-4 5 !" fleuisy Jlotes From Jleighboping Touins GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES ipt(pfprii'ii,1,1,1,'p'','''','','','','','',,,,,,'',',' ill A 1)1." fsj llosoland, ImviiiK charge of tho two pill- tho plutit to oood heavily and nonrly ovory furtnor will havo seed to spare. ultu. lint. Km' Pi'iiml.ltr will t.iikn mi liiu (From tho Kulorprlsci I roHi,,(,m.(, , Ijlll0 mil, linil wlu OC0II1y Nov. O. ( Ponath, tho now Method- th)l ,ml.80miKOi ist. mitiMor, arrived last evening who i his emigrant car contiiuiitiK mih notiso- (Krom the Timos.) Hall it I3rady aro remodolliiK their fiiniitiiro sforo building this week. This will greatly help tho appcarauco of tho Htoro and give thorn moro room. Tho high hoIkkiI football team has arranged forgiitnes with tho Hod (.'loud, Boltovllloand Smith Center high school tootiis. Tho flrt game at homo will Four companies of soldiers, A, 13, C I t,,(tjiilly lm with IJollovillo November 1 It ,.ril. Til. 1 .1.... ....... I.n-t.i ,. .. . hold ood, and will take up his res I ll()(m, ,,(H)( W(,ro (mm)0(, ', ,,, ,- idetieo in tho parsonage to.lay. , TueH(Iy nU,,t thlrvvay t() HhhMiihs J Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kaufman depart ,() ,)() , ut(i,,, at tho Frontier; t-d Thursday morning on un oxtndod fostivltios. Tho soldiers will otigago ! rl-it in Ohio and 'lennossee, where u hIiiiiii Imltln tlmro each day with they will visit the scones ol tlioii-eiiiin t,0 ll(llins Thy expect to return tliis week. hood and at tho humus of a number of f j,,.,,,,, ,ro tlKai HMmo time tho foro Tho Odd Fellows will dodieato their relatives. ! tutrt. of nn.vt week on their wavto their .... i.nii v.. ,., .!..., mi. I - - , HUM IIUII HM UIIIWUI Wlilll I tore's hopin' they win 'em all. SMITH CliNTliR (From tho Messenger) Flour took a 10-eont jump skyward ..A. Wolf moved into tho proporty station, Fort Uiley. Kans. recently purchased by him from Mis. j .. Mir am Wheelerjust north of the (J.A.j CAM IMiELL U. hall, Wednesday. Tho proporty " " owned by Mr. Wolf south of tho track, ! l-rnm the Ctrc, ) .ill. ,,0,ll.vllr.rmvfi.t.hlilll.ll. ,)l('k WPPO" WOIlt t() ItOll Clotld, II 111 JIJ . .l.. --J .. ......., .. lit. and family, in a few days. I 11. Sailor this week piircliasod a lialf interest in the general morehiin diMj stock known as tno Corner Store, ftom Charles Cowley, who recently purchased tho slock from A. F. Davis Tho block signal system will soon bo in use all along the Rook Island. Rev. Hlanchard is conducting a ro vival at tho Christian church. George Tharp and wife moved down from near Red Cloud Saturday. Tho two cqiiL faro went into eifoct List of Delinquent Taxes For the Year 1006 and Prior Years la inirMiiiino (if ttiu mmlii'iiu'iitH of Miction IMS. olmplur 77, of the otnplloil Statutes of Ntbmln, of lMKl. iHtlt-o Ix lim-li? j:lon ttiHt I will utter for miIu ut public Mile on MoiiiIh.v, Novi'iulur I, llio7, ciilil ilnte Ih'Iiik (bo I i I v t Mou lin) la Niivciiibor til