The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 06, 1907, Image 2

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    maaibi m
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Red Cloud - - Nebraska.
Entered In tin roitofflo at Rent Clotiel, Nob ,
Scond (Mam Matter
Gboroe Newuol'.hk
Reiterates Former Utterances on Con
trol of Corporations Advocates Pos
tal Savings Banks Cause of Labor
Is Considered.
Washington, Doc. 4.- President
Roosevelt, in Ills annual message to
congress, mnkes the following recom
Amendment of thu Siieimau anti
trust law so as to forbid only the
kind of combination which does harm
to the geneial public. The luw
should not prohibit combinations that
do no injustice to the public, still less
those the existence ol which lb a
benefit to the public.
A general law providing for fedora 1
charters Tor corporations engaged in
Interstate commerce. Complete pub
licity of the affairs of such corpora
tions in all matters affecting the pub
lie, the patrons and Investors.
The issue of emergency eiiricnej.
upon carefully prescribed conditions,
under a tax sullleiently heavy to foice
the retirement or the Issue as the de
mand for It falls off
Declaration Ihat the wise time lo
deal with the tariff is Immediately
after the presidential election.
Recommends a graduated Income
tax and an inheritance tax, the latter
to be Imposed by the government in
addition to such tax as may have bun
imposed by the state.
Rec.nnnvnds Hie q instruction of
lour now battleship lor the navy and
the Increase of the pay of the uII'khh
and enlisted men of the aimy.
Recommends extension of the eight
hour dav lo all work can led on by
the government, to The end' that the
plan may bcotne general.
Urges compulsoiv investigation and
arbitration in industiial disputes.
Favors piu.-ecntion by the govern
ment of plans for a systematic im
movement of inland waterways and
the extension of the woik of leclaim
lug the arid lands by irrigation.
Suggests government control of
grazing lands, with provision that the
nceossan portion of the lovenucs de
lived from the leasing be spent In
paying to the slate or county the
equivalent of what it would otherwise
receive in taxes.
Presents a strong plea for the ex
tension or the foiest leserve policy
and the conservation of the nation's
limber leseniiccs. In luriheraiice of
this, the lemoval of the duly on wood
pulp is recommended.
Approves the postmaster general's
plan for the establishment of n postal
savings bank and the extension of the
pa 1 eels post system.
Deelnics that the process of injunc
tion Is an essential power of iho
comt, but sevetely censures Hie reck
dess or unnecessary use of It.
Suggests ihat congress provide for
the legitimate campaign expense.. r
each or the gU-n! political patties.
All but One Entry of Naomi Mine Has
Been Explored.
Pittsburg. Dec. 4. After an explora
tion of all nut one entry of the
Naomi mine of the United Coal com
pany, located near Fayette City, where
a ten I lie explosion of black-damp oc
cm red Sunday night, it was announced
that twenty live bodies had been re
coveted. Officers of the mining com-
pany admit several additional bodies
may be found in the unexplored enliy
unci others are positive that at least
three more men aro In the mine. The
unexplored entry Is filled with after
damp and otllceis or the company in
sist that It must be thoroughly veil-
tllated before If is entered.
Shipwrecked Passengers at Halifax
Halifax, N. S., Dec. 4. The Cana
dian government steamer Lady
l.aurier, which was seat to the assist
ance of the wrecked steamet Mount
Temple, leturned to Hallrax with
nearly ."On of the passengers and their
baggage. All the passengers will he
forwarded to their destinations by
special trains. No examination has
yei been made of the si earner's hot
loin, hut the chances of refloating her
are regarded as slight.
Jury in Sight to Try Pettlbone.
Boise, Ida., Dec. 4. The jury for
the trial or (icorgo A. Pettlbone was
pnssed for cause by both the state
and defense and three peremptory
challenges were exercised, two by the
prosecution nnd one "by counsel for
the defense. Attorneys on both sides t
predicted that a Jury would be so
cured from the present venire, only
thirty nf the 100 having been thus
far disponed of,
. i i i. i
Six Drowned In Frazer River.
