The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 29, 1907, Image 2

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Rod Cloud - - Nebraska.
Sntcred In the PoatofDm t R1 Cloud, Neb.,
a Haconcl MM Matter.
George Newuouse
Deposed Head of Suspended Borough
Institution Terminates His Troubles
With Razor and Penknife Released
From Jail on $30,000 Bail.
New York, Nov. 27. Howard Max
well, deposed president of the Ilor
ough hank of Hrooklyn, who was un
der indictment for grand luiccny and
lorgery uno was released from Jail on
?;tl),000 hail, committed suicide. Ho
cut Ills throat and left wrist with a
inzor and penknife in the bathroom
of Ills home In Brooklyn and died at
Long Island college hospital. Max
well, who was locked up last Thurs
day, had felt his humiliation keenly
and during his incarceration had
appealed hopelessly despondent. Ho
had, however, given his family no in
timation so lar as known that lie con
templated suicide. His wife was
prostrated by the t raged) and is under
the care of physicians.
Maxwell was released Monday night
from Raymond street jail, where ho
had been In Id a prisoner since the
three Indictments chargln him with
misdoings in conncctloi, with tho man
ugement of the suspended bank were
returned. There was some dllllculty
In obtaining ball, and ollicers of tho
jail reported that Maxwell was greatly
Maxwell was forty-nine years old
Mid leaves a wile, but no children.
On Nov. 21 he was jointly Indicted for
grand larceny with former Cashier
Arthur Campbell ami Director William
How of the Rorough bank. The:e weru
other Indictments against him, In
"volving torgery In a quarterly hank
Mutoiucut. made to the state banking
i.epartinent. When these three men
were arraigned. Campbe.ll and (low se
cured bondsmen, but to the surprise of
many who ln w of Maxwell's popular
ity In liuauelal circles and socially
none offered to go upon his bond. Kor
Mime time only ills lour sisters, who.
offering Ihe home left I hem by their
mother, who died three days alter the
Uatik suspended, could secure only a
$10,000 bond, came to his rescue. This
desertion on the part or men to whom
lie had looked for his fteedom, embit
tered and depressed Maxwell, and the
despondency Increased befoie his re
lease was brought about. Ruling his
arraignment, Maxwell's counsel stated
that his client had put up every dollar
in the world that lie possessed to se
cure the bank and that he had abso
lutely .stripped himself to protect tho
institution. Later, on (he way to his
cell, Maxwell is said to have bor
lowed $3, with which to buy a meal or
two from a nearby lehtaurant. At the
time he had declared that he did not
have a rent with which to provide
himself any extras outside the prjson
fare. His humiliation was aggiavated
when, like a common felon, he was
measured by the Rortlllon system and
Ills pedigree placed In the jail records.
Maxwell had hern regarded as one
nf the rising financiers of Hiooklyn
and was i camel to be worth $200.0110
when the crash In banking affairs
Following so soon upon the suicide
or Charles T. Harney, resigned presi
dent or the Knickerbocker Trust com
pany, the suicide caused a sensation.
Five Ballots Are Taken, All With
Same Result Darrow Hurries to
Boise, for ;ettlbone Case Hawley
Is Disappointed at Verdict.
llathUrum Ida., Nov. 25. -The jury
In the Sieve Adams murder ease was
dtschaiged, being unable to agree on
a verdict alter being out time 8: lib
o'clock Saturday night. The juiy
stood eight loi ucquittal and lour
lor conviction Jut y men J P. House,
Cliarles Dltteuioie, D. V. Garwood
ml S. A. Vat num. were the lout men
who believed Steve Adams guilty of
the murder of Fred Tylei in the Mar
ble tieek dlit rlct of Shoshone (ouuty,
Idaho. In August, 1904.
Five ballots were taken, all with the
thiiH' result. Dariow, of counsel for
Adams, tried io obtain concessions or
bail for Adams and of immunity fiom
srrei-t by Colorado authorities until
the Tyler case is disposed of. No
1 11 1 I B I
1 promise was given lilrn. Sheriff Ralloy
of Shoshone county Is hero with a
Warrant for the arrest of Adams on
the charge of murdering I2il Houlo
near tho name place and nbout the
same time the Tyler murder occurred.
1 It Is understood that Adams Is not
to ho taken to Colorado at present
and that the state will not oppose tho
efforts to get hall for Adams. Har
low will later make application for
hall for his client, but will now hurry
to Roiso for the I'ettihone case.
