The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 18, 1907, Image 1

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1 Subscription
tewxoKKX&fotf-tetefc:, tiatt
Eight Pages
Home Print
i $1 a Year
I In Advance
NUMIlElt 18
-. OtUHM iftiftJ.HH
TfeC Situation as It now Stands -Relative
Merits of the Yarlous Plans.
The schoolhuuse question continues
to he the principal theme for local dis
cussion. Anil Unit is well, for at the
p-osent time there is no more important
Issue hefoie the people of this oily and
listrict than this school problem. All's
well that ends well, and we hope and
trust that this may lie settled in ninitii
nor that will prove to be the best for
all time to come.
Our present facilities are inadequate
for our present demands, to say nothing'
of the loss of public .spirit and public
pride. Many plans are being urged in
solution of the problem. The board is
praised or condemned according to the
viewpoint of the interested party. Hut
let us examine carefully our present
In the first place, a petition was eir
diluted asking for S-VOOO bonds to be
otcd for the purpose of buying a site,
erecting a building in the south ward
and installing a heating plant in the
north ward. This proposition was sub
mitted to the voters and carried by
more than three to one.
Unquestionably, every voter under
stood that a 820,000 building was too
large merely for the use of the pupils
of the south ward, and it was equally
well undeistood at that time that the
3iiu. lniililSiifr ivnu tn hi nmwl in .mni.
mammr to r..H..v M.P .n.n..Mn.i in t.l...
northward. Should the building be
vroetod, but two courses of action were
open either to make the new building
grade school or else to continue the
ward system, and use the upper lloor
for the high school. Wo have before
stated that we frvored the grade plan,
because it would give us greater teach
ing etllciency at a less cost and be bet
ter for the children. Kadi teacher
would have only one grade instead of
two, childrcd of the same age would be
associated togethe, backward scholars
could receive individual attention, the
teacher could be a specialist, etc.
On the other hand, those who favored
the high school being placed in the colds, croup and whooping cough. It
new building argued that the smaller is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
I'hihlreu should have an opportunity to money refunded. Equally good for
rtteud school as near home as possible, ' young and old. Sold by Henry Cook's
and that by adding one or two teachers drugstore,
in the north ward congestion would be "
tone uw.iy with. . NcHcIvIc Bros. Poland-tihlna Boar Sale
As the matter now stands, these two October 26th.
pirns are the only ones that can be fol- j On the above date prospective Poland
lowed. The site chosen for the new china boar buyers will be given an op
i.uilding has been objected to by some portunity to buy from the tops of the
because of Its. -unseemly" surroundings, i,egt herds of registered Poland-Chinas
but we must remember that the east j this section of thu state. There
-me of the city limits is but a little ' have been selected from these herds
over three blocks away, and that cer-1 40 head of the tops of nearly 100 head,
lainly is sulllcient to show that the site and they will be in a good salable con
js not too far west. It is universally dition by sale date. We have spared
conceded that the town is growing neither time nor money in building up
westward and cannot move in any oth- these herds along the lines of the large
or direction. The site chosen is well tvno of hotr. and at the same time have
adapted or school purposes, and when endeavored to bring some breeding in
tree.s and blue grass are growing will to the country that will be in demand
make a beautiful campus. We imagine and steered clear of duplicating the
that it will compare favorably with the same line of breeding each year. That
north ward site of tweuty-llve years is, we have not undo any radical jumps
ago. The people living near and around from c type to another, but have
the chosen bite will compare fovorably ' h0ught out from various good herds
with any other locality in our city. ' the kind that we know have made good
Hut, after all, where would one find a n the hands of men who have made
better place for the building? I the breeding business a specialty. The
Those who have signed the petitions offering Js good throughout. There
which were presented to the board have will be no bad footed ones, no bad
seemingly been willing to object to the J backs, no fine-boned kind, but the kind
plans of the board without knowing that have been ready "doers" on alfal
just what those plans are, nor have they ftl lind a moderate- grain ration. The
stopped to think just how the board is March pigs will average 200 pounds or
composed. Of the live members of the better by sale day, as the entire bunch
board but two are located In the first some few days ago averaged 100 pounds,
ward, only orie of whom would have The size of bone ranges from 0 to 7JH
children attending school, while all the inches, and the length of body from
other members of the board have chil-
lren attending school, and certainly
they have 11 personal interest in the lo
cation of the school house.