Vnnrouvor, B. C, Dec. 4. 11. Mc
Laughlin has arrived here after a
Itirllllll'r iivtiorlntipfi in tlifi nritinr ftillu
1 of the Frazer river, where, with a
number of men, he was at work on
the Mratid rl ruiik l'acltlc railway. A
party of eight left with him to come
down the stream. Their boat ups't
nt one of the falls and six men were
Fir6t Smoke Fatal to Baby. I
Chicago, Dee. I. Albert Rnbshn,
twenty-live months old, in the ali
enee of bis mother from the home at
8!i:t Mackinaw avenue, made bis first
attempt to smoke his father's pipe
In lighting a match the child set lire
to Its clothing and was burned to
Body of Missing Cashier Found. '
Lavvton, Okla., Ice. l.Tbe body
of D. It. Rankin, cashier of the de-
iiinct Merchant?' and Planters' bank,
who niyMeirlously disappeared a month
ago. was found In Cache creek, near
Man Accused of Murder of Mother-in-Law
Will Not Die for His Crime.
Karlsruhe, Dec II. The death sen
tence passed upon Kail Hun, 1'oiniorly
a professor In Ceorgo Washington
KARL ll.M.
university, Washington. D. C . for the
murder, Nov. ,", I '.mil, or his mother-in-law,
Finn Molltor. has been lomuiuled
to hi" imprisonment.
Fourteen Players Killed and 131
jured During Season.
Chicago, Dec L- The 1007 football
season ended olliclnllv. With tlnoe
mote deaths icpoited during the last
week the total killed at play was four
teen. The new victims were- John
Boylnu of PiMshuig, AMhui Cope of
Salida, Cal.. and .Melville llairington
i Pendleton, Oie.
The iiinubei of seriou.l.v Injured
players was im reaped dining the
same pciiod to Ifll.
Declares Immigration Question Is Not
a Serious One and Says Recall Has
No Bearing on Relations Between
United States and Japan,
Washington, Dec. !. Viscount Aokl,
the amba!'ail(ir in Japan, talked hi ici
ly and reservedly legarding the In
nt Mictions given him by lit govern
mint to return home tor the purpose
of making a report on affairs In wnlch
Japan Is interested jointly with the
United States.
"I am going home," the ambassador
ald, "foi the purpose of making u
verbal if port to my government.
There are many things lo leport on'
things that 1 have heard and seen in' Ahdel Aziz, the sultan, on tho toad to
this count r. They can be marie bei-j Rabat. The sultan's ministers, fear
trr verbally than in writing There Is Ing that (he pretender, Huhamara,
no other significance to the visit. 1 1 was about lo attack Fez, Instructed
ahull dlftfiiRs immigration in addition ' thntr I'nmllles lo leave that place im-
to other quest Ions in which my gov
eminent Is interested. My return can
not he const i ued in any way as an In
dication ol unfriendliness on the part
of Japan for the United States. The
American government knows very I
well that Japan is disposed to be one I
of her be.M friends ami to remain on'
terms of ihe greatest amity with her.
Any oilier Idea oi suggestion Is tool
Ish to entertain. The immigration
question is not at all a serious one,
ami, in my Judgment, it will be set
tled satisfactorily. My leturii, I ie
peat, has no bearing on the relations
between the United States aud Japan.
0.jr reIatipn8nre friendly, ami 1 hope
wiii remain the nnmn. Thnrn in no'
reason why they should bo otherwise, '
but, on the contrary, every reason why
they should continue good."
"How long will you remain In Japan?"
"That I don't know."
"Are you coming tmck?"-wiB asked.
i iihl i oou i Know' ne rcpiieu. i
Count Aokl, If time permits, will '
look Into the general question of Jap-,
Kitese Immigration on the Pacific coast
imi. . ia . ii i
before he sails for home. The Japa
nese government Is anxious to hear
from anibnHHjulor Personally the
real situation on the coast as he views
it, and the ambassador indicated that !
he would make it a matter or Inquiry j
on his way home. I
Attho stnto department It wi
learned that Aokl did not nrescm .viv
letters of iccail, but that what he had i
received was u summons to come
home for consultation with his govern-
ment. It Is not known at the depari- visited the damn, where he spent half
ment whether Aokl would or would j 'ir listening to the debate on
not return to the United States nnd t'' ministerial declaration. He was
the impression there was that the am-1 greeted by the premier, M. Sttilypln. '
bnssudor himself was not aware as to j 0,ll(1'' "If?" ministers and was
what his rutuie movements would he. i"k' the- object or special attention I
Count Aokl received word that his ' by the deputies.. Secretary Taft at
government wanted him to come homo tended a banquet given in his honor
and he lost no time in acquainting the i
state department with that fact.
