fAuW.V.t'.MK'.riW Udffifcft.Ytttf ffi I Subscription s SI a Year g; irv Advance Eifjht Pages All Home Print L mm ii VOIiUMJK XXXV. KED CLOUD, NKUIJASKA, NOVKMIIMI! 2'J, 11)07. Nl'MP.Kl? ? LJ SL U J IS J Vp - sy i lM & 03 V IS I HI . ' . .VW r vvvyv , ( TTiyPTTV VfPA8C, A ft t! .Viinty, ommis.ioncrs.net in session J. HWGMill 1LAIW AW i,X1,v..1.il,Vrl!.m.i.lli...-i,,l,i..Mm.M.,it. r Items of News Found in Tho Chief o( Twenty Venrs Ago This Week " V " 3 .lulwi .uli.T returned frniu Superior s .tarda, . Trenches iin' 1h1iik tlitfr fnrtheso.ith ful water mains. .IihIrc V. A. Sweeny will onn move Ins I'ntnilv to Red Cloud. Wo iui informed Unit lli' street will-, n tho mutter of tlie road putitlun of .iy eoniMiiy will in n '.ny r tv-nentn- .imues .Mei'.ty and olliers. the eoimnlt n.iiiv work on the road. The eon I ruets , jtn, i-pjuvtiul favorably andtlie road be (r building will be let at mee . V. K n ley Is Iniildiiiir mi addition I., one .if lib tenement Imuses. The standpipe is emnpleled and ev .i.vtblnjr Is about ready f.r the test. MH'tl.ni foreman at Orleans drew r l "i.i too from the I.otilsiana Lottery the nt her day. on Wednesday a lire that ..r!tflnated 1lff ,.., owrswm wvn, approveil: ii the postoilteeatlSloomliitoneiiiiM'dj f)njn ;nn.. niHriet It; .Ins. Koli ii b.ss to the tuwu of AtiMMin. Thepasl mt.tst.lt.,., nj,t. ;(;,. (is .V,,v..eli. Hist. i.niee nmt Its eonleiits were luiriieiinnu w.-ri- .in euui-i- ins... The Knifrlitis of Pythias banquet at 11-iily-s (late City restam-iint last iiitfhl Tin-follow Inr ollleial bonds were ap- f(in.lrn lm.lvIUiii and tahe whatever ' vs Webster Couulv. Matitl.itc. Ac was one of the most elegant wwinl proved: .lohu Sutton. II. lloldredKe. ,.hl(I 1f ,wU thiy uny m.,.iv,.. Lli!iiU-' (ion dismissed. i veins oi in.-season, i un. i.i.rjr"' "s w.re present. Tony (larlt and family thif weeh . i tin. to lied Cloud, whieh they will ii. il;e their home for the future. T.fny '....viiiff obtained a situation in the ...iiudhoii.se. charitable assoeiation was formed -.ii Thursdny ufternoon tit Mrs. f. Uic - ... rs. to lie known ns the lied I'l.md : uevoleiit Society. Mrs. Anna M. W.illaee. Mrs. C. Wiener and .Mrs. t . . ICa'ey are tflie ehbf tbiers. The snndnv seliuol boani of the M a ehnreli has til rend v weuivd a beaut- i Mi I evergreen Christmas tre.1 for the t'lnistuias eve entertainment. ' .1. P.. Wriyhl is the liuppi father of u ,'""'' 1)U- P little baby jjirl. Sehool Dist. :t. , ,,,., Nation inn i .it w nan a mm ruuuwa.x on Indian Creek hist nijylit. unit now wears I. ! ttt.nl. i I ii t, fn tut it ti mi IISu tnitrii' '"; '"" """- was sliyhtly damared. t has. Potter's barn burned down this "iternnnn. Mrs. R. It. Pltnoy has hceii quite sick with rheumatism for a nuiiiberof weeks I-ast. . C. llosmer went to Petilrlce this . .... .. . ..!.. imi ninir. e.neeiinir in orint: u new ail road home with him this evening. I.'. V. shlrey. cashier of the First National bank, left for New York last s.itiirdav nijht. where he will remain for a month. Ur.al Eslnlu TransTcrs. For the week emliii" Tuesilay. Nov. l'.i. furnished by the Fort Abstract Co. ),. II. Fort. ManiiRcr. .1 M sellars to William F Wutsuii wd Is 17-ls 1. IT Smith A Morrisadd lie si an' I! Ii Pitney to orrin II Pitney wd s ne sw a.vv-r.' ij Miner Wellmnn eec to He-. W lliitehisoii wd Is P.'