The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 22, 1907, Image 5

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I.. A. HasUnis t'ui Hue pot itoes.
r go lilinloi was in Oin-ihu t,lii -
vm .
Kith Wdi-i-iMi will do yniir burnt
woo I vorfe.
The HoIImji 1 house 1ms itisi ailed si
mn roghUr.
Mi. I P. McCHtitnok Wits oil tho
Sill llS' Mli WKt-li.
St Htitii V. oreii for nil kinds of
hill it wood supplies,
Jj-t Do 1'our "pent Fhmday at lils
ho. id lini U
i'.-wh Ml" c: has roitiriu I from
Iril to Kmui i Ity.
UfV. flrifFhr U I'litnttHiutiitf n sister
f hi week tit til hump.
ftfi" K. L. D.Smlth has boon in Kan-
'i.s th.s week on si visit.
K irt LJnrrlt of Inavale vvtm in the ci
ty 'nudity on imslnoM.
I' .J. D iss of Guide Kook was in tlio
cii Monday on business.
fii - Hbmch Osborne has been down
SM" UMlSillti tills Wl'Ok.
M - Myru (Jrifl'itli returned from
l' .mimpIi Sunday morning.
I i Uohnnuun of Lincoln was visiting
hi -Mvi'H in Hod Cloud Thursday.
- in Temple of Kansas City was in
I; '.oiul on business Wednesday.
Hr Lulu Mo'thew-. of Innvulo was
i--tn.u Hed Cloud friends Monday.
IC chard King of Palisade, Neb., is
vis'Mtig bis cousin, Mrs Gins. Stofl'eti.
Tb cats lump coul for sale, .7.rl i er
lori it told in ten days. ,I.O. Caldwoll.
.) hn Person, carrier on ruual route
No "2. lnt a wilunble horse Saturday.
A turkey shoot is being hold today
on 'lie MB. Smith farm north of town.
i. A'. Oles. of Boulder, Colo., was here
on hu-inees the first part of this week.
M -.- Anna Porter of Franklin is visit
in. n tho liome of Mr. and Mr-. Cress
inii'i ivr. and Mis. Marion Pinkot outer
I ti- . 1 two bisters at their home this
( U'M Wright of lMadoti who trail -
sar'nit: Inistiiess
in Ked L'iim'1 Weil-
pes Uy,
Mr. and Mrs. Kralik and dHUf,'hter
K.ttio expect to loavo soon for a trip
to Ohio.
At r-. Will Hunt o.xpoct to j,'o Sunday
to Uettrice for a visit with a sister at
that place.
A. .1. Illug of Womor, Kaus., was
vlsitiurt his cousin, Mrs. Clias. Steiron.
this wek.
Mis. Will Auld lot t. yosterday noon with' friends Id Hlne Hill
art I C unpboll.
I' i" (i. Nurris anil wife returned
Tii "-i'iiv from their visit to their old
nT. A "W Sr&E.fSfcHlOTAteJ 6 A 1 E
Someone needs a Buggy. If
that one will come to my store
November 23, 1 will sell him a
leather quarter-top Buggy for
$45 that ne can't duplicate else-
where for less
t, will be just one
and the iirst one
it. Also note
on Enamel Ware:
A I'.'-im-h Knainel Wash !asiti
A l-qiuut P.namel Dippec ...
A 0-qunrt Hnaiuel Milk Pan..
A 11-qiitut Knnnicl IMsh Pan.
A 'Miuart Lnainel Coll'ee Pot.
A il-hole Steel Itaiigo with Huervolr, lS-inch Oven, worth 5 10.00,
sale jn-ice
C You can save great money by
. will need a Heatinc Stove.
are fine Stoves and I
tf---wti;j.X -HiMato a iAy.
home hack in Kentucky.
Net Thuisdity Is I hanksgiving day
and the smell of turkoy and cranberry
sauce is already in tho air.
Mrs. Dave Dickey lett Wednesday
morning for Nebraska City, Nobr., to
visit lier father and sister.
Miss Ma, Anness, assistant postmas
ter nt Heaver City, was visiting with
Mrs. L. It. l.'ust this week.
Tho Congregational Sunday school
has decided to observe Christmas witli
a program on Chritnian ovc.