Ti.n '
most positive statement is made at
the Japanese enibnssy that Count
Aokl's recall Is not the result of any
dissallsfaellon with his course on the
pnrt of his government or that his re
call in anv wav disavows his actions
whlle here The ambassador expects '
10 leave Washington on his homeward i
trip helnre Christmas and during his
absence .Mr. .Myaoka. the counsellor
or the embassy, y ill act as charge
Secretary Root Delivers Brief Address
at Annual Meeting of Society.
Washington, Dee. 4. Secretary
ltoot delivered a brief address at the
thin! annual meeting of the American
National Red Cross society, held heie.
In the absence of Secretary Taft. the
pnsident ot the organization, (leneral
(Jcorge O. Davis was named halrman
of Ihe convention. The present olli
cer were i -elected, viz: President,
Secretary Tatt; tr. usurer, Meekmnn
Wlnlhrop; counsellor. A. W. Cooley;
secretniy. Charles A. .Ma gee. Reports
nf the oillcers were read and accepted.
Secretary Root said It was import
ant, in view of the certain occunmce
oi gieai calamities, to nave some
.igeney always in opeiutinn ready to
meet them and he testified to tin uni
versal desire nf the American people
always to give Miccor lor tin
of siil'feiing humanity.
teller i
Currency Committee Named.
Washington, Dee. I. Speaker Can
non treated the limine to a stu prise
in announcing the membership of the
committee on banking and currenej.
This advaance formation of that com
mittee led to the conclusion on the
part or ninny that It was his intention
to press financial legislation, but those,
who nre. close to the speaker say thnt
his only purpose was to aflord a de
posltory for petitions and letters heai
ing upon the currency question. The
nieinbeiship ol' the committee was in
creased by the addition of one Demo
crat. White House Conference.
Washington, Dec. 1. A conference
was held at the White House between
the president and Senators Aldrieh or
Rhode Island and Ciane or .Massa
chusetts on the subject of cnirency
legislation. Tlio piesklent called in
these two leading senators in order
thai he might have their views con
cerning the nianj propositions that
have been made to him during the
Inst sovc ral weeks In lavor of plan?
ror relieving the currency stringency
under such circumstances as has oc
curred recently.
Court Ha6 Ordered Special Panel of
250 Talesmen for That Time.
New York. Dee. ;'. The second trial
of Hairy K. Thaw on the charge of
killing Stanlonl While was postponed
tuitil Jan. 0. The court ordered that
t special panel of 'Jf.u lalesnien be
I tmnioned lor the- selection of a juiy
Tribesmen Capture Harems.
Tangier, Dee. I.-.Mountain tribes!
have captured a large caravan, con
sistlng of harems of Ihe ministers of
mediately and go to Rabat. The
tribesmen, learning this, ambushed
the caravan aud killed the entire es
cort. They trnnsfcrrej! the women to
their own batons.
Colombians Invade Panama.
Panama, Dec. I. During tlio past
three da.vs a rumor has been persist
eutl oil ciliated that .'00 Colombian
soldiers had Invaded the town of
Jurado, on tho frontier of Panama
aud Colombia, Imprisoning the local
authoiltles ot the town. The rumor
has caused intense indignation here,
and a meeting of citizens took place
to discuss the situation.
