'gar GU-tWTfi tj Mvnn Ji. re 1 1 J 9 h FOKGER HUDSON PL'E ADS GUILTY Watch Specials 5 We have a particular ly strong line of good watches at prices to save you money. Sil ver, Silverine, Gold Filled and Gold Cases Igin, Waltfaam, South Bend, Rockford and Hamilton movements. A line of watches having just the watch you need, at the price you feel is right. : : : : : Bring us work of all kinds. We do it right Newhouse Brothers, Jewelers and Optometrists. Burlington Watch Inspectors. NEWS OF NEBRASKA FOOTBALL PLAYER INJURED 'Fremont Normal School Scorched. Fremont, Neb., Oct. 15. Fire In lie Fremont normul school building mused damage to the amount, of $55, COO, with $110,000 Insuiance. Five Hundred Hounds at the Meet. Minden, Neb., Oct. 13. Beginning today the 1007 national coursing meet will continue to the 2(ith Inclusive. All indications point to the best meet In the history of the national associa tion. There will bo 300 of America's , Lest hounds here. Quarrel Results in Killing. Falls City. Neb.. Oct. 15. Charles Wilson, aged twenty, was shot and hilled here by Clyde Ellington. Both are negroes of about the same age. They had quarreled the night before. After the hilling Ellington luiutcir un the bherlfl and surrendered. " i Omaha Horse Show Opens. Omaha, Oct. 13. The fourth annual horse show opened in Omaha last night at 8 o'clock with an exhibition of path horses driven before gigs. From that time on until midnight there was an exhibition of thorough bred horses which called forth con .'jhm1 applause. Society turned out en masse to the opening- night. Ferguson's Preliminary Trial. Lincoln, Oct. 15. The lt,ev. Wilbett 1. Fergusc n, accused of adultery, up- penred !' prellmlnaiy ttlal in the court o .nistlco Stevens. Mrs. A. 1C. Cross Is the complaining witness. Rev. , Ferguson was until recently minister of the Methodist church of University Place. Adelaide yishy, adopted daughter of the complainant, told of, tilleged acts of Ferguson which pre ceded the offense. Prey Kidnaping Case. Lincoln, Oct. 15. Judge Holmes en tered an ouler that Samuel T. Prey, the youthlul son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Prey, who Is alleged to linve been kidnaped by 'Mrs. Prey ana taken to Denver, be restored to the father. The child was taken to Den. vr last Saturday by the mother, who Ik separated from her husband, nlid tne father Immediately started In pint Ml of the two. All three are now in enver. A copy of the court's order s ot to Prey at Dourer. Fred Jones of Bellevue Believed to Be Near Death from Injury. Omaha, Oct. 15. Because of the In jury to Right Guard Fred Jones of the Bellevue footbnll teum and his se rious illness, the game at Vermilion, S U., was called off. Latest reports Irom tho South Omaha hospital, where the young man is being cared for, are that he cannot survive longer than twenty-four hours. He Is suffer ing apparently from a clot of blood pressing on tho heart, caused by in juries received In football pluy. He Is In a stupor and is subject to violent coughing spells. i The parents of Jones arrived from Cody, Neb. Jones was a sophomore and this was his second year of foot- j ball. PRODS NEBRASKA GUARDSMEN ! Adjutant General Proposes Payment for Attendance at Drills. Lincoln, Oct. 12. Adjutant General Charles F. Schwarz of the Nebraska Natonal Guard has sent out a warn ing to the company ofllcers that un less many of tho companies bestir themselves they are liable to be mus tued out on account of inefllcieney and the state will lose the pro rata share of government support. Tho loss of the government appro priation would prove a serious blow to the Nebraska guard. Adjutant Schwarz duds it dlllloult to keep up interest and secure attendance at the drills, lie is now woiklng on un order M-hlch will propose the payment of SJ5 cents each week to each member for attendance at drill. .By Jan '22 the guard must bo up to a certain stand ard, the adjutant says, or lose its share of the government appropria tion. FIRES STARTEDBYLOCOlYlOTIVE other words ran adequately describe the situation," said the commissioner. The railway commission set the nenring of the compialnt filed by Ne braska creameries against certain railroad and express companies, charging discrimination, for Oct. 