tlio olllco of tlit county Tft'iiMiriT In Ki'd Clcml. Wt-bilur county. ( lirimkii, nil iluit ri'iiiiiln iiiiihIi1 on Unit ilnto of ihu follow Inn (It'M'rlbcil la iii s mill loif for tbo ti) meiit of nil (k'lliiiiulit tnxiw for tlio yuiir ID 0 mill nil prior jl'iiik f oi tlio muouiitn lion-in tput'llli'il, tuitt'llior Willi luturot mul rlmri-i (bt'li'Oll us ititliU-il by Inw. W c. I'lUIIM. County Tua-uaT I. IB to 15. . . B 10 70 0 . Bl A. BB... . B B IJ wij 23 to BO B II I4'B I to 4 4 7 10 A 11. 5 to 7 1 3 81 ... fi ..to , . . 10 ..10 ..11 8tii UI....1 it ion j-, lllCMl.AND V: . 4 .) Wni.Ht'lI ADD. r. JB l to 7 B 'M 70 IJ )'- cri.l.irOKD'S ADD 1 A. B I1 7 to 10 I III. I'D llll. I. LACK. 7 V S . ... B :i to 10 in B 14 pi B.'i .: BO. 14 1 to i BO ItOllltCHS , .IS ADD. 1 7 B 2 Vii 8 B4 10 40 1 1 1 Xt t 10 10 40 B IS IB 10 10 10':! .V 4.. VII.. I l.'IKST 111 to ! ' ft i t;o!:i k i r- b o.t WlTi .V II -J 71 4D7 Ar S "' '" S NI.NI' : Tlillisi i'lii IS MOIHSY'S to 7 :i r.B ADD. r. ;i :ib a u ADD. :i : B 'I'd IH.A II :n. pt nwKws.4-U 10 M t a win-IS 4-11 OH .t. aw no IS-I-U 0 HI l'l MM lie IS- in .... A 7 SI N('i;.S ADI1 Monday, on a matter of business. CSold, it is claimed, has boon di-cov ered on tho farm of .1. V. Stimshiiry, i,lst Saturday night at 12 o'olock near Doweeso. A carloiui ()f ,1h, WM8 hxmm i,oro .Mrs. .J. K. Fisli, who has boon vis iun(1 ioaded into tho Rock Island king relatives at Guide Rock for a ,U),i UHsfc uf town yesterday. . ... ... ... I I.. .. I I U..I !.. hiid will at once actively engage in ino , cotipio m woon-,, umnu iiuuiu ouuirimj. , Kv..pI.ni)llt .i,,,!, n S. Aldrich and ,. business Mr. Sailor is an old time William Koch and family arrived ...;i. .,.,... ..!, ,., .....,! r,.i ftcu hmi. o iiiiv ihviivij it;biuiHii mini ii M.miiu-Ji- merchant of Dladen, having been en- ( safoly at Campbell, Tuesday evening, ing over a month to theirformor homos gaged in business before the town was having completed tho long journey itl Ohio and soutuern Micliigan. mured upon the , hill from what was frilII, Kusslu. They have relatives here Tho riirmor,Mi.Stitiito will be held iiien Known as i icivievuie. ! anil evneel to mane tueir uome in tins ,. ..--,...., ... noro wi'im (suidi: hock twi '1'owii. 1. ltmiuo ). Due. Hie. A Hit nwli 1 ho w 0 HW htf V pi ii'j hw... . 0 L'Vi 110 10 pt II W HW..IO III.' n'i aw . . H II W .... II MW . . . H HW . . . . 1IKAVKH 'low n. B. c no . . . . w sw no ji w H'.tj nw . b:i i i .sw i 0) pt o so . . pt II W HW 7 70 pt nw rtv l.l is I fen bo ;;.') .By 3(1 .;;i ..".." .;:, u :n B."i to IB IB 41 0 1 1 II Bl lie . . . aw . . , o II w o HO w so , n w . . o no sw no no ... STIU.WATHH. Town. :;. itiiiiKo '.'. hw S B7 10 pt ho N 17 , .Bl .Bl , .Bl Bl .Bl 0 Bl ci:i:i:k. hiiuko y. , . i a ir. . .'i Bl OS . .' Bl II , . !l S 40 , .BB It Bll .BB 14 CI , .BO . B7 . .7 .Bll CATItmtTO.V. Town. II. UilliL'o IB. 1, MHWli ... I G "-' ' ill' b:i .'in n r!1 M .i iii B7 10 1 Bl) 01 . H BU 71" I . S It 10 . U 15 51 . !l Bl 15 .10 B7 111 .IB OOli .10 4 711 .IS 11 B8 .10 0 :io B5 17 Jill BS 15 00 BS Bl M Bll 17 10 Bll ISO SI 11AH.MONY. Town. 4. HuiiKo IB. 1 5 H Ml II 5 4 111) CI A: II.. llCSCIlnW'S ADD.hr. 111. . 