The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 01, 1907, Image 5

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Fifty Years the Stinlarl
A Cream of Tartar Powder
Made from Grapes
-,? -saj-aaaE-ttc-ttc-cttCf
Now is the time to subscribe.
Moo L. A. Haskins for Hue potatoes
. C. Tool 1ms returned from Lin
coln. D. R. Wliitukorloft Tuesday morning
Hy ritrattou.
Archie Boron, of Cowlos, was in the
ity yesterday.
The Rebokah lodge hold a ilallfwcou
social last night.
R. Johnson has returned from liis
Vrip to Minnesota.
H K. G,rico was in Kaunas City on
business this week.
MKsos Fletcher and Davis visited
in Suporior Monday
Del Abel, of Hebron, was visiting his
parents hero Monday.
Nelson Ranee was here from McCook
soveral days this week.
Mum Crows left yesterday for a visit
of a fow days in Omaha.
II. Hinkins, who has been visiting in
Iowa, has returned homo.
George Ballard, of Riverton, was in
town several days this week.
Mr. Whitaker lost his valuable driv
ing mare, Blancho, this week.
Gharloy Gurney wont to Denver
.Sunday evening to buy cattle.
Mri. .1. N. Rickards was hero this
woek from Colorado City, Colo.
VT. L. Bronnan of Oxford was in Red
Chud on business Wednesday.
Miss Boulah Mackoy has gone to Ox
ford, where her parents loside.
A. P. Maire is visiting relatives in
Blue Hill.- McCook Republican.
Harry Duugan, candidato for district
indue, was in Rod Cloud Tuesday.
It. U. Fulton and wife have returned
from their visit in South Dakota.
Someone needs a Buggy. If
that one will come to my store
November 2d, I will sell him a
leather quarter-top Buggy for
$45 that He can't duplicate else
where for less than $65. There
will be just one sold at this price,
and the first one who comes gets
.. at o xn -.
iu. ii.iso note ionowmg- prices
on Enamel Ware:
y A lu-incn rename; asn iiaeiiu
A 1-ipmrt Enamel Dippee
C A 0-uuart Enamel Milk Pan
. . ,. . . . i ti'...i. !..- .
A 11-quart Enamel Dish Pan
A 2-quart Enamel Coffee Pot
A (i-hole Steel Range with Reservoir,
sale price
You can save great money by seeing me those days. You
C will need a Heating Stove. Come and see our Leader. They
? are fine Stoves and I will make the prices right.
Frank Cowdon and Davo Kaloy went
to Cowles on buslnoss Wednesday.
George W. Bakor and wife aro visit
Ring at Hondloy, Nobr., this wotk.
County Commissioner Richards and
wife were Red Cloud visitors Monday.
Ralph VanCIevo, of Crete, was visit
ing with friends iu Rod Cloud Monday.
Dr. J. F. Bomford has returned
from Wilber, whoro ho has boon on a
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, of Denver,
well known here, were in tho city this
There is some talk among tho ladies
of Red Cloud of organizing a ladies'
Miss Ida Davis, who has boon at Crete
for tho past two mouths, has returned
Kdgar E. Gurney hold a public sale
of live stock and farm machinery yes
terday. Miss liertha Kiucaid is working for
Joe Herburgor and wifo at tho city
Mrs. M. N. Rauce was very ill tho
liist part of tho week, but is now much
Last night was Hallowe'en, yet tho
town looks much tho same as it did
Tho Tabor billiard and pool hall and
bowling alley has boen purchased by a
Mr. Pitney.
Roy Oatmau pnrtwl with his auto
mobile Monday. A Hastings party was
the purchaser.
F. M. Rittenour was iu tho western
part of tho state on business tho first
part of tho week.
Several railroad men's families from
Oxford and McCook expect to locate
iu Red Cloud soon.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Smith loft today
for a visit of a fow days at Boilairo and
Smith Center, Kas.
Rev. E. E. Cragsman has returned
after a vacation of sovoral weeks spent
iu Iowa and Illinois.
The gas company expects to start
furnishing gas to consumers tomorrow.
McCook Republican.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stool, of western
Mobraska, visited with Dr. T. J. Bom
ford and wife, Monday.
The weather wo have been having of
lato reminds us that summer is over
and winter is coming on.
Roy Oatman and his mother loavo
today for California, whoro they expect
to remain for a year or so.
Mrs. Laruo and children, of Republi
can City, are tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. K. Geer this week.
The P. E. O.'s will hold thoir Christ
mas bazaar this year, ou December
lit nnd 1-1, at tho Fair Store.
