f i i I Jiemsy Jlotes prom GATHERED FROM CAMPBELL (From the Citizen.) The Ound olevator recently destroyed by tiro is to bo rebuilt at once, the con tract for the now building having boon already awarded. , Aurowdofvoiitiir tieotiloiiiinronriated n Burlington handcar Tuosday evening about two vcars ago, but is now run- j and enjoyed an exhilarating ride, fid- ning a hogranoh near Emporia. lowed by a feast of baked eggs and ,, ,-, . 4 . , tl i ..... ., . , r ,, Jig Owens, who was captain of the ' roasted 'tatnrs. on t.lio banks of the1. ... ...... .. ... , , ' JJltio east ol town. Fred l'eter.s was (piite badly hurt Tuesday by the caving in of the wall of the pit in the (Sund elevator, which , no was clearing oi wrecicage. . roua , struck him in the back before he could jump aside. He will bo laid up for a few days. The family of George McCoy seems to be marked for misfortune this week. Saturday his boy John, while riding home with the mail, dropped a news paper, which frightened his ,nount.j '' t;oo).s of hliJennett, Aiulrew The horse shied into the w ence,,' Beok' I" L' rN Iiud Ut'lfo',1 0 catching the boy'.s leg botwuon tho sad- Tllc Campboll postmaster, in compa d'le and the wires. Tho limb was badly i "' witl' four or live other Campbell . . . I lll......r. ..,..) i.. t.1... ft I.I! nut and lacerated, eight stitches being .. ii.. ai.. i. 1.. - -.. il 1 ' required in mo dressing, uu .muniiij Cleorgo himself was driving a four-! Imrsn tnnni iittiicluul t. a drill friini " ... I bis homo to a rented place. When near Henry Bat.' tho horses became frightened and unmanageable, and in attempting to jump backward f om tho neat CJiorgo's foot became entangled in the lines and ho was dragged somo dis tance. Fortunately for him the horses ran into tho fence soon, or he would most certainly have been killed. . GUIDE ROCK. (From the Signal.) Macksie. the two-year-old colt belong ing to T. C. Bean that won first, prize at tho Bed Cloud colt show two years ago, won lirst prize and sweepstakes at the AS'tiokolls county fair last week. Samples of corn came to this otllce Unit uoio grown by Fred Farner this season. Fred has about sixty acres that will yiold fifty bushels per acre. It is now out of the way of frost. This farm is considered one of the poor farms of this country. Tho Walton nnd Hobartshow arrived Tuesday, but did not show hero iu tho ovening on account of one of tho act ors gotting hurt. They wore traveling alone tho road when tho man foil from the wagon, one of tho wheels passing over his body. Ho was brought to town us quickly as possible and placed un der u doctor's care and his relatives wired for. Postniastor Parker received a letter from tho second liouteuautsq. quarter master and commissary of tho 7th Cav ury stating that tho 1st squadron would camp hero October 7th and ordering oats, hay, meat, broad, potatoes, onions and other supplies to be in readiness for thorn. They will perhaps bo hero over night. They are on their way from Fort. Riley, Kans., to t ome point north of here. LEBANON. (From the Argus.) Ernio Viotte received word Wednes day from Steel City, Nebr., that his father was dead. He left on the first train to attend the funeral, which was held Thursday. Thomas Colhouer has ben on the Hick list for some time, hardly able to Kt around. This word was passed to his children, and as a result all but ono were at home last week. The last band concert for this year was given Friday night, and Band Leader Middaugh and family loft the next morning for Rod Cloud, where he has a position in an undertaking es tablishment. S. W. Kneppor has a mighty fine bunch of shouts. Ho has just a few ihort of 225, and it is an even bunch. His brood sows made him an average of 7J pigs each. Kneppor says ho is feeding but littlo grain, but what ho is feeding is certainly doing tho business. SUPERIOR ( From the Express.) J. H. Hamilton and son wore down from Guide Rock Tuosday. Corhard Ohmstedo of Guide Rock has been appoiutod by Governor Shel don as a dolegato to tho Farmers' Na tional Congress to bo held iu Oklaho ma City. Mi's. Jane ( Blair passed her 8(itlr birthday at;the home of her daughter, Jieighboring Towns f OUR EXCHANGES 6- Mrs. Kline, in this city. She is ro mnrknbly energetic for a womnn of Iter age, mill litis pieced two quilts this summer. Jim Hillings mi'l mother, from Km porn, kail ..were hero Monday onjtnckof ,,,,, f their way to Red Cloud Mr. I llings to Sliy g u,0 rom rocovei taauaa i vw aua Vivian. iili. llialllK? ,u..u .... , i. ....... ,... i.,. ...... .... diiii team, lett lor Mis