The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 08, 1907, Image 5

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Fifty Years the Standard
I Cream of Tartar Powder
Made from Grapes
Hoi It. A. Husk ins for lino potatoes
ISx-Socretary of Stuto Al CSulusliu is
hi town.
Win ted -A girl to learn type .setting
Inquire at. this office.
. Ij. C. Olmstoiul and (laudator Riah
spent Suutlay visiting at Inavalc.
Doctor Stewart, of Orleans, visited
with Charles Codsey and his, wife Sun
day. Io CJurney loft during the past week
for Lincoln, whero ho will attend
C. V. Chaflin, from near Blue Hill,
was transacting business in Rod Cloud
Oscar Burroughs, superintendent of
tho electric, light plant, spent Sunday
ut. Franklin.
Georpre Jaokson and family, of Law
'fence, were Red Cloud visitors the iirst
part of the week
Will Reed, of Reed Bros., of Camp
boll, visited at the homo of George
Newhouse, Monday.
The Catholic ladies' bazaar at the
Woodmen's hall Saturday was a success
financially and otherwise.
Itoad the now proposition at the head
of the F. Newhouse ad on page .'I. It
will probably interest you.
Postmaster Hacker returned Sunday
trom a trip to Washington. D. C. and
tho .lamestown exposition.
A.B.Scott and two daughters and
a brothertfrom Bristol Va., aro visiting
at the home of their brother in-law,
T. J. Ward.
Mi-.s Jessie McCutchen is visiting
here with her sister, Miss Margaret
MoCutohen, who is a teacher in tho
'.;liy -chools.
Charles Gurney returned the lirst of
Someone needs a Buggy. If
that one will come to my store
November 2d, I will sell him a
leather quarter-top Buggy for
$45 that ne can't duplicate else
where for less than $65. There
will be just one sold at this price,
and the first one who comes gets
it. Also note following prices
on Enamel Ware:
A IS-lnch Knainel Wash Hasin SOc
A 1-quart Enamel Dippec '. :.'0c
A ti-quart Enamel Milk Pan 25c
A It-quart Enamel Dish Tan '. .'IKc
A tl-qimrt Enamel Coffee Pot 25c
A 0-hole Steel Range with Reservoir, 18-inch Oven, worth S10.00,
sale price 830.00
You can save great money by seeing me those days. You
will need a Heating Stove. Come and see our Leader. They
are fine Stoves and I will make the prices right.
the woek from Denver, where ho went
to buy cattle. Ho purchased about ouo
hundred head.
Second Number Business Men's
Lecture Course, Ralph Purlo'.te, Sat
urday evening, November 10. Seats
at Wattle Morrison's.
Patronize a high grade lecture course.
Ralph Parlette, tho Funnest Man in
America is tho next, attraction. At
Opera House, Novembor 1(5.
Mrs. Mary Arnoson went to I'owles
last Monday to visit wit li Mrs. John
Storey. From thero she goos to Clay
Center, Nobr., to &eo relatives.
Tho ladies of the tfistoru Star will
hold a market Saturday, November It,
at Albright Bros.' store, at which they
will bell hi ead, cako-, cookies, etc.
Walter Cox is visiting with his fam
ily in Red Cloud this week. Incident
ally ho is helping Supt. Burroughs
ui'ike some improvements in tho light
ing plant.
Ernest (.1 raves has embarked in tho
d 'aying business having purchased
Lcn Anita's dray, and is doing all kinds
of light hauling. Seo his ad elsewhere
on this page.
Would you like to have a big doll to
givo to tho baby for a Christmas pres
ent You may get ono without a cent
of cost. Read F. Nowhouso's ad. page
o, to learn how.
J. C. Warner and wife of East
Orange, N. J., who wore among tho
oarly settlers in Rod Cloud, were visit
ing friends and relatives in and around
Rod Cloud this week.
Marvin S.'Marsh, who has been up
in the Montana country looking
around, has returned to Red Cloud.
Ho expects to move there with his
family in the spring.
If you nro in tho market to buy
farm lands, where corn is king and
alfalfa is queen, write for list of farms
to Lonoro Land and Loan Co., Lcnora,
Norton County, Kans.
Blotches, pimples, coarse pores, black
beads are unsightly and denote impure
blood, llolltster's Rocky Mountain Tea
will drive them away. 35 Cents. Tea
or Tablets. C. L. Cutting.
Mrs.Wayuo Townsend, living west of
town, got some limo in her eyes last
week while they wore plastering their
house, and they have boon causing her
a great deal of trouble.
It is healthful, wholesome. It's as
good for one as the other. A little
dose will make you sleep and cat.