1111 II! 1 1
American Secretary of War Makes Nu
merous Official Calls In Russian
Capital Visit Arouses Lively Inter
est In Duma Sails for Home Dec. 8.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 1. The Amer
ican secretary of war, William H
Tint, was accorded a hearty welcome
l,(,'l- He arrived In St. Petersburg In
t,lL' morning irom Moscow nnd after a
iod of ofllclal visits and a brief rest,
u" prominent Americans and made a
sneecn. in wnien ne einnnaiicaiiv tie-
nied that his round-i he-world trip had
aught to do with a sp cial policy ot
the United States, whose sole policy,
he said, was one of peace lor all na
tions. Responding to the speech of wci-
come, delivered by 1 M. Corse, who
Presided. Secretary Taft said that he
hoped the traditional fiiendshlp be
tvveen Russia and America would In
crease and Income, stronger. Ills
present tiip, he said, had given rise
to a number of suggestions, the pur
port of which was far from the truth.
It had been suggested that he was
rounding the world on a diplomatic'
mission to various countries to carry
out : jme ulterior policy of the I'nited '
States, but America's only policy was
the peace ol all nations. Ills only of
ficial function, he continued, was that
connected with the inauguration of
the Philippiue's assembly, and he was
leturning home by vvny of Russin to'
avoid the voyage across the Pacific,
which he had already made many
tinu-s. lie sought an audlenco with
lie emperor in order to express his:
per-onal gratitude Tor the hospitality :
which he had enjoyed on his trans-,
Siberian trip and to assure him that
n deep desire exists on the part of
the Americans ftir the welfare and
piospeiity of Russia.
The secretary declared that Intima
tions that his trip was connected in
any way with n niospeetlve war in,
the Tar east were without foundation
In bis .iiidmiient. there was no possi-;
billty of war between the United
States and any country, nor was there
any rea.on for It. The work' needs
peace fot itx real growth and ti.e hap
Illness or the Individual. '
A review of a ('anions corps will be
given nt Tsarskoe Selo for the hen-1
ellt of Secretary Taft and later In
will attend Foreign .Minister Isvvol
sky's banquet and a reception o the
diplomatic corps and Russian official
society. The secretary Is trying to
arrange his visit here so that he may
catch the steamer President Grant at
Houlogne. Dec. 8. for his return home.
Only One Juror Stood Out for Punish
ment of Some Kind.
Washington Dee. 4. "Not guilty"
was the verdict rendered by the jury
In the case of .Mrs. Annie .M. Bradley,
charged with the murder of former
Uiilteu States Senator Aithur .M.
Blown of mail at a hotel In this city
on Dee. s last. Amid the applause of
a crowd that tilled the court room,
Mrs. Bradley, with tenr-dinuiicd eyes,
was discharged from custody and a
trial Ihat. has nvoked national atten
tion during tho last three weeks was
at an end.
Throughout Its deliberations the
jury piactically Mood at II to I for
acquittal until tho final ballot, when
the lono J in or, who was holding out
for some form of punishment, Juror
Julius H, Prlag, gave In and the ver
fflaLaPLaaaf aaaaaaaB '
n I aaaaaaaf
Kemps Balsam
Will stop any count that
can be stopped by any
medicine and culrc couyihs
that cannot be cured by any
other medicine.
It is always the best
cottflh cure. You catu.ot
afford to take chances tin
any other kind.
coughs, colds, bronelitcts
grip, asthma and consump
tion in lirst stages.
It does not contain alco
hol, opium, morphine, or
any other narcotic, poison
ous or harmlul drug.
New and Liberal Homestead Regulations I'
New Districts Now Opened
for Settlement
i.n.of Hnakiitriii-wiin mui Aii.irtiihuTiiitiyi.o..
(Jam. m tl .l.nb.n.t Ih.1. la- tl... .... L !..-.
iiim urwiirmwi hit im- nriimi jiiinHu
lli'Kulnttoii nf Crmiiilii. 'iluuiniinriit of llnnimlimdnr
160 ncrio onch urn now niilliilih. Tlio new Ih'troli,
tlonii nuiko It iolll() for i'iilr In l tniutn by irdi;
tlni OMKirtunlty that ninnv In tli tJnltvd Htittiw Inn
Ihm'ii wiiltlnit fnr. Any tni'rnli-r of n family uih
nuiko entry for uny other mi itilx-r of thi f mnily. wh
nmy lHM'iitltlcl to miiko rntrj for lilnwlf orher-cl
Kntry mnv now lu mmln liifnn thu .Vwntoi Su
ARvntof tin-District liy rox 'on (crtnlii CHinilitlni
hv thu fiithcr. mnthrr, ron. ilinilitii', hrothoj
iter of im
IntcnMlnu hotuoti'iiilor.