Homo near Ko- ...in ,.!. , . . ,-, f. public C If y, iind goes to Fresno, Oil., h,im wovk. He is one of the best all mmid players aupcrior ever had and thoro ims bot,n a bif, (i0,,m,1( for ills sel.v(.es, by other teams in this nart of the country. R1VERTON (From the.ltuview.) Chicken thieves were busy Wednes day night. They secured young frys rom the coops of KM Bennett, Andrew omens, came down to the Kopubllcan I'lvni - In Moll Inc. Qtit m.li... r...n..l... -" -- ji.i .. -iM.jh. , Sunday morning one of the party cut "'S tOOt Wit II an IIX. A man named EmtnGrson' living on the river bottom west of town broke his leg last Saturday while pulling stumps with a team. It Is reported that something broke and as a rsult tho doubletrees flow back and struck Kmmerson, breaking his leg. BLUE HILL. (From the Leader.) The masons have arrived and com menced work on J. J. Martin's new store building. The friends of Miss Bessio MoMahnn will regret to learn of her death, which occurred last Thursday at her homo in Lincoln. Xowton Smith returned homo the first of tlio week after being absent all summer. Newt has been playing ball with Cambridge and has made a good record both in batting and also in his work on tho diamond. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thompson left Wednesday for Hastings, where they purchased the Calumet restauraut and took immediate possession. They have been employed in O. W. Tabor's res tauraut since the latter purchased it and they have mad many friends here. BLOOIYIINGTON (From the Advocate) John Shuck and wife left last Wed nesday night for Arkansas, where they will spend the winter. Mr. Roy Hollonbeck and Miss Pearl Bradshaw were married last Wednes day at the court house by Judge Losoy. Another Bloomington high school graduate has "mad cood." Miss Ada Comstock, who for three years lias taught in tho Stromsburg schools, has accepted a position in tho English de partment of the Falls City high school. Andrew Johnson, who iives north west of town, tliis week threshed the alfalfa from four acres of ground, and it made the tremendously big yield of forty-flvo bushels, which is worth on tho market 810 per bushel. What oth er country can produce $110 per aero? It is claimed indigestion is the na tional disease. That's why the demand for Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets keeps in creasing becauso they do the work. Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indiges tion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two days' treatment free. Ask your drug gist about them. Sold by HenryOook's drug store. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM CURED IN 3 DAYS Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon. Intl.. says; "Mj wife bad Inflammatory Itheuuiailiim In ever muKcle and Joint: dor Miirerliit? was terrible aud her body nnd face were Hwollen almoit be yond recognition: bad been In bed six weoki and had eight physician, but received no benefit until she tried Dr. Detrhou's Ittllef for Rheumatism. It gave tmmedlato relief aud ho was able to walk about In three davs. i am sure It saved her life." Sold by H. 'n. Orlce Druggist. Red Cloud. c' Notlee of Tax Sale. Notice In hereby Klven that the uiiileulunuil i l tlieid ilny of . luiinirv ltuiiliiiiiplnik...! .f ii... on the il ilny of .niiuiiry lt0 imichiiMMl of the L-umii) uuiieuiur ui tt eiisicr rouui .Nuorn'.kn hi (irivHtc nalu. Hie follow Ihk dcherlhcl rcul i-mhIl' snlil for ilcllniiiciii tnxi'N for the cnrs ssmo 1101 Inullixlvi". umi hlliiiilcil In Ht.,i i'Iuiui Wi'h hii'rronniy, NclirHilcii to wit. I.oti Klcvcn ini iiinl Tvy.lveilJi In hluck I'tmi tc-in un m KhIc .; .Inckkiin'x mlilltinii to Ili'.l (loud. Wehvtt'r (oiinty, Nehnihkn, un.I ttixuil in tho nnmu of In, (I Martin. This above inuneil jiorson umi all norMiiis wlm cl.ilm mi Intoie-t Iu tliQiilinvo iirumlM'tattiil take notli'e Umi the lime of reileiiiitfon of miu! lainl lor Milil tux Mle ttill explro on ihu M lu of Jiuiimiy 11MH, after which I will imply for a tix .ivt.a ii nil ail inu llllllVL' Ol'MTlOLMl llftim tnu which lire not it(li-Fmtil. TiUiai-.tiU. Hi.-ii;. llHtetl .ScpU'iuhei IS, IU CORRESPONDENCE Intercstlnjj Items Gathered by Our County Reporters j BLADEN Tho school board installed the fur nnce in the new school hons lust ' week. John Otto, who has hud a 'ericas lit 1,,rc inolios of rainfall this week has put tho ground in lino condition for the full wheat. It also made the f,,,.,,,,.