Makes people happy. Hollistei's Rocky
Mountain Tea. 35 Cents, Tea or Tab
"Two Orphans" will bo presented by
the Fred . O. Conrad oompany at tho
opera house Wednesday evening, Dec
ember 4, with Eugene Moore as lead
ing man. This is a high class attrac
tion. iieury Gress sold his interest in tho
corner pool hall Wednesday to John
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Havel, with whom he has been in part
nership during the si'ug and sum
mer, and left yesterday tor his homo
at Hayes Centor Nobr.
"If I had .1. IVs money." said old man
"I would make everybody happy from
Oregon to Maine;
You don't need money, just be free.
(5!ve your family Rocky Mountain Tea. '
('. I. Cotting.
Mrs. Sanders, a sister of J. W. Starr
is visiting in Lsbanon this woo k She
was visiting her husband's people at
Red Cloud a fow weeks ago when her
little girljwas taken sick and was able
to continue hor visit until this time.
Their homo is in the west. -Lebanon
Wjtnted. Local representee for Red
Cloud and vicinity to look after renew
als and increase subsciptiou list of a
promiuout mouthy maga.iuo, on a sal
ary and commission basis. Experience
desii able, but not necessary. Good op
portunity for right person. Address
Publisher, Ilox 55), Station O New Vork.
' Shoriir Oliver D. Hedge went down
to Superior yesterday and brought back
with him George Lnllhi, against whom
a charge of bastardy has boon preferred
by a Miss Lopor, of Guide Rock. Laf
liu is now lying in jail here awaiting
his preliminary trial, which will be hold
Monday before County Judge iOdson.
Mrs. David Whitaker was in Red
Cloud tho latter part of last, week after
their household goods. Instead of
going to Strattou, Nob., as wo stated
last weok, thoy went to Brush, Colo.,
whoro Mr. Whltnker has secured work
in a host sugar factory at good wages,
and where they will make their future
Miss Verno Hall of Creston, Iowa,
elocutionist and reader, will give an
entertainment at tho Christian church
under the auspices of the Christian
Endeavor, assisted by local talont,
November 18. She comes well reo
oinmeded, is a graduate of two ora
torical schools, and should receive a
good crowd.
Tho Cincinnati Ladies' Cremona
Orchestra was greeted nt tho opera
house Monday evening by a medium
attendance. Their performance was
greatly enjoyed. This was tho first
number of the Business Men's Locturo
Course, which consists of a number of
(list-class entortainmonts to bo given
here this winter.
I. Frisbie, living nt Amboy, has lost
about two hundred hogs recontly
through somo disoaso which has not
as yet been diagnosed. A state vet
erinarian has been on the grounds
investigating tho strange disease. Mr.
Fribble had about 1700 head, but tho
loss of two hundred of them will be
felt quite severely.
Special services at tho Congrega
tional church next Sunday morning
and evening. In the morning tho
sermon will have special application
to tho subject, "Lessons from Old
Age." The evening sermon is on tho
philosophy of life. Subject "Shrouded
in Mystery" The pastor and people
extend a most cordial invitation to all.
Mr Holiday, who managed the
elmutauqua lust summer, and Paul
S. Diotrick were in Reb Cloud this
week for another chautauqua again
next jenr. Tho people of Red Cloud
aud vicinity certainly showed last sum
mer that thoy wero enthusiastically in
favor of a chautauqua and would do
all in their powor to make ono, u sue
cess another year.
Roy Reese was brought to Rod Cloud
last Saturday by Deputy Shoriir Shol
burn to bo confined in the Webster
county jail. Reoso plead guitly to
lorgingachock for 850 on a Harlun
couuty farmer, before Judgo Adams,
and by request of relatives sontonco
was delayed for ten days. Reese's homo
is in Smith Centor, Kan., and up to
tho present time ho has borne a very
good reputation. Ho will bo given
his eontenco when court couvones in
this city Novembor 11.
L. A. Lovejoy bought 140 bushels of
alfalfa sood Tuesday of G. R. Bantam
for which Mr Bantam received a check
of $9S05. This was tho rent share on
(H) acres or one-half tho total crop
of seed which was raised after two
crops of hay had boon taken from tho
land. Oue load brought in by Mr.
Bantam'woighod out a littlo over 5G
bushels and brought 81107.41. Mr. Love
joy on the same day bought of Robt.
Farmer 80 bushels tmd 40 pounds of
soed that was tho product of flvo acres
within the last 80 days. Mr Farmer's
check called for W57.5G or more than
S50 per acre for his sood crop alone.
What crop can you raise on any of tho
high-pricod eastern land that can
equal this? Alinomi (Kans.) Plain-dealer.
Clothes from the Shops
of the World's Best Makers
Iff1 IX Jmk
HI I G ill i J i nufhiMii
VI 11
Always Reliable.
