The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 29, 1907, Image 7

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Watch Specials
We have a particular
ly strong" line of good
watches at prices to
save you money. Sil
ver, Silverine, Gold
Filled and Gold Cases
Elgin, Waltham, South Bend,
Rockford and Hamilton
movements. A line of watches having
just the watch you need, at the price you
dlnn Intnl. previously advertised to
bo uold at the Indian agency near tlilb
place. Twenty-Unco bids were sub
mitted', the highest being slightly
over $51 per nere. Five tracts wero
below npprnKMuout. One ttnet was
lepoited no ale nnd one tiaet to
(olvi'il no bid The total successful
t .(Is iiinounted to $22,187.
In --plto of the financial sttlngcncy
bids v( re libeial and a great deal of
interiM was taken In the bids, most
or the bid.- Inning been submitted by
local patties
Money for Third Nebraska.
Lincoln. Nov. 2t!.-The oillcors of
Iho llrynn regiment, the Third Ne
braska, have been allowed $i"i,22X.Sl by
the national government. Oovoiuoi
Sheldon was notified Hint, the money
would bo sent soon. The allowance
is for lime between enrollment and
mustering Into the national govern
ment service in the Spanish-American
wnr. Colonel llrynn enrolled In the
militia June II and was mustered into
be national eico July 1.1, 1S!IS, and
will have about $300 due him in this
Bonacum After Cash.
Lincoln, Nov. 2f.. Ulsliop Thomas
Uonaeum of Lincoln appealed to the
supremo court for a one-third share
of the estate of John Manning of Fin
nns county, this being given him in
trust in the will. The bequest was
made to assist in the construction of
a huge orphaungo at Lincoln. The
(list i let 'ouit gave, the blsliop one
third of the estate after the widow's
r had been deducted, lie con
; in the supreme court I hat be is
nulled id one-third of the entire e
I Jffiiiu
W Q Br?"; m
feel is right.
Bring us work of all
kinds. We do it right
im, ' HocKronBki. ( ,Zfft
v&k. I7Jku ?$
S Newhouse Brothers,
C Jewelers and Optometrists. Burlington Watch Inspectors.
Food Commissioner Johnson Rules
Against Biscuit Company.
Lincoln, Nov. J!! --Food Coiumls-sjonci-
J. . Johnson lnno'iiiced lio
would adhere to hh original .uteipre
fratinn of the pine tood law ,uu re
liiie the slumping of net weight upon
all package- of food The riling lame
HP an the application ol the National
lllscuit company tor permission to .-ell
packages ol crackers without stamp
ing the net weight of content- upon
them A committee visited (Jmeinor
Hheldon and the lood coitimi.--iouor
nnd made representations on tedralf
f the company, declaiir.g 'hat goods
f this Mud were bought by the pack
Arc and not by weight henc the
Wiulit upon tlie wrapper was iiuinate
ilal The food comnilssioner sud his
final ruling, after considering the ar
guments of the manufacturer:? w.m
that the law spoke plainly in the ase
and left him no discretion. If noods
are sold in packages, the 'over must
Bhow the weight of contents.
ovei the maik or Sll.oOO.OiiO. the value
of the alfalfa raised in 1007 bhuws.
pie'ty conclusively that the farmers
of Nebraska are fully awake to the
mipoitanee of this great fodder crop,'
said Labor Commissioner lt.der. 'The
figure on the state pioductlon of al
falfa have just been completed, and
give u total pioductlon vof l,liiiJ,73'J
tons. Figured at a very conserva
tive valuation, this Is woith $11. '100.
07'.'" The total acreage was leported
as l'jj.o'J!.' and the average yield is
3.10 tons per acie. Dawson county
leads In acieage. with 27,393, but Buf
falo is in t he lead on production with
03. Mil tons, while Dawson total 03.
132. Buffalo's acieage is 2i S0:i.
Attorney General Thompson Givei
Opinion to Railway Commissioners.
Lincoln. Nov tit!. Attoint fJetieral
Thompson has Infoimed the tailroart
commissioners that the plan of tlw
Nebraska Telephone com pan v to ll
9120 of telephone coupons foi Slot) has
the appearance of being a legate to
bltn and theiefore illegal. The fuct
that the sum Is made -o lure makes
It impossible tor the small paUnti to
take admn'nge of It. Anyone wtn
90.90 would be unable tr akn advan
fftuf of the S'Jn bonus given hee ui
attorney general concludes the plan in
wrong In law. if the offer wt-re nv
tended so that the s-amtt ll?coun.t
could be obtained on smaller numbera
of coupons the ruling might be HfTir
ent. As It is the offer permit tin
wealthy corporations only to i.ife ad
van'age of the tystem.
iValut for Present Year Runi Over
Eleven Million Dollar.