vn-numbrd ellen el Dtmlnlen Land 1 1
or th NDrthwatl Pravlnesft. eBllnn B mm
o, not rrva, may Dm nomaiuadad By any bartoi
lha tela haad lamlly, or mala oar 10 yaart ."
aga, ta lha ailant ol ona.quartar aactlen, at 160 trmt
mar or laaa."
Tim fji in rnch co will to ih. Churrhr. w Ikxi '
nnd mnrlii'tK coiui'titont. Itculthy fllmuUi, ilttiu)i
croim nnd ernxl liiwn Ciriiln-j;rolni: nJ cuttl
rnllnK prlnriiuil lmlutrli.
For further nnrticuliirH im to l(Me Itout. !
Tlmo to Go and V hero to I-ocnte. Hp)y to
Ml Ntw York Life Oimihii, Nel
t'liniiilliiii llov rtimeut J wn
dict of acqit'.tial was agreed on.
Colorado Official on Way to Idaho tv
Get Prisoner.
Denver, P e. I.- The Post says
"With the "tmost xecivcy a ieqnisitio
cm the governor of Idaho for the poi
son of Steve Adams has been ?evuroi
and It is believed that Bulkeley Welh,
former adjutant general of Colorndi.
is on his way to Ratlulrum, Ida, t--gel
the prisoner. Adams Is now Irv
ing to se( nre ball, pending his tblrt
trial for murdi'i. It is thought that h
will lie miccc .-sl'ul in getting cond
tlonal freedom. In that ca-e Ik- wj'
he ai tested nmiin at once ami bronglr.
to Tellnrii'e to stand trial lor the mur
der of Aithur Collins, manager of t.h
Siuuggli r mine, which occuirei: i;.'l."
Fifty Thousand Now in New Yor;
Awaiting Transportation,
St. Iotiis, Dec. I. Hundreds ( :
foreign workmen in St. Louis and si.
burbs, who have been discharged r
account of financial stringency, at
departing for their native count tics.
Local steamship agents have bee
notified not lo sell tickets for passag
under eight days from date, as som
thing like :in,i!iio forelgneis are now lx
New York to embark for home an i
every Kuiopean-boiuul ship Is crowded.
Constantinople Feels Crisis.
Constantinople, Dee, . As a lesu
of the monelaiy difficulties in th -United
States a series of lailnres hav-.-oceui
red here lately, culminating l
the suspension of a big Armenia .
banking ami commercial house hi tl -t
Mohammedan pari of the city. Tl
liabilities of the house amount to ovi-r
$1,0(10,0110 and the assets aie esti
mated at a somewhat lower flgtir-.
Several local concerns were affee'e '.
by the suspension, but the Ottoman
bank came to their rescue and pt -vented
a general llnanchil collapse.
Fatally Injured at Havelock.
llavelock, Neb.. Dee. u.- Kua.r
met with a very sellout accident
white i mining the big crane In tit
Burlington shop. While lilting an en
gine t li cable broke, catching Knapp
and diagging him into the cogs, nrvl
before he could be replied toie off
one hand at the wiist 'and the olher
at Ihe l how and lore Ihe iniiM'bs
from his .back, lie was taken to tl.e
Wesley an hospllal at Univeisllv
Place, mil the ph.vsleluu.1 say II will
he lmpnsihle for him to live, as the
loss ol blood was .- great.
Runaway Balloon Located.
Glasgow. Dec. -L Telegrams re
fHvort heie? declaie that the French
military balloon La Bat lie, which ac
cidentally got away from Verdun.
France, last Suturday, passed over
Clydebank, Dumbartonshire, Scotlann.
going in a northwesterly dhection.
Tlune .s no on on hoard oflt.
Commission to Make Report.
Lincoln, Dec. 2. -The slate railway
commission Is pieparing its repoit to
the governor to he filed the firM of
the week, as provided by law.