The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 29, 1907, Image 6

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B' ..v
' I
The Spoilers.
Copyright, 1105, by Ro.x 13. Dcuuli.
(Continued from Page Three)
footer, tironthlossly. "My, lint you're
nervous!" '
(lleiilfdor dropped Ills gun. It was
rhorry Malollc, unci from her heaving
tiroast mid tin Hying colors In Jicr
dieekH the men hiiw she hart heen
running. She did not give tlicm tlmr
1i jjiioHlhn, Imt cloned mid locked tin
door while the words came tiimhllnu
from her:
"They're on (o you, boys you'd hel
1cr duclc out quick. They're on theli
way up here now."
"Qttlekl I heard McN'aniura and
Vo'irlieew, the marshal, talking. Some
liody has Kpottcd you for the holdups
Thoy'ro on their way now, I tell you,
I sneaked out by the back way and
.'ime hero through the mud. Kay, but
I'm n Hlfihtl" fcMio slumped her trimly
booted feel and (llrled her skirt. !
"I don't savvy what you mean," said
estry. glancing al his partner warn '
lugly. "We ain't done nothln'."
"WoH, U.'n all right then. I took a
jong chance so you could make a got
iiwuy If you wanted to, because they've
got warrants for you for that sluice
'Ilc four nc,x nvre ihupprd xotj no
the feathery
roWery hist night. Here they are
jiw-." She darted to the window, the
men peering over her shoulder. I'om
hig iijt the narrow walk they saw
YoiHlieos, McNamara and three others.
Tlie house htooil somewhat l.sulaieil
mid welt back on "the tundra, so that
any one approaching It by the plank
ing had uu unobstructed view of tlie
pronifnes. Escape was Impossible, for
the back door led out into the ankle
deep puddles of the open prairie, and
H was now apparent that a sixth man
had made a circuit and was approach
ing from tlie rear.
"My l.'od! They'll search the place,"
Huid Dex try, and tlie men looked grim
ly In each other's faces.
Then In a Hash Olenister stripped
hack the blankets and seized the
"pokes," leaping Into the back room,
hi another Instant he returned with
them and faced desperately the candid
bareness of the little room that they
lived and slept In. Nothing could be
hidden; It was folly to think of it.
There was a loft overhead, he remeni
lie red hojwfiilly, then realized that tlie
pursuers would search there tlrst of
"I tohl you ho was a hard fighter,"
haid Dex try as tlie quick footsteps
grew louder. "He nin't no fool, nei
ther, "Stead of our beln' caught in
iho mountains, I reckon we'll shoot it
tint hero. We should litivo cached that
gold Komewhere."
lie spun the cylinder of his black
ened Colt, whilo his face grew hard
raid vulture-like.
Meanwhile Cherry Malotte watched
the hunted look In Glenlstcr's face
grow wilder and then stiffen Into tlie
stubbornness of a man at bay. The
posse was at the door now, knocking.
The three Inside stood rigid and strain--d.
Then Glenister tossed his burden
on the ImmI.
"Go Into the back room, Cherry;
thoro'H going to bo trouble."
"Who's there?" inquired Dcxtry
through tho door, to gain time. Sud
denly, without a word, the girl glided
, 'to tho hot blast heater, now cold and
empty, which stood In a corner of tlie
room. These stoves, used widely in
tho north, are vertical Iron cylinders
Into which coal Is poured from above.
Kho lifted the lid and peered In to
And It a quarter full of dead ashes,
then turned with shining eyes ami
parted-lips to Glenister. He caught
tho hint, and In an Instant the four
jacks were dropped softly into the
feathery bottom and the ashes raked
over. Tho daring maneuver was al
most as quick as the Hash of woman's
wit that prompted It and was carried
throimh while Jhe answer to Dextry's
-. .i i mi m "'"" ' " " m' v
question was stilt unspoken.
Tiion fiieiiiBtcr opened tne door care-
iody nml admitted the group of ircu ' ..Ti,ero'8 Iho dorll of nn undertow
"We've got t search warrant to look scttln' along this beach," they told
through your house," said Voorhees. , him. "mid the water's too cold to
"What are you looking for?" t drownd In comfortable." So ho laid
"floltl dust from Anvil creek." i firm hands upon his Impatient;.