-lft b P.' i owles. in Tin MortRtiRes MortRtines Hied si'iiiiio released, pft'ieo pedal Offer hj Ten full size packages of For Only $1.00 TI.U i the Auortintnt. Snnitcl T.mth Ponder . ! Sianilol I'nco Cream . I 25: 2S 23j ?5: 21: 3J: 23.1 3i'. fcar.itol I ucth t'n'te , S.-vnitol To. let 1'owdcr . Snr.Itol L!q -.ii Antiieptic Snlntul Bnil. J'owJjr Snntlol ToatU U.-.h . Snnltol Shovini Cmn . Sc.nilolVoil.Ll:v.3.)'.p . ."Simitol I-aco FMwdor , Rosulur r'.'ttvil pries , II i.' vill ell at v r Mrs to I iv -M vv t-m u uvail joi r II f ihr 'Jv v !l-i, , i 4t ir.l.oil iclniv o.Vr r, t.lI( ( s iU.-i ; j.-n-jaj lor . .c ujji.1 ;ivc J v n. Cnas. L. Cottingv DRUGGIST Red Cloud - - . Nebraska tUonimlsslcncrs' ProccctllrUs. Treasmer was iiisteiieted to correct 11. ..,-.,. in Ha. Ii,x,.h of P.. Peters, as properly was assessed in tho vilh.Ro f, (inkle lbelc by mistake. tn tlu petition f N. 12. Harvey ami others. itsIthiR Unit a mail In opened. ..ii See. yi-M-.'. thooludriuun appointed It i: .....,,. .1.! iiv..i.iiinliiim 1 V. . Anderson committee fur invesllRiillon Tin county assessor was Instructed lo adjust tin? taxi's on uw M 1-0. sumo 1t'lliir school land. tween M'elions 1ft and 10 was ordered opened and platted. .Novemlier .. imiiiii I'iirwui iisni'.i in im- ni.- .i.--.. , . , m .. II. I ....... i i t ... i. . .. "ii. i .ii : (innilUNl'tl lor sail' ailU 01llUllSS10Uei'.S Sawyer, thallln and lMehards were ap j pointed as appraisers. I The nnmiiil statements of the follow - .,-. p,,,i i iiimiiiitiii .list lie Simon Von ... i i en ijiinipintiu. nisi. is'.r.niion "" I Itneltlnjr. Otst. '!'M K. K. Slilppmilll. Dist. ,V.'. lv. t, vw, t, . t. i,useuow. i. o . r.uson. .Nellie West taster. ,,. V.iveinber U'U .j.j(, f,i (xx isiyf eliiimn were allowed ' n, u..,mmt nr,u.red drawn for Mime: j j M (.,.. jj on ' piovd trow IV nil ' nr c j.- Moraitvllle i .lt-tV t'arawa. redueed to. j j. (Jrice 1ft tit) !'. 01) Mi if.' ( j, UliwUleilire II o Saunders llros :ttm tft W K (leer 1 (H) t) P lledg o I) lledg. () 1) lledjfe.... T. ..'.." 21 Sti c--:----- ... 10 on HI (10 lift (ii) ft (K) s 00 ftO 00 Oft Ul) School Dist. -.'11. .1 t) Caldwell... aiief I'nb Co.. I ); j,. uusl)11 ID ill I Marshal! Oil Co ) . Francis... , Ufouk 1. K Talt Chief Pub Co. .. ' l.'.l l I. Ii ."ill ft (HI Ill 00 P.'T i: ! s .sft 10 00 t 00 ft (10 m. ..niuvu M Dunlin M'hool District 3(1 ( Seo. W. 1 1 utehlsnn lili On tJeo. W. Hutchison 'i" Oft Xellie West Caster Jury fees. November term.... Clarence l"1cr iliic I lerburyer ftS .(! '.'(II 00 1ft 00 0 all ft (10 ' j 'I'm-ncr. . The remainder of ilu'couiuiissioucrs' procei iliii'.'s will be printed ni-.st week-. io UlC Lovers illld lOiirilC.rs of fiOOtl Mll- sic of lied Clotiil and Vicinity. The Ked Cloud Uiisluess C-jIIoro has au-ain made a stop toward the ndwuico- - iii-Mit of success by seeuriiiR tlie s(.-. iees oi Mfs.Mutlie lliiuderiip who i.s know., throughout the country lor her talent as a musician. .. . . . ... I She is u coruetist, teaehiiiR the Minn' ., .,i,.i. i .1 nil. i .