Hawley, chief counsel for Ihe state,
declared the disagreement of the Jury
will have no effect on the prosecu
lion of the Tyler case, again, nor will
It lessen the efforts of the slate to
prosecute in
other cases wherein
Western federation of Miners ofllclnla
and prominent members are defend
ants, y.t Hawley is disappointed at
the verdict. Harrow sa)s the defence
expected an acquittal.
Nebraskan Made Call "Simply to Pay
Respects to President."
Washington, Nov. 25. President
Roosevelt and William J. Rrynn were
in conference lor half an hour In the
president's ptivate office at tiie White
"I was not Invited to call," said
Bryan on leaving, "but I called up on
the telephone and asked when the
president would icceive callers, and,
being informed, went siniplj to pay
my respects.-'
Mr. Rryan said that ho had a "pleas
ant chut" with tho piesidcnt, but was
not willing to discuss the details of
his Interview. He was glad, howevet,
to add details to the liuauelal plan
which lie proposed a few days ago.
This, he said, was simply to have the
government insure depositors in na
tional banks against loss by reason of
the failure of the banks. It was not
intended, he said, to liavo the gov
ernment keep a liiud for this purpose.
Whenever a national bank should bo
requited to pay its depositors it would
be the duty of the government to
make an assomin-iit on all national
bunks to in cm the amount of loss by
leason of the lailuie. This assess
ment, Mr. Rryan said, would be In
liultesimal Opposition to this plan,
Mr. Rryan conceded, might be made
by stat" banks, which would be b ft
out. The answer to this! lie said,
was thai the states should .Individual
ly take up the same scheme and viand
as a gu. it alitor atrnlnst loss io depo-
nor in stale hanks.
President of Labor Federation Re
Elected Without Dissenting Vote.
Norfolk. Va.. Nov. 2.', - The Amer
ican Federal 'on of Labor, indorsing
I lie every act ot wind and pen ot its
president, Samuel O-ompers, ami re
buking with all the fonc at the com
mand of (lie English language those
who haw sought to malign his pel
soual character or olllcial fomluct.
unanimously re-elected Mr Compers
to office for another term Othei of
tlcers of lb fedciation weie elected
as follows Mee presidents .lames
Duncan, Quin.-y. Mass : John Mitch
ell. Indianapolis: James o'Conuell,
Washington; I). A. Hayes. I'liiladel
phla; Pauiel .1 Keefe, Detroit. Will
lam 1) Huher, Indianapolis; Joseph
F Valentine, Cincinnati Trensuicr,
John P. Leiinon. Rloomingtoii III Sec
icinry. Fiank Morrison, Washington
Normal Conditions Return, with Slight
Drop in Prices, and Grain Moves
Minneapolis. Nov 23. Country ele
vat ot managers aie reporting in the
Minneapolis giain tlrnis that ihe
movement of Hie rop is again ip-.u
tioimal Fanneis are bringing in
theii giain and the scare (uuu'd hy
the recent lightening of the 'currency
appeals io be wearing off Some of
the fitimeii have also been Induced to
sell dining the past few days by ib prices The result Is a n-inni
to active hmiupss among ihe el"aton
throuahout Minnesota and North 1)4
Certificate Issue a Success,
Washington Nov 21). The secre
tary of Hie treasury slated that sub
scriptions to the . per cent eerlitleaf"
were being iccelved in large unmhen;
ond that the issue was already a sue
ccMCful one In addition to subset p
lions from Individuals, many or tb
national hank depositoiies in the crop
moving sections ot the south and west
art availiug themselves of the np-mi
limit y to purchase th certifliaUs.
Long Procession of Divorce Seekers
Marches on Court House at St. Louis.
St. Louis, Nov. 27. Half a mile of
dissatisfied wives, extending horn the
com l house down Bioadway, was the
spectacle offered hy St. Louis io an
amazed public. TVicre were some
men too, but they did not count. It
was the weekly rush for divorces by
women who thought they would be
belter off without t lie marital yoke.
In all, there were 2110 applicants for
freedom, and In 110 casus thorn was
no opposition put up by the other half
or the mlsniated pair.
P11E IS 1 11
Alleged Member of Inner Circle of
Western Federation of Miners Faces
Murder IndictmentSpecial Venire
of 100 Will Be Ordered.
Hoise. Ida.. Nov. 27. Tho work ot
fcl,f.Pillir t.irv for the trial of Geor.'u
A p0ttilono, (;hargod with compile it..
in tho assassination ol ex-Got. : or ,
Frank A. Steunonborg, began in tne ,
district court lieie tins morning. The j
regular venire consists of thirty-five I
names and when these are disposed of
u special venire of at least 100 will
be ordered.
Attorneys on both sides agree that
it will require a longer time than In
tho Haywood trial, when nearly u
month was consumed in tins prelim- i
inaty work.