A party was given at thoS. Beck with
home yesterday evening for the teach
ers in tho Rod Cloud schools.
Oeorge and Bert Morhart, who have
18-inch Oven, worth 8 10.00,
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
bhen working nt Dillor, Nobr., for sov
oral weeks, aro at homo again.
Davo Whitakor and wife loft Tues
day morning for Stratton, where they
will make their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Smith are enjoy
ing a visit from their daughter, Mrs.
Lillio Doling, of Norfolk, Nobr.
John Hunt and family have returned
to their homo at Naponce after a visit
with F. M. Rittenour and family.
Tho now house of Mel MeCord, in
tho south ward isnoarly completed and
will soon be ready for occupancy.
Tho baud coucort at tho opera housn
last Friday night was well attended
and netted tho boys a handsome prollt.
Rov. J. M. Bates returned from St.
Paul Wednesday, and will hold services
tho noxt two Sundays at the Episco
pal church.
Willie, the youngest son of County
Clerk Loo DeTour, while running Sat
urday, stumbled and fell, breaking his
right shoulder.
The mombors of tho l E. O. society
held a Hallowe'en sale at the Fair
Store yesterday. The sale was finan
cially a success.
Mark Parkes of McCook, conductor
on tho Burlington, is visiting his pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Parkes, Sr.,
hero this week.
Mrs. Roboy and daughter Helen ro
turned Tuesday evening from Beatrice,
whero they havo been visiting for a
mouth or so past.
Mrs. W. A. Maynard, who has been
at Wymoro, Nebr., to attend tho gold
en wedding of her father and mother,
has returned home.
A. U. Kaley, W. B. Sauudors, Alva
Sollars and Willis Fulton attended a
mooting of tho Mnsonio lodge at River
ton Monday evening.
Mrs. Sophia Andorson and hor daugh
ter, Mrs. Homer Morgan, returned yes
terday evening from their visit at Kan
sas City and Arkansas.
Borda Green had nn operation per
formed on her t-yes Wednesday evening
Hor eyes havo boon causing hor a great
deal of trouble for some time.
William and Charles Neimeyer, of
Wymore, Nobr., aro visiting with thoir
mother hero, Mrs. William Parkes.
Their wives accompanied them.
Tho evangelistic, mootings at tho
Baptist church hold by State Evangel
ist Wm. J. Coulsou clobed Sunday ovo
niug, after continuing two weeks.
The Christian Endeavor society of
tho Christian church will hold a bus
iness mooting at tho home of tho
Misses Argabright Monday evening.
E. J. Overing, Jr., returned tho first
of tho week from Lincoln, whore he
attended a convention of tho school
superintendents and principals of tho
MackFontriss, who wont to Anna
polis, Md., several week ago; to enlist
in the United States navy, is now on a
naval training ship in San Francisco
Sheriff Oliver Hedge is making tho
rounds of tho county this week distri
buting tho ballots for tho coming elec
tion among the oiilcors of tho various
Postmaster T. C. Hacker is expected
back Sunday from his visit to tho
Natiounl Postmasters' convention nt
Washington, D. C, and the Jamestown
Mrs. Gertie Dickerson nnd daughtor
Gertrude and Mrs. Harry Pond, who
havo been visiting with Mrs. Adolia
Person, havo returned to their homo
at Salinn, Kas.
Tho senior Young Pooplo's socioty of
Christian Endeavor of tho Christian
church gave a social to the junior soci
oty in tho lecturo room of tho church
Tuesday oveuiug.
W. S. Benso, proprietor of tho Bon
Ton bakery, discontinued sorvlng reg
ular meals yesterday, and will here
after dovoto his wholo timo and atten
tion to his bakery and store.
Owing to a burned out journal on
tho engine nt tho electric light plant
Wednesday night, tho streets woro in
darkuoss all the evening, though tho
houso lights woro not affected.
Mrs. Will Whlto.of Rod Cloud, Neb.,
and Mrs. J. C. Lafferty, of Danbury,
woro visitors at Mrs. J. I. Loo's last
Thursday. Mrs. Whito is an old friend
of Mrs. Leo's. McCook Tribune.
If any more sand plt aro opened In
the Brickton vicinity that Burlington
train will aot be able to make daily
Clothes from the Shops
of the World's Best Makers
Hi if mm
Cj (
. .rj
miiiH fffiffiy
First Door North of Post
trips from Hastings to Red Cloud and
return. Adams County Democrat.
