The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1907, Image 1

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    s r. VidKJW fVL . jy'". -. ,
vwtv.?ii'.VAV.yf ',vite.w MHttc
W Clltnjt - X
Eight Pages $
j $1 a Year
1 in Advance
Home Print
f ,
At the nneting of the school hoard ward, but we most emphatically assert
II . ii
Three Hundred-Pound Packing Csc Deaths and rUnefalSi 8 Franklin Hacks Down nnil lllili Sthwl
last Monday night a petition was pre
scntcl.asl'ng that the hoard cancel
the bonds issued lat spring, which
nri1 unsaleable owing to the low rate of
interest thi'y bear and the live-year
option clause. Tlu' petition was re
ferred to the llnance committee.
Tin' writer of this nr.ielc signed the
petition with tin- understanding that
the right of all the lawful school
voters 'of said district No. ' to locate
the high school. V also represent
that a majority of ns who voted for
said bonds to build only, as we then
supposed, a ward school house in said
First ward, would not have voted for
said bonds if we had then known it
was the intention to remove the high
it was merely a proposition to cancel , "J'"""! f,'" i,s P'vsent central loca
the old builds and vote new ones at a
higher rate of interest. Since signing
the petition, however, we learn that
it is proposed to give the Southward
il $10.00(1 building and expend the bal
ance in building an addition to the
.North ward building. The plan nat
urally is distasteful to the residents of
the First ward, and they will fight it
with all their strength. Of course we
nil realize that it new school building
is absolutely netossary, and while we
are about it we might as well build a
good one. So far as the school district
Is concerned, there should be no divid
ing line between north and south.
This paper advocated the building of
u large central school building in the
South ward, as near to Fourth avenue
as it was possible to secure a good
location, and we are still in favor of
tli is plan.
tion to said First ward school house.
"Third The bonds that were voted
at said election bear four and a half
(I1..) per cent Interest: and the law of
this state plainly says that they shall
be sold "to the highest bidder for not
less than par." Said bonds have sev
eral times been offered for sale, and
could not be sold at par. as the law
provides, and it hi our belief that they
can not be lawfully sold in the near
future. We learn on what we believe
to be reliable information that your
honorable body is now offering to pay
a premium out of the funds of said
school district to effect a sale of said
bonds. To this proposition we do
most emphatically and respectfully en
ter our protest, believing said act to
be in direct violation of law, and we
hereby declare our intention to oppose
by all lawful means the payment ofj
Fell Upon Nlm.
.i n- iM ..m ..,., f a.......i, wvmmsmwmMJWXMnfmsmxA
v Chancy, was severely injured Wed- Mrs, John A Barber.
iiesdny morning. It seems that Mr. Mrs. John A. Harbcr, who with her
Chancy, who was alone in the store at husband was one of the earliest sel-
Fllls the Date.
After putting the inanagciiieut of the
business college to the expense of ml
vcrtislug a game of football for today,
the Franklin academy team backed
and the
the time, had taken some screws from tiers of Webster comity, died vester- down and refused to play.
a casket case which had been unload- ,av moraine- nt the home of her ( high school team Is lining tlu. date
day morning at the
cd at the rear of the store and left daughter. Mrs. John Mutter, in (Jar
standing upright. The ease and con- ' i,.u township, after a prolonged siege
tents weighed about :iOO pounds, and f j,, g,.jm,e which llnallv developed
. .
with the business college. The mem
bers of the college team are bona
llde students of the college, none of
when Mr. Chancy attempted to lower symptoms of pneumonia. Funeral ser them taking less than three studios,
it to a horizontal position he stepped vices were held at the. Ilaptlst church The line-up of the team Is as follow:
backward into the eellarway. the door , j t,s ,.;tv (i,js al'tirnomi at .' o'clock. ' Smith, quarterback.
of which had- been left open. The
heavy case struck him on the left leg.
severely injuring it. and in falling his
left arm' and side were also badly
hurt, and it is thought he may be in
jured internally, lie was rendered
unconscious for a time, just how long
he docs not know, and when he finally
regained his senses he crawled out of
the cellar and into the olllce of the
store, and succeeded in reaching his
partner, Fd Amuck, by telephone, lie
was taken to his home, where his In-
The proposition to expend SIO.OOO or'"1'!' lemium. and will hold all mem
hers of the board personally liable fori
any such unlawful premium as may be
I paid from said district funds.