1 1 B 7017 iV IS... 7 II I 07, IB .V 1!!.. SWKKZVS ADD. SI'KNCK'.S 1 ,V B I II 50 1 7 A- S B 5 5Bi I A, B 4 1 Oljlil 5 V 0 5 4 117 j "i ikhi i:icsadd. !covi.i:s I! tu I! 7 7 Tit 1 1 i'YI. lilts ADD. ;;i I 51 B i 0 OS 15 5S 4 00 Add. . . B 7 SI) . B II OS . B SO , . :: so VI I. I.AC. 11. . . 1 1 75 HW HW . . HO no . . o so . no no HO . . . HO HW Iw.itHI'.ri'S ADD. ii to ir..... i oi :: HO II W h'j II w II W. at in. '! J pt s'nw". '.! ... pi HW II w S '' mr . i i .10 1 .10 1 ..17 ..111 ..10 10 IO IB IO 1 15 :: ;;. BO 5B 111 51 II 111 B5 OB IB SI III 5B Add. CITY. A lilt, 10 to B5 1 (iCIDi: HHCK i.aci:. 7 I S 1 y in i:t l S A- II 0 10 tu 111 0 S to til 7 IS 111 7 BO to Bll 7 S A ! 11 5 to 10 11 10 IB 1 II I to S 15 11 to 10 15 I o S Hi VANCtrs 1st II A pt IB. 1 7 to II I! pt ii a ib. :: 4 4 1 .V il B... 5 7 A ,s It 5 A pi a. . . s 10 .s 17 is.... S 'i '.Hi VII. 14 14 1 i to :: IB A: I!!... II to BS... 10 I. to tit... 11 1 .'II 1 15 A' 10... 5115 A- 0 B 1017 to II... I OBjKl to 17... j.s :', HI I! to S 115 s to 11... a 15 I to I! B (Ml 5 tc 0 i :;o!i:i A- n.. I IK! 15 A- 10.. 74'w'i 4 5 0.. PS 1 to 5 . y .10 .IB .15 .IS .IS .10 .Bl 10 II BS 1! :i o". 11) 5 01 a 7 4 OS 1 OT ii ::o 1 H.S 11 .". 01 y ::o ::n BS 51 1 SH III 17 07 B SB 17 VII. Add. I In 5 '. 14 SS I! to s : 'JX ":.;". -.Twyi ns. .w ::u J" 0 ".'...' ? imsKMo.vi i liViv- I'iii.'iMc r "l " M '" " " ,v '- ;i ;iS i.aiii:. ,Ttnw'- 'VV'A "-" " ! i",;r-i:::?. r5 A ; :; S ll . . . . 1 I O I'll uu 1 l! V T v it in - . m.l W SW 11 1 i lr.1 i vi io oi .1.1 l .. .. .. ,i- ' . . . . . ... i r r -ii mill. .- iv ill ji. . . . l'l- T tYl . . . iii'iu WL'unjur linil iiim ini. an VM'ui' i h r. : u iri i mm m - - vimmtv .1 (t.UiMhlU. illta IML- ' likitt lionifioilii lino lw.T4ii ititstifiiil !! ri 1 !.. .... II . ." ' -'" . -. n kt M) - IUII IIV'U Dili HUH UIUII l'l V I'll I UK (It ill 111, 1 MMIIkV l'' tt 1 . O 1 ' ,ll ll.if 1 I I Mi .', ,' .. ... BLOOMING I ON j Cus Olson, who left a week ago for nbU. speakers will be present. Z I ? g K - ft li'.i h'ft V?.:::li Wix.-.fi ,"3 (From the Advocate, lixcelsior Springs Mo. in nnop-iny om.y w,l)(1, of the north part of ?j '' H f '. 'A i m oo 7 W?. BVk! I.vX'vam:' UU'Mm J. Kittenour, of Red Cloud, was in J1' ' r in-law Mrs Willmm ' tho iwint ro,Ilt , ht e , lt. ..;:;;;;, T f - . . s . ? B it .,,, , , - ,v s ,,, the city yesterday. .erM.u and his mother. Mrs Mary llorosof Bril8s ,llll(1 mIJll,IllllK ,,,, fliriIli . -;;;;; fej'- ,;;-! ''hJf-A ' .? i iiC7 o s5 W Cole is getting readv to build ' ! T', of ' . ( ,om ! ,u,"r'1"1. '"., which makes him ISO ncn-sall in abody. JJ T V. .,'.'