-. ii 1 1? . iiyi i'l inv i iuiiii. ill......... Ill, '.miini. nuri nin.iM ,r ' The music studio is in connection with the college ami all those wishiiu,' lust ruction on any of tliealmve insti it tllitlltw W'HI li!fl'ih.it mill nt I In. iinlloiro o.llcn an I nn.lo, ,.,.,.,...,,.... 1 1... .. Is a chaucii to learn music at Itoino. Boost The school bond muddle is gradually I clearing up. Those who circulated the i petition nskhiR the board to cancel the bunds tiekiu.wleilRed at the last meet- jir of the board that they knew when they presented their petition that the board could not IcRnlly do as their ju-I tition asked theiu to do and of such ' actions perhaps the less i. aid thebetter. Now lot us all Ret behind the bmul wagon enu Pumi mis tmnR iiI.uir to a success. Hie suRRostioti of rother I L1."! ''?.''' 's' wu ,M'liin''. Um best one of fered yet. There it, in the bank's ol 'this county npproximatolv one-half million dollars on which the depositors! obtain iin interest. Now should n few or then, liny these bonds they would "!. aft,,- pa.vh.R their lax.-, n net """"" "' i" " and certainly they can R--t no bettor 1.. ... ....I Kit. limit llti ... ..,. ......I illy tl.an those bonds. I'lto board lias lu'iMi unjustly accused or holdiin secret sessions ami of other irroRuliirl lies. Now we would surges! to thcui l,,,,lt ,,"'.v "veeuts made of Hi.- build- '"R "I'H-ii ini-.v co..ie...1...i.c ...........n also jr.. some of the spe. lllciitioni. so that all may Itnow what this building will lo..h liUe. Trade at Kisuie. If you want to down thedepnrtmeul hoitsrs. tin- liiUirs. ete.. v''t the people fl'ht by 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 i ii o- them to patronie hoiin institutioiis in prcii'ienee t fur eijfn shops. 1 1 is all I'ljjhL, to hollef si i m i lo.. r " iwii hi i in. k-iiiii. 1 1 ii ii. I. ' i.i I cIil people ousrht to be fur lied t loiul .. ii ,1.. ...... i . ..in i .. .. mi in.1 iiiiii'. lie ui i u nt'iii.y ..... ..!.. . l! I .? I.. .i .... imu imir iu.u-s.nn .u n-u lu-iiim- iii en peon send out of town to buy tronits e.nil buy them just as elieap in lied I'hmil. ami perhan.s eheaner. -t o'.i ,l N.s. brother llosmer. it is business to p.itroni.e home people as well In 1hi.Iiiit one hind or mereluo .Use as nii - other. Those who seiul toother tilaees r . . .... r,.. jr,,u(s seldom jjive the hoinemereii- - i , mil mi eipial ehauee with the foreltrn uierebant Thev semi an onler to the nrt.v ,nv(. saved mnnex on .heii I puicluiM s. How iiiimn pcinl. . .iy I know the x,. m the fliffe...,! ..iuds of meieliiUMllse? We belie, ,., are saf.- in snvinr that noi iiio.v H'inii one in litt or .venm.iie Unow tfif differ- enee in MHue of dl'fereiil .-InssuN bf , merchandise. It is our eonlnl opinion tn.u not more tnan one peis.,1 . wiictli- er in. rcluiut or otherwise, can tell the dllleiciici. between drir.