I'ettihone was indicted with Will- ,
i.ini Haywood, secretary; Cliarles II.
Mover, president, and Jack Simpklns,
member of the executive bonrd of the
Western Federation of Miners, in
Aiarch. laoiy for the murder of ex
Governor Fiank Sleiuienberg at Citld- ,
well, Ida., Dec. ;I0. l!IO.-. lie was ar
rested at Denver at the same time as
Mover ami Haywood and brought to
Idaho, following the confession of
Harry Orchard, in which lie admitted
Killing Stounenberg with a dynamite
umb and charged that he had bceu
lured to commit the crime by the fed
feratlon ollicers.
I'ettihone had no olllcial connection '
with tho federation, but has been an
honorary .member since his arrest. It
is charged by the state that he was
the go-hot ween between the so-called
inner circle" and their alleged hind
assassins. After the acquittal of Hay
wood, application for bond was made
fur Mover and I'ettihone. The state t
i -.fused to consent to I'ettihone's re- '
lease, but Moyer was allowed ball In
tho sum of $2fi.ono. The trial of Ret
llbone was set for Oct. 1. but contlri
I ued several times because of tho de
fendant's illness. Reliibnno U still In ,
; oor health, bin insists thai he is
able to stand tiial.
President of Federation of Labor Is
sues Proclamation to Union Men. '
Washington, Nov. 27. Copies of a
proclamation, addressed "To all or
ganized labor," and designed to defeat
the election of Joseph G. Cannon as '
speaker of the house of representa
tives in the Sixtieth congress, have
been sent to trades unions in every
section of the country. The proclma- ,
t Ion is signed by Samuel Gompers, I
president of tiie American Federation !
ol Uibor. The shortcomings of !
Speaker Cannon during the three con- I
grosses he bus served In that position,
as charged in this proclamation, are '
set forth at length, and each In
stance where by his vote or ruling ho
lias acted in a way thai seemed Inim
ical to the lutei ests of labor la given
ill detail.
National Nominating Convention Will
Be Held There April 2.
St. luis, Nov. 27. After protracted
balloting and i-oiisideinllon eil the
merits eif scserai cities, the naiional
committee of the People's paity se
lected St. Louis as the- place for the
national nominating convent ion and
set April 2 as the date lor the gath
ering. Kansas Cliy. Chicago, Cincin
nati, Indianapolis ami Oklahoma City
were discusseel.
Reside disposing of the coueutiou
nun tor, the committee met behind
closed doors am) prepared an address
to the voters e)f the country, in which
tho "leading llgures of the older par
ties" are complimented for taking up
Populist ic teachings ami aie wel
comed as convcits.
Bryan Dinner at Washington.
Washington. Nov. 27. William J.
Rryan was tendered a banquet ami
recttptlon by "The United Democracy
or the District of Columbia." Five
hundred Democrats partook of the $H
dinner and more than double that
unmoor participated In the reception
and feasl of oratory which followed.
.District Conunissionei West was In
troduced by Willis J. Abbott as toast-
master, and at once Inaugurated the
speechmakiug feature of the program.
Mr. Rryan's nomination was piecllcted
hy each of the several speakers.
Walsh's Books Not Used Against Him.
Chicago, Nov. 27. An attempt on
the part of the prosecution to lorcc.
the presentation In court of the pri
vate hooks of John It. Walsh, on trial
for alleged misapplication of tho funds
of the Chicago National hnuk, was
lriltit rated by an adverse decision by
Judge Anderson. Tlje court held that
an order requiring that tho hooks be
moduced would amount to forcing the
defendant to testify ngnlnnt himself?
"Short Money, Short Shovels."
Redford, Ind., Nov. 27. On account
of tho financial crisis 100 foreign la
borers who used the pick nnd" shovel
at the Hoosler quarries hnd their
wages cut from J 5 to 12L. cents an
nour. The angry men mnrched to the
machine sliojm nnd hnd two nnd one
half inches cut from their hliovols to
meet the corresponding t eduction In
wages. TJiuy say, "Short monoy, short
shovels." '
Little Chance That It Will Be Called
Until January.