"All right search away." I Kvory day meant many dollars to
They rapidly scoured the premises, the watcher, mid yet It seemed that
covering every Inch, paying no heed nature was resolute In thwarting him,
to the girl, who watched them with for that night the wind freshened, and
indifferent eyes, nor to the old man, daylight saw the ship hugging the leu
who glared at tholr every movement, of Sledge Island, miles to the west-
Glenister was carelessly sarcastic, al
though he kept his right arm free,
while beneath his sangfroid was a
thoroughly trained alertness.
McNamara directed the search with
u manner wholly lacking In his former
mock courtesy. It was as though ho
had been soured by the gall of defeat.
The mask had fallen off now, and his
character showed- Insistent, overhear
ing, cruel. Toward the partners he
preserved a contemptuous silence.
The Invaders ransacked thoroughly,
while a dozen times the hearts of
Cherry Malotte and her two compan
ions stopped, thou lunged onward, as
McNuniiiru or Voorhees approached,
then passed the stove. At last Voorhees
lifted the lid and peered into its dark
Interior. At the same Instant the girl
cried out sharply, Hinging herself from
her position while the marshal Jerked
his head back hi time to boo her dash
upon Dcxtry.
"Don't! Don't!" She cried her np
peal to (he old man. "Keep cool.
You'll bo sorry, Dex-- they're almost
The olllcer hud not seen any move
ment on Dex try's part, but doubtless
her quick eye had detected signs of
violence. MoXaniura emerged, glower
ing, from (lie back room at Unit mo
ment. "Let them liuinY' the girl was Niying,
while Dex try stared dazedly over her
head. "They won't llud anything.
Keep cool and don't act rash."
Voorhees' duties sat uncomfortably
upon him iijthe best, and, looking at
the smoldering eyes of the two men, ,
he became averse to further search,
hi a powdery household whose mem-,
hers itched to shoot him in the back. i
"It Isn't here," he repotted, but the '
politician only scowled, then spoke for
the first time directly to the partners:
"I've got warrants for both of you, j
and I'm tempted to take you In, but I
won't. I'm not through yet not by
nny means. I'll get you got you '
both." He turned out of the door, fol-
lowed by the marshal, who called off .
his guards, and tlie group filed back
along the walk.
"Say, you're a jewel, Cherry. You've j
saved us twice. You caught Yoorhces J
Just lu time. My heart hit my palate
when he looked into that stove, but ,
the next Instant I wanted to laugh at
Dextry's expression."
Impulsively Glenister laid his hands
upon her shoulders. At his look and
touch her throat swelled, her bosom
heaved and the silken lids Muttered
until she seemed choked by a very
Hood of iiweot womanliness. She
blushed like a little maid and laughed
n timid, broken laugh. Then, pulling
herself together, the merry careless
tone came into her voice, and her
cheeks grew cool and clear.
"You wouldn't trust me at first, oh?
Some day you'll find that your old
friends are the best after all."
And as she left them she added
"Say. you're a pair of 'shine' des
peradoes. You need a governess."
HAW. gray day, with a driving
drizzle from seaward and a
leaden rack of clouds drifting
low, matched tlie sullen, fitful
mood of Glenister.
During the last month he had chafed
ami fretted like an animal In leash
for word of Wheaton. Tills uncertainty,
this impotent waiting with folded
hands, was maddening to one of his
spirit. lie could apply himself to no
fixed duty, for the souse of ills wrong
preyed on him fiercely, and lie found
himself haunting tlie vicinity of the
Midas, gazing at it from afar, grasp
ing hungrily for such scraps of news
as chanced to reach him. McNamara
allowed access to none but ills min
ions, so tho partners know but vaguo
ly of what happened on their prop
erty, oven though, under fiction of the
law, It was being worked for their
No steps regarding a speedy hearing
of the case worn allowed, and the col
lusion between Judge Stlllman and tho
receiver had become so generally rec
ognized that there were uneasy niut-
tni'lnrtj nml Hinmrs In mrtiiv iiiinrinrR.