-iviit kinds of ! ooflVes: nor more than one person in one hnndud can tell the difference In ' price of two pieces of dress fdN(.mli ;ut no enstiiiK about tlfty cents per yard. In ti iojfaet. yesterday we took three uieeesof . -- floods around town lo llml iPtnis wore ,1- ' not true ami loituo mat tlie proportion was really too larjfe. Court Pruccsdins. Mimo (ions vs C. II. i- (,). ttyCo. Appeal. Jttiy found plaintifl $iz(j. Maty M. Petty vs I.. J. Perry. IJivoict;. Dropped from docket, i pldui'iifj costs. P.urnliam, Ilunnnli. M linger - Co. ' anwi-lim not only votetinnry .piesl , ,t i I. i 1. . . ,. Ions, till leasoii dde qnoiies in ieanl vs Alfietl lladell. Aiipejl. Low- .... ,. ., . .. ,. to the breeding', the cine and looditi tinned fui new trial, jury failed to f ,, dl,llUslU. ... he taught how ajree. I'. C. tlitutl vs J.J. Ricliaidson. Cotnfirtuntion. Sale Con ft iitned an.l ilf.i.il .I. il... ..it ..ww.....w.. , , I,. P.. Lowles vs J. t). Vetner, ax deed bale Lt'iifirinud. W. J. Reed etal vh Hcuiy Shel- ton etal. Petition finding for plain- llfl. John P.. Stnncer vs C'lius. Calhei j Petition (Continued. I Flic Sttmplinvr Cloak (o. vs A!- ; i red iisuitfii. .ppeai ontiuttcd. i Kvjin A. Koss vs Clinties I. Say lot. Ciiiuishec, Continued. j Million T. Jiidiou vsM.liyS. ,. . ,,." .. . r, . .'. LteiRhtoii and I',. A. LicirIiIou. ,, . Petition, Continued. ('hailes S. Olmstead vs The t.'ilv ' ...., ; of Ked Llottd. DefeU'lunl given .o j days to file answer. Otnino (loss and l'.inio Coos vs ' ' Ial,l;c (',,,OS iUl(l Uewi' (J8. Kq- ttity. Judgement for S.S45. j Pioviilence Jewelry t'o. vs V. A. ' Smith. Petition. Continued, costs taxed to piaintift. j Churles I1'. Smith vs I he City of Red Cleud. Damnije. City jjiveti to days to file answer. W. II. Fisher vs J. J. Ryan. Con tinued. Atiges Vonderfecht vs I'tit. Undo ! JinT fi"vt! plaint. If 36.66 l-'otty ! days lo'file bill of exceptions. , !.. II. Andei.on vs AnmeL- ...n.l Clianev. i'oieclo.siue. jo davs to' answer. Allen II. Coopei vs The Kannei's Cieek Telephone Co. Appea Action scltkd, tlisiniseii at plaintdls costs. City of Ueil (!loml vs Km inn J. Diii'kct et nl. .nncation. Ku.ii fin City decree as prayed for. Clias. II. I'utlei vs David Mini son. Appeal, ilismiyseil. Koht. Dameiell vs S. II. Hentoi Jr. Specific jierfurinanrt. Plaint n i;ivcn to (layn lo file amended tv i lion. l'oyil Munsi'U vs Miles Povle. Appeal. Jttiy luiurncd vetdict foi Dufcinleiil. Klijheth IltiRhcnvs Merrill. Di vnrro. iJefendcnl allowed jodajs to answei. Al.ie Ii Kdwnrds vs A. II. Kee- Ilex . J1, tition. C.'nnliuiteil. ,.l,f. f l I'MMl I t SOU VS s. I). Rnascll. A ii- lt Cotitinttcii. I una Sell wen V a vs Aiulrcw Kiich- son. D.nuage. Coii'iliueil. I Chas. II. Potter vrt David Moni (Slin. .j,K.a. Cominuecl. I . ... ,, .. .... ,, .. ,, i . i iiiiiv'r-i-A't iwr-iias ii iviikiui'ii "I V'- v """"' . I f ...-! .1 nisi .Minimal ihiuk oi nine inn f'iiv r II... I f'lM.i.l va 'I'l... M!-l,. , ' , 'Pilu I,!8t ('- 5ne Loiihrmcil. He fl ordt K(l. -.-- IhlJ KllW York Trlbumslvirnifir. When The New York Ti Puttie Asn. ebMon si jours :u.i ? !! to pslnb- U , i ,e Xi.w .irk Tiii.im.. 1P..i....rt... H noil political imtionid j.iuriitil to be devote Uo iwerv briijii'l. of titfrienl- turn mid other interests of t ho fiiimer mid his family in evety pail of the fouutry. mi-it -f the hiUinst millioritv ft, mety biaiieh of inim work and evnoili.tico were eonsulted i.h to iviiC. ---... . ...... eis whose services lr would bo most deirable to secure. When tlio lute I Jr. C.J. Currier, of M innesota.lheniiUiorol 'llorn'Seiisy," was asked to name the best writem on horses and on vetm innry pracliee ho he