i. Republican Ticket. Wr Supreme .liidjjo M. II. UI3HSK. tVur flail wny Commissioner IltiN'ltY T. CLAUICH, .III. IWW Kdfjcntw Slate University CIIAUIjKS It. AXDKKKOX. (HSOItOKCOlM'LAKI). TtV itrlet .hide;e .1. W. J A MRS. Our New - - WW x naf v COUNTY TICKET. I)LP w Treasurer W. C. FIIAIIM. I?r County Clerk K. W. ROSS. 'KfShftrijT ! O. I). IIKIHJK. WViT County Judge ,1. S. UIUIAM. Wor 'Superintendent jV'IgUilti WKST OASTKU. kjs.nr CI'rIc District Court i KDWAItl) HANSON. tjrjj "Comity Assessor ' II. ('. SOOTT. Yor Commissioner, 3d Distriet (!. W. IIUMMKL. fc&vw Commissioner, 5 th Distriet 41HUIIA11D OIIMSTHDK, gor Aycr's Hair Vigor was good, the best that was made. But Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im proved formula, is better. It is the one great specific for fail ing hair. A new preparation in every way. New bottle. New contents. Ask your druggist to show it to you, "the new kind." Does not change the color of the hair. A uxyers Formula with each bottlo Ohow It to your rinrttni- Ask him about It, thon do as ho says As wc now make our new Hair Vigor It does not have the slightest effect upon the color of the hair. You may use it frcclv and for any length of time with out foar of changing the color. Stops falling hair. Cures dandruff. Mado by tho J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mum. Business College Notes i !! fr.tvv.iw.v CTTJOCIrT-IrlvIr School Notes i.. M. sri;VA!ti. i'i!i:sni:vr. :? .? i $ '? Minis ITottio Iiorout. wns nhsont from fwirvol Monday. Hires Voniii Iloiidorson was absent tfrova school Wednesday afternoon. Miss Mabel Speors, of (litidu Hook, ,rwtulf with some of the tenth fjrado cUs several days this week. L. M. Stewart nmdo a business trip toCiuido Rock Monday and made ur laiiKoincnts to give an untorlainmuut , in the opera housq at that place on the evening of Noveuibor f. , Miss Vera Ilrulmker. of Cowles en- tered the .shorthand department of the business college last Monday. I Mr. Arvid Anderson of this city en rolled in the shorthand department last Saturday at the business college. Although tho Grand Island business college has u wonderful reputation as a school in this part of the country, tho iiiiinaLioincnt of our college cuino into competition with'hor last week in two cases and won both prospective stu dents for this college. Tho manager made n triptoRivorton Tuesday and arranged to give an entertainment in Riverton and also in Inavalo in tho near future. ... Tho business college football team indigestion is the nu-' now beliiB coiii-hecl by J. (J. Stowurt, riiat's whv the demand "f fcl t)hl b,ato University. Don't forgot tho game between tho Rod Cloud business college and Con cordia next Saturday. mmmm ! Bakiqg i Powder 3erfoot In quality. Modoroto In orloo. Hi in claimed -tionsLl disease. tfor Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets Keeps in nr:a.siiig because they do the work, .tftouixch trouble, dyspepsia, indiges tion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two mIiY'.j' treatment free. Ask your drug j(itfu tbout them. Sold by llenryt'ook's drugstore. Tho Burr Oak football 'team will be hero for tho Thanksgiving date. This will be a Hue game. iJMA ublic Sale .20 Eegistered Percheron Mares. 80 Kegistered Shorthorn Cows. 8 Registered Shorthorn Bulls. Shorthorn Sale Nov. 7, Percheron Sale Nov. 8P Send For Catalog to 0. P. HENDERSHOT, Hebron, Nebr. 1907. THE BISHOP FUR ROBES Best Made Bought direct from factory Wi$r&- ,Hh aaam,- mft W'rt i aaami . w m'Km ''- 48x60, fHKII 54x66, 1 $14.00 1 1SnHH K'JUjHr;v Tmtj'r .. ,'vm mt?zMM$m xmmtte&mTmmsmxmm V WHf J w gg g.yr" 'V. . -r -r f ' T iff f I I I f BLADEN Oren Goodoll returned to his homo in Loup City last Friday after thrco weeks hero. He clorkod in Cox Uros.' storo during tho absenco of Charles Doyor. V. .1. Ford camo in from Swanton hist Saturday evening and is visiting with relatives and friends here. M. L. Marsh went to Womcr, Kan., on business Monday morniiig. Cy .Teniilngs and till Collctte wcro Rluo Hill visitors Monday. Miss Ruth Housoholdor,who is teach ing school in Rosotnont, hpont Sunday with her home folks here. Louie Krai was a passenger for Chicago Monday morning, and from thero he will go to Kankakee, Ills. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Cramer camo up from Rod Cloud Saturday evening and spent Sunday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Cliarlos Cowley. Its almost u sure fact that Uladen will have electric light?. Tuesday night a very enthusiastic, meeting whs hold in the Enterprise oIIIco and com mittees were appointed to get particu lar.s from other towns that, have elec tric lights and another meoting was called for in two weoks. The proposi tion is to form a stock company to run u lighting plant. Tho Sunday school convention tit P4uitivicv last Sunday was a grand success, taking tho attendance as a basis. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Routs, on Wednesday, a boy. Mrs. .1. .!. (Jarber and Mrs. ('. C. Cox visited with Mrs. I. Frisbie at Ambov Wednesday. The headquarters of thn Oxford-lied Cloud erews has been changed to Red Cloud.-MoCook Tribune. The carpenters of Red Willow county have organized u union, the headquar ters of which are at MeCook. .1. W. .lames, of Hastings, the repub lican candidate for judge of the tenth judicial distriet. was a Red Cloud visit or Wednesday. Reserved seat sale for Ciniieiiinati Ladies' Cremona Orchestra Saturday, October yisth, at llattie Morrisons Fan store, at U o'clock a. in. Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses properly tilted at Dr. Damerell's olllee Tuesday, Novem ber ."ith. Rxaniination free.' H The meetings at the Raptist church continue with added interest every night. The evangelist is especially gratified with the results thus far. His work here will close with the meetings on Sunday, three of which will be held, including a meeting at :i o'clock for men only. Alma will be the next point visited by Mr. Coulston. where his work will be mainly the .securingof a pastor. Royd Smith and Roy Garber rode over to the (Jus Routs pasture, just over the line in Kansas. Sunday, and returned with about twenty-live head of cattle, mostly yearlings and young stuff, which F. I!. .Smith will sell at public sale Saturday. They are grass fed cattle and a good looking hunch. The sale will be hold at the farm of F. R. Smith, just north of town, and will be in charge of Auctioneer .. I). Ful ton. The dllico of county treasurer has been in charge of the present incum bent now almost two years and we are safe in saying, with all duo respect to former occupants, thai this county has never had a more capable and business like administration of its affairs than has been given by Mr. Frahu,. Ho has been attentive to his duty, oblig ing to tho customers, and careful in his work, and should any one deserve re election certainly Mr. Frahm is that man. Last Monday aftornoon Frank Alios glad in the county clerk's olllco his pe tition as candidate for tho oflico of commissioner from the nth district. Frank has lived in this county for a good many years and Is well and fuv orwbly known, especially in his homo precinct. There uro now h republican and one petition candidate for tho oflico of commissioner in this district. K. II. Newhouse and son Ernest re turned Monday noon from Omalm, Lincoln and Huntings. They went to attend the grand lodge nnd grand en campment of the Odd Fellows at Oma ha last week, and on the return trip stopped to visit with relatives in Lin coln and Hastings. The others of the party who left here for Omaha to at tend the grand lodge and grand en campment at the same time with Mr. Newhouse. including Raul Storey and wife, (). C. Teel and wife, Charloy (Srout, fleorge W Hutchison, Mrs. C. F. McKcighan and Mary Peterson, all returned last week. Mr. Newhouse received the appointment of grand marshal of the grand encampment for the ensuing year. 1'iiul Storey also re ceived an appointment as grand mar shal of the grand lodge. (t m m m (0 m ay (!) to to to to to to to to to to to to to SUITS 3'aa93,a3aaad$$:$6S6e6ee&:: to to to to to to : to Plaids j BROWNS: Stipe. I Checks jS GRAYS: Block Plaids Shadow Plaids Plain BLACKS All the newest. ever. Glad to goes with to to to to to to to to to to to to to More of them than ow tnem. nverytning ;i; " -' (i Worsteds Thibets Cheviots that aresse sh them to make you well d. Paul Storey, cJS&r V 4 fc- r wfc fc 4b 4te te m ty j g i Sw SJw to to to to to to to to to to Fulton Grocer Co. (Successors to John Grilfeth) DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy EEKB Groceries full assortment of Seasonable Goods kept in Stock. Saanders Brothers RED CLOUD, - NEBR. Canon City, Sunnyside, and Genuine Nigger Head Maitland COAL You may ho particular or what some call "cranky," hut OUR COAL will please you. Our coal is clean and we deliver promptly. Bo'lTel. GO. Rural Tel. 71 Call and See Us. Please We will You. try to 425 Webster Street. Bell phono 102. Ind. phono 1-1 L-itt 'E?v iWAw mm. v il J .i These robes are manu factured from whole skins, being the only house in the world that niakes this kind of a robe. Call and see them before buying. Joe Fogel tho Harness Man 44 f N. Webster Bt. Notice of Incorporation. Ih lierobv ulven that a ronton been duly formed by tho iimlcrnli;nel anil artl Ask f or Allens's Foot-Ease. a powder for swollen, tired hot, smart ing feet. Sample sent free. Also free samples of the Foot-Ease Saitary Corn Pad, a new invention. Address Allen S. Olmstead, Lc Roy. N. Y. Your skin should be clear and bright if your liver is in normal condition. Dade's Little Liver Pills act on the liver, and headache, constipation and biliousness disappear. Price 25 cents. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. INFLAMMATOItY RHEUMATISM CURED IN 3 DAYS. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind.. says; "My wlfa bad Inflammatory Rheumatism In every muscle and joint: her suffering was terrible aud her body and faco were swollen almost bo yond recognition; had been In bed six weeks and bad eight physicians, but rcelvod no benefit until aho tried Dr. Detchon's Rtllef tor Rheumatism. It gavo immediate rellet and she was able to walk about In throo days, i am sure It saved her llfo." Sold by II. , Qrlce, Druggist, Red Cloud. Kotlro Ih hereby given that a corporation ban c.cn of Incorporation duly executed, illcd and re corded. The name af tho corporation Ih ll.K.Grtce Ding Company, us principal pmce or iwiihucnng Its buMnest, Is Red Cloud. Webster County. Ne braska; the general imluro of the buslnehs to be trMitmctsd i thoconduct of a general retail and wholesale drug business, tho manufacture, com pounding, purchase and nale of drugs, medicines and prescriptions, and of all goods and wares usually handled by retail or wholesale ilrupglsts or drug companies aud tiie acquisition, holding, maintenance and disposition of such real estate, buildings, structures anil personal property s may bo deemed necessary to the proper and ad' vontagcous conduct of said business. The amount of capital stock authorized Is l7.70o.Ot subscribed and fully paid up at commencement of business. The time of commencement of the corporation is October 1st. 1907. and Its tormina Hon Is llfty years from wild dale. The highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which the corporation Is at any time to subject Itself U iiNiiin Tim nfllri-ru hv whom tho affairs of the corporation are to be couuucitm. are u uoiiru i i no aoovo nameu person anu an persons wno of not to exceed three directors, from whom are claim an Interest In the above promises will take Notice of Tax Sale. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned on the 2d day or January lUOU purchased of tho county treasurer of Webster county Nebraska, at private sale, tho following described real estate, wold for delinquent taxes for the years 1889 to UK) I inclusive, and situated In Red Cloud. Web ster county. Nebraska towlt: LotH Eleven (11) nnd Twelve (12) In block Fourteen (14) in Haley .V: Jackson's addition to Red Cloud. Webster I conntv. Nebraska, and taxed in the. name of Irn mo auairs ot u Miirim chosen a president, secretary nnd treasurer. uatea uciuDer kki, ivn. .. II. R. Giiick, K.J. (Juice, K. I-. Oiiineh Incorporators, notice that the time of redemption of said laud for said tax sale will expire- on the 2d day of January 1008, after which I will apply for a tax deed to nil of tho above described premises which aro not redeemed. 'CuAnLEa It. Hbssb, Dated Scptemboi IB, 1S07. Albright Bros. Undertakers We cannot afford to do less than satisfy in quality, style, price and give to you our person al service and careful attention. Calls Answered Night or Day Rural and Bell phones at store and fesidt n:e. Mercer's Barber Shop Basement of Potter Block. Massaging a Specialty A K HV