New York, Nov. 2f). The second
trial f Harry KeiidalL Thaw, set for
one week fiom today, will again be
postponed, anil there is little chance '
that it will be called until some elate
well along in January The decision
to ask lor a postponement has been
agteed to by both sides. It Is due
partly to the fact that the task of so- i
lectlng a jury would be made doubly
burd by the appreinch er the holidays
and the piospect before) the talesmen '
of spending both Christmas and New
Year's day locked up under the care
of court bailiffs, and also to the fact
t lint Thaw's counsel lias applied to
tho court for permission to Inspect
ihe seen t evirlence presented before
the lunacy eeunmlssion during the
progiess eif the lirst trial. As an
added i-ause for delay there is a rumor
that til- attorneys now representing
Thaw may apply for a change or
venue, dee taring a fair trial for their
client in New York county Is imixissi
hie Such a move if made, would' bo
based upon the alleged tinfiiendly at
titude of many of the local papers r
and the extent to which the evidence ,
was printed and read in this county, j
District Attorney Jerome will seri-1
ously oppose the gi anting of a change
in the scene of the trial.
Well Known Newspaper Man Dies at
Stamford, Conn.
New York, Nov. 21! -Charles F.
Persons, until recently vice president
and assistant general manager of the
Anieiican Press Association. New
York city, died at Sramford, Conn.
Mr. Pei.-ons was horn in Rushl'ord. N.
llltyihree years ago and educated
at the nearby schools ar.d lcained tho j
printer's trade on the Cattaraugus i
Republican at Little Valley. N. Y.
l-ater he ? turfed the Rrudford (Pa.)
If i a at the time Hie Rradfoicl oil llelds
wire opened. From Rrudford he i
moved to Olean. N Y.. where for many j
)eais he was editor ami pioprietor oft
the Olean Daily Herald. I
, About twenty )cars ago he became
manager of the American Press Asso
cit ion's New York ofllce, was promot
ed to secretary and assistant gen
! oral manager and still later became
i vice president and assistant general
' manager. He was taken ill a year
I ago and went to California to lecup
' crate, hut Ihe change did not prove
benoilciul - Three w-ocks ago Mrs.
j Persons died. Mr. Persons Is survived
by two daughters, Mrs. Frederick 12.
t (iWinii, Jr., and Miss Marjorie Persons.
Two Men Shot by Kansas City
torial Writer Will Recover.
Kaunas City, Nov. 2.). No charge
has '.vet been preferred against (Jen
, oral R ('. Home, the stockholder and
i ediloiial writei of the Kans-as City
j Post, who Satiirda) shot and wounded
' O. D. Woodward, president of the
Post company, and II. J. doves, man
I aging editor of the paper.
t (Joneral Home is being held at the
l police mutton's ofhee at the city hall
: awaiting the outcome of the Injuries
J u fe red by his victims.
Roth patients are resting well. The
', bullet which struck droves has not
j been removed, nor has It been defl
! nitelv located, although It is believed
1 to lie in the muscles of the back. Uu-
less unfavorable symptoms develop,
no effort will be niaile to leniove the
bullet for several das.
The bone in Woodward's arm was
shattered and the necessity of ampu
tation may develop, hut his physician
staled that It Is too early to deter-
mine whether the member can be
i Sixty-One Indians Will Work for the
Crouch Railroad Line This Winter.
1 Rapid Cit). S. I)., Nov. 25. The re
' belltous t.le Indians, sixty-one bucks
j nitli theii wives and children, arrived
lime overland ft out the Cheyenue res-
, rvat0 ,, stnK.k rnnui tlm,e IUM
i west of he-ie. Tliev will be employed
by Die- Ciouch railroad line here for
, the wlntci and the government has
leased j .(M)U ueies or land heie for
' ibeiit fiom f5 P. nennett.
Hearing at Kansas City Ends.
Kansas City, Nov JU The case of
the Missouri river hippes against
' tho railroads before the interstate
counneice commission bas been con
cluded here The plaintiffs claim
that they leave made u kirotig case
bermo the commission. All available
witnesses huvet been heard and they
Kemps Msm
Will slop any coufjh that
can be stopped by amy
medicine and cure coufjtos
thnt cannot be cured by suay
other medicine.
It is always the bctvt
cough cure. You cannot
afford to take chances csr
any other hind.
coughs, colds, bronchStf'm
grip, asthma and consump
tion in lirst stages.
It docs not contain alco
hol, opium, morphine, or
any other narcotic, poisoa-
or harmful
New and Liberal Homestead Regulations In
New Districts Now Opened
for Settlement
Sfltnn of tho eJio1eot Inn.ln In tho Rrnln-RTonlnt.
lx-lto of Hnftktitchr'wnn unit Altwrtn luiwi riMi-ntly lMn
oxntd for wttli-nu-nt tinlfr iho lUilw! Homcuttod
Ib'KUlatlonn of Onnnrtii. 'J IioumuiiIh of toiM1mt!H ol
lfO ncrc ciicli nr now dwiIIhMo. Tho now Ib-Kuln
tlann mnko it 1k-IIiIo for entry to !m tniult hy nroiy
thii opportunity thnt nnmy In tho Unlti-d KtiitCR luue-l-rn
wiiUIdb for. Any inoutier of n fnmll.v mii
innko entry for nny othor uu-niWir of th fnmlly, nho
may lx) oiitltk.l to mnlto -ntry for liltnwlf or lirru'lf.