Correct time is received every day at
I o'clock from Chicago hy New-house
I'ros. on their electric regulator.
Mrs. .1. W. McChiiu of (Irahiun
i county, Kiiimis-. was in tow i this week
and Is thinking of tming here.
Mis Marion .Mercer left yesterday
noon for (lil)bon, Nobr, to visit with
hoc niuonts Mr. Mrs. .1. L. Apple-gate
HhIpIi Parlette's lectnio at the opera
Iii.iisfi Satnrdnv evenimf Wis well tti-
tondod and oujuyed ty all wlio heard
W.T.Willshiro.C. H. Leallt(.I. Ilor
nn and T. J. wllsnn were iunon the
Guide Uouk vlsltois to Hod Cloud Sat
urday. Newhouse Mros. adopted on the first (
or October the cash plan of dotnjr tnisl-1 and are now selling tfuuila cheaper
than ever. j
Tho li'idies' Aifl society of the Con
ip'OHUtionnl church will hold u market
at Fulton's store next Saturday, No
ember li.'l.
Tho board of county comniissiouors
has been in session this week. A icport
of Ihoir pt'ocoediiiKS will be found on
tho first pajje.
Din. W-iriek A Uiddile, Kyo. lOar.
Nose and Throat Specialists. Glasses
litt-d. Over German N'ational Bunk.
Hasting". Nebr.
Mrs. M.ibol: Thompson and baby,
who have been visiting liero with hoi
patents, Mr. and Mrs G.
ljindsev, '
have returned home.
A. 15. Myers, formerly in the livery
business here, but now in the restaur
ant business at Lebanon, was in the
city on business Monday.
Darley Plumb left Wednesday niorn
hiL' for u visit with hisbrother lletbort,
' wjio vtudyitiK for tlie niinistrvat Drake
( University at Des Moines Ja.
Joe Warren and wife, of New ork
were in the city over Sunday They
are spendine tlio winter in Hastings
with their daughter, Mrs. Pease.
Mrs. IJoyd, formerly it rosideut ol
lied Cloud, passod through tho city
Saturday on her way foi a visit with
hor son. IL .1. Clark, at Arbonille
Will Hacker visited with his mother.
Mrs. Emma Dncker. the first of this
week. Will has a position in the In
dian service with the federal govern
ment. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Potter left
. . s
than S65. There
sold at this price,
who comes gets s
following prices I
, 20c
seeing mc those days.
Come and see our Leader.
will make the prices right.
' ru ffj"-
Js iiAJirtJ. U &- ,J'J
For Infants find Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signaturo of
yesterday noon for (iraml sl,iiid,liere
they expect to visit forut lcist a mouth
with their son, Oscai, who is now
living at that place.
The series of revival meetings which
have been in progress at the Christian
church closed Wednesday. Th" meeting
wore in chire of IJ-iv. V M. Brnitin
I and were well attended.
Blotches, pimples, coarse porcs.bhick
beads are unsightly and denote impure
bluod. Hollister's liocky Mountain Tea
will drive them away. r Cent. Tea
or Tablet. C. t. Cottinjr.
J. II. lIii,'ho. Mvhu two mile fiouth
of town, left this uioruiiis,' on no Is for
southwest cm Missouri to look over
hind in that section or the country
with a ie.v to pnrcliasintf.
Mrs. l M. MeFarliind and dautfhler,
Mr.'i. K ilnh Foe. left winday for Mc-
Cook to see Ihilph saToly settled thoiv,
wlioro he lias a position ns tit turn
aeut for the lhirlinjiton.
Tln first quartt-rly conference was
held at the Methodist Kplscopal chuch
Mo day evening. Dr. N. . Martin or
IlastiiiKs pie-idinj,' older of this dlstrlt
was ptosont and deliveiod a sermon.
It is healthful, wholesome. Its as
1 irood for one as the other. A little
dose will make you sleep and cat.