Yet, although the politician had by
....,,.. ... , , .. a... .. i
now viiumiiy ausorncu an me ncnrai
properties lu the district and worked !
tliein through his hirelings, tlie people
of Nome, as a whole, did not grasp the
full turpitude of the schonio nor the
system's perfect working.
Strange to say, Dcxtry, the lire cater, '
had assumed an oriental patience quite
foreign to his peppery disposition ami ,
spent much of his tlmo lu the hills
On this day, as the clouds broke
about noon, close down on the angry
horizon n drift of smoke appoared, '
shortly resolving Itself Into a steamer. '
She lay to in the oiling, and through
his glasses Glenister saw that it was
tho Iloanoko. As the hours passed and .
no boat put off, he tried to hire a crow,
but the. lonjrsliiironioii imt wisely and
. .
ilook theirTiearYs as they watched the
ward, while the surf, white as boiling
milk, boomed mid thundered against
the shore.
Word had gone through the street
thai Hill Wheaton was aboard"wlth a
writ or a subpoena or un alibi or what
ever was necessary to put the "kibosh"
on McXamara, so public excitement
grew. McXamara hoarded his gold in
tlie Alaska hank, and it was taken for
granted that there would He the scene
of the struggle. Xo one supposed for
an instant that the usurper would part
with the treasure peaceably.
On the third morning the ship lay
abreast of the town ngalii. and a life
boat was seen to make off from her,
whereupon the idle population stream
ed toward the bench.
"She'll make It to the surf all right,
but then watch out."
"We'd better make ready to haul 'cm
out," said another. "It's mighty dan-'
gerous." And, sure enough, as the
skill' came rushing in through the.
breakers she was caught. I
She had made It past the Hist Hue, I
soaring over the bar on a foamy roller
crest like n storm driven gull winging ;
in toward the land. The wiry figure
of 1.111 Wheaton crouched hi the stern,'
while two sailors fought with their
oars. As they gathered for their rush
through the last zone of froth a great
comber rose out of the sea behind
them, rearing high above their heads.!
The crowd on the surf's edge shouted
The boat wavered, sucked buck Into
the ocean's angry maw, and with a
crash the deluge engulfed them. There
remained nothing but a swirling tlood
tlirough which the lifeboat emerged
bottom up, amid a tangle of oars, grat
lugs and gear.
Men rushed into the water, and the
next roller pounded them back upon
the marble hard sand. There came the
sound of splitting wood, and then a
group swarmed in waist deep amr'bore
out a dripping figure. It was a hemp
en headed seaman, who shook the wa
tcr from his mane and grinned when
Ills breath had come.
A step farther down the beach tho
bystanders seized a limp form which
the tide rolled to them. It was tlie
second sailor, his scalp split from a
blow of the gunwale. Nowhere was
Glenister had plunged to the rescue
first, a heaving line about his middle,
and, although buffeted about, he had
reached the wreck, only to miss sight I
of the lawyer utterly. He had time j
for but a glance when lie was drawn
outward by the undertow till the line
at his waist grew taut, then the water
surged over him and lie was hurled
high up on the beach again. He stag
gered dizzily back to the struggle,
when suddenly a wave lifted the cap
sized cutter and righted It, and out
from beneath shot the form of Whea
ton. grimly clutching the life ropes.
They brought, him in choking and
"I got it," he said, slapping Ills
streaming breast, "it's all right, Glen
ister. I knew what delay meant, so I
took a long chance with the surf." The
terrific ordeal he had undergone had
blanched him to the lips, his legs wab
bled uncertainly, and he would have
fallen but for the young man, who
thrust an arm about his waist and led
him up into the town.
"I went before the circuit court of
appeals In 'Frisco," he explained later,
"and they Issued orders allowing un
appeal from this court aud gave me u
writ of supersedeas directed against
old Judge Stlllman. That, takes the
litigation out of his hands altogether
and directs McNamara to turn over
the Midas and all the gold bo's got.