Lincoln, Nov, 2-3. "HuhuIiij; well
Official Figures Secured by Canvassing
Board at Lincoln.
Lincoln, Nov. ;. Official figures
from Nebraska for the nite. electlou
were obtaining when the canvassing
budtd 'opened the retuttijj sent in by
the county clerk.- Tlie plurality of
Judge Iteese or Judge Loom! for
S'tpieme jiplge was 'J4.4HG. The Ite
P'tbllcan tegents ran ahead, over 30.
;uo eat h.
The total vole cast In Nebraska
wu- :'H3,7r) For sujireine Judge:
M. B Iteese fKep.), 102.387; George
L. Loomis (fits.), 77.981. Graves
U'ro.L ."; Stebbens (Soc), 3,200.
ltepublicauh elected district judge-:
In Mie First, Third. Four'h; Seventh.
Ninth, NlfcvMilh, Twelfth, Thiiueiifh
and Fourteenth dMrletn.
Motor Derailed While Inspecting Mis
souri Pacific Trackt.
Lincoln. Nov, "3. Itallway Commis
sioner Jouepli A Wf lllums and II O
Powell, a late clerk expert In the of
tlce of the itate eomnilusioii, were in
jured while making an Inspection of
the MisMiuri lai Hie tracks near Klin
wood Cninmls-loner William"- was so
vurely Injured. The htnt of Cleric
Powell weie slight.
Thw two men re using a gasoline
uiotoi and we're ninnliig at consider
kble speed In the darkness, when the
ar struck an obstruction and was
thrown fiotu the mils.
Mr. Williams fell with the car. He
wa taken Jo Khnwood and pot In the
care of ;i ph.-icluii. It is not believed
, his Injur!!'-, will tesult -etiously.
North Platte Business Man, Charged
With Forgery, Takes Poison,
, North Platte, Neb.. Nov. L'C -Mark
! Schrader, a young and well known
i business man, committed suicide in
, the county jail by taking poi.-on.
i Schrader had recently been in the
' real estate busine.-s and, It Is claimed,
I he made some unsuccessful invest
j ments. Friday he was arrested on the
charge or forgery. Willi making an
effort to secure bondsmen he was al
lowed to go to n drug hlore, and there
he pu:chnscd the poison which he se
creted Shoilly alter hi death a
brother in-luw arrived fiom Handy to
, furnifh bonds and sectue his release
November Bank Reports Passed.
Lincoln, Nov i'li,Owing to unusual
conditions In financial affairs, the
I November call for icports from state
'banks of the condition of their busi
ness has been omitted by Secietary
' of the banking board. Calls
,lor reports will be mad In December
, Value of Products" from Nebraska
1 Farms This Year.
Omaha, Nov. 20. Grain men of
, Omaha have been astonished at the
low estimates made by careless deal
ers as to the value of tho Nebraska
grain, some placing it as low as 92,
000,000. Caiefttl figures have beun
compiled by J. H. Hamilton and other
members of the Grain exchange, show
ing I he value to be from 100 to IK per
cent mote than the estimate of $92,
When the estimate of ylold by coun
ties was made public by the Union
Pacific Hailioad company Monday,
showing an increase in the productidh
of wJntor wheat, rye, millet, alfalfa,
and all kinds of hay, all of which are
more valuable than last year, the esti
mates of the gtnln men were veiifled
Mid tho $02,000,000 looked more like
Bide Are Liberal in Spite of Financial
Wulthill, Neb., Nov 20. Hldu were
opened on 800 acres of inherited Id
File Complaint Against Rock Island. !