. .V" A' '1'oV A--, s1,"'-'' ,Y i! ft llLU ' e already has one hundred head of $ '$ 1 g t V :K iT S KvU,?? .' ' 7- .HS5 Tho town hasl,ee,,ful,orpeob,i:ther,,SS0,,,ir,,r:r I ,;U eon hls ranch and expects to get 'J ,, -7 ,,,.:;; & l.V.V , g. -S ,-,,,;- juist weeK. urawn nero oy uisiiicl I'litnt. Attorneys IJ. MoN'any and H. U Oveitaan, of Iti-d Cloud, were up this FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) . somo substantial improvements this Mrs. Hlackledge, tho wife of Webster week. They have a force of men at The First National bank is making w "' 11 f V." Hi .:i:; l! to ,1:1 to 1 10 10 B Town. B. Hiiiio 10. ji )(, .. HO in !. 11 Ar IJ. IB SM! 7 IB l: It is a M known fact that persons living in the nine forests do not .sutler 1 . . .. .a ..!. .1-. . ll" .... 1 1 !-. ....... I I17J '. T tkiif I.I..I. ...... .II .... .I..,-. ..f uf.L-Hlh.ndiiiLf court county's countv nttornoy, enjoyed tlio wora putting 111 a sieei lining 10 inoir ii r ',',, i" '-- n s "" """"'. " sc.im-.s. win- hum- T, f"n, ',. r I Hospitality of Mrs. Perry Hildreth's vault which has tho time combination .'V.r.V.'.iA a :Vi j" l" IS'-:f, ,! gj !T'Ur "K ,n,,.,t, 'fVll'T lev. C. S. Colo left this morning for ' , i .t , . . . . ,. . .,, H(. .t( 1707.'. .-Ll ;,' "J0, oaekache. todays tivatinent 51. otir Nora. Nebr., where ho has bueu . ' l'nio Snt.1nl.1y. at tachmen and also an alarm that v,l -. -;:;: ',0 0 ---$ VA lH n.ooev nioney rcfundcil if notsatislied. puinted pastor of thatcharge. BH.ih Williams, tho son of S. II. I nearly awaken the dead when touched , n,; .... .... 4 ,- ,, ;, ,,....,; , , sold b.v Henry -.M,kV.lr..ir store. . . . , 1 , i . 1 ii, t.. Williams of thisoitv. took Ins promo- j "" I no no ij ; 17 '.!;!- 1 i7 "um-j 1 1 Ijist Friday n gilt Rev. Joel amor ,. , A .... . , ,. 1 1-. 1 t 1 : 1 1 i hw- it: in Hi ls .. 1.. -.7 m o-i . , ,, , , ... .. P ... on ust week in L neon ton sp on- (.'as and Frank Mahiu havo brought w ,. ;!l 7 47..;, 'v ''r.- B " . ; was installed as regular pastor of tho ,. , . . . ,, ....,, ... J .. ... ,, . T , . ., " .... A r.V '.'... r.i I' ?'. I , . . . 1 ,, : 1 did position 11 the city tckot o Ice or suit against tho Kock Island railway :,:: J :.....- a BB....B7 r.i wi I J'resbytorian church at this place. ., ,, , it- -.10.- 1 mi 1 !.. ,l st ,nN '.i ". r.i bs iib 70 I l,,et- 10.r'.i-.il i for rf J ' 'tin R.I. askniL' tfl.!V.M).i)0 damiiL'es. The Maliins ,. ne ij.". ii ii" k ..v .. n I I USt 1.CCC1CU, X vtll 01 W.O. Rankin, tho harbor, moved his family to Arapahoe the llrst oT tho K)k, where he has a position in one or the barber shops. .Mm Winterstoon, tho old reliable solicitor for the Stato.Touriial, was in town last Wednesday, and as usual un corked a fow now jokes. Miss IJertha tinner returned from her summer visit with her sister in Wyoming, last Saturday night, and has taken htr old place in tlio telephone ettlee. M. D. Grillln wont to market last Wednesday with a few loads of fat cat lie, and when he returns ho will go nut to Colorado to purchase a lot more that ho will put into his feed lots. ! A car of freight containing goods ; wore out in umoriu.o 1100m, 11 year ago, , .... 