The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 08, 1907, Image 8

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fleuisy flutes prom
2iiaiaiiniiiainiaiBiiimmiiiMiHiiitiiniiinMininmiiinmnininnmwmiiiMiWHVKftP !
(From tho Signal.)
Mr.s.'P. W. Roland was quite sick tho
fore part of tho wock.
Mrs. H. H. Crow loft Monday for
McConnollsville, Ohio., to visit her
Gerhard Ohmstedo returned from
Oklahoma City, Okla., hist week, whoro
ho iittoudcd tho Farmers' congress.
W.Montaand S.H. Doruingatid fain
Hies left Sunday night for California.
Tho Monlas, wo understand, will stop
tit Pasadena and tiie others will go to
(From tho Loader.)
W. O. Fralim i'huio up from
"Cloud yesterday.
Father FitKgoruld, of Hod Cloud, was
in Blue II ill Monday.
E. T. Foo, of Cowlos, was here last
Friday on bin way to Campbell.
Mrs. W. Garrison has been troubled
with a sovoro attack of neuralgia.
County Commissioners Saywer and
Chapman woro in Blue Hill Monday.
Mrs. S. lirueo loft Wednesday for
J'resuott, Iowa., where sho will visit
with horuioco, Mrs. Curduor.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McMahon tiro tho
happy parents of a little boy thatcamo
to' their homo Tuesday of last week.
(From tho Enterprise.)
Mrs. A. It. Iludd has boon danger
ously ill, but, is improving slowly.
Dr. and Mrs. 1, It. Brown arrived in
Bladen last Saturday evening and are
now comfortably located in tho Wolf
Uisideuce south of the track.
Mrs. Springor-Kornes spoke at tho
Congregational church in Campbell
and at the Methodist church in the
ovening Sunday, to largo audiences.
A deal was made this week by which
H. F. Green becomes the possessor of
tho furniture store owned by (). L.
Liudgren. Mr. Green takes immediate
Lash Friday evening on the arrival
of tho train at this place it was found
that the train was 'minus a conductor.
Later developments showed that Con
ductor Pierce had been left in Blue
Hill, and tho train was sidetracked
mid tho engine wont back after him.
It seems that tho brakomau had been
in the habit of eiviug tho signal for tho
train to pull up to the water tank in
Bluo Hill and iho conductor usually
"Isn't He a Darling?
CiptruM 19(1? S
' That's what they will say about
your child if he wears a
We offer all the prettiest styles
in all sizes for your selection.
These earmctits are cuarantecd in
workmanship and wearing service.
See our extensive assortment of
Children's clothes if you want to
buy the best garments at very
moderate prices.
$2.50 to $10.00
The Clothier
Neighboring Towns f
walked down uud caught tho train as it
was pulling out Hut this titno tho
conductor was in the depot Hotting or-'
ders to trausfor a car of apples to this
ii1iw'.. uud the usual ordor.s worn (riven
utiil the train loft. Tho truin has been '
coming in about on titno lately, but t
this caused n delay of nearly an hour !
from this point on. Who will got tho
blamo for the mishap wo do not know.
(From the Citizen.)
Adam l.arth. Henry Meyer and Hen-!
ry Kembel returned last evening from (
i . . tit. i i i t . ... .t.
uiiiinuii. o uuuersuiuu uiey eneu .
look nomestoims ami .mi. ijiuiii pur
chased a farm in addition.
Some one got into C. H. Koch's hen- during Tuesday night and pvo-'.iml
ceoded to cut off tho heads from three
or four dozen chickens. The chicko'ts
woro taken, but the thief generously
left tho heads for Mr. Koch.
H. Gund was in town over night
Wednesday. He thinks there is little
danger that frost will injure a lfcili'a if
proper wire is taken to bring tho plants
in and place them near tho kitchen
stovo on clear, calm nights. In regard
to uuauciai matters, uowever, nereius
os to be (pioted.
(From the Itoviow.)
Billy Hunt and wife drove up from
Red Cloud Sunday.
Isaac Shepherdsou is spending a few
days at Hot Springs Mo.
Row A. S. Nelson was in Red Cloud
ou business the fore part of tho week, j
Mrs. Dr. Waldon, of Beatrice, is vis-.j
iting her mother, Mrs. Isaac Shepherd ,
sou, this week.
A. J. Waldeek went to Rod Cloud
Tuosdey to meet .Mrs. McLury, his sif
ter, and Mrs Anna Newman, of Pawnee
City, Xebr., who are visiting at his
place thin week.
