I 'i.' u V 4 A v Frfty Years fhe Standard DR CREAM BAKING POWDffi A Cream of Tartar Powder Made from Grapes NO ALUM i L0GALETTE5 5 Tim election Is fust approaching. Woe I. A.llaskins for tine potatoes. .1. I. Onins lias returned from Kansas Oity. Marry Waller and family were in tin; city Tuesday. I. W. Ueiglo held a public sale of livestock Tuesday. I)r .1. T. Romford went to Wilbur this week on business. The Methodist Episcopal Aid society yivcs a tea this evening. (J. V. MeKcighnn went to Wymoreon busiii'-s Saturday nigh). A. M. (Jarpeuter has returned from his trip in western Kansas Charley (iodsey, the barber, and wife spent Sunday in Alma. A el ub dance, was givou at the. Ma sonic hall Wednesday evening. An epidemic of tonsilitis seems to be making the round of the town. The weather has been almost ideal during the past week, but will it last? .1. Unt-cncratiK of Rolvidere, 111., was hero on business during1 the past week. !1r- .J. N Carnahan,of Inavale, was .t lied ('loud visitor Monday afternoon. Kx-Seoretary of State Al Oalu'dia was in town the latter part of last week. Mis. M. S. Marsh returned Sunday from a visit with her daughter in Uiv- erton Teachers' examinations were held at the court house last Friday and Sat urday. ?. IT. Nelson was in Red Cloud Mon day on the way home to 1 .laden from Hardy. Special Buggy and Stove Sale Beginning Oct. 26 and lasting until NOV. 19 I will make the following special prices: A $35 Road Wa&Otl, leather trimmed, $25 An $80 Studebaker Top Buggy, 65 Leather Trimmed, Hair Filled Cushions, Leather Back Curtains. $85 Lcath. Trimmed, Leath. Quarter-Top Buggy, $85 Don't miss this great sale, as I will make other goods in pro portion. Note the following Hardware line: A 12-inch Enamel Wash Rosin .' .20c A 1 -quart Enamel Dippec 20c A li-qimrt Enamel Milk Pan 25c A 14-quart Enamel Dish Pan 35c A 2-quart Enamel Coffee Pot 25c A ti-hole Steel ltange with Reservoir, 18-inch Oven, worth 810.00, sale price 830.00 You can save great money by seeing me those days. You will need a Heating Stove. Come and see our Leader. They are fine Stoves and I will make the prices right. JAMES iAyAvyWWvWx' Hon W. II. Renkol. of Inavale. wa a pleasant business caller at this olllce Monday. Charley Citirney is building a cement dairy barn 3V-,r., and has it nearly completed. 0ear l'.urroiighs, superintendent of the electric light plant, spent Sunday in Franklin. Harry Uiown and Will Hicks went to lilue Hill Monday, where they have a barn to build. (). C. Teel is acting as deputy county clerk for Lee DcTour in place of Will Halley, resigned. ' A traction engine and a cornsheller were sold on the streets Saturday by Col. .1. H.EIlinger. There is to be a Sunday school rally at Amboy next Sunday afternoon, com mencing at 'J o'clock. .John Myers was here from Moulder, Colo., this week, avriving Sunday. His wife accompanied him. The ladies of the Congregational church will hold a market Saturday at Fultoii'.s grocery store. Mrs. W. S." l'arkes left Tuesday morning to attend the wedding of her sou, William Xe'uneycr. Evcrtou the H. - Foe, telegraph operator at . Kans., are guests ol .Mr-. Ada I'er M. depot at McCook. spent !. this week. Sunday at his home here. Will Scrivner has returned from (irand Island, where he has been work ing at the carpenter trade. Auctioneer L. Sherman sold a num ber of household goods at public auc tion on the streets Saturday. j Fred Itortilcld and family have mov-' ed into the residence formerly occupied by Charles Stetl'en and family. Walt Elliott is back again from Ka-' nona, Kans.. where he is holding down the job of section foreman. HunyS. Dungnn, of Hastings, fusion candidate, for judge- of tho district court, is campaigning in Rod Cloud. Miss .losie Igou returned Tuesday evening from a visit with relatives at Kansas City and Hutchinson, Kans. Furnished room to rent to gentleman onlv. Largo front room and bath; 1 easily accessible. Inquire, at