fleuisy flotes prom Neighboring Touins f 3 GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES Mnn Zan Pile. Remedy comes put up In a collapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy to apply right where soreness and inflammation exists. It relieves at once blind bleeding, itching or f I protruding piles. Guaranteed. Price f r.Oc. (et it today. Sold by Henry 511l1TT11'1(11,T,1,mvmvvmv'r, Cook'.s Drug Store.' SMITH CENTER (From the Messenger) From all over Smith county the re ports are coming in that, the prospect and Mrs. M.S. Marsh, of Grand Island, wore RimstRiib t ho homo of Mr. mid Mrs. Fred Taylor, Saturday. Appeal to Dairymen. (Spoooh by Mr. Glover to Michigan Mr?. Walter Moore, who was taken ; Dairymen's Association, at Fremont.) to St. Joe tho middle of the mouth, is When I get up iu a meeting of tliin for fall wheat is good. Rains came just KOttl,B 0IIK MCely; she will bo able ' kind my spirit moves me to often say at tho time necessary to pui, toe i;.- q vQlmn h(jm0 ujt W(j8k In condition to winter tliroiign. A. II. Kingsbury and wife camo in from Itrldirmvater. S. D.. Tuesday. Mr. I Kingsbury recently bought a quarter Miction farm north of Keamsvlllo, and LEBANON. (From tho Argus.) Mrs. Gilbert, of Rod Cloud, visited is preparing to take possession in tho ltt the homo of Mrs. Mary McArdld this J country largo creameries which reach h mithing, perhaps, when I am not until uly in order, but I would like to supplement what Mr. Raven has said with a few remarks which 1 think appropriate at this time. There havo been formed in our near future. GUIDE ROCK. (From thtf Signal.) Miss Francis Nosbit, of Hod Cloud, visited with friends here Sunday. Ilov. Hummel of Wed Cloud, repub liomi candidate for commisHionor of the Third district, was iu town Satur day. Her parents received a letter this week from Miss Cora Simpson, who re- .. . . ,-, . . I ll.i CM... oentiy hiii lea ior rooeuow, iiiihh. duo was on board ship on tho Japan coast when the letter was written. Mrs. Harriet Hoover received a check from tho M. W. A. for $2000. The order was very prompt in granting this mon ey, as she had the check in just two weeks after tho death of her husband. Prof. Steward, of tho Rod Cloud Bus iness College, was in town Monday dis tributing advertising mutter soliciting new students and advertising an enter tainment which lie will give at tho op era house Friday night, November 8. Tho Burlington people- should pro vide a street lamp near tho depot. Mrs. L. L. Watt did not seo steps Wednes day night and fell on tho brick side walk and for a time it waa feared she was badly hurt. She was badly bruis ed and shaken up. week. George Ducker Friday morning j out iu a great many directions and and wife returned i very many miles from their location from Bryu Mawr, for cream. Theseoreamerios are term Wash., wheru tliey havo been for some , ed "Contralizers." Now tho central- time. Walter Williams received word Mon day that his sister was very sick iu a hospital at Omaha, and that if ho wish ed to seo her alive he would have to come soon. Ilo left on tho morning train next day. Doc Lull arrived from Hoxio, Satur- izers havo a place in our country. They can operate in comumnites or territories where it is impossible to establish and support co-operative creameries or proprietory creameries. In that field which seems to ho open to them, thpy havo a place; they can nay tho farmers more for butterfat day, and is visiting his paronts, Mr. i th(l1 tlpy ,.,,., V0(1 for it by making it and Mm. H.M. Lull, and other relatives ilto (lairy Koods. (ieu selling it to and old time neighbors. Ho says the ren0Vating factories, which take farm simoon in his neighborhood was about urs butter, rework or purify it as best tho same as here. Al and tvl Lull, or thoy (.at color lt IU1(1 seU it 0I, tlie Vermillion, S. D., arrived Friday and mni.i,t. hr nrm-oos nmnvatwl but. to those men; they cannot afford to pay you as much for your butterfat in the long run as the co-operative cream ery", but tho farmer said, "I do not care as long as I get tho prico, so here ho goes'", and so his cream went to tho centrulizcrs which was paying that community 2c more than they could afford to pay. Why? They