(From the Advocate)
Last night tho small boy, and some
not so small, got in their work around
town by turning everything upside
down that was loose. No great damage
was done this year.
Married, hut Sunday, at the home of
the bride's sisti-r in this city, Otto Bor
land and Miss Sophronia Ayers, Rev.
Edsou performing tho ceremony. The
groom has built a home on his father's
farm near town.
J. F. Rusher left last Wednesday
night for Omaha, whore his wife now
is. who recently underwent an opera
tion at tho hospital. It was decided by
the physicians down there that it would
bo necessary to operate upon her for
appendicitis, which, in her enfeebled
condition, would be very dangerous.
Ask for Allens's Foot-Ease,
a powder for swollen, tired hot, smart
ing feet. Sample sent free. Also free
samples of tho Foot-Ease Saitary Corn-
Pad, a new invention. Address Allen i
S. Olmstcad. Le Row N. Y.
Report on Coal Production.
The f nited States Geological Mirvey
announces the publication of statistics
ou the product ion of coal in HM)iS, in
the form of an advance chapter from
"Mineral Ilesourecsof the I'uiteil Slates
Calendar Year MHHi."
This report, prepared by F.. W. Mar
ker, the statistician in charge, exhibits
primai lly the details of quantity and
value of coal produced in l'.ioil. gives
comparisons with previous years, and
includes also statements regarding the
I labor employed, production per man.
'number of days worked, length of
working day. use of mining machines
ami tonnage produced by them, cas-1
mill ties reported by mine inspectors, i
and all other mining and marketing of I
coal. Appended to the report is a list,eycs of ,u neighbor opposite. i.ur;
of Cnitcd States Coological Survey, v,,,,,.., ,..4 ..., ,, r.niiniw t.-iwvmv t-.i
publications relating to coal, compris -
,,,g about one hundred titles classhlcd
lit Llfl lllW
. .!. T.
l'lie chanter is now ready for distri
bution and may be obtained free of
charge by applying to Director, l'. S.
tieological Survey. Washington, 1). V.
Here Is Relief Tor Women.
Mother tlray, a nurse In New York,
discovered an aroinatie, pleasant herb
cure for women's ills, called Australian
Leaf. It is the only certain uuuthly
regulator. Cures female weaknesses,
backache, kidney, bladder and urinary
troubles. At all druggists or by mall
50 cents. Sample free. Address, The
Mother (5ray Co., Ley Hoy, N. Y.
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County Reporters
Mr.s. loo. Wilson visited at Roscmont
K. Simpson was a Rosctnont visitor
Art. Marais was at the county seat
John Rose and Fred Itlubatim left
Tuesday for Denver.
A number of the boys attended the
dance, at Ayr last Friday evening.
T. T. Tobln went out to Cambridge
Tuesday evening and remained a lew
Chni. Wi'llman has purchased the
lvsj,i,IICU of )r. franuh and expects
to move the first of December.
The uleetion this year was very quiet.
jjcxt VCIU. if lhe pi.'
indications are
evidential election.
that political mat
ters will be lively enough then.
Mr. and .Mrs. Norris. who have lioen
visiting their daughter. Mrs. T. Bent.,
the past four mouths, left Wednesday
morning. They went to Shelbyville.
K v.. for a visit with Mrs. Norris' sister
sinu will Uu. pnH.eiMi to i,lianapoli.s.
wlim. Uu.y w, vis5t fol. u sll01.t time
b0fmv going to their home in lines-
v;n . ()1,;() I
We have certainly been having ideal
,fall weather the past month or more. '
The weather has mostly been
and pleasant, and it has given farmers
! os well as evcrvone one else a ciiaucc
I to get their work well out of the wiiv
'before cold weather sets in. Carpon-
os well as evcrvone one else a chance
tmuiiml miliums liiii-P found the w.miMi. .
ur to their liking and have been able
to accomplish considerable work this
(iuandpa Pitney came down Monday
night from Milford. Xebr.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. I). Craus were in
this vicinity Sunday visiting friends '
Whooping cough is going the rounds '
among the children now.
Mr. (ieo. Matkinhashis new barn !
nearlv finished.
John Dellrnuer has been siek- . with
wallcing tvphoiit fever, lint has nearlv
The Beilhaiv. Entertainment at the
.Methodist Episcopal eluireh Moii.lny
night was well attended ami everybody
had a good laugh. Mr. and Mrs. Beil"
bar, may be assured of a crowded
house, should thev come to Inavale!