Makes people hannv. HollislcrVHockv
.Mountain Tea. Itr. Cents, Tea or Tab
Fjiitfcnc Monro in "Two Orphans,"
under tliu mnnnnomont, of I'' red I Con
rad, will be at the opera house Tliurs
day evening. December f. This is a
l-'0("' l)l"5' presented by a high olas-,
Miss Voriio Hall, elocutionist ami
reader, held forth at the Christian
church Monday evening under tho
auspices of ttie Christian lOndeavor,
assisted by local talent, llci-entertain-ment
was well attended and well en
joyed. Tho Ladies' Aid society of tlio Meth
odist Hpiscopal Church cleared ii-'-IO.IO
at their supper given in t lio church pai
1 hn--, Friday evening. This is a much
larger sum than that eleaicd at any of
' their preceding suppers, which are held
I monthly.
j Subjects of tho sermon s at the Con
! grcgatinnal church n -t Sunday niorn-
i ing, "What I Joes our Church Stand
for," evening, "Tlio Young Man's
Strength." This is a special .sermon
to the vounir num. and all are most
! cordially Invited.
' 'if I had .1. D.'s money." said old man
I Swain.
i ! would make everybody happy from
Oregon to Maine:
Von don't need money, just lie free,
, Clvc your family lloekj MoiinlalnTea.''
! C. L Cutting.
I Union Thanksgiving services at the
Methodist l'jpiscop-il church Thursday
November 'JS, at 10:15 o'clock a. in.
Uuv. . A. Crossnian, of the Cougioga church, will pi each tho .sermon.
Subject, "Our Country ami Its liless
ings." All pa plo cordially invited.
. Hx County Judge A. 11. Keenoy ro
I turned Friday uioiningto Denvernfter
, a short stay he-re. Ho expects to go in
to the real estate and and insurance
business theio wit h Thomas Peiiumau
i iuii
S i mill
J i visi
i formerly of this place. His urido ie-
'mod in Denver during tho judges
t here
5 I
Q , A surprise jiarty was given at the
p , homo of Mrs. Frank Campboll, living
northeast of town, la-.t Saturday, the
occasion being Mrs. Campbeir.s forty
j seventh birthday. During tim course
ot tlio evening it rocking chair was
j presented to Mrs. Campbell as a token
i of respect by the guests.
J Abanquotwns given at tlio Koyal
I hotel hist Friday evening in honor of
' District Judge Adams by tho members
of tho Webster county bar. Covers
i wore laid for thirty guests, .ludge Ad
i urns is tlio retiring district judge, and
i his place will bo tilled uft;r tho Iirst
of the year by Harry Dungan, ol Hast
Tho Wed Cloud Uusiness College held
' an udvor ising entertainment at lua-
i vale Monday evening. Tho attendance
I was good. Those from bore assisting in
' the entertainment wore L. M. Steward,
his wife, Od 13. Stoward, Professor
Wright, Miss Hurt ha Harlow and 1 lomor
Clemmons. The next entertainment
will bo hold at Cowlos next Tuesday
i veiling.
A party was civen at tho homo of
Goo. Pierce last Saturday evening in
commemoration of tho thirty-ninth
, ,
fa m
SW I 'w
j 1
Coeyriftlil 1007
Tliu I loir.! '( Kiippcnhciincf
birthd i.v of Mr. Pierce and tlio sixty-1
secon I iiirthiliy of his f ither-in law
Dan Litidsey, both occuriing on tho
same day. Aliout seventy guests were
present, and an elaborate supper was
given in the course of the evening.
After the supper tlio two principals
in the event became the recipients of
a number of nicj presents given them
by their friends.
Once Seen, Never Forgotten. i
Wild excitement ovarii play has not.
equalled in recent year that which
was aroused in this country over a
phiv soon to ' e seen here, "The Two
Orphans" The sweet story of the two
sisters, one blind and helpless and the
other beautiful, but duly devoted to
the sightless Louise, hud limitless in-
trest and it still attracts a d holds
attention as much as over. Nothing
in all dramatic literature exceeds in
appeal to tho human heart, tho arrival
of the "Two Oiplian Sisters' in tho
city of Paris. The story gnus on show
people high and low, mansions and
h. units of crime, and all the (diameters
iiro s . strong that once s,on can never
bo forgotten. ,.
Tin; Printer's Conimniiriinniils.
Novor send articles for publication
without ghing thy inline, for thy
name oft m secures publication of a
worthless article.