1 .. . . . I ivliiirn tlinv limii'lit. nit 11 ciirlniiil of! ior 1 111s town nuu auoiner nown ine J "- " ' nike not verv far nwiiv. was- stom.od at . """es and shipped them to Kensing- the latter burg for unloading. That KLUIi HILL. (From tho Leader.) Dr. AhIiov caino up from Red Cloud Friday. B. T. Foe, or Cowlos, was in tiluo Hill h fow hours last. Tj. C. Peisigor has taken tho placo John Roso formerly occupied with tho Simpson real estate agency. Miss Anna Luo, who has been visit lag with her rather, Chas.Luo, and sis ters, returned to her homo at Red Cloud Tuesday. Mrs. Tabor, or Rod Cloud, was hero last week and tho first or this wook vis ititiff her son, O. V who accompaniod her home Tuesday. P. T. Martin, who has boon filling tho pulpit at tlio Christian church tho past year, will preach his fiirowoll sermon next Sunday evening, and will then take up a ohm-go at Guide Rock. Win. F. Arndt has moved his stock of general merchandise into tho Jacob loll building rocontly occupied by T. A.MoDouald. Mr. Goll has just fin ished Quito extensive improvements nu the interior or the storo, necessitated S'j- the recent lire. Mr. and Mrs. Clans Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Bisking returned the first of tho ireek from Germany. They spoilt sev eral months in that country, which is their old homo, visiting many places ffliich still remained familiar in their minds, and spent a pleasant time with relativos who reside there, and follow ing old rriendships. A ohango has been mado in the pul j'it of tho Methodist Episcopal church fJov.Tay or, who has had charge of it, j-oing to tlio north part or tho state, and Rev. T. C. Priostly, or Cowlos, tak evening while it was standing on the side track to be pulled up here tho next morning, divers wise ones smell led a mice" and succeeded in purloin ing rrotn it one barrel or beer, one case or beer, one box or whiskey and two cases of canned goods. Onco moro the morning flyer No. 11 just barely missed catching 11 team and driver on Wednesday last. Only the quick action of the engineer in apply ing tlio emergency brako saved tho lives of tho two occupants of Jthe wag on, Mr. P. Becker and a small boy. Tlio (Ivor u-:m lute iiiwl wim l'nirii' sit. a I high rate of speed. Had it not almost stopped within tlio train's length a terrible accident would have been the result. w no . . 1II..M Town. I o sw . . w mv . . ton. The station agent at Utirliuton n(i ", told them tho car was there ready un loading, but when the;' got the horses in the car was not there, and, a storm 0 0 CKKKK. Hiiiijjo 10. . . . 5 0 71 lie w . . . 0 ...17 ,..17 . ..Bl I" BS 10 -'s is -js II li. "1 -K J II A: pt IB..IJO .1 .rtf BS II! bs itii in 50 Ml 07 17 St :t:t 71 in hiss. r, , ii'ii 1. Unn coming up, t no norses were in tne yarn lots 1, ., 0 tl. ...... tfitlwint r.in.l I'm- licit .liivu Tin. - w.u.w ,........ ...... .... ..... ,...j v, w I case will come up for hearing in th next term of tho district court. I Mi I iti i'i! en ut u mlil lik lit lllllll."IH .