Earl Rurwell has hi
new House
nearly tinished and will move into it
Harry Coulson and family visited at
the home of bis brother IJand over
.1. Vance is building an addition to his I"'. K. liiivuka Is doing the work.
Fr.)d Wilds has been quite seriously
ill at the home of his sister Mr.s F. K.
Th.i Willing Workers met with Mrs.
Irons. Thursday.
Or. Mabie and the Liveryman.
A literary pilgrim, 'ays the Satur
day Kveiilng I'osi. once made his way
to Sltminll. X. .1.. to pay his lespecl
to Hamilton Wright Mable. At the
station he linked the llverym in who
had hei'ii in service there for thirty
"Can you tell me where Dr. Mabto
"Never heard of him," replied the
II very ma ii.
"Surely you must." euiitliiiied the
pilgrim. "I mean Hamilton Wright
"Shucks!" responded the driver. "He
ain't a doctor. lie's a reporter for a
When told of this Incident Mr. Ma
b!e put the seal on It by aylng:
"And JiiMt to think that I subscribed
for a wooden leg for that liveryman!"
Lord Younc'c Wit.
Looking in ross- the table of a public
dinner at the owrruhli uud uud llshy
, .,,,, w mvUM. ,. tlM vllimis
1 colllll(,11M ,, , , ,
, 1 ..1,1 I .. ,........ i I
III till; lilt." U ITMIH'lll III 1 UUM IHPI,
"Aye." said Lord Voiintr. "Well, lie
looks like n man thai could be trusted
with any amount of water!"
1 Some one told Lord You in: that the
1ioiie of lot'th had on appeal alllrmed
a decision of hK "It may lie right,
jafter all," was his lordship's reply.
The Right Idea.
"How flu you define ilw phrae 'a
black as your hatV" a father asked
ils- sou as the latter had Just used the
I "Well.'; replied the youth. "I .should
define It as darkness that might be
felt." CanelPs Journal.
Franklin Wiped Off the Earth.
Tho bills that woro distributed last
week to advertiso tho football game
Friday afternoon between tho Frank
lin and Wed Cloud hUh schools stated
Franklin had a heavy team, and that
tho mime would not bo a walkaway
for either side. It appears that a mis
take was made somewhere. Franklin
had a heavy team, all right, outweigh
ing the Red Cloud cloven about ton
pounds to tho man, and yet the gamo
was about tho easiest walkaway we have
over had tho pleasure of witnessing.
From tho kick-olf tho Bed Cloud
squad hurl everything coming their
way. It was impos-dhlo to hold them
and touchdown followed touchdown
with wonderful frequency. At ono
point of tho gnmo tlnee touchdowns
were made in not much more than flvoj
minutes. At tho end of the llrst half
tho opposing loam looked a little dis j
couragod, but uetore tho second half
was over they resigned themselves to
their unhappy fate and nccepted with
what equanimity they could tho most
decided defeat, ever administered on
'he Bed Cloud grounds. Tim iriuiie
was a shutout, as far as Franklin was
concerned. Red Cloud kept chalking
up scores until they lost count, but
the most reliable reports placed the
final score at Til to 0.
Tho Red Cloud high school has a
crack football team. What they each
I....I. I !..!. L il I. ,
,Uft '"' L".u.v " P several
" auiuiiue, speed una ac
.. ..,., r.. ....v.
0UrHCy' Tt wouId be 1,nrd to 1,n(
t0'un of theh" weiht their equal
llnd a
""" Vn " uiu HUlie
Tho Red Cloud high school will play
a return game with the Lebanon high
school on the grounds of the latter to
day. Hastings and the Red Cloud high
' schools clash on the local grounds Sat-
"luy, Novombor 21
Tins will doubt-
,eSs l,l) "lose fame.
T,l College Crescents have arranged
for ll football game with Bloomington,
,0' b,. V1"1 "J 1J the fifteenth
ol this month. The Bloominu'tou team
is not a collegiate or school team, but a
town eleven.
i;v.,., ,., ., , . ,
rroiii -oiiio causo the game which
W((S U) ljQ playe( ,(n.0 'i'mn8KjvUB
,ny, Novoinb.-iri8 between Tho Red
Cloud and Burr Oak football teams,
was called oil', and Smith Center lias
been secured to fill the date.
l'lie public should turn out freolv to
I the football games played on tho home
I grounds: not only,, will their little '2.'u
K t 10p Kood, causo, but they will
llnd it intensely iiitorostiinr. even if
tlioy understand only tho Hist princi
ples of tho game.