What dp you think of that? I did bet
ter than I expected."
Glenister wrung his hand silently,
while a great satisfaction came upon
him. At last this waiting was over
and his peaceful yielding to injustice
had borne fruit had proved the better
course after all, as the girl had prophe
sied. He could go to her now with
clean hands. Tho mine was his again.
He would lay It ijt her feet, telling her
once more of his love and the chango
It was working In him. Ho would
make her see it make her see that be-
i nenth the harshness his years In the
I wild liml fflvnn lilm his lnve for her
wild had given him his love for her
was gentle and true nnd all nbsorblng.
lie would bid her be patient till she
saw he had mastered himself, till he
could come with Ids soul In harness.
"I am glad I didn't fight when they
jumped us," he said. "Now we'll got
our property back and all tho money
they took out that Is, If McNamara
hasn't raited It."
'Yes; nil that's necessary Is to file
tho documents, then serve tho Judge
nnd McNamara. You'll bo back on
Anvil creek tomorrow."
Having placed their documents on
recordsat the courthouse, tho two men
continued to McNaniarn's offlce. Ho
met them with courtesy.
Tho Kind Yon llavo Always Bought, and which has been
in use for oyer 30 years, lias borno the signature of
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good"nro but
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mum iree wn
ether un
UMItllh n.
tlortsKtrlctlycoiitliJoiitliil. HANDBOOK onl'Atonu
Invention is pronniiiy pniciiinnin.
cut 1 mo.
, Oldest nuMicy lor nrnirnifr patents.
I'iitouts taken thruueh Munn Jt Co. receive
tpeclal notice, wiitioutciinreo, lu mo
Scientific American.
A hnnrlmnirljr lllnf rntPrt weekly. I.nrircit rlr
dilution of nny ni-icnl lU.t Journal, 'rerun, j:i a
iHr: Iimr months, (1. KoiU Uyull ucwudeHler.
MUNN &Co.3cic'"d New York
llruiich UHlcu, CJ5 V BL, Wnshliiutun, I). C.
against Fire, Lightniiiu, Cy
clones and Windstorms, seo
JNO. b. stanser;
tiK'ont tor the Karmois Union insni
itnco Co,, Lincoln, eb the bust in
sumnce company in tin
Residence: Firt door south of
lied Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster
Can be found nt homo overy fore
noon. Terms reasonable.
Barber Shop
Basement of
Potter Block.
a Specialty
Dr.DctchonH Iiellof forHlietiinatlum tuul Veural
Rla radically cun h hi 1 to 3 iluya. Itx fiction upon
tho Hyutein Is rcmnrkablo and myMnrlous. i
rcmovou at onco tli caimn and UkxIImih-o m
mediately disappears. Tho Urn dim uroatli
bon-fltH, 75 c-ntnand il. Sold by II K.Ohicb
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F. Newhovise'
Adv. on 6.
Mi iiwmu'W" m X mi tmnmrntim
Pieri.i JHiJfo tiL - 'AM zcmteL
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision sinee its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
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,that sick women endured
I in the back, hips, legs,
'etc., the headaches, waist
and side pains, falling
feelings, nervousness, ir
regular cenods and other
suffering can be relieved
. - .. .
or cured, as were those
of Mrs. Lucy Rowe. of
Gilford, 111,, by taking
-- - - r
i She writes: "For 4 years I suf-1
I tered terrible cams in mv side.
I from female trouble. Wine I
I of Cardui cured them They
1 were better before I finished
one bottle. The doctor!
wanted to operate on tne, but
1 took v-ardui instead, and J
now I am nearly well."!
C!ftrrln is it CAtrt' fn 45cl
orders of the womanly func
tions, iryiu
Ea7.. . .
ai au urnggBB, ji.uu
ClMtinri uml t,cautinti th hair.
I'miiiutri a Ituurlniit pmwth.
bevcv Failb to ltratoro Clry
llf'ir t ltd Vnnltifiil r.AA-
) fi. . 5(,. Uvi. ' fc hair UUlug".
' " : IJa at DruitirliU
- ,
rwsL 5'iwa