The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1907, Image 6

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The Spoilers,
OopyrlKlit. I'M, l.v Hix K. Huueh.
(Cou tinned from Piiko Tliroe.)
Aprtn rnino the warning blast from
fho steamer Mini tin voice of nit olll
crr: Clear away thai atom lino!"
"Oil, we'll be left!" Mho breathed, and
flomehow It struck (Jlunlster that she
jfoared this more Hum the men whoso
afi)mtU'hliiK feet he heard.
"Yon can make It all right," he urged
2ucr roughly. "You'll got hurt If you
inlay here. Hun along and don't mind
ns. We've been thirty days on ship
board and were praying for something
to haiipen." Ills voice was boyishly
jrlad, as If be exulted In the fray that
was to come, and no sooner bad he
Kpokrii than the sailors came out of
She iarkm"M upon them.
During the space of a few heartbeats
there was only a tangle of whirling
tfonus with the sound of list on llesh,
then the blot split up. and forms
jilnngod outward, falling heavily. Again
She. sailors rushed, attempting to clinch.
They massed upon Dextry, only to
grasp empty air, for he shifted with re-
Tiic. old miner Htamjml on his iii;nt.
inarkable agility, striking bitterly, as
an old wolf snaps.t it was bathing
vork, however, for In the darkness his
'idows fell short or overreached.
JIenlstor, on the other hand, stood
carelessly, beating the men off as they
came to him. lie laughed gloatingly,
bip Iu his throat, as though the en--counter
were merely some rough sport.
Tlie girl shuddered, for the desperate
llence of the attacking men terrified
Shrr more than a din. and yet she
stayed, crouched against the wall.
Dextry swung at a dim target and,
missing It. was whirled off his balance.
Instantly bis antagonist grappled with
him, and they fell to the lloor. while a
third man shuttled about them. The
j;5rl throttled a scream.
-I'm goln' to kick lm. Hill." the man
panted hoarsely. "Ie' me tlx Mm."
He. swung his he.-uy shoe, and Rill
-nrted with stirring eloquence.
"Owl You're klckln' me! I've got
Jm safo enough. Tackle the big un."
Hill's ally then started toward the
others, his body IkmiI, bis arms Hexed,
jet hanging loosely. He crouched be
side the girl, Ignoring her, while she
heard the breath wheezing from his
"Jungs; then silently he leaped, Olenls
Jer had hurled a man from him, then
stepped back to avoid the others, when
lie was seized from behind and felt the
man's arms wrapped about his neck.
Iho sailor's legs locked about his
thighs. Now came the girl's first
fcnowjedge of real lighting. The two
-sjmn back and forth so closely In
vlued as to be Indistinguishable, the
others holding off. For what seemed
many minutes they struggled, the
jronng mail striving to reach his ad--tertiary,
till they crashed against the
wall near her aud she heard her chain
idon'a breath coughing In his throat
at the tightening grip of the sailor.
Fright held Iter paralyzed, for she bad
never seen men thus. A moment and
ilcnlster wortld lie down beneath their
stamping feet they would kick his
Sllfe out with their heavy shoes. At
(thought of It the necessity of action
root tier like a blow in the face. Her
terror fell away, her shaking muscles
stiffened, aud bofore realizing what
he did she had acted.
The seaman's back was to her. She
reached out and gripped him by the
Ihalr, while her fingers, tense as talons,
wiught his eyes. Then the first. loud
ound of the battle arose. Tho man
yelled lu sudden terror, and the others
aia suddenly., fell back. The next In-
Htant she felt a linnd upon her rIioiiI astern, screening herself behind a fife
dor and henrd Doxtry's voice. boat, where the cool breeze fanned her
"Are ye hurt? No? Come on, then, face,
or we'll get left." Ho spoke quietly, I Tue forms hIu, hnd 8cen nI,,)rocbc(l,
though his breath was loud, and, glane- npoukliiK earneslly. Instead of pass
ing down, she saw the huddled form of UK tlcy stopped abreast of her hiding
the sailor whom he had fought. I piee Then as thev began to talk she
"That's all right. Ite ain't hurt. It's mnv that her retreat was out on1 ami
i Jap trlelt I learned. I lurry up: i
They ran swiftly down the wnarr,
followed by Ulenlstcr and by the
groans jf the sailors in whom the lust
for combat bad been quenched. As
Ibey scrambled up the Santa Maria's
gangplank a strip or water widened
between the boat and the pier. j
"Close shave, that," punted fJlenlster,
foe nir bis throat c nueriy, "lint I
wouldn't have missed It for a spotted
"I've been through b'ller explosions
and snowslldes, not to mention a trl
llln' Jail delivery, but for real sprightly
diversions I don't recall nothln more
pleasln' than this." Doxtry's enthusi
asm was boylike.
"What kind of men are you?" the
girl laughed nervously, but got no an
swer. Thev led her to their deck cabin.
where they switched on the electric '
light, blinking at each other and at
their unknown guest.
