The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 01, 1907, Image 7

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Watch Specials
We have a particular
ly strong line of good
watches at prices to
save you money. Sil
ver, Silverine, Gold
Filled and Gold Cases
Walt fa am S&&siiys
Bend i
ockfos'd astd Hamiit&nt
in I iai ii kiiiianMMMMMHnpnMnMMMt mmiwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt
movements. A line of watches having
just the watch you need, at the price you
feel is right. : : : :
Bring us work of all
kinds. We do it right
Wks RocmforBIlu Zfm
Hv. 17 Jewels yitf
c, Newhouse Brothers,
L Jewelers and Optometrists.
Burlington Watch Inspectors.
V. V. V l A 4k 4k& Jk jk& Aat. 4t-t O.A. .... '
MlGEOuri Pacific Trainmen Plead Witli
R.iilroad Commission.
Lincoln, Oct. 26. The NMirudka
rnihoad commission decided to mod
ify the Missouri Purine speed limit
order promulgated on the t-roiu-inendatlon
ot Coiiiniifisionei Williams.
Henceforth on certain .-trt lies of,
the Micsouii Pacific track in Nebia
ha, the englntor may pull the throttle
to a lorty-flve-niile an hour notch.
This was hrought about )y tin; plea
of the engineers and conductor ot the
road, who showed the tirt order was
unjust to them and to the road Tho.r
earnings aie based on mileage ami the
i eduction of running speed to twenty
live miles an hour, it wa. said, would
cut their wages to a point below cost
of living. They said .-ome of the
track between Kaunas- and Omaha is
fit lor a rutv-mlle clip, while ut other
places ten miles an hour is all it will
G. W. Holdrcge, general manager of
the Burlington road, paid a visit to
the lailroad commissioners ami as
htited them he would see that every
off oi t was put foiward' by his road
to install modern spatk arrester? on
the high line of the Huiliimton that
pasbes through Custer count), where
many complaints of fire damage have
succeeding campaigns'. He was gov
ernor of Nebraska, United States sen-1
Ptor and territorial governor of Wy-'
omlng at various stages of his career!
and was brev'fctted major general.
State Food Commissioner Begins Pros
ecution of Three Companies.
Lincoln, Oct. 20. Complaints wero
tiled In justice couit by County Attor-'
ney Tyrrell against thine Omaha I
packing; companies for alleged viola
tion of the state pure food law. The
county attorney says that the three
defendants, the Cudahy Packing com
pany, Switt & Co,, and Armour & Co., i
and the Lincoln ngen's, sold articles I
of food in package form in Nebraska ;
on certain dates and failed to brand I
the packages with their weight. War
runts were Issued and seivlce will be
obtained on the packets as soon as :
possible. Service will also be mado
on the local managers for the pack-.
lug company dolendnnts and they
must appear in court at the hearing. i
Under the law the penalty for every
such offense is a line of Irom $10 to'
$100. The evidence upon which the
complaints were drawn was furnished
by Food Commissioner Johnson.
The state superintendent turned the
matter over to the legal department,
which Intended to begin mandamus
proceedings to compel her to follow
the law In conducting her ofllco Mm.
Knox la now doing fills nnd there Is j
no mote trouble mowing lor anybody
hi the case,
Painter Falls Sixty Feet,
(linnd Island, Neb., Oct 2". While
at woiK painting the steeple' of the
German Lutheran church. Hmoison
Snyder, a painter, llll from the scat
folding, a distance of bImj foot to the
ground, lie was Inlton to the hos
pltal. and physicians round the right
.nil fractured, a puuctuicd wound In
the light Toot, breaking the inch of
the toot, and Injiity to the back and a
severe cut on th" nose. The man
Mem to have a lair chance of ie
coeiy. Voorlieca Acialn Escapes from Jail.
Lincoln. Oct. 21!. Currying teipil
sltlnn papers, De-put y Sheriff Dawson
left for Tulsa, I. 'I'.. to bring hack
"AT' Voorhees and "Kid" Hurley, who
escaped rroin jail here two jeaia ago.
Tlie ate acMised of swindling. Sheriff
Ur'i's i eelvoil n telegram ficnu Tulsa,
vin Voorhees had escaped fiom Jail
nt 'hat pltie e. Voorhees Is the man
wli"in tlw 1 Incolu authorities are espe
dally unvloiis to rapture.
