The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1907, Image 7

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    ft JKM. wt ew J( ft
Watch Specials
ir Ay
K5 aa' '
We have a particular
ly strong1 line of good
watches at prices to
save you money. Sil
ver, Silverine, Gold
Filled and Gold Cases
Elgin. Walthaim, South Bend.
Rockford and Hamilton
movements. A line of watches having1
just the watch you need, at the price you
feel is right. : : : : :
Bring1 us work of all
kinds. We do it right
4 lyewnouse Brothers,
C Jewelers and Optometrists.
II as
Clerk, Who Claimed to Have Over
heard Plot Is Placed Under Arrest
and Confesses Just In Time to Give
Warning to Recipients.
Denver, Oct. i). Governor Henry A.
Huehtol, David II. Mottat, incident ot
Oic First National bank of Deliver,
and Charles H. Kouutze, president ol
tlie Colorado National html;, received
through the malls internal niaeliii'.s
KintainiiiK sullU'iem d.vnanitte to tiae
cull I'd Bivnt destruiMlon of lives'
mid property had they been exploded.
1'ortunately warning had been given
lo lue i ei ijilents of the machines he
ld! e they were leeelveU" by Chief oil
I'ollio .Michael Delaney, who hail ob
tained a oontosslon troni Kemp V.
. ge'ow, by whom they were mailed.
Hifci low conlessed alfo that he had
bint inlet nal machines to Lawrence
C l"iiiis and Edward Chase, but
Oiest wire not delivered.
Find Dynamite in Dox.
The machines received by Messrs.
Molfnt and Kouutze woie turned over
to tie police. The one sent 10 Gov
euioi Uiichtel was received by the
KUM'inoi'a in hate secretary, Alfied
C Montgomery, who removed the
wrapper, ulscloK a box with a
sliding cover, ills hiisjilcions were
aroused and he lenoi ted the nutter to
(lovernor Huchiel, who tlmn Informed
him that he had been warned by the
chief of police to he on the lookout
for an Internal machine. Adjutant
Oeiural Kelley and otlleers of tho
police department were called in and
the box waa carefully opened by them
in tuch a manner ab to avoid explod
ing Its contents. It was found to con
tain two sticks of dynamite to, which
wen attached fuses and caps and
which were packed in black powder.
'J he Hlidiiig top was lined with sand
piper and matcheH had heen placed
wltti their heads In contact with the
and paper, so that they would have
boon lighten If the box was opened
lu the manner intended, thus un
doubtedly causing an explosion of
tha dynamite. The other Infernal ma
chinea were counterparts of this one.
Blgelow gave no satisfactory ex
planation of his motive for sending
the machines, and seemed to have no
other purpose than to cause a sensa
tion. Confesies Juat in Time.
Blgelow, who is twenty-one years old,
arrived in Denver several weeks ago
and secured a position as clerk in the
Kenurick book store. He said he was
the sou of C. L. Blgelow, superintend
ent -r schools in Bryan, 0. On Sun
('ay night Blgelow notified the police
department that ho had overheard
two men talking about a plot to kill
Edward Chase, Governor Buchtel and
oilier prominent citizens, and that
Mr. Chase's residence was to be blown
t'p. He was In tho vicinity of the
Chase residence at t"ie time. He had
a package containing two sticks of dy
nam.Te. Blgelow's story was legaided
with suspicion, and he was placed un
der arrest. He confessed that he him
Fell' nl:u ed the dynamite near Mr.
Chafe's house where it was found, and
that ho had sent several Infernal ma
chines bv mail. Had his confer ion
not been obtained In time to r1vp
warning to the men to whom the mu
ch I in s. had been sent, those who open
ed the boxes containing tho d.vuaiiiito
would undoubtedly have been killed.
Attorneys Fail to Agree on Postpone
ment of Case at Boise.