The ladies of tho Catholic church
hold thoir annual bazar tomorrow at
tho Woodman hall. Fancy and domes
tic aprons and linen drawn work will
be sold, and dinner and supper will bo
Henry Gross, whoso knoo was broken
as tho result of a fall soino months ago,
this week received notice from tho Ne
braska Mutual Insurance Co., of Has
tings, that his claim for 8100 had been
Are you reading "The Spoilers," tho
serial story now running in the Chief?
If not yon are missingsomethinggood,
which we have secured at great ex
pense. It commenced three weeks ago.
Look tip your back numbers.
All of the candidates for oflleo havo
been conducting a strenuous cam
paign during the past week. Tho timo
is drawing near when each of them
will either meet sweet victory or bitter
dofeat, and they are all hoping for tho
Studobakor it Finkenbinder, tho cc
meut sidewalk contractors', put iu their
last two streot crossings Monday, mak
ing a total of llfty-two crossings they
havo laid this fall. Red Cloud is now
tho best bidowalkcd town in southern
Never judge a man by his clothing,
warns an exchange. Tho man with tho
ragged suit, slouch hat and worn out
shoos, may bo tho editor of your local
papor, while tho man with tho stylish
suit nnd patent leather shoes may sim
ply bo one of tho delinquent subscrib
ers. Wo nogleotod to moutiou last week,
tho death of James Rudd, the lfl-year-old
son of D. F. Rudd. Ho died Tues
duy night of last week of typhoid fever
and malaria, and was buried in tho Red
Cloud cometory tho following Thurs
day. Tho funeral services woro in
churge of Rov. F. M. Branic.
Wo uoglectod to mention last week
that C. E. Putnam of Cowlos, who has
boon iu attendance at tho National
Farmers' convention at Oklahoma City,
Okla., had douo us tho favor of send
ing us tho Daily Oklahomau during
tho wook of tho congress, tho receipt of
which wo beg to acknowledge.
Wanted. Local roprosontivo for Rod
Cloud nnd vicinity to look aftor rouow
als and increase subsciptiou list of a
prominent monthy magazine, ou a sal
ary aud commission basis. Exporionco
dosii able, but not uecossary. Good op
portunity for right person. Address
Publisher, Box 59, Station O Now York.
Last night, while tho football boys
woro practicing on main stroet, Mrs.
Paul Popo, in passing, was struck on
tho sido of the head by tho ball, and
was rendered unconscious for sovoral
mlnutos. She was taken to Dr. Cook'a
office and later, home. The Injuries
Y E aim high in our selection
LlLi of Men's Fall and Winter
Suits. We gel the best Suit pro
ductions from the shops of the
World's best Makers.
Wc aim high in selection of
cloths, linings nnd trimmings. Get
the best possible Tailoring.
Wc sell Suits that make us
friends. The profits come of toem-
Suit Prices.
The lowpil rung in the price ladder it $5.00
to 8.00. Tlic grralctt tirength lies in the a
5ortmcntnt 815.00. 818.00 nnd $20.00. Al
these price c know from observation nnd from
information given ui ly those who have cxnmined
Suit in oilier houses, that wc can give you posi
lively superior result in tailoring, appearance,
style nnd quality.
Do not judge of the merits of a
Suit, however, by any advertised
price alone. Anybody can quote
It's the Suit at the price that tells
the story.
proved not to bo serious, howovor, and
sho is now completely recovored.
Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet
eye, ear, nose and throat patients and
those needing glasses properly fitted at
Dr. Damurell's otlice Tucsdav, Novem
ber fith. Examination free.' 41
C. L. Cotting loft Thursday morning
for Boloit, Wis., whoro his wifo is seri
ously ill. Sho has been visiting at tho
home of hor brothor, S. E. Upson, at
that place, and about a wook ago thoir
houso caught 11 ro and was burnod to
to tho ground. Tho shock and the ox
posuro Mrs. Cotting underwent during
tho lire was thocauso of hor lllnoss.
A Sunday school convention of tho
southwest district of Webster county
was held at tho Congregational church
last night. Paul S. Dietrick, formerly
prosidonc of tho Rod Cloud Business
College, but now holding tho position
of secretary of tho state Sunday school
association, at Lincoln, was present
aud delivered an interesting address.
Koop to tho right and yon wont got
loft.-Stolon. h
Potatoes, 85c per bu.
in 5 or 10 bu. lots
Cabbage, $1.50
per 100 lbs.
Apples, '
$5.25 per barrel
Largest and Cleaned
Stock of Groceries in
the City
The Grocer
Mil tff Phone
. 3