thisotllce. ' (Sortie and Charlie Milligan, who have been visiting with friends here, left for their home at McCook Sun day. Frank Peterson and his plumber went to Lebanon Monday to put in a steam heating plant in a business building there. A. T. Walker, the real estate dealer, took a party of seven out to Hayes county Monday night to look at vest ern laud. Leroy Tarr, who has been clerking in Miner's store for a year or two past, has resigned U position and left Mon day night. Mrs. L. A. Hitchcock, of Cleveland, WaxaAWn'W CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho oi&Sjffi&c&. Slgnaturo UM s Ohio, is the guest of Mrs. .luliu New I berry, at the home of I.. Cotting. I this week. i Edgar H. (iitrncy. living four miles northwest of lied Cloud, will hold a sale of live stock and farm machinery Thursday. Curt Williams, tireman on the It. A j M., is now on the Hastings run. ami moved with his family to Hastings ' Wednesday. i ! The young people's whist club met at the home of Miss Clara Abel Tuesday evening. Lunch was served during the the evening. 1 A surprise party was given in honor of Mrs. I j. H. Rust at her home Satur day, the occasion being her seventy- ' fifth birthdav. i Mrs. (Icrtie Diekerson and daughter Gertrude and Mrs. II. C. l'ond. of Sali- Studebakur k Finkenbinder, tho ce ment sidewalk contractors, are putting in crossings in the vicinity of thecourt house this week. Mrs. F. L. Smith returned Monday from Lincoln, where she was in atten dance at the state W. 1. T. I conven tion as local delegate. Frank Curlin, who has been working for some time as cook in I tense's res taurant, and wife, have returned to their home in I'eatrice. Circuit Hailey, who is working in the eoal department of the I'.urlington at Lincoln, visited at his home here sev eral days the past week. Superintendent Voting, Master Me chanic Culbertson and Trainmaster McKenna. of the liurlington. were through Hed Cloud this week. O. A. Schuft'iiit has gone to Omaha to spend a few days, whence he ex pects to go to Oklahoma to remain a short time before returning home. Archie Huron, John (ireenhalgh and .lames Mellrlde, all of Cowles, went to Colorado the latter part of last week to look at irrigated land, returning Monday. The llrst number of the Husiness Men's Lecture Course will be the Cin cinnati Ladies' Cremona Orchestra, at :he opera house Monday evening, No vember I. A. P. Ely, a son-in-law of E. II. Smith, has resigned his position as conductor on the Ilurlingtou and bought an interest in a parlor theater in McCook. I William Van Dyke, of Line township, was in town Saturday to pay oil' a 500 ' mortgage on his farm. He was, as a j matter of course, feeling very happy I over the event. Pumpkiu pics, doughnuts, ginger broad, cake and other things will bo for sale on Halloween day, the .'10th, at the Fair Store. Tho P. E. O.'s will conduct tho sale. Superintendent Hooper, of the Smith Center schools, and wife, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Smith Saturday. They took in tho Smith Center-Red Cloud football game. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Kidd and family, of Sedalia, Mo., who have been visiting Mrs. C. U. Hesse, Mrs. Kidd's mother, for several weeks past, re turned homo'Sunday. The Rodgers brothers, living eleven miles north of lied Cloud, soli seventy six head of cattle and hogs at public auction yesterday. Col. .1 I). Fulton had charge of the bale. A fall festival, of which the C. W. Parker amusement company is the principal attraction, is in progress at Superior this week, having commenced Monday and closing Saturday. Frank Norton returned to Red Cloud Saturday morning after spending a couple of 'years in Colorado and Cali fornia, and went to Superior Sunday morniug to visit his brother Jesse. The evangelistic meetings at tho llaptist church, held by State Evan gelistic William J. Coulson, which commenced the first of the week, arc still in propresB and will close