The petitioners, or rather those who
have remonstrated, have said that the Free hotel accommodations will bo fur-
board should cancel the bonds which n,8hcd ut Hnrvnru, Nebr., Clay Center,
were voted. TIiIb is somuthihg which .T , , T, , ., , , .T . J , . '
to board lias no right to do. They did Nobr., and l- airfield, Nebr., and parties
not ask that the board resubmit the from a distance who cannot convenient
rioiulH to the voters, which is about the ly get home for Sunday will bo enter
only thing that can be done. ' tained at our expense. Also free trans-
As to which ward the high school is , ., . ,, ....
placed itbthat is immaterial. Toargue Illation to and from any of the towns
that it will increase or decrcabe the mentioned. What wo want to impress
value of property according to the ward is, that if you want a boar for this seas-
in which the pupils of the ninth to the on-8 bervtce wo can Boll you onc thnt ls
i welfth trrade receive their education .. . . , ,, , , , . ,
L mierlle in the extreme. We want a11 rlht ns an individual and also a
wohool privileges and muHt have them variety of good breeding to select from.
The city is in a precarious condition. Write for catalog to either II. L. Mc-
We have voted bonds and settled the Kelvt0) Fairfleld, Nebr., or U. C. Mc-
ouestlon once, nvi u nwii um
it our voted purpose.
.lating and carry 011
Band Concert.
Tin Citizens' Concert Hand will hold i
a bund concert at the opera house next
Friday .evening, commencing at 8:15)
o clock, under the direction of Alvin
Suapp. an cents will be charged for
admission. Following is the program
which will be- rendered:
I'lll.ST PAUT.
March, "Pnrmlu of thu Pretzel Club." s.K Motrin
sel.. "Wli'.'ti .lohiiiilo U'lMfn MnrchliiK Home "
.Till t .hi KilwiinlN.
Comet Solo. "The Uhnriner" l'olkn Lotiln Hoot.
Mil. Mamon,
Contralto Solo, "Little Hoy Mine." .lojee.
Ma Justin Wrnr ShAi'i
Mnrcli, "t'miltolH." f. II. I oM-y.
skcono p.Mtr.
Mnrch, "C'ommonwcnllh. K It llnll.
Selection from thu Mimli-al Couieny, "The I'm
ilrn." .Icu K. lUunrri
Concert Waltz. "Sj lvh." Walter itoth.
Sopnitio (imrtettc1. Iluitlulhorp Stein Souk from
"The rlnce of I'ilMiii." UtiMnv uiitlura.
Hurry MMiIimikIi. Ut Comet.
Marlon Mercer. !2il Cornet.
Hour I'hareH. ,'M Cornet.
Geo. DiivIk. ttli Cornet.
March, "('. 0. U." (new.) Ssai-p.
The band will probably hold concerts
regularly through the winter.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our thanks to
the many kind friends who assisted us
in the sickness, death and burial of our
beloved mother. Mrs. Lulu Motter,
Mrs. Fannie McCune,
Charles Harbcr,
Fred Harber,
Herbert Harber.
Al U"-V t,,u AnvinS "ic W BOIIH'OIIO
illbe at's carpenter shop to do
all kinds of shop work, saw filing,
turning, etc.
Man Zan Pile Remedy comes put up
in a collapsible tube with a no.zle.
Easy to apply right where soreness
and intlammation oxists. It relieves
at once blind bleeding, itching or
protruding piles. Guaranteed. Price
50c. Get it today. Sold by Henry
Cook's Drug Store.
To euro a cold first move the bowels.
Hees Laxative- Cough Syrup acts gent
ly on the bowels, drives out the cold,
clears the head. It's pleasant to take
and mothers highly recommend it for
41 to 48 inches, according to age. The
breeding is strong in the kind that
have always been heavy winnerbatthe
Nebraska State Fair, where nothing
but the good big kind got a look In.
, Kclvie, Clay Center, Nebr.
Items of News Found in Tito
Chief of Twenty Years Aflo
This Wook V Ty r )
U. W. Kaley left Saturday for Oma-
Ice one-eighth of an inch thick this
W. N. Richardson was in Hlooiuitig
ton Thursday.
I. O. Martin of Hlue Hill, was in the
city Thursday. .
Hoy Hutchison has returned from
Norton, ICans.
.1. L. Miner is again able to breathe
the outdoor air.
II. W. Hrewer shipped a carload of
tlax east this week.
The city dads have purchased hose
for the lire department.
'I' C II... .1 I I.. n 1. ..!.!....
on business Wednesday. I
A. M. Walters of Hlue Hill, was in I
the city Thursday morning.
The piers are all up for the river
bridge, and the laying of the iron work
has begun.
When the riveting of the standpi e
commences there will be music in the
air for the north end citizens.
The street railway should bo urged
along. Don't be backward or stand in
the way of enterprises that are bona
fide. The canning factory will be a big
thing for Red Cloud next spring, and
every effort should be made to get It
in motion.