- IIIIIO "'.'' S to 11 ,V 1 ' 11... ' 15',12i K! 1 l-JI to BH. u- ISlnllll A- 111 "ll ! ii. Tl! " " - HW .' 0 OS III 51 J 0 II t 7 11 Monro's A1I1I v II MV 1 O US j.j ,, 0 aw Bl IJ .',f'i:5 to 10... 4 I w hw Bl 1 ... p, -, 11. . . . 5 l.o BB IB ;B ' v s :, Here's a GUIDE ROCK. (From tho Signal.) Friends received word from Mrs. Georgia Warner, who is taking treat ment at an Omaha hospital, stating that sho is getting along very nicely. A team belonging to Frod Farner rurnished excitement ror a row minutes Monday morning while galloping about over town without a driver. Wo forgot to mention last week tho sale or the Holmgrain rami south or tho river to Thomas Slmins, or Mt. Claro. Consideration, $5,500. Tho Col viureal estate agency effected tho sale. LEBANON. (From tho Argus.) A rrcight train was tiod up in Lob anon nearly all day Friday. Tho crow had had their sixteen hours work and wore taking tho eight hours rest. A horse buyer took out a fine load or horses tho first of tho week, paying as high as $200. It has not been longsiuco it was predlotod that horses would nev er sell as high as $100 again. Wo noticed a Smith county man nt j work on his pasture rencotho first of tho week who was using an automobile as , a means of conveyance. This notico 1 printed a fow years ago as what would i probably take placo in a fow years ' would have been thought improbable.1 Tho incomo to farmers in this viciu-1 ity from tho salo or alfalfa sood this fall and winter will amount to thous ands or dollars. Tho dry weather of cyi(iJiI&tZeSu Boy m coprmni ivht.s HB w mi an neurw. -3 V I nw . 1 mj . . ; sw . Ill- .. se . . sw . o so e sw r sw vi so no . 11 w 'A .B5 -'. -, 10 lo IS.... ,S T.i '.'. s Bl ft 5 A: 0.11 '' 15 11 ' J jBO ti'BB". t. 1 r. 1 ii . . ... . .BO . .B7 , .BS . .BS . .BS HI .:t:i 1 1 15 ' -. ... is 1.! l,J fr i'-"' 11.... 15 1.-. - nt ir. .. . .......... -I, I I.' !!! SS 1 T : ' 'V I ... l 10 I!.". 70 7 SIS II 51! 1 4B 10 OS y 51 71 7 7.". 7 IB 1 7S o iO DI.'C'S ADD. IS II to IB FLOUR - -AT PLUMB'S FLOUR and FEED STORE You can save money by taking 500 pounds of him. I! Olll-O'M m;i u .ouu. 1 to :t Town. B. Utilise 10.. j to 0 o SW ;;0 l .m ji to IB... W so u'J 11 "'15 nw v,ll..,r' l8ii I" !' Town. 1. ltatige 11. J m to B4... pt w'.. nw.. 1 o ni kai.KV A: JACK su 1 "I :1. .SON'S ADD. 1 B5 Bll 1 1(1 55 I I'll 411 .. ..' .... - v ... tit hw sw .. 'J o .a 1 . " e ' !r li:i A: 4... s e 11 ,5 A: 0... O 8W 4 l l-;, ;ji. W so .1 ""IIB to III. pt lot !.... 10 .'IB 10,i .j,,. u, no lots I ;i to 5... i: B IB 41 80 ..ji ui:d ci.uud. ii k -j... Town. B. uaiiKo 11. i,- - 4... ..5 7 IB I 10 .1 I . . 0 14 Bl I 1 1st Adil. I 1 7.S ' 1 nnl . 