Saturday night. Kenneth Williams came home Satur day from Rock Springs, Wyo., where he is working on the Union Pacific railroad, operating a block syfltem, for a visit with his mother. He returned this week. Mr. E. W. Ross, or Elmor, rs he is more familiarly known, needs no intro duction to tho people of this city where he has been a familiar figure for sever al years. As mayor ho mado a good and ellloiont officer and is ono of tho very few men who have boon re-elected to fill that oflloo. Ho is a capable man and should bo elected to tho office of coumy clerk you mny rest assured that the work of tho otlloe will bo done in a proper maimer. No republican has any good roason why ho should riot voto for county clork. CLOTHES TALK :W hfl tw 7.v Nrf , wf J BE f lis 1 1 CopyriBlil l()7 The ioii'.c of Kuppenlieimei Chicago TtHERE are two classes of Men in this town---thosc who know all about our good Clothes, and those who have never been here. Men Who Know! Those who know, know thai they have never had better Clothes than they buy here. Never had belter fitting, more comfortable, stylish or more fairly priced Clothes. They know that, when they are ready for a Fill Suit, they will . come directly here for it. These Men know where the best Clothes come from. Men Who Don't Know! To the other c.ass belong those busy mortals who haven't time to investigate. So they go to the exclusive Tailor and pay dearly for their lack of time, or content themselves with buying "Average Ready to Wear Clothing," and so go poorly dressed half their days. Reader, if you are not already in ihe class of "The Men who Know," you'll do well to join it at once. Fall Suits, $8, $ 1 0, $ 1 5 and $25. Overcoats, $8 to $28. TrjE GOWDEN-pitEY GO. Always Reliable. First Door North of Post Office. Postmaster T. C. Hacker left Sunday morning for Washington, I). C, to at tend the National Postmaster's con vention. On his return he will visit the Jamestown exposition, and expects io ue gone iiuuut miccn nays. O. P. Hcndersliot, the veteran breed er of Percheron horses, Kentucky jacks and Shorthorn cattle, will sell a draft lot of Percheron marcs and close out his entire herd of Shorthorns. Read his display advertisement in this issue. Al Slaby returned from his trip to Ilrush, Colo., the first of tho week. Fred Smelser and John Errett, who ne-. companied him, each secured employ ment in a beet sugar factory at 870 per month, and will remain there indefin itely. There is to bo a Sunday school con vention of the southwest district of Webster county at tho Congregational church Sunday. A state secretary will address the meeting morning and eve ning. All Sunday schools in tho dis trict will be represented. James DoWitt, living north of Red Cloud, was quite badly injured Tues day evening. Ho had gone into his stable to feed his mules, when in some way they got him down and trampled upon him, badly injuring him about the head and elsewhere. Ilia little son, who was with him, ran into the house and told his mother, who found Mr. DoWitt unconscious in front of the manger. He was badly dazed and was unable to explain how it happened for some time after regaining conscious ness, but his injuries are not consider ed dnngerous, and he is now much im proved. t will cost you nothing to attoud tho first and most expensive number of tho Business Men's lyceum course, if you have u season ticket. Tho Cincinnati Ladies' Cremona Orchastra, n 7fic at traction, wlil bo hero November -1. Tho flvo ontertainmeuts of tho courso will be the host Rod Cloud has ever had. Four musical numbers and a humor ous lecture by Ralph Parlotto. Season tickets may bo had from uny of tho P. E. O. girls or at Henry uook'S irug I storo,tho Fair Store or at Turnure Bros McFarands Potatoes, 85c per bu. in 5 or 10 bu. lots Cabbage, $1.50 per 100 lbs. Apples, $5.25 per barrel Largest and Cleaned Stock of Groceries in the City The Grocer All the Phones !l if h J A I Ml 111! -.r-rssaJ