'We further say that it is our be
lief that this district will at any time
vote bonds bearing a rate of interest
at which they can be readily and law
fully sold, and in sutlieieut amount to
build and equip a ward school house
in said First ward, well suited both
for their present and future needs."
And there you have it.
The school bonds carried by an over
whelming majority, and it is safe to
say that nine out of every ten persons
who voted for the bonds fully under
stood that about 820,000 was to be ex
pended for a building in the South
ward i.uitable to the needs of the dis
trict and one that would be a credit
to tlie city, the balance of the money
$f,0()0, more or less to go toward
building a heating plant for and re
furnishing the old high school build
ing. How do you people who voted for
the bonds like having such words as
are contained in the foregoing petition
put in your mouths by someone who
probably has an ax to grind?
The petition is said to have con
tained 1411 names many of which were
signed through a misunderstanding,
and many others being those of per
sons who voted anil worked against
the bonds yet the bonds carried by
the overwhelming majority of .'-". I
The columns of this paper are open
for discussion of the matter. What
do you think about it'.'
Same Here.
The ISroken How Republican has
this: "There will conic a time some
lav when Itroken ISow will get out of
Sir, 000 to build an addition to and
patch up the old high school building
looks like a waste of money. The
proper thing to do is to build a large
central grade school near the center
of the city, and build it so that it can
be used for high school purposes if it
iver becomes necessary.
The idea is to centralize the teach
ing force and give better service at
less cost than under the present sys
tem. It has developed that one reason
why the bonds have failed to, sell is
that parties here who were interested
in giving the South ward only a small
ward school anif expending a large
a mount of money to patch up the old
high school building, wrote to invest
ors and told them they would buy a
lawsuit if they bought the bonc)s.
Such underhand work as this is con
temptible, and it looks as though
the parties who did this cared very
little for the interests of the school
Many people signed the petition
without reading it. and in order that
they may know what they signed we
publish it in full:
' To the Honorable Hoard of Kiluca
tion of School District No. '2. of
Webster County, Nebraska:
"We, the undersigned electors, tax
payers ami school patrons of said dis
trict, respectfully petition your hon
orable body to cancel the bonds in the
sum of g'.'S.OOO, voted by said district
on the Vinl day of April. l'.iOT. for the
following reasons:
"First. That it was the belief of the
majority of persons who voted for
said bonds that it was only for the
purpose of building and equipping a
ward school house, in the First ward
of the city of Ucd Cloud, suited to the :ti;,v.lllitKl Wy )(f iMnj, lmsimss
needs ot the clul.lren oi sam warn in- wi )) imn w1 Ilotiliu., t1i-ii-l.nv
the high school (except sqch sum .i,.,, ........ Illl!rs , fmnl nf ,,, ht().0 ..,,
as was to be expended on the school 1,1(U.u,u'l. lllt. instead of taking
conducted by the Kev. l. W. Hummel,
and interment was in the l!cd ( loud
Laura I.. Hills was born in .Monte
rey. Mass.. November 17, lKIIO. she
was married to John A. Iliirber Sep
tember :). IS.V't. In IS.m they moved
to Sterling. 111., where they resided
until thev came to Webster countv
Nebraska, in 1871. She was the
mother of six children, as follows:
Charles Itarber, Alinena, Kan.: Fred
llarber, living near Cowlcs: Herbert I
juries were attended to by a physician. ' H,iri,ur, of Walnut Creek: Will llarber. I
" ' of Seattle, Wash.: Mrs. Fannie Me-'
Grand Worthy Matron Here. ' dine of Ited Cloud, and Mrs. Lulu
Mrs. Kllen Dobson of Lincoln, grand i Mottcr of (larllehl precinct, the latter
worthy chief matron of the Order of w'' "1'',S -'' distinction of liav-1
the Kastern Star, was in Ited Cloud tf l' the first white child born in
Monday on otliciul business, and while Webster county. She was greatly be-,
here was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ' lv'l hi' ' who '"'w her. imd her ,
(ieorge J. Warren. After the business i U-atli is severe blow to her family and I
of the lodge was finished Monday
evening an elaborat' banquet was
served in honor of the visiting grand
ollicer. A delightful time Was had.