'IT,. Attorney General Thompson re ceived a certified copy of the order of the federal court at Omaha remand ing the express rate case from the federal to the state courts. The cases Involve the reduction of express rates n Nebraska 25 per cent, ordered by the state railway commission. Since the state couits have been given Juris diction, the attorney general will move for an order before the supreme court that the reduction be enforced. When the supreme court meets this week, Hie Union Pacific railway's ac tion against the state board or equal ization will be taken up. The road seeks an order which will compel tho hoard to disclose its method of valua tions. The road claims tho method of assessment is unfair. Peorfa Policeman Slain by Burglar. Peoria, HI., Oct. 14. During a pistol fight with a burglar who had robbed a residence of several thousand dol lars' worth or diamonds, Fd Bnnott, a policeman, was shot and killed. The man who fired tho shot escaped. This If the second murder of tho kind In Peoria In five dnys. To Investigate Accidents. Lincoln, Oct. 11. Railroad acci dents will be investigated thoroughly by the state railroad commission when a velocipede has been purchased giving tho board the opportunity to make Hying trips so that tho scene or trouble may be reached before rail road men have visited the scene and olllclnl investigations by county au thorities have fixed the responsibility. Reign of Terror Exists Along Line of Burlington West of Ravenna. Lincoln, Oct. 15. Immediate and effective lellef ror town and rural property owners along the lino of the Burlington railroad west of Ravenna is declared to be tight In a docu ment filed by Railway Commissioner Williams. As Commissioner Williams describes it, a reign of terror exists In the district on account or fires started ( by locomotives, which are declared to be ( aWuost dally occurrence. "No RANCHMAN AGNEW ARRESTED. Wyoming Cattle Baron Charged With Conspiracy to Defraud Government. Omaha, Oct. 15. Federal offices have lecelved word of the arrest at Rawhide Buttes, Wyo., of John Agnew, who was jointly Indicted with G. T. 11. Bnbcock a year ago on the charge of conspiring; to defraud the govern ment In securing public land. Agnew Is n ranchman. He was taken before a commissioner at Lusk, and gave $;i,OQ0 umi,jp. Five and Half Years' Sentence Is Passed by Judge Kelllgar. Tecuniseh, Neb., Oct. 11. In the dis trict court here Simeon Hudson pleaded guilty to tho charge of forg ery and Judge Kelllgar sentenced him to tho penltentlury for llvo years nnd six months, Hudson forged and cashed two checks o'.i Teoumseh bnnks In Juno, nnd when the sheriff attempted to ar lest him, he shot the officer In the arm. He was apprehended at Kinsley, Kan., and brought back. A big crowd was In the court room and at the de pot when Sherlrr Miner took him to tiie penitentiary. STANDARD'S OIL REJECTED State Authorities Throw Out Carload of Refined Product. Lincoln, Oct. 1 1. A carload of oil bent to Denver City by the Standard Oil romping has been rejected by the slate oil Inspector. The first test made by Deputy Inspector William Wheeler showed the oil to register 100 degreeB. when the minimum was 112 degrees. Chief Deputy Inspector Allen made tho trip to Braver City to test the oil himself and he ordered it rejected. It Is very raiely the oil tested In the state Is not up to grade. This Is the III st big lot of oil thrown out by In spector Allen It was shipped direct to Ileaoi City from the Ohio refineries. LIMITON TENURE OF OFFICE Short Term Policy Rules at Christian Endeavor Convention. Omaha. Oct. 11. The following of ficers weie elected by the twenty first nnnual convention of tho Christ Ian Endeavor union of Nebraska for one year: President, Rev. Jnmes H. Salshury, PInttsmoiith; vice president, Walter G. Rood, NoVth Loup; secretary, Miss Mary B. Lee, Central City; treasurer, William Watts, Deweese; junior su perintendent, Ray Fletcher, Lincoln; Christian citizenship superintendent, 11. S. Stone, Omulia. Tho election carries out the policy to be pursued In tho