Accidental Shooting at Stanton.
Siauion, Neb, Oft. 2'.--While play
In wi'h a small illle. George
lliirnett ae cieie ally sheit .lohn Noo
nan, both residents of this city. The
buliei peice-ii the h'lt lung, goln
Thomas J. Majors and John C. Cowin
Deliver Addresses.
Lincoln, Oct. 28 An honorary mon
ument to the memoiy of the late Hris
adltr General .lohn M. Thayer, erec
ed by the state of Nebraska, m ded
icated at Wyuka cenieteiy in the
Makes Somewhat Evaalve Reply Re
garding Reputed Row With President.
Lincoln, Oct. 23. "The piohideut
and tha Republican putty of Nebraska,
are eutiiely in accord," was the some
what evasive reply Governor George
L. Sheldon made to a question legard
lug the leputed difference between
himself and Pi evident Roosevelt dur
ing the recent trip of the latter
down the Mississippi. Governor Shel
don letuined from the tiip. When
asked if there had been a row be-
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it
How To Find Out.
Mil a bottle or common gLoss with your
water and let it stand tw ent -four hour ;
'.I! I
f ii vuiiiii.'
-""--T m. I 1 1 ,1 ,r I ,,. I If.rlt i.u.l t
unhcullhy con
dition of the kid-
io) s; it it statu.-
oiir linen it u
evidence of kul
ucy trouble; t
fit(iient desire
to j),is) it orpalu
in the liacl: w
also convincing proof Unit the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
Wlmt Tei lio.
There is comfort in the knowledge o
often cprcsscil, that Dr. Kilmer'
Swainp-Reiot, the great kidney leincdy,
fulfills everv wish in niriufj ilieuinatisi:i,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, hhuUler
nnd evei v.i e)f the urinary passive.
It eiiriii-ts inability to liolil water
nml Hoaldinji jam in" passiti it, r 1.mI
effects following use of licitor, wine or
beer, and mommies that unpleasant ne
cessitv ef being oiunpclleil to go often
(luring the ilas. and to get up ninny
times dining tiie tiiijht. The mild and
theeltaoiefinar elTect of Swamp-Root
is soon icalied.' It stuiid-i the highest
for its woiiilerlul tines of the most (li
tressing cases. If you need n mcilioiue
you should have the bod. Sold by drug
gists ill fiftv-ceut and "tie ilollar
' You ma v have a sample bottle ami a.
heed; that tills all
iilioulil, l)otheiit Int (Mivp3J
hyni-iil. AiMn-sDi.jjJ!
Kilmer & Co., Hiug- i:--i
haiiitou. N. V. When nomeot pRitii.iK'.
writing mention this paper and elou't
make miv mistake, but rciueiuber the
clear tbionuh the cavity and hidglug J '-. ,1'r. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
presence of n large niidienee. The Mil-' twueu the president and himselt, he
veillnir was nerfornied by W. M. Gil
icspie and Wesley I3arr, two m-iubers
of the First Nebraska regliu:it, cum
mnndod during the civil war by Gen
eral Thayer. The dedicatory address
was dedivered by Colonel Thomas J.
Majors of Peru, who served under
Geneial Thayer. John C. Cowin of
Oninlin also delivered an address.
General Thayer served during the
Hhlloh campaign with General Grant,
taking n prominent part in that and
laughed heartily, tliiully milking the
reply quoted.
"If the people would take the trou
ble to lead the president's St. Louis
speech," he said, "they would discover
whether or not his attitude is out of
harmony with ours, in his speech he
said that tho tederai government
should control the interstate com
merce nnd the states should control
state conuneice. I think comment cva
that declaration is unnecessary from
to Express Companies Buying
and' Selling Commodities.
Omaha, Oct. 28. As a result of the
healing to be given the Western Fruit
Jobbers' association before a special
lepiesentative of the Interstate com
nierce commission in Omaha this
week, an amendment will probably be
offered in congress this winter to the
new Intel state commerce law, whitfh
will include expitss companies in the
provision making it unlawful for "rail
roads' to engage in the purchase and
sale of commodities.