Tuesday morning Mrs. l.)ubou. ac
companied by Mrs. I.. Hi Hlackledge
and Mrs. John (J. Hotter, went to
Hloomington on olllcial business. Mis.
Dobson was called back to' Lincoln by
Iturroughs, left hall back.
Nelson, right halfback.
Henderson, center.
Lain, right tackle.
Huchcuaii. left cud.
(inrhcr. fullback.
Marsh, right end. ,
Hurden. left guard.
Johnston, left tackle.
K. Walter, right guard,
Anderson, substitute.
Mil: lllllll school i i:am,
Jernberg, center.
Ted, right guard.
Ilynn, right tackle.
IS, Robinson, right end.
Heck with, left guard.
I. Sherwood, left tackle.
Johnston, left cud.
Hedge, fullback.
S. IMiurcs. left halfback.
Sinelser. right halfback.
II. IMiares. quarterback.
Substitute. Itov liobinson.
G. W. Hoover.
(J. W. Hoover died at (Juido Itoek The game this afternoon will he
) Sunday morning from an abscess of called at '1:1.". and will be worth going
the lungs and dropsy. Mineral serv-, to sec.
ices were held .Sunday afternoon at
the family home, under the auspices
of the Odd Fellows and Woodmen.
The sermon wrs preached by the pas-
the death of her sister-in-law. and tor of the Christian church. Mr. Iloo
Lane -.Initios.
Mr. Lloyd James ofc Hloouiingtou
and Miss I'carl Lane of Hebron were,
married at the Christian parsonage ill
I... ..... . . .....
Saturday night he had a re- l,,,s e,, "fsiiay evening at i o ciocif,
and death came to his relief ltt!V- K- -M- '. l'tor of the
Sunday morning. Deceased was about ' "'n. omciaiiiig.
51 years of age and leaves a ".rife and is, Bclftley Kennedy. ' ' '
two daughters to mourn his death. Miss. Stella Doisley," daughter or Mr. ..
- m and Mrs. Howard Delsley of Inavalc,
Letter Ll8t luu' M'"- Stephen l Kennedy were
List of letters remainlm? miuRlltifl t iarrlcl Wednesday morning at 10
ver had just returned from Kansas
City, where he had been under treat
lapse ami ueaiu came io ins re
Mrs. Hlackledge filled her date at
Heaver City.
Public Sale of Hereford Cattle.
Tuesday, October lS,"1iKiZ, beginning
at 10::i() o'clock a. in. sharp.
This is the white face herd formerly
owned by .1. M. Carnahan and fully
two-thirds of all these cattle are thor
oughbred and eligible to registry, but
having lost their tag number they can I rQr ,.f uostolileo nt Red Cloud Nob ' o'clock, at the Catholic church in this
nrit be registered, but will give papers ' for tao wooi omnK October 10, '07. dt-v Kt'v- I"-t ! Fltzgcral ofllciatlng.
on 41 heart. Co Davis, A W j
Mns. J. M. Cahnahan, Owner. t Fisher, P C Huriolson. II U Man 'an I'ile Ueincdv comes put up
" !' jy,",1!,. Suh'VJl!! 'M ' in a collapsible tube with a ...ozzlo.