They saw a graceful and altogether
attractive llgure In a trim short skirt
and long tan boots. Hut what Clonls
tor lirst saw was her eyes, large and
gray, almost brown under the electric
light. They were active eyes, he
thought, and they Hashed swift, com
prehensive glances at the two men.
Her hair had fallen loose and crinkled
to her waist, all agleam. Otherwise
she showed no sign of her recent or
deal. (Jienister had been prepared for the
type of beauty that follows the fron
tierbeauty that may stun, but that
has the polish and chill of a new
.ground bowle. Instead this girl with
the calm, reposeful fae struck a note
almost painfully different from her sur
roundings, suggesting countless pleas-
i nu't things that hnd been strange to
i him for the past few years.
Pure admiration alone was patent In
the older man's gaze.
"I make oration." said be. "that
you're the gamest little chap I ever
fought over. Mexikln, Injun or white.
What's the trouble?"
"I suppose you think I've done some
thing dreadful, don't you?" she said.
"Hut I lioren't. I had to get away
rum the Ohio tonight foiv-certnln rea
sons. I'll tell you all about It tomor
row. I haven't stolen anything, nor
poisoned the crew-really 'i haven't."
She smiled at them, and Glenister
found 11 impossible not to smile with
her, though dismayed by her feeble
"Well, I'll wake up the steward and
find a place for you to go," he said at
length. "You'll have to double up with
some of the women, though. It's aw
fully crowded aboard."
She laid a detaining hand on his arm.
He thought he felt her tremble.
"No, no! I don't want you to do
that. They mustn't see mo tonight. I i
know I'm acting strangely nnd all that. '
but It's happened so quickly I haven't !
found myself yet. I'll tell you tomor-1
row, though, really. Don't let any one
see me or It will snoll evorvthlmr. '.
Walt till tomorrow, please."
She was very white and spoke with
eager intensity.
"Help you? Why, sure Mike!" as
sured the Impulsive Dex try. "An', see
here, miss you take your time on ex
planations. We don't care a cuss what
you done. Morals ain't our long suit,
'cause 'there's never a law of Cod or
man runs north of fifty-three,' as the
poetry man remarked, an he couldn't
have spoke truer If he'd knowed what
he was sayln. Everybody Is prlvl-'
leged to 'look out' his own game up
here. A square deal an' no questions
She looked somewhat doubtful at
this till she caught the heat of Gleuls
ter's gaze. Some boldness of his look
brought home to her the actual situa
tion, and a stain rose In her cheek. She
noted hiiu more carefully noted his
heavy Hhonlderu and ease of bearing,
an ease aud loosenena begotten of per
fect muscular control. Strength was
equally suggested In his face, she
thought, for he carried a marked
young countenance, with thrusting
chin, aggressive thatching brows and
mobile mouth that whispered all the
changes from strength to abandon.
Prominent was a look of reckless en
ergy. Shu considered him handsome
lu a heavy, virile, perhaps too purely
physical fashion.
"You want to stowaway?" ho asked.
"I've had a right smart experience
In that line," said Dextry, "but I never
done It by proxy. What's your plan?"
"She will stay hero tonight," said
Glenister quickly. "You and I will go
below. Nobody will see her,"
"I can't let you do that," she ob
jected. "Isn't there Homo place whore
I can hldo?" Hut they reassured her
and left.
When they had gone, Hhe crouched
trembling upon her seat for a long
time, gazing ilxedly before her. "I'm
afraid," she whispered. "I'm afraid.
What am I getting into? Why do ineirt
look so at me? I'm frightened. Oh.
I'm sorry I undertook It." At last she.
roso wearily. Tho close cabin op
pressed her. She felt tho need of fresh
air; So, turning out the lights, she
stepped forth Into tho night. Figures
loomed near the rail, and she slipped
tbat she must not stir.
"What brings her here?" Olenlster
was echoing a question of Doxtry's.
"Hah! What brings them all? What
brought the duchess and Cherry Ma-
lotto and all the rest?
x0, no," said the old man. "She
nin't tbat kind-she's too line, too dell-
cate too pretty."
"That's lust It-inn nwttv!
i'oo pretty
to bo alone or anything except what
she Is."
Hex try growled sourly. "This coun
try has plumb ruined you, boy. You
think they're all allke-an' I don't
know but- they are all but this gal.
Seems like she's different, somehow,
but I can't tell."
(ilcnister spoke musingly:
"I had an ancestor who buccaneered
among the Indies a long time ago, so
I'm told. Sometimes I think I have
his disposition, lie comes and wbis-
pcrs thing to me in the night. Oh,
ho was a devil, and I've got his blood
In me untamed and hot I can hear
him saying something now something
about the spoils of war. 11a, ha!
Maybe he's right. I fought for her to
night, Dex the way he used to tight
for his sweethearts along the Mexican.
She's too beautiful to be good, and
'there's never a law of Cod or man
runs north of tlfty-three."
They moved on, his vibrant, cynical
laughter stabbing the girl till she lean
ed against the yawl for support.