First Door North of Post Office.
Business College Notes
And They Still Come.
Miss Jessie Brooks of Campbell
entered the shorthand department
Monday morning.
Mr. Carl Peterson from down in
Kansas entered the business depart
ment on last Tuesday morning.
Pres. Steward and wife spent last
Sunday at the Harlow ranch. They
report plenty of chicken and enjoy
ment. The Business College entertain
ment comranv will eive an enter
tainment in Guide Rock F-ndny
n i. r m . .. i .1 c . i ii
Don't fa,! to attend the foot-bal
game I-uday at 3 p. m Come and
encourage ine uoys on 10 victory j
and help land the state champion
ship in Red Cloud.
Pies. Steward spent several clays
last week down in Kansas, taking
in Womer, Smith Centre, Hellaire
and Lebanon. While at
Saturday attended the
Lebanon foot ball game.
Scliool Notes
Roy Robinson was absent
school Monday morning.
Many of the ninth grade pupils
seats were changed this week.
Next Friday the Red Cloud high
school team will play Lebanon on
Lebanon grounds.
Mabel Thomas was absent from
school last week to attend the wed
ding of her brother.
Many of the non-resident students
of the ninth grade are finding
boarding places for the winter.
A surprise party was given last
Friday evening at the home of Ver
non Storey in honot of Miss Hazel
Stiffler. All had a good time.
Last Friday the the foot ball
game between Franklin high school
and Red Cloud high school resulted
in a victory for Red Cloud. The
score was 54 too.
We have a new tardy rule which
is working fine. If one is tardy his
whole grade is retained fifteen min
utes after school. Each grade
looks after its late members much
more carefully.
E aim high in our selection
of Men's Fall and Winter
We get the besl Suit pro-
from the shops of the
World's besl Makers.
We aim high in selection of
cloths, linings and trimmings. Get
the besl possible Tailoring.
Wc sell Suits that make us
The profits come of toem-
Suit Prices.
The loe rung in llie price ladder U 85.00
to 8.00. The grcate! ilrcngtli lies in die ni
ortmenl : nl 8J5.00. 818.00 and 20.00. Al
llicse prices c know from observation anil from
information given us ly those who have examined
Suits in other houses, that we can give you posi
tively superior results in tailoring, appearance."
flyle and quality.
Do not judge of the merits of a
Suit, however, by any advertised
price alone. Anybody can quote
N It's the Suit at the price thai tells
the story.
Notice of Incirrtoratlon.
Notice Id hereby Riven Hint a corporation has
bef ii duly formed by Hit undcrslKtud and nrtl of Incorporation duly executed, lllcd and ro
corded. 'I'lic inune Kflliocorporntloti In U.K. Ci rice
DtiiKCompaiiy. Itx principal place of tnuihactltiK
ItN business In ituil Cloud. Vot)Htcr County. Ne-
unixKii; mo Kuuerni nniurc or uie uumiicsh lo lie
tr-nwu'ted Is tliuroinliicl of h Kcnornl retail ami
wholesale drim buMuexx. the manufacture, com
pounding. purchiihcnndMileof driiKH, ini'dlclncH
and prescriptions, and of nil (,'oodH and warcit
iiHUiuiy imiuiien ny retnu or Mioienaie,drui;lntM
or ilrui; companies and the ncojilsltlnn. holdliiR,
maintenance and disposition of micli real estate,
buildings, htructureH and personal properly
may be deemed nccessiiry to the proper and ad
vantitKCons conduct of Mid business. The
amount of capital Mock authorized In f7,?0t).M
MibserlbedRUd fully paid up nt commencement
of buslnc.'s. Tho time of eummcnivinent of the
corporation la October tl. 1U07. mid It termina
tion In lirty years from (.aid (Into. Tho hlithCKt
amount of Indebtedness or liability to which the
corporation Is at any time to subject Itsolf U
RMKI.OO. Tliooiticcra by whom the niTaliK of
tho corporation uro to be conducted, are u board
of not to exceed three directors, from whom are
chosen u president, secretary nnd treiiHtirer.
Dated October 2.".d, ll"JT.
F. J. OnicK,
K. I.. (lUIMCH
1 1 have purchased Len Aultz's
I Fli-ntr 'ir1 twill Ar, -,11 L-.'np. f
-ij mu in ww tin nuiua wi
! Light Draying. Leave your
orders at p Freese im-
ber q0 jlone 5Q
Potatoes, 85c per bu.
in 5 or 10 bu. lots
Cabbage, $1.50
per 100 lbs.
$5.25 per barrel
Largest and CleanesT:
Stock of Groceries in
the City
The Groeep
All the Phonos
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