want to get-the goods, to des. troy the farmers' own business and tlmse mon are short sighted iu looking after their future, they send their cream to tho contralizers and then in time pay back that money to tho ceniralior becauso as soon as their cooperative creamery is gone they will receive 12c, lc. and uennd iu some uses 10c less for their butterfat. So the tanner will glvo the extra price all back to them. Certainly. Those mon are business men. they arc not in the creamery work for tho fun of it; they cannot alford to pay more for butterfat than your co-operative creamery. It' you havo a co-operative creamery that you can control, can operate you can make it pay as much for butterfat as any concern on this green earth and do not bo led astray by .someone coming in here and soliciting you to send your cream away for "2c more for j the time being because it is only aJ matter of time until your creamery. Just Received, a Car of FLOUR AT PLUMB'S FLOUR and FEED STORE You can save money by taking 500 pounds of him. i m INSURANCE are also enjoying a visit at home. CAMPBELL (From the Citizen.) Mr. and Mrs. H.Gaudreault returned yesterday morning from a little pleas ure trip throughout the western part of the state. Miss Edna Evorling, who has been very ill with typhoid fev'er for the past three weeks at tho homo of her uncle, U. Kverling, is stid quite low. A train- od Mrs with waiting and watching. It is a little sad, so soon after ter. The centralizers are better and more economical than tho renovated people and can pay the farmers a bet ter price. The centralizers have a place; but against Fire. Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, see J NO. B. STANSER, would be closed ami then you would ageut for tho Farmers Union Inaur 1 or dispose ol Dairy Produce. inve to take the prico thcyolfered you ' unce Co., Lincoln, Nob., the best iu ,. -,, . surauce company iuthe s'ite your cows. Chicago To cure a cold first move tin bowels. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup acts gent ly on the bowels, drives out the cold, clears the head. It's pleasant to take and mothers highly recommend it for when they come reaching out into oolds ur,)UP nnd "hooping cough. It those communities where the farmers, 5s guaranteed to give satisfaction or have already established a co-operative creamery, are sucessful, are op erating their own business and control it; have it right under their own eyes, havo it within their own grasp to im prove and develop it, I think the farm- money refunded. Equally good lor young and old. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. nurse arrived yesterday to assist . ors should seo the danger of shipping 1. Evorling, who Is nearly worn out. his cream to those contralizers which BLADEN (From tho Enterprise".) A deal was made this week between JVed Werner and Charles Biuger by wiioh Mr. Burger becomes the possess or of the brick store building now oc cupied by tho general merchandise Htiick of J. P. Kropp, which was pur (biased by Mr. Wernur from Charles Spenco a couple of weeks ago. Tho purchase price was S5-00. A deal was made this week whereby Charles Spenco and James Saunders become tho owners of the 10,000 stock of general merchandise belonging to ,7ohn Cireonhalgh of Cowles, and Mr. .(ireonhalgh takes tho fitiO acre farm of Charles Spenco, in Hitchcock county, Is'ebr., iu exchange. Thoy take control of the stock next Monday. R1VERTON (From the Review.) Mrs. Charles Irvin and iufautsoit tiro quite ill with tho whooping cough. Tho work on tho east approach way to the creek bridge has been resumed. Tho boys have boon clearing off the basket ball ground this week. They intend to defeat the girls on it when it is finished. tho editors' peace conference, to witness Bros. Richards and Crauo trying with impartial fervor to discover which is are located 100, 1.10 and in some cases 200 mllesaway from where you pro duce your product. They havo been able, through spe cial rates given by tho railroads, to the "damphool", aud each with true ship cream GOO miles and in some Alphonsoand Gaston politeness, will-'cases 1,000 miles and make it into but ing to permit tho other to accept tho tor and return the farmer a good price