Lincoln No 23. Complaint was '
filed with the state railway connnlH- '
slon against the Itoek Island i all way
traveling men alleging that 1. 000-mile '
mileage books were not on sale foi '
$20, av reipiired by the Knowles law, '
passed last winter. The Hock Island .
agents in I.lmo'.n Informed Hie com '
mission that no -u'di books n tickets
were on ale, although .iiili)-iiill
books Mi'ibl !" had at the rale of 'il.
cent- 'I he MimniLsion will lake
th mt.tler In n few davs
Republican Campaign Fund. (
Lincoln, Nov. 20 II C I iixi
ticu-'srer of the Ilcpublicaii uii
liii''e. Iia- con. piled tin i"-iii
opi tniiiureb oi the itthi iunii,..ign
The if'ceiptfc uinouiiled to $0,117X1
and the ependltuis including
$1"", m of unpaid claims, aggregata
J3 7HS )9.
Whisky Seized Under Pure Food Law.
Halllniore, Nov. 27. Acting under
instructions from the department of I
agriculture. Washington, I). C, forty- j
five barrels of bourbon whisky were '
seized at the establishment of A. L. j
Webb & Sous, this city. Tlie seizure
is conslcleied' of Importance, as tho'
first to be made in this city, as a test '
under the pure food act. Tho papers
charged that the whisky was distilled
from molasses, Instead of from grain. !
fiiousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect ft.
l'rew'trnry of Kidney DIki-.-im'.
Most people do not rc.ilio the alarm
ing increase and rental knhlc prcvalcncy
hi twwnuy iiinc.iM.,
While kuincy dis
orders are xz
most common
diseases that pre
vail, they ari
almost the la J
recogimed by
patient and phy
sicians, irtot foi
tfiiit Ihr.mnrleti
iri'li tlnftorlit'j the rfl'u't, while the '.
wiiii th'tit'itr undermines tlie j-tcni.
What To Do.
There iseonifnit in the 1;m- ledge f-o
often espie-sed, that In. Uilmer'i
Swnuip-Uoot, the iciiv l.i.leev teincdy,
fulltlls cciv wihh iiicuimvt tbi-niiinlisti..
pain in the Wk, lddiicy-, lt :, bladder
and cv civ pint of the utin.iry passage.
It eonecw iualiility to hold water
mid .scalding- pain iu'pa-iiig it, or had
effects lullowiiig use ol luptor, wine or'
beer, ami ovi-icntnei th it uiipleiHaiit nc
vssilv of bciii"' entujudlcd to go often
duriin"; the d-iv, and ii get up many
times dm nig the nigln. The mild and
IheeMraordiuaiyclK-ii of Swamp-Root
is soon n-alied.' It stun. is tlie highest
for its W'liidcrtul euns of the ino-a lis
ttessing ca-cs. If you need a nicdiein.
von should have the b'-si. Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cent and si.cs.
You iniiv havea s.unple bottle anil x
. . .... ... ...I .-u'i
Dooi; linn lens ;iu VSIi"
IIIIWIIL Ik. .'I'll I - til I i . "jiius lky
bv mail. Addi -s I )i . i3r!i!i.S
K'ilmer X: Co.. liner- " -1l2
hailltoll, N. V. When ttamiif ftnnn.p-noo.
writing iiuntiou tin- jiapcr and don t
iinike imv mistake, but remember the
name. l)r Kilnu r's v.Mii)-Root, and
the address, l'.iilghaniton, N. Y.
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances a specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and
The Bori Ton
W. S. B13NSB. Proprietor.
Do You
Hartje Asks Rehearing.
Pittsburg. Nov 23. Attorneys for
Augustus Haitje. who sued his wife
for a divorce, left hero for Philadel
phia, where they will ask the superior
court for an immediate rehearing on
the giound of errors
F. P. Sargent Critically III.
Washington. Nov 20 Frank P. Sar
gent, commissioner general of immi
gration and naturalization, Is critical
ly HI at his homo in this city. His
physicians diagnose the case as that
of a blood clot on the biain.
Iowa Village Wiped Out.
Council Bluffs, Nov. 22 The vil
lage of Chain, la., wan wiped out by, but one building bclnR baved.
Loss. $00,000.
When yon uro hungry and
want sonietlilg nice in the
meat lino, drop into my
market. We luive the nicest
kind of
nnd meats, fish, nnd game
in season. Wo think, and
almost know, that we enn
plonse yon. Give us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
jiivfcU(viikVUiaufca(a''VV(aaiiivijixtvtVtvikuuvvi(vfcU(Uiiw 0(011 uiifcaOifc
Do you know that it will pay YOU, us
well as" US, to buy your Building Ma
teriul and Coal at ourynrds? Not only
that our prices average lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but because we toko especial care
of and protect all can be classed as
Coal. Lumber.
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Residence 188.