Boise, Idaho, Oct. u, Another fruit
less meeting of-srUouioy.s was held In
the proposed poM polling of the trial
of George A. I'oltibone, charged with
complicity In the murder of Governor
Steiinunlmri;. Pettlbone Is regarded as
balng entirely too 111 to face a legal
trial, but the defense has thus far re
fused to accept ?u postponement,
themby hoping to force the state Into
iiauting bail to the sick man. Pettl
bone Ik suffering fioni a specific com
plain: that may never be overcome,
lie is able to walk about the hospital,
hut an operation Is Impossible. Tho
atatj feara to enter on a trial with
tuU coudl.Uon prevailing, ab the x-
M ia
I -
Burlington Watch Inspectors.
opinion that notwithstanding that tho
government was unable to discover
the transfer books nnd Htock ledgers
of tho llfiuldatlng trustees the evi
dence adduced bIiowr that tho so
railed oil trust only affected to dis
solve under the order or the Ohio
coutts in 1892 nnd that Its direction
Is still held by those who hnd to do
with the formation of the Standaid
Cll trust
pense would be heavy. The miners
itie distributing pamphlets showing
the immense cost of the Haywood j
trial to the state. The Haywood trial '
s raid to have cost In the neighbor- J
hood of $140,000.
Governor Gooding and other state
' officials declare that all the money
necessary to prosecute Pettlbone will
be forthcoming. There is absolutely
no likelihood of his trial proceeding
on the li'th, the day set, however.
Thirty-fifth Annual Gathering Takes
Place In Washington,
, Washington, Oct. 9. The thirty
111 th annual convention of the Interna
ttoiiHl Association o'f Kite Engineers
met here for a three ihiys' session.
Upwards of 400 delegates ftom all
part.! of the United States and Canada
are in attendance. Five companies of
the District of Columbia lire depart
ment escorted the visiting fire chiefs
to Odd Fellows' hall, where the con
vention mot. The opening exercises
consisted of add losses of welcome
end prellmlnaiy work, after which tho
delegates visited the Whito hoube.
Government Claims to Have Proved
Standard an Illegal Combine.
:-iiw York, Oct. 9.- From state
ments culled troni ledgeib and books
found In the offices oi the Standard
Oil company, Frank B. Kellogg, coun
sel lor tho government, succeeded lu
I lacing on the record or tho tederal
pioceedingb iiRalnst tho oil company
tho proeesues and binges thiough
which the combine passed In its
cnungoK ftom the old Standard Oil
trust to the present Standard OH com
pany of New Jersey. Out of the maze
of figures developed from the com
pany'!! hooka and from testimony
given by Clarence G. Fay. assistant
auditor of the Standard Oil company,
called as a witness, the government's
counsel says he believes he proved
the federal allegation that the Stand
and ib an illegal corporation and that
by devious devices had maintained
its entity and that it 1b under tho
tnmo ownership iu when It was
President Has Not Sighted a Bear,
But Dogs Find a Trail.
Stamboiil, lt., Oct. !l. - Secretary
Lntta returned from his visit to the
piesnlent lu the hitter's camp on the
Tensas river bringing with him a
bated" or niwly-dlctated letters and
i (collections of a ery wet night
spoil' in cam). He sas that tho rain
was even more than was baigalneil
Tor and that while the first effect wis
to put tho woods In good condition,
they became so wet that the pint
was ((impelled to return to camp. Th'
lain continued throughout the night
and it was decided not to venture out
at :ul today, owing to the vwitoi in
the c.inebiai.e in which they an hunt
ing. No one lias yet sighted a bear,
but the dogs lound u trail and the
prof -sHtonal hunters ,opioscd the
bilk i I hat they hail located a real
bear. It was dark, however, and It
became necessary to call the hunt off.
The nicHldciit put,s in much of his
time when not engaged in the limit
In u.idlng and in conversation
his associates and the guides
hunters who iiccompiiiiy him.
other deer was shot yesterday.
Split Riding Breeches the Only Un
toward Incident of Trip.
Washington, Oct. 9.- The llrst test
ride of army otllcers which was or
dered by Piesldent Uoosevelt to do
termino the use or a higher rank than
caplr.iu stalled Ironi Fort Meyer and
bovou hours later was back at the
fort, having Unversed Mimothlng over
hi teen miles or good and bad Vlrglnln
roads. There were no spills fiotn the
saddle, the nearest approach "to ciihu
r.lties being split riding brou-lies.
caii'M bv two ollloirs having taken
on more than their share of avoirdu
pois during" long detail at desks In
the war depaitmeiu. On the whole the
olllcers, some of whom had not ridden
horsHiack lor a number or years,
M'en-.od to enjoy the '-hike" and'niade
of it a pleasant outing.