This afternoon the football teams of
thoHraud Island Business College and
the Bed Cloud Business College meet
on the Bed C uud grounds in a contest
for the championship of tho comnier
cial colleges of the state, that high lion
or now being held by the Hist mention
ed team. TheCiraud Island Business
College is one of tho largest and bott
known schools of its kind in the state,
and the reputation of its football team
is in proportion to that of the school;
The College Crescents are prepared
for the game, and It is expected will
give tlie visitors a run for their money.
The game has been widely advertised,
and a large attendance is expected.
Watch the Child's football column nest
week for the lesnlt of this game.
Hevlvnl Meetings at Christian Church.
Uevival moot lugs at the ( hristian
church, beginning November 10, and
continuing until the lSlh, or longor.
Kveryouo invited to attend. Preaching
by the pastor, F. M. Hiauic. The fol
lowing subjects will I p handled during
the week: Sunday, November 10, at
11 o'clock, a. in. 1 cor. 1!, ., 10 "Now
then. We are Ambarradors for ( hrisL"
Sunday evening at 7:.'I0 o'eloek, "A
Doomed World.'' Monday evening,
"Shall We Know Each Other TheroY'
1 Thor. I, i:i, II.
Tuesday evening, "Conversion, I What
is It. ',', What are the Factors? .'I,
The Results." Wednesday evening.
"Religion; What is It?" Thursday eve
ning, "Why was.losus liapti.ed?"Mutt.
:i, 1.1. Friday evening, 'Tho Greatest
Message Ever (liven. " Saturcay eve
ning, "How Cod Makes Relievers.1'
Sunday morning, November 1?, at 11
o'olockfji. in., "Duty." Sunday evening,
"Coming to tho Father's House." Eld
K. M. Hrantc, pastor.
1 1 It Is a heautlfid neeettslty of our n.
' tore to love sonieJIilug.-Jerrolrt.
Just , Recfiverl. a Car of
. AT
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
against Five. Lightning, Cy
clones and Windstorms, see
agent for the Farmers Union Iiisuv
ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho best in
surance company inthe s4,te
Residence: First door south of
Bed Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster
Can be found at home very foro- t
Terms reasonable.
Don't Buy Land nor Loan
Money on Real Estate
without getting one of Tool's,
perfect Abstracts of Title. The
oldest and most reliable set of
Abstract books in Webster Co.
SIO.OOO bond tiled and approved.
Iteprcsents six of the best In
surance companies doing busi
ness in the state.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Office In Ovcrittg Block.
Phones: Bell 98, farmers 36
Her Ready Wit.
Though he had long adored hor a
secret worshiped, In fact, the ground
she pressed beneath the soles of hr
dainty little No. ."'h he had never y t
been able to screw up siitllclent con.'
n kp to put his fate to the test. Pour
fillo ! lie was one of those sh
modest, jjell' deprecating sort of chap
that are glowing rapidly scarcer or Im
would have tumbled months ago to the
fact that he had only to go lu and wl't.
Corirude Alicia knew the state of li.n
feelings light enough, bin It had plea
od her hitherto to keep him diiuglina
lu attendance. At last, however, sli
made up her mind to laud IieMish a
soon as a favorable chance prespntel
And the opportunity came at the
SiuythliigtonH' little soiree, when th
bashful swain, entering the conserv
tory, discovered his Inamorata looking
her loveliest amid the palms and llo"
"Are are you alone'.'" he question I
In a moment the fair and ready w '
ted girl saw her chance and look 1
then and there. "A loan, lien or Mr.
Flniilkin," she said, with lowered e. '
lids, "a loan? ' forlalnly not I'm a
And fifteen minutes later, when thv
eiueix'ed from their retreat, Henry was
asking himself how he could have bee.,
such a .luggins as to postpone his ha
plness so long.
The Clock and the Watch.
"What plea soil ine most." said fan
,1114111 who liiul been abroad, "was fie
wonderful clock at Strassburg."
I "Oh. how I should like to see It"
replied lhe Ignorant youth. "And ill
'you see the watch on the Rhine too' '
At the Foot End.
"Alas. T am a I my wit's end," ex
claimed the monarch as ho wuh uiiex
pecledly kicked by the court Jester.
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