named only one: "Dr. ), .Smead, living in l.ofjuii, N. 1. just the one von want il vou can irot him." Ur. Currier's opinion proved lnm as mil a judtfe of men as of nurses. Uf. Htnu'i.l undertook the uoi k of lo keep them well and Unit hcse-ls seldom need tnedicilie if proporly look- ' seldom need inedicliie if proporly look " l,f,tu' -N'ot ,,1 pesli.ners alone prolitod by Dr. Hmead's depatL.neut. '. , .... ... .. ' mo vtiMie oi wuifii leeeivon iniuieiiiaio 'U 0.U'iido I roi-nKiiH'oii. Thoro is ....I. ...,i i.l. ,,. , Kod toason for this. Dr. ttutoii.l didn't take iti his pio- fo-sion as mi easy way of emnitiR a If9s a ttjranswrangMrsa "Mija,uj- tiverc That's whv it fits so looks so stunning and such good wearing 0 fljjJtysSjfYtt These are the garments that are designed and tailored for Young Men only. Very popu lar with the college boys and ali young fellows who want to appear stylishly dressed. to $2.00 Paul Storey Fifty Years the Standard BR; rJL A Cream of Tartar Powder Made from Grapes living uicr an youth. II.. his I.e. II I- til' 1 1 flits ' lll'lll hN i i.l is mi ni fail in li ! I.i i I I i ln.''. aiiiM ds luinnv when they utl'-r lnmltli, si many yeiiis in,'.. Ii-decided to leai u how to eire for and . ure IhVlii; he dropped work, look a eoiirso nttrt beeiuiie a do.-tor hlutwlf- n t for tho money he mijild oirn. but for lliosnku of l ho iitvloelud and suiiVi'iuh'iiniumls. And he didn't slop study when lie left school; he has studied buohs-, repuitJ antl, hot er still, tho utdnrils tliem Helves .neiy.lay since. No wondrr liu stteeeeds ami Is to day. birvly on m't' ouiil of ld work lite New York Trll une Fanner, tho best known wtorfiiury sttryeon m uiOiliM. Wo enii Ret you the Now Y 'fji I'ribuu Farmer nnd tin" Chief for :.00n y. nr. W.U.T. Urates. Durinix a Sunday afterintoii xv-mienV uieetinif held in the auditorium l Lin coln by the noted evanne'nt. tlins. Heiyn Seoville. W. C. T. I . eardH wen passed ainou the JitijJjUiye. tvhk'h re sulled in one hundred and tlftcetuiddi tions to the unions.. f l.aiicastertotmty On the openinj,' nifrlit of the W.C. 'I. F. national convention rerenlly held at Nashville. Tetin.. uddressen of wel come were Riven by the Rovernor, tin uin.xor. the superintendent of public Ju st ruction, the president of the Anti saloon letiRUe nnd the president of till. Tennessee W. C T. F. Prohibition j'tilns were reported everywhere. Oinaha has beRtiii woiIcIiir for tin state W. c. T. IV convention for M(i'.. That city does not propose to submit to another defeat. At a lecent Purity coiiRfess Tield at Mtiitii. iViii.t.' ttiii !i ifiim. ii ii ii.tw.i. . .r . ul.,v,lt,.s nm, present, all of whom I were entertained at the Dr. KelloRR , sanitarium and tlie Mera.lden llenltli ",,mi'- ,,N"U',1I werepiesenf , anion" them beiiiR Anthony ( oinsUn-k. who told of the destruction of tons, of stall' unlawfully passiiiR throiiRli thi inalis. Carrie Nation was there, anil nil l.iiii;.'li not on the program sptic three evelliims lo ai'di.-nces limited only by the si.e of the buiidiuR. niccl 1 1 y win give service. r. ijiMi iwit nu'.j. m rfi.iMi i. (v. (.'Liniu The Clothier, -roiEftftv m (h:ix?mm CREAM MING .' to i ' i I! - i :. - M : f .. & . wft.u- J r . ' V )