President Plans for Federal Control of
Railroads' Physical Condition.
Washington, Oct. 9.-It is reported
that one or the Important pieces or
new legislation along progressiva
Hues which Pio.sident Uoosevelt will
urge In his foithcoinlng inoHRnge to
congress will be a measure giving the
interstate cominoico commission now-
er to deal with the physical construc
tion of rallioads to the extent or as
suring sare roadbeds, Hawk-ns track
age and generally to look arter condi
tions that Involve the lives mid limbs
of pasbt'iigers.
Iowa Corn Crop.
Des Moines, Oct. 9. Georgo A.
Wel'.s, secretary of the Iowa Grain
Dealui.V association, states that the
corn crop In the southern and south
west' in parts of the state Is above the
aveivge of the crop of the last five
jcars and had It not been lor tho
last frost the crop ror the entire state
wou'd huvo.been above the average of
the last live years. As it Is, the aver
age lor tho entire state Is reported
to be 7i por cent of a full crop, with
an average yield of thlrty-rour bush
els to the acre.
HnrTn m
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect fl
How To lMnd out.
1MI1 a bottle or common glu.'. with your
water and let it stand twentv four ho'ur ;
r- aseuiiiieiiiorM.'i
unhealthy con
ditiutinf ilic-Utd-nc;
if it tiiiuA
otir linen it i
evidence of Ltd
110 trouble; Nai
frequent ilesifir
to p.tss it orpaiii
i'l the bail: i
also couviuoine; proof that the kvlticy.'
ami bladder ate out of order.
What To Do.
Thcie iscouifoit in tin. knowledge so
often extnossoil. that Dr. Kilinei'
' Swaiup-Uoot, tiie Kioat kidney tentedy,
fulfills everv wish in curing rhouiuatibtu,
) pain in the luck, kidneys, liver, bladder
ami won Jmrt ol the "urinary passage
It cornets iuuliilitv to holil watitr
and scalding )miu in passing it, or b.ul
' effects following use of liquor, wine or
I beer, and ovei comes that unpleasant mr
I ccssily of lieinv; i liipellcd to go often
dining the du, and to get up mnity
; times (lining tile night. The mild ftnl
J tlioosttaoiifiiiaiyi'fkvi nf Swamp-Root
, is Mou rcalied. It stands the lnglt'.-t.
for its venule! I ill ouios ul tin- most di
! trossing eases. It vu need ,i nicrlu-itie
ou should have tin-lust. Nddliv drug
gists in lift v-ei ut and nc ddlnr sios.
i Von ma v have a - iiiiplo bottli and a
hi ok that tolls all i
illldlll it . Illll ll Mill lll'l f1.l"in.V
bv mail. AddusHl)t.pyftjiail
kiliuor iV Co, ll.ti'- -JxL.
llllllltotl, N V. 111 II Tlotiin of Snmp.Ovt.
v tiling mention this paper ami don't,
make any mistake, hut teiitoniber ttitr
name, Dr. Kilmer's .Swamp-Root, and
the address. Biiighauiton, N. V.
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances .1 specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and
The Bon Ton
W. S. BI5NSE, Proprietor.
Do You
Meat ?
When 7011 nro hungry end
want soinetliig nice in tha
meat lino, drop into ray
markot. We hare the nicest
kind of
nnd meats, ilsli, and game
iu season. We think, nnd
almost know, that we chh
please you. Give us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
Do you know Unit it will pay YOU, tws
woll us US, to buy your Building Ma
torial and (joal at ouryurdsy Not only
tliat our prices avkuaok lower, or ut
least as low, ab those of our competit
ors, but because we take especial euro
of and protoct all can bo clashed as
R 13 GULAI1 C U S T O M K R S .
Coal. Lumber.
j11i ti'TT'li pimii(iinnivim,,ii TT'l11f'1vi1V'r"TVV7V1v Hi 7VvorTTT1TTT,P
e r?
er ft
City Dray and Express Line,
formed. Mr. KoyW i.iiJih Uj of the Residence 1 88.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
OfTie 119,
f i