Cm,i.i roiii m..i.a Nelson, tlulila rettis, hivln , ,, , , , .
special tAliea meeting. Smith, Jos B Tilton, Mrs Fannie 'Msy x" "Pl'ly ''Wt where soreness
All members and of lieers of the W. . Welch, Geo D and iiifhimmatioii exists. It relieves
It. C are requested to meet at (I. A. It. These will bo sent to the dead letter at once blind bleeding, itching or
hall at half past '-', Saturday, October otllce October 21, IU07, if not called for protruding piles. (Jiiiirautecd. Price
l'J. for important business, lly order , before. Whou calling for abovo ploase f0e. tlet it today. Sold by Henry
of the president. say "advertised." Cook's Drugstore.
the goods out at the rear door. Some-
e me suicwaiKs wun uisniavs oi
goods and use the streets for business
house now in the Second ward of said
n,-x ' time -It inav be in the dim and tin
I'pon more mature thought we are ,llslIl ..,,, Ilim.lmnls .-, UUwU.
convinced that the sum to he expend-' j
cd in said First ward is more than Is
uec.icd .or sum v irsi wan, seoo, ,..,,.,., Vll fm .Wither will they
house. 'sweep the litter and tilth from their
-Second-We learn it is the inten- U.riss Uu. lmVl, , Uu.
tion of your honorable body to erect a (itV,,tslo nilllnltl lll0 tlioroiiKhfmv
building, not only for a ward school. ,,,, M.aUl.r .uand disease. Only tlie
but in addition to provide rooms for timisl ,,.,..,.. vvill .sul. UlUM.
the high school, including a large M . tM, llllIIlcll,,lUl flltlire..M.
. ... 1 .............. !.,. 1.1. -I. '
auditorium, aim re num.- me uigii i,a.,s
school trom lis presenv ccmriii locu
tion, both as to territory and school
population, to a place far removed
from the center of said district,
Money for Rest lioom.
Interest in the rest room has again
been revived by the action of the
We further represent to you that Commercial club, which at its meeting
a very large majority (in fact nearly Tuesday evening adopted a resolution
all) of the scholars who have hereto- pledging 100 to the rest room, pro
fore and are now attending said high viding five or more other societies
school, live north and most of them would contribute S.100. It is estimated
east of tlie place where It is proposed that it will require about 000 to in
to locate said high school building.' ' stall and operate the rest room for
"We respectfully submit that only one year. L. I Albright was selected
the residents of tlie First ward should by the club to confer with o'ther socle
Joeute the ward school house for said tics.
u3 3- I
- "1 '
D -XtJ JTlri
iimiiiMMi-n'iiniirTTnirTi n i ni niiT-rirfjr-B-.-iMiwi -'ncirrr"i'M m
For Boys
The Most Serviceable and Neatest School Suils
A dressy double breasted jacket and two pairs of knee pants.
Guaranteed to withstand tlie hardest wear without ripping or
tearing. We can give tin's guarantee because
seat is double front scam to scam.
knees arc double from scam to scam.
scams are taped and sewed twice. ,
buttons arc riveted; can't be pulled off.
lias extension waist band.
pockets arc exceptionally strong.
coat front is flexible; won't break or. wrinkle.
all edges are double stitched.
fabric is camphorated (new process"); moth and germ proof.
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That's why this COMBINATION SUIT at $5.00 is the biggest bargain in Boyi'
suits ever offered.
Will wear longer look better and give more lasting service than any other
three $5.00 suits you can buy.
A choice assortment of fabrics and patterns in all sizes for your selection.
Other styles in Boys' and Children's Wearbetter clothing from $4.00 to $10.00.
I PAIL STOREY The Clothier
Cr.ptritlll no; t
P.. Id I'l.tli.r A Cu.
'' ?l"n''',ly''','VT"I11iTr ll'TITlt " 1fAUJ4