The hydrants for the waterworks are
here and will be placed hi position
soon. The pump is on the road and
is daily expected.
The farmors are now making an ef
fort to contract their brooincorn. The
prices range from gM) to S70 per ton,
according to quality.
Married, in Red Cloud, October HI,
1887, at the residence of Mr. Oriui, by
C. W. .Springer, Mr. Charles V. Robin
son and Miss Lila L. Fugles, both of
The merchants should begin to make
arrangements to close their stores at 8
o'clock p. 111. It is no more than proper
that the clerks should have a little
show to improve the opportunities of
C. L. Cotting, in answer to a tele
gram, left this morning for Wisconsin
for the bedside of his father, who is
seriously ill. P. R. Wolff will have
charge of the drug store during his
Wednesday an outfit of Rock Island
surveyors were in this city, the osten
sible purpose of which we were unable
to learn, bnt our managing editor rises
to remark that there must be another
railway In the air.
Some six weeks ago E. M. Perkins'
hardware store was burglarized and a
large amount of hardware was taken,
among which were five fine guns val
ued at 3100. No clue could be obtained
of the goods until last evening, when
Mr. Gardner, of the Gardner House,
while in the haymow discovered the
five guns buried in the hay. The party
who stole them evidently feared de
tection and left them rather than tako
chances on being arrested.
Do you know that Plncsalvo Carbol
ized acts like a poultice in drawing
out intlammation and poison? It is an
tiseptic. For cuts, burns, cracked
hands, eczema it is immediate relief.
25c. Sold by Henry Cook.
Here Is Relief for Wenen.
Mother Gray, a nurse In Now York,
discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb
cure for women's Ills, called Australian
Leaf. It is the only certain monthly
regulator. Cures female weaknesses,
backache, kidney, bladder and urinary
troubles. At all druggists or by mall
.10 cents. Sample free. Address, The
Mother Gray Co., Ley Roy, N. Y.
against Fire, Lightning, Cy
olones and Windstorms, Bee
agent for the Farmers Union Insur
ance Co:, Lincoln, Neb., the best In
surance company Intho stite.
ij; School Notes
All of the ninth grade were present
at school lust week.
A class party for the tenth grade was
held at the Cramer home Wednesday
Mr. Vincent Johnston has moved his
books to the front of the room where
he can study better.
Ninth grade parents urecumpluining
about their children getting home
later in the evening than usual. Why?
Phoebe Unburn and Susie Cary were
transferred to the afternoon Latin class
last week, the morning class being too
Will Holmes has been absent from
school the past week, having been call
ed to Fairbury by the death of his
Todav the Lebanon high school foot
ball team meets the Ked Cloud high
sehoid team at the baseball park. The
game promises to be a hot one.
Last Friday the first football game
was played between the high school
and the business college. After much
1 III ,v liiflll I
lil; Mill
Copyright 1907
The Houie of Kuppenhdmer
TS HERE are two classes of Men in this town those who know all
" about our good Clothes, and those who have never been here.
Men Who Know!
Those who know, know that they have never had better Clothes
than they buy here.
Never had better fitting, more comfortable, stylish or more fairly
priced Clothes.
They know that, when they are ready for a Fall Suit, they will
come directly here for it.
These Men know where the best Clothes come from.
Men Who Dont Know!
To the other c.ass belong those busy mortals who haven't time to
investigate. So they go to the exclusive Tailor and pay dearly for their
lack of time, or content themselves with buying "Average Ready to
Wear Clothing," and so go poorly dressed half their days.
Reader, if you are not already in the class of "The Men who
rvnow, you 11 do well to join it at once.
Fall Suits, $8, $10, $15 and $25.
Overcoats, $8 to $28.
Always Reliable..
First Door North of Post Office.
talking ami hard playing the game,
finished with a score of t) to 0.
Thursday of last week being Charles
Kellogg's birthday, the senior class
were invited to his home to a surprise
party. Lovely cake and cream were
served by the hostess. This was a real
surprise, for they found Charles in his
overalls studying histiorinuu. All had
a jolly time.
For Rent Two large rooms, inquiru
of Mrs. II. A. MeCuno
There will be a Sunday school con
vention of the southwest district of
Webster county ut Red Cloud Congre
gational church October HI. Afternoon
and evening a state secretary will ad
dress both meetings and a good pro
gram will bo rendered. All Sunday
schools of district please send dele
gates. Lost
Lost in the commercial world. If
you do not hurry up and enter college,
and get a place to work for your room
ami board you will lose a gram) oppor
tunity. Apply at business college
olllee if you want to secure one of these
places. Hurry up, first here first ser
ved. 411
r. .
-j ") n
i"yw '