Kntry tuny now lvo mnrfo lfor tho Acrnt or Hul
Am-nt of tho District liy proxy (on ( eirtiiln condltloim'
hy tho fiithrr, mother, ton, rtmmlitcr, hroUmr or
later of nn Intrmlin,: home Mewler.
"Any tn-numbrd etlon ol Dominion Lndi In
Mnllob or lha Northwest Province, aieapllng U n
20, not rdtrvtd, may b hmUdd by any prtr
lh sol head ol family, e male over to yr at
agt, Io Iho oilonl el ono-quartor taction, cl 100 aoroa,
mora or l."
Tho foo In rwh row rtlt N $10. Chnrrhf. rx-hoolt
nml market convenient. Itenlthy rllmnt". Kpletidlrl
rroiw iinil. c:ool nvr (imln.irrmeini; nml titttle
rllnKirineluil liiilntri-.
For further pnrtlailurn n to ItntM, Iliiutei, Ilea
Tiiuo to tlo onii Whrrei to Locntfl. iipply to
S3 New Yurk Lite lll.l,:.. Omuhiu Neli.
Cjiiindiiin lioverunient Avt-nt
say they will Introduce more evidence
at Chlcafio. ICvidenc was Inlroduceci
to show that the $, Hca. of rate
fo St. Paul is solely the maUinK of
the western lines, and that ellsnlm
Malory rates- nunln-t Kansas cit ate
mado by we-t( r tiu'
Resume CrsH Payments Soor. as Other
Cities Will Co-Operate.
Omaha, Nov J". - We would re
sume cash pnMiicnts 'o ail depunlti.s
today If we were n-curcd thnt Chlcam
would iciiinie Pec l, said Vice Presi
dent t'aldwell of the I'nltcd States
Naticnal haul;, when liis nttiiitlon
was '-nlk'.l to the- action of the Ghl
cat;o c lenrins house, which is witling
to western banlts" to asceriain tht-It
iontimcui. "I believe ihi i-i the Hist
unltej.l action townrd putting an end
to the pre.-ent coi.diiion jf things.
We have jileiity of money and couM'
pay off every depositor but of course,
we could not presume to resume 'ash
pavments l.eie while the rest of the
country still paid in paper. Rut see
largo is our supply of cash that we
could go on liom now to Uec. l. as 1
have said, without help from Chicago
if wo were as-iiiel that, on that date
Chicar-.o would resume payments
There K no part of the eootitry sv
prosperous im! so l.eai'hy as we."
Nearly Half Hundred Witnesces Ex
amined and Trial Continues.
Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 23. The s'tnt
believes it won a cood point in thr
Shuniway murder trial when the com
mission appointed by Jmlije Kelligar
io e.samiiK' Shumway as to ht sanity
pronounced him perfectly fane.
Many witnesses were examined, tho
proceedings lieini; practically a re
hearsal of previous testimony as rr
gards the .dentirlcatiun of the bloody
butcher Knife, moult oy wrench anrt
Bhuniway's clothing found at tho
Martin home after the murder. A
number testified to seeing Shumwa.r
at work In the field tho day of tlur
murder and also to having met him
after he secured employim-nt at Mar
tin's house.
All told, about forlyllve. witnesses
have been examined by the state
The case will not go to the juij be
fore Wednesday.
Three Men Assassinated.
Clio, Ark., Nov. 27. Three m.
were assassinuted as they steppe5
from a train here. The assassin in
unknown. The dead are: Thomaa
R. Godfrey, a Pine niniT lumberman
Clarence h. Hush, a telegraph ope,
ator, fand A. R. McEwin, a sinin.
teacher. ihn was a bystander.
Commits Suicide at Acje of Nlnety-nirt
Kail River, Mass., Nov. 27. At Uh
age. or ninety-nine years, Charles M
Chace. a Well-to-do farmer, decide.!
that life was not worth llvins ami
committed suicide. He took pari
tren and was dead when found. U
left a note saying that he was tired nZ
Wston Computes Long Walk.
Chicago, 'Nov. 27. Edward Payso.t
Weston completed the finnl lap of hi.i
record-hrenking walk from Pnrllnrm
I Me., Io Chicago this morning, lower-.
I In his record, established forty yeiwi
j fo, hy on day.
- - -
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