1 00 P " ' ' kSiPMiyi 4 -1 yy 1 ffj r) KvOl 0 0 00 Tyr KnMliKn 0 7 ib aw -u '-xvPffiBlmtl 1 1 jBt.ijSeg iiitf his placo, Rov. Taylor resided ut lust summer, ox teudiug into fall, caused CIllCMU He looks better and feels better because his clothes wear better. These arc the guaranteed clothes for school and dress that are the most becoming and the most serviceable. Made from fabrics that won't show the dirt or dust; carefully sewed, tailored and strengthened throughout. When a Wearbetter boy romps and plays, he knows his clothes won't rip or tear or shrink or stretch. We show a choice assortment of these fine clothes in serviceable fabrics pretty patterns and pleas ing styles all sizes. $4.00 to $10.00 PAUL STOREY. no - pt o nw ... B pt o uw . . . B sw 7 no ..10 uw IS pt no so uw no sw n'j KO....B0 so B5 s so Bi o no BS pt lie no . .115 pt 11 sw . . .115 ut no SW...II0 1IATIN. Town. U. HatiKo 11. hu B.5 17 BO oiiHSWoon. Town. 4. linage It., pt sw sw.. 7 S.i pt so a B0H8 u hw 11 a 7 1 pt so no . ..IS 48 pt so ne ...IS II III. iw Bl BO II" nw B3 HBIKI walnut chi:i:k Town. 1. HaiiKO IB, l 1 07 4 no I 07 B Mil 7 JKI II 17 1B7 11 BO 74 ADD. lis -ji 1 ... ;. 1: X .'14 A- 5 15 hi'HADcr.irr-s ,if7 to IB .V 10 -' r.1 to Bl B 1!) 114' 1 '"III to IS.... It B 14 I.CT7. ADD. I , , 1 to 4 B IIB 58 ' J,0,.' A: 0 B 4 01' 7; ; 7 A- 8 B 15 50 11 7.'" l" i-.-.. - l "" JACKN N'S A I 15 1 4 B8 HAII.HOAD ADD 11 115 II 03 B 70 lot 7 lot 8 lotH 7 A: lots 0 Ac pt n no o nw . . 11 no . . h no nw . . . . sw . . . . 110 so no 11 nw II 3 8.. 4 10. 5 .... 8 .... ...10 ....10 ....13 ,...15 ....17 ....18 ,...11) ,B0 4 110 I 114 14 Bl BO 711 t Bll 17 81 7 15 7 15 11 5B BO III B7 311 IB 311 15 48 0 18 0 30 13 IIB 15 48 11 00 10 0: SW II w & w hw BO no Bl nw BB H 8W BS H SO BO INAVAI.n. Town. B. ltilllL'O IB no 0 18 03 pt 0 nw .. . 0 no 10 so IB hw Ill oli eV4 ....BB w nw 125 no BO 7 811 to 0 1 1 Ar B... 13 A- 14. Bl. Bl. 111. B4. B8. 13. 10. Bll. BH. 30. 17 to BB to 15 .V B3 A: B7 Ar IB tc 18 A: BB A; B7 Ar Bll Ar 1 & I ... 7 to 13 Ar 3 ... 13 A: 17 Ar 3 ... 1.I-1407-18 10.. 14.. 18.. . 7 . I) .IB .IB .IB .13 .13 8 OS 7 IB 3 50 8 BO 85 5 1)7 13 70 103 01 HB B5 I) IIB 14 110 I) 81 15 B5 11 7.1 3 BO B8 DO BO B3 IB 03 7 0!) 30 ft IK L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer Residenco: First door south of Hod Cloud Mill, 101 South Webstor stroot. fan bo found at homo ovory foro noon. Terras reasonable. CAHIlKIt'K -m Ann. 1 A- B B 1 781 3 Ar 4 B 5 35 I A B 3 71 3 to 0 3 2 14 II to 47... . 3 21 01 PAT.MOAS SUIJ DIV 1.38.:ty.404B 17 70 BOIIIJ A 37. 4 52 31 00 35 70 41 2 (III VKISIJH'S ADD. 'e HW BO 11 83 1 B 1 B 50 3 to 5 1 B HB 0 to IB 1 II 111) 13 I 07 2.1 85 ill to 10.... 1 n 30 Bit -j:bo 1 1 Bl 10 78 Bl, BB A 23. 1 3 If.) 13 70 21, 125 A Bll 1 4 (53 4 77 1 2 1 25 10 10 2 2 57 ii, 4 tv ii 'j a -' u uu Don't Buy Land nor loan Money on Real Estate without jrettintr one of Tool's perfect Ahstracts, of Title. The oldest and most reliable set of Abstract hooks in Webster Co. 810,000 bond tiled and approved. .Represents six of the best In surance companies doing busi ness in the state. LOANS WADE on CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. Office In Over Ing Blmck. Phonos: Boll 93, Farmcrs36 M .