Thou sliouldst not raj) on the door
of a print ng offi'-e, lor lie tliat lienicth
thee rap sneroth in Ids sleeves and los
oth time. i
Thou sliouldst nover road copy on tho'
printor's case or sluirp and hooked
container tlioiof, or lie may knock thee
Never inquire the news of the editor
for behold it is his business to give it t ho
at tho appointed time without a-klng
for it.
It is not tight that thou shouldstask
him who is the nut hor of an article, for
'tis Ids duty to keep such thing to him
self. When thou dost enter this office, take
hoed of thyself that thou dost not look
at what may concern thoo not, for that
is not nieot in tho sight of good blood
ing. Noitnor examine thou tho proof sheet
for it is not ready for tiuo oye,that t hou
mayest understand.
Prefer thine own town paper to any
othor.and if thou hast not already done
so. subscribe for it inuuodiatoly. Pay
for it in advance, and it will lie well
! with tht'oaud tlilne. Rxchange.
One sotting tlio upon his premises is
j held, in Mahalfey v J. L. Uiuubirgor
I Luinhor C .. (W.Va.) 8 L.U.A.(N.S) 1-2(5:5,
j to be charged, with the duty of exer
cising ordinary care and skill in pre
venting it from spreading and being
communicate 1 to the propeity ot an
other; and, if ho falls to exerclso such
euro and by reason thereof, tho Iiro is
communicated to the property of an
other, causing him damages, ho is hold
to be liable for tho damages sustained.
r t t . ' vw
.n K7
? " in
- -j ' '' ' Wi
The Annual l;oast Day, so
universally observed in every
American home, is close at
lVrhapr. your warrhobe is
not well equipped for your
Thanksgiving outing or inning
We've Thankful Overcoat
IJoitullosal IMltMiijao.
Ulesshigs In Suits $H', $10,
ir to ?:o.
Pleasure and satisfaction
in oholco Hals, Gloves, Nook
wear, etc., cti., all at thankful
and 'leasing prices.
We've many things In store
for you that will tend to make
our National Feast Day an oc
casion long to be remembered.
We'll be closed on Thanks
giving 1 Jay ftom noon.
The Gomdcn-Kaley Go.
l'irst Dnor North
of Post Office.
Under the auspices of tho Rod
Cloud Orchestra, Oles, "The American
Violinist," wdl appear at tho opera
house toiuoriow (veiling in concert.
The Daily (olouido Springs Gnotto
says; "Geoigc W. Oles," "The American
Violinist " who appeared for the first
time before a Colorado Springs aud
ience last evening, in Pet kins Hall
in his finish handling of his chosen in
strument deligte I an appieciiitive aud
ience, representative oi the musical
I culture ol thee ty. The transit ion from
the brilliant and spectacular stylo to
' tlio sweet and dreamy cadences demon
stratod conclusively a musical nonius
perfectly l.itinlinr with all that is llu
ost in the C'Uiiposilion of the great
masters. Mr. Oles is a w liter as well
and his own jstery.' for violin alone
was greatly enjoed.
Tho lied Cmiiil Orchestra will appear
on the program in thiee concert num
bers of a high order and will pe as
aisled by Itobert linker of Mc,Cook,tho
violinist who is well known here.
Admission will bo rn cents. Children
under lltteeii years ol age, '2") cents.
I have purchased Len Ault.'s
Dray and will do all kinds of
I Liht Ur.iyino. Leave your
i orders at Piatt vv Freese hum-
ber Co., 'Phone- ;o.
Every codec drinker in lliii town nnd every
one who would like lo drink coffee, but wliocan
not drink ordinary brands, should try this widely
ndvettiicci and juitly celebrated Steel-Cul Colfee.
We lmc added it lo our flock of high-yrade
pure food groceries, because it will become im
mensely popular when once iniroducrd.
When you buy a pound of iatrington Flail,
you B-t ' pound of the best part of the coffee
only. It is cut, not pound, into fine, even par
ticles and the biltcr chaff containing the injurious
clement is removed.
Barnngton Flail sells at 35 cents per pound
tin. Buy n pound - try it in your home, and if
you do not agree that il is the mofl delictus,
lieallfiful mid tconornical coffee you hae ever
used, return what w left and get your money back.
The Grocer.
All the Phones.
1 1
fesi - ':jcS
ft. tff " " W'T.