future of limit ing tho tenure of olllce of the presl-! dent. SmOT Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with yonr water and let it stand twenty-Tour hour. i sediment or Ml tlingindicatcsuii unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if it stain your linen it i evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent ili-site to pass it or pain in the bncfr s nlso convincing pi oof that the Udnovi and bladder are out of oidcr. What To Do. There iscotnfoit in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kihnct'.v Swamp-Uoot, the great kidney remedy, fulfills everv wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the luck, kidneys, liver, bladder and even part of the urinary nnsge. It collects iimhilitv to holil water and scalding ji.uu in passing it, or bud effects following use of lhpior, wine or beer, and ovciouuies that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the dav, and In get up many times during I fie nieht. The mild nnd the extraoi dinary effect nf 5wnmp-Roul is soon realied. It stands the highest for its wonderful ruies of the most ii trussing eases. If u need a iiu-iliriiit you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You niiiv have a sample bottle and j Ixok that tells all ill tout it. not II sent l ree ' i... .....:i A.I.I..... n. K l llltlll. M1H.?T '" I! Jvilmer & Co., Ihng- H.IUltoll, N. Y. When nomeof flwmH- writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and. the address, ISiughamtou, N. Y. FCfP II 7U, i'Umi i nK?ft'jCTf2:::s GSSaEH SteffiHWH i!J'i!.rHiuX,U?i GRAND ARMY MEN PROTEST Denounce Pension Ruling of Nebraska ' Board of Public Lands and Buildings. Lincoln, Oct. l-L At a meeting of the local Giund Army post a resolu tion was adopted denouncing tho ac tion of the state board of public lands nnd buildings in requiring inmates of soldiers' and sailors' homes to glvo part of their monthly pensions to the state. The board was asked to re tclnd Its action. The state board re cently adopted an order requiring all pensioners in the homes who drew a pension In excess or $12 a month to! pay a certain percent Into the cash fund of the home. Under the service pension rule there have been many In creases In pensions, but the action or the board has met witli strong protest. FRONTIER FESTIVAL ENDS. Hllderbrandt of Wyoming Wins Rough Riding Championship. Hastings, Neb., Oct. 14. The Hast ings frontier festival, which was a success far beyond the expectations or the promoters, closed with the finals in the championship events. Hllderbiandt of Wyoming won tho 5500 prize saddle and purse of $05, taking (list place In the championship lougli riding contest. He rode Steam boat, the famous outlaw horse, In his final trial. Hllderbrandt made a most sensational ride, Steamboat pitching and tossing him In u merciless man ner. The company which financed tho enterprise wus capitalized for $1,000 OYSTERS in every, style. Ca tering to parties and dances a specialty. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, Candy and Cigars. The Bon Ton W. S. BBNSE, Proprietor. Do You I MLtSa Meat? When you nro hungry and want soniethlg nice in the mout line, drop into my mnrkot. We have the nicest kind of Home-mad Sausages ' nnd meats, fish, nnd game in season. We think, and almost know, that we can please you. Give us a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON & BURDEN. ii)iiuU(a(iiiiii(aiaU(U4aibiiiiiiiU(UiiiU(aikaiaibibaiU(iba(ibaiU(uiiba(UiiiU(aihii 5AY, niSTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU. as well as US, to buy your Building Ma torial and Goal at ourynrds? Not only tiiat our prices averaok lowor, or at least as low, as those of ouv competit ors, hut m:uausk wo take especial care of aud protoct all can ho classed as R E (J" ULAll C U S T OMERS. PL ATT & Coal. FREES CO. Lumber. 4 4 ,rviiiiii'rw'piiiiiii-vv'Piiiiiiiii'niiiit'P'eni''fi"i'ni'PfvT,P'i, c- ft t Gr V fr fr ( f-t- f City Dray and Express Line. F. W. STUDEBAKKR, PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAMS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Offie 119, Residence 188. J' I j : (Hill I I .7V v tJE.' M Cht I tv.tt m Ml