honor. Wouldn't it bo well tolivido but hero is what is happening: Tho letter It at the head of a prescrip tion says an exchange, is derived from the Latin recoipe, tho imperative meaning ''take.'' Th little dart over 1 the tail of the R is tho symbol of Jove, the Latiu god of Jupiter, and invests tho writer with his authority by the power of Jupiter. Therefore, the sign properly translated reads: "By Jupiter, you take this." L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer Residence: First door south of Red Cloud .Mill, 101 South Webster street. Can be found at home every fore noon. Terms reasonable. the responsibility, boys? Mrs. Springer Kernes, who has been in this vicinity aud Bladen visiting old friends for sooral days past, will give a talk at the Congregational church noxt Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock. This lady, whoso former husband, Mr. Springer, was at 0110 time county mi- In Kansas and Nebraska, where co operative creamorio-i and proprietory creameries are giving away to this sy stem they are already beginning to feel the monopoly. I believe in trusts and co-operation but I do not believe iu monopolies. Tn those states where they havo frozen out the co-operative Pad, a new invention. Mrs. George Siuulser. of Red Cloud, S. Ol instead, be Roy. N periutenilent of Webster county, is , and proprietory creameries farmers well known iu this vicinity. She is now have lost control of their business; tho quite noted as an evangelist in Colo-! centralizers havo reduced the prico aud rado, her present home. the farmer must take it or go out of . , . business. Tho farmers are getting ,i!..n....H....,..i ...wi ....11:... !.:.. .....,. :.. skin should bedearund bright ''""K " ""-'" many cases. At tho present time one of the larg est contralizers in the world is paying 17c for butter fat iu one place, 2.1c in another and Jse, m another. Whore there is a co-operative creamery they drop in, put tho butter fat prico away abovothe market price and when the farmers have practically destroyed their oreunery tno centralizers say: "Take 17c for your butterfat." Tin other duy a mail said, "You are making a mistake to send your cream You if your liver is iu normal condition. Dade's Little Liver Pills not on tho liver, and headache, constipation and biliousness disappear. Price -.1 cents. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. Ask for Al lens's Foot-Ease, a powder for swollen, tired hot. smart ing feet. Sample sent free. Also free samples of the Foot-Ease Saitary Corn- Address Y. Allen Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at postotllco at Red Cloud, Neb. for the week ending October 'J'.t, '07. Frank Bayler. August Berndt. Lary Lally. P. A. Marshall. These will be sent to the dead letter ollice Nov. 1 1, 111(17. if not called for before. When calling for above please Say "advertised." T. ('. Hacker. P. M. . Don't worry about your kidneys when you can obtain ltd days treat ment of PiiuMiles for SI. These glob ules bring relief in the lirst dose. Backache, lumbago and rheumatism yield quickly. If not satisfied your money refunded. This is a fair offer: you can't lose. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. It is a well known fact that persons living in tho pine forests do not sutler from kidney diseases. One dose of Pincule.s at night usually relieves backache. .'10 days' treatment SI. Your money money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. Don't Buy Land nor Loan Money on Real Estate without getting one of TeelV perfect Abstracts of Title. The oldest aud most reliable set ol' Abstract books in Webster Co. SI 0.000 bond tiled aud approved. Represents M. of the best In surance companies doing busi ness in the state. LOANS MADE on CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. Office In Ovcring Block. Phones: Bell 98, Farmcrs3$ YOUNG MEN wear clothes that are made espe cially for you with snap and grace and life to them. Don't wear clothes intended for old men. If yon want to know what our ideas are on the proper garment for Young Men, see our extensive display of 1 It comes put up iu a collapsible tube with a no..le. easy to apply to the soreness and inflammation, for any form of piles. It soothes and relieves pain, itching ami burning. Man Zan Pile Remedy. Price ."iOc. (iuarantecd. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. The Real Clothes of Fashion For Young Men All the latest fabrics and patterns checks, stripes and Scotch mixtures; all the newest coloring effects grays, browns, blues, etc., and all the very smartest and most exclusive styles are here for your selection. Every detail in the workmanship of Fashion gar ments is guaranteed. You will get the best wearing service from this dressy clothing. $10.00 to $25.00 PAUL STOREY Do you know that Pinesalvc Carbol i.ed acts like a poultice in drawing out inflammation and poison'.1 lUis an tiseptic. For cuts, burns, cracked hands, eczema it is immediate relief. .Me. Sold by Henry Cook. Notice of Tax Sale. Notice it hereby nlven Unit the undersli;iiv 011 the al tiny of .laiiiuiry liwtl purchased of !: connly treasurer of Webster county Nebraska. private. Mile, tliu follow! ip ilocilbcd mil esta 1 Mild for dclintpicut tuxes for 1 ho years issv l'.H)l Inclusive. uml situated In I'cd cloud. We ster county. Nebmskii tn-wlt: Lot Kleven (I ' ami Twelve (12) la block Fourteen (1 1) In KhI A: .Jackson's addition to Itetl Cloilil. WoliM. county. Nebraska, ami liixetl hi the mime of I' () Miirtln. The iihove unmeil peron mid hII terioni w claim mi Interct In the HboveiiremiH.. will tn' notice tliHl the time of redemption of stud In..' for hulil (hx stile will expire on the 21 ihiy .liinimry UK'S, after which I will apply for a tx rleed to all ot the above rlet-erlbeil preniK--whlch are not redeemed. 'Ciur.i.i: It. Il Dflted Sepiemhei IS, lit, 7, A Chance tor You. .lust to introduce it. the publishers are offering for only ."it) cents to send the Daily Stale .Iimrnal, except Sun day, from now until .lauuttry 1. ID0S: with Sunday 7.' cents. These arc little over hid f price otters, and will attract thousands of new readers. The paper will stop coining on .lim itary 1st without notice from you. Why not send iu a half'dollar and see what a great volume of rending mat ter yon get for your moiieV Some big events arc happening iu Nebraska and you should keep posted by reading the paper that can tell the whole truth about everything and everybody. Subscriptions received at .this office m Kor Kent Two large rooms. Inquire of Mrs. II. A. MeCuue. . Notice of Incorporation. Not loo is hereby given Unit a eorpniiitloii h.i.v licfiidnly formed liy Ihii uuiIimsIkiimI and iifi cos of Incorporation dulyoii'ciitcd, tiled nud iv corded, Thunamuvf thecorponitlou Is U.K. ("Mi DiucCompftny Ituprlni'lpal pltu'cof inuisHi'il" ? ItH bin-iiiesh ih Ked rloud, Webtei I'ouuiy. N; briiska; (he Kenuriil online of tin hiislni'xfc to tr-HMrted lb lliecoiiilnci of a ceaeinl retHll iv uliok'Mlr drui: htiHliici. the manufacture, coin pound Iiik. purchase anil sale of drills medleln 1' and prescriptions., nnd of nil koo'Is and war.-v usually handled by retail 01 wholesale druuuU or dniK companies and the ai'ulsilou. holdli..r. malnteiiancp and disposition of Mich real estaM InilldliiKs. structures and pui-oniil propel ty w amy be deemed uccehMiy to the propor and . vautaiteoiis conduct of aid buMnehH. T.S amount of capital stock- authorized Ik 7,7I 3 subscribed and fully puid up at cnuiuiciiccme'U of business. The time of commeucmHUtof ti corporation In (lumber 1st. llfll? audits termini' II011 Ik tlftv ypiirK from paid dale. The lilu'hct amount of Indebtedness or liability to which tn corporation Is m any time to subject Itself ' f t MKi.dl. TlioolUreiB b whom tne all'alrs of the corporation aro to be conducted, arc a boa .'. of not to ex eed three dlieutors. froto whom & r!iisi)ii a prcHidetit. secretary ami treasuier. Dated October aft I, It'iT. II, K. (llltCK. K..I. OuicE, IC. I, GuiMr-s Incorporato. Here Is Relief for Women. Mother tJray, a nttr.se in New Yoim discovered an uroiiiiitic, pleasant hero cure for wotnen'sills, eitlleil Australian Leaf. It is the only certain month v regulator. Cures female weaknesses backache, kidney, bladder and urinary troubles, At all druggists or by mail .10 cents. Sample free. Address, The Mother Cray Co., lAy Hoy, Ni V. K i 1 &.... jst-t w: V. - '''MM'WHIilliiiUlii MHanHMMrtrtWMWW 1 1 r to,