Wholesale fruit dealers and jobbers
have their case ready to present, and
belh'vp they will be able to show that
gieat Injury to fruit giowers, whole
salers, retailers and consumers is
done by the express companies en
gaging In the sale of fruit, through
their agents In varioiiB parts of the
Attorney Puts Bullet, Into Bartender
nnd Surrenders Himself.
St James. Neb., Oct. 28. As the ic
suit of a di.-agreeinent between
Charles Runyan, an attorney, and
Tony Rose, a bartender, Rose had to
have a icvolver bullet xti acted and
Runyan Is In custody of Sherlft Rosen
berger, to whom he voluntarily sun en
dered hlniitlf.
Runyan and Rose had quarreled In
the lorenoou and had come to blows,
but were separated by fi lends. They
met again, when. Runyan says, he
feared Rose was about to attack liiml
It was then Runyan pulled a revolver
and tired. '1 he Hist shot failed to take
effect. The second ciiot hit Rose over
the right breast, was deflected by
striking a lib and embedded itself Jji
the muscles near the bieast bone.
Rose will lecover.
tl Hie back. As yell the bullet lias i
not In ' n extracted Tho doctois are
in douM a to the lesult. but at pros
out Ncuiiinn si'i'ins to be resting easily
Coursing Meet Ends at Mlnden.
.Miudoii. Neb, Oct. 2C- The national
coursing meet ended with the running
or the derby, which was finished with
n single round. The supply of jack-
rabbits ran out Wednesday, and It
was impossible to secure more t hit n
Miough lor the single loiiud or the
Holmes Sells Lincoln Franchise.
Lincoln, Oct. 2.). "Ducky" Holmes,
owner and manager of the Lincoln
trom of the Western league sold his
Ira noli Ip to Guy W. Green. The con
sldt'iaiion was $8,000
Fierce Prairie Fire Is Raging Near
Valentine, Neb.
Valentine, Neb.. Oct. 2."i. A big
prairie Hie has been burning furiously, everything before It, for the
past tluee days on the Sioux Indian
leservatlon. It started somewhere
near Rod; f'toek and has been burn
ing In a southeasterly direction It
has already done a great deal of dam
age, and as everything is as dry as
tinder and tho dead grass Is hoay,
there is liable to be much more loss
before It i- stopped. The liiv is burn
ing at piesent near the St. .Mary's
school, and Is getting where it will
no more anj mote damage If It is not
ooii com i oiled.
No Free Telephones in Nebraska.
Lincoln, Oct. 2.). The Nebraska
Telephone company applied to the
lailioad coiiiiiil-sion for the privilege
o installing fiee tedephones in some
of the of the state, but the
commission asserts Unit under the law
theie Is no privilege of this kind for
a common utriier and any telephones
Installed must lie at so much per
mouth, as usual, for all pal ions. The
only exception whore a common car
rier may furnish services free is in
the case of 'lie railroads, where ship
ments may be made free to state and
county fails.
the address, lliuehamtou, N. Y.
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances a specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and
The Bon Ton
W. S. DENSE, Proprietor.
The talker sows; the listener reauo.
Italian i'roverb.
Do You
IT j.
When you ore hungry cnei
want somothlg nice in the
meat lino, drop into my
market. Wo have tho nicest
kind or
anil meats, fish, nnd game
in season. Wo think, nnd
almost know, Hint we can
plcaso you. Give us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
Peace in School War.
Lincoln, Oct. 25. All is at peaco
between Superintendent .MoHrlen and
Mrs. Knox, the county superintendent
of Cheyenne county. Mrs. Knox has
filed her report, according to law, and
tlfere will be no litigation in the
com Is over her position, and Super
intendent McHrlou has withdrawn his
recommendation to giant a certificate,
1 which was incidental to the trouble. Residence 1 88.
Do you know that it will pay YOU, ns
well ns US, to buy your Building Ma
torinl and Coal at our yards? Not only
that our prices averaqd lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but because we tako espeoial care
of and protect all can be classed as
Coal. Lumber.
Hip'ri'VTt'Ti'FT'Ti Vw)ti)ieie.'n'n'r,!i'ri'rVl!i1i1i'f'f 1''!i1i't'1i1,T'rnT1'rA'r1(f
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Offie 119. J ".
! I.