She held herself together while the
blond beat thickly In her ears, then
lied to the cabin, hurling herself Into
her berth, where she writhed silently.
beating the pillow with hands into (
which her nails had bitten, staring the i
while Into the darkness with dry and
aching eyes
UK awoke to the throb of the
engines and, gazing cautiously
through her stateroom window,
saw a glassy, level sea, with
the sun brightly agleam on It.
So this was Herlug? She had clothed
: It always with the mystery of her
school days, thinking of it as a weep
j lug, fog bound stretch of gray waters.
' Instead she saw a Hat, sunlit main,
I with occasional sea parrots Happing
their fat bodies out of the ship's course.
!A slenlng I"' lopioil up from the
waters abreast, and she heard the cry
of "Seal!"
Dressing, the girl noted minutely the
personal articles scattered about the
cabin, striving to derive therefrom
some fresh bint of the characteristics
of the owners. First, there was an
elaborate copper backed toilet set, all
richly ornamented and leather bound.
The metal was magnificently hand
marked and bore Olcnister's initial. It
spoke of elegant extravagance and
seemed oddly out of place in an arctic
miner's equipment, as did also a small
fet of Do Maupassant,
Next she picked up Killing's "Seven
Seas," marked liberally, and felt that
she had struck a scent. The roughness
and brutality of the poems had always
chilled her, though she bad felt vague
ly their splendid pulse and swing. This
was the girl's first venture from a shel
tered life. She had not rubbed elbows
with the world enough to find that
truth may be rough, unshaven and
garbed in homespun. The book con
firmed her analysis of the junior part
ner. Pendent from a hook was a worn
and blackened holster from which
peeped the butt of a large Colt's re
volver, showing evidence of many,
years' service. It spoke mutely of tho
white haired Dextry, who, before herj
Inspection was over, knocked at the
door, and, when she admitted him, ad
dressed her cautiously:
"The boy's down forrad, teasln' grub
out of a flunky. He'll be up In a uiln-
! utc- How'd ye Bleep?"
"Very well, thank you," she lied,
"but I've been thinking that I ought to
explain myself to you."
"Now, see here," the old man luter
jected, "there ain't no explanations
needed till you feel like glvln' them
up. You was In trouble that's un
fortunate. We help you Unit's natu
ral. No questions asked that's
"Yes, but I know you must think"
"What bothers me," tho other con
tinued Irrelevantly, "Is how In blazes
we'ro goln to keep you hid. The stew
ard's got to make up this room, and
somebody's bound to see us packlu'
grub In."
"I don't care who knows If they
won't send me hck. They wouldn't
do that, would they?" She huug anx
lousjy on his words.
"Send you back? Why, don't you
savvy that this boat Is bound for
Nome? There ain't no turnln' back
on gold stampedes, aud this Is the
wildest rush the world ever saw. The
captain wouldn't turn back. Ho
couldn't. Ills cargo's too precious,
nnrt tho company pays $5,000 a day
for this ship. No, we ain't pnttln'
back to unload no stowaways at flvo
thousand per. Besides, wo passengers
wouldn't let him time's too precious."
They were Interrupted by the rattlo of
dishes outside, and Dextry was about
to open the door when his hand waver
tif&l III hi
Tho Kind You Have Always
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Allconeh syrups containing oclatei coniti
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Clrnni'i and iKtutlHcl the hair,
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Never i'ailk to Restore Gray
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Curea acalp illwatrt & hair falling.
Wc.andjl.Wat Drugglita
ed uncertainly above the knob, for he
heard the hearty greeting of the ship's
"Well, well, Glenister, where's all
tho breakfast going?"
"Oo," whispered the old man, "that's
Cap' Stephens."
"Dextry Isn't feeling quite up to
form this morning," replied Glenister
'Don't wonder! Why weren't you
aboard sooner last night? I saw you.
'Most got left, eh? Served you right If
you had." Then his voice dropped to
the contldentlal: "I'd advise you to cut
out those women. Don't misunder
stand me, boy, but they're a bad lot on
this boat. I saw you come aboard.
Take my word for It, they're a bad lot.
Cut 'em out. Guess I'll step Inside and
see what's up with Dextry."
Tho. girl shrank Into her corner, gaz
ing nppruhenslvely at the other lis
tener. "Well or ho Isn't up yet" tneJ'
heard Glenister stammer. "Better
come around later."
"Nonsense! It's time ho was dress
ed." The master's voice "was gnitily
good natured. "Hello, Dextry! Hey!
Open up for Inspection." He rattled
the door.
There was nothing to be done. The
old miner darted an Inquiring glance
at his companion, then, at her nod,
slipped the bolt, aud the captain's blue
bulk .tilled the room.
His grizzled close liearded face was
genially wrinkled till he spied the
erect gray figure in tho corner, when
his cap came off involuntarily. There
his courtesy ended, however, and the
smile died coldly from his face. His
eyes narrowed, and the good fellow
ship fell away, leaving hhn ttie stiff
and formal olllcer.
"Ah," ho said, "not feeling well, eh?
I thought I had met all of our lady
passcugers. Introduce me, Dextry."
Dextry squirmed under his cynicism.
"Well I ah didn't catch tho unuie
Bought, aud which has been
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