it. Come on, Bill."
He snatched his lint and ran out of
1ho room, followed by I he others. That
the loose Jointed Slapjack did his work
with expedition was evidenced by the
fact tho Sweden were close upon
their I-;ms as the two entered the bunk
Olh. r had followed, sensing some
thin" UhtiMtnl, and the space within
the doiTf tilled rapidly. At I lie dls
tinb'ii'c- the clerks suspended their
work, H" barreil doors of the sife de
posit null clanged to, and the ahler '
laid l.t':i1 upon the navy ColtV at his
elbow. "'A''s the inallerV" he cried ;
"We wtuit Alec AieNuin.irn." satl ,
Clcuister. '
The manager of the bank appi-'ivd,
and Cleulster spoke lo him through
the heavy wire netting.
"Is Mc.NiUUitrn In I here'.'"
No one had ever known Morchoii
to He. "Yes. sir." lie spoke heslt it
Ingly. in ti volte lull of the slow I'nwlc
of Virginia. "'! is in here. What of
"We hear he's trying to move
dust of ours, and we won't stand for
It. Tell htm to come out and not hide
In there 1'ke a dog."
At these words the politician appeir
ed beside the Miuthertier. ami the two
conversed softly an instant, while the
impatience of the crowd grew to i
anger. Some one cried:
"Let's go in and drag hint out," and
the rumble at this was not pleasant
Morehouse raised his hand.
"Centlenien, Mr. MeNamara says he
doesn't Intend to take any of the gold
"Thou he's taken It already."
"No. he hasn't."
The receiver's course, had been
uulckl.v chosen at the Interruption. It
was not wise lo anger these nieii too
much. Although he had planned to
get the money Into his' own possession,
he now thought it best to leave it here
for the present. lie could come back
nt any time when they were off guard
anil get It. Beyond the door against
which he stood lay $:500,000 weighed,
sacked, sealed and ready to. move out
of the custody of this Virginian wluwc
contldeucc he had tried so fruitlessly
to gain.
As MeNamara looked into the angry
eyes of the lean faced men beyond the
grating he felt that the game was
growing clixe, and his blood tingled at
the thought. He had not planned on a
resistance so strong and swift, but he
would nnH'l It. He knew that they
hungered for his destruction and that
Cleulster was Ihelr leader. He saw
further that the man's hatred now
stared at him openly for the tirst time.
He knew that back of II was some
tiling more than love for the dull
metal over which they wrangled, and
then a thought came to him.
"Some of your work. eh. (ilenister'"
ho mocked. "Were yon afraid to come
alone, or did you wait till you saw
itne with a lady?"
r t
At the same Instant he opened a door
behind him, revealing Helen Chester.
"You'd better not walk out with me,
Miss Chester. This man might well,
you're safer here, you know. You'll
pnrdou me for leaving you." He hoped
he could Incite the young nnui to some
rash act or word in tho presence of
tho girl and counted on the conspicu
ous heroism of his own position, fac
ing tho mob single hauiled, one ugalust
"Come out," said his enemy hoarse
ly, upon whom the insult and the sight
of the girl in the receiver's company
had acted powerfully.
"Of course I'll come out, but I don't
want this young lady to suiter any vio
lence from your friends," said MeNa
mara. "I am not armed, but I have
the right to leave here unmolested
the right of an American citizen."
With that ho1 raised his arms abovo
his head. "Out of my way!" he cried.
Morehouse opened the gate, and Mc
Namnra strode through the mob.
It Is a peculiar tiling that, although
under fury of passion, a man may lire
even upon tho back of u defenseless
foe, yet no one can offer violence to a,
man whoso arms are raised on high
and lu whoso glance Is the level light
of fearlessness. Moreover, It is safer
to face a crowd thus than a single ad
versary. MeNumara had seen this psycholog
ical trick tried before and now took ad
vantage of It to walk through the press
slowly, eye to eye. He did It theatric
ally, for the benefit of the girl, und, as
he foresaw, tho men fell away before
him nil but Cleulster, who blocked
him, gnn In hand. It was plain that
tho persecuted miner was beside him
self .with passion. MeNamara camo
within an arm's length before pausing.
Then ho stopped, and tho two stared
malignantly at each other, whllo the
girl behind the railing heard her heart
pounding In tho stillness. Olenlster
raised his hand uncertainly, then let It
fall. lie shook his head and stepped
aside, ho that the other brushed past
(Continued on I'sm rtix.)
Hosiery and Underwear
It's just the time for medium weights in Hosiery and Underwear,
and it's not loo early lo select your winter weighls while our line
is complete.
Children's IXI. rib hose, nood radi'ill loc: hravirr ;U
il HI a If
Ladi&s9 Bwtrsom Hose
The only Hose knit without a seam, at
25c and 35c.
Children's long sleeve gauze Vests, at 15c, 20c and
Lhildrens long pants, gau.e
Ladies' long sleeve gatt.e Corset Covers at
" Vests at.... ....
" " Pants, gauze, at
American Beauty
What Style of Corset do you wear?
We have the low bust, long on hips, at
SOc and $1.00
High busl, long on hips, at 50c to 3.00.
Tape Girdles at 50c.
Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction.
a iv i nt uTauTY "'n r.o
Kalani;c)i) Curtut Co., ' c ;
Dress Goods
While not the largest line, we have selected it with great care
and will save you money if you will look our slock over before
Suiting in half wool at 25c and 30c.
All wool Venetians and Serges at 50c a yard.
Chiffon Broadcloth, 44 inches wide,, all wool, at 90c.
Our line of yarn is complete on all the following:
Imported Saxony-Germantown Zephyrs-Acme Knitting Worsted
Fleisher's Knitting Worsled-Fleisher's Spanish
Fleisher's Shetland Floss
All grades of Outings from 7c
to 15
Cotton Batts at 1 0c to 85c.
Crocheted Baby Jackets, Silk Hoods, Handbags, Collars
M m m m m w r ww m m Trwmwi