- cmii.. tanner smile. Miss Laura Colletto was n passenger to Omaha last Saturday morning, where she will visit during the Ak Sar-Uen festivities. Kobt. Sclienk. father of Mrs. Henry Carmen of this place, died at tho homo of his -on Joe, near Franklin, Tuesday of this weuk. A. I. Davis, Kern, McCoy and V. J. Host were passengeis to Los Angeles, f"!'il vv'awiiiiiwiiiii. .. !.... ...i .i will spend the winter. L. II. Feis, the butcher, disposed of his business and residence property here this week to Frank Wauile. who will take possession the first of tho year. Mr. Feis expects to locate on a , - farm m "'tchcock county. Tho county fair was well attended last week and the fair association is now paying tho premiums aud purses dollar for dollar as they were offered in the premium list. As the weather tho last day was too bad to hold the fair, tho association did not come out any ahead this'year, but it is on a good looting ana can anora to miss one day. Tho Red Cloud band furnished the music, which was entirely satisfac- a l rl... t. -a i . . iviy linn uuo oi mo uest urawing cards of the fair. Christian Church Notices. Itible study, 10 a. in.: preaching, 11 a. in.; Christian Kndeavor, ijj.io p. in.; preaching, 7::i() p. m.; Wednesday prayer meeting. 7::) p. in. Don't forget the lecture at the Chris tian church October 10. "Who knoweth the jovsof righteous ness but lie that dwelleth therein'.' Dwell in her tents, enter into her courts and it will do you good." F. M. MitANir, Pastor. To cure a cold lirst move the bowels. Mees Laxative Cough Syrup acts gent ly on the bowels, drives out the cold, clears the head. It's pleasant to take and mothers highly recommend it for colds, croup and whooping cough. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Equally good for young and old. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. . Don't worry about your kidneys when you can obtain HO days treat ment of l'ineules for SI. These glob ules bring relief in the first dose. Mackache, lumbago and rheumatism yield quickly. If not satisfied your money refunded. This is a fair offer: you can't lose. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. It comes put up in a collapsible tube with a no..le, easy to apply to the soreness and inflammation, for any form of piles. It soothes and relieves pain, itching and burning. Man Zan Pile Remedy. Price r0c. Guaranteed. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. TRACKMEN PLUNDER TRAINS. Organized Gang of Thieves Among Italians and Many Lose Jobs. Ashland, Neb., Sept. 30. The dis covery by UurlliaKtou. detectives that eight Italian laborers at Ashland were a part of a Bins of thieves who have been nibbing the Burllngtton train of thousands of dollars of mer chandise between Chicago and Den er haa led to a vigorous and sys tematic search for parts of the gang throughout all the section outfits along the line. Forty Italian laborers have just been dismissed at Ashland, and altogether alotjg the Hues In Nebraska it is said some 300 have been let out. One of the most profitable runs for tho gang was on merchandise train No. 77, between Creston and Ashland. The thlovos eecretoa themselves on tho train and limine- the nlfht threw ",L ua'l u uuiiuj, uiu hikhi. liilLtt out boxes of pluniler at various points, one of the thleves-Tomalnhis to talo care of the stolen property. Ashland was the last stop before daylight, at which tho operation on this particular train necessarily stopped. N Articles have been discovered In tho possession of the Italians of this place that wore missed nearly a year ago and which were consigned to Den ver and Salt Iiko. List of Delinquent Taxes For the Year lOGG and Prior Years In pueuiniirc of Hip rripilrcini'iitn of i-c.lloii 1M). chnpier 77. of tho oniplluri StHtutvs of NLtiMkn. of m;l. notice li hereby lIvcii tlinl 1 will oilVr fur .iu- t imbllu miu on AIoii.Ihj-, Nou-inuiM. ll'7, -uld ilnte being the lltt Moi'i ilii In Novi nilior. il Uiu oillue of the County TieiniiriT In lltil Cloud. Wulntcr county. Ie brHBkn. nil dint rvumliiH iinpnld on that ilnte of tlie follow ln!(U'M'iltic(! binds mid lots for the pA incut ol h!1 (It'll itipietil tnxes for the yum 10 (iuiid nil prior jcar foi Uiu luotints herein cpiellitd. together with luterot nd charges tbtruon it h rovliUd by lmv. W V. I'ltAIi.M, County TrinMircr. I liLlDi: HOCK TW1 V HV . . , lie nw si., nu- ...21) . . ..'12 . . ..'.2 c ::u loWli. 1. Kiinu U. ucr. Is' c. .villi it :it 2u 10 12 12 41 (1 11 in Vi 1 sf ' U 2!! 77 hv ) im lit o so . III bw e tt pt pt nw hw..:1."i 7 70 pt nw dw. .;). ll'.y ' (.'. IIL'... 0 .10 ,.10 , .-'! ,.21 , .21 .L'l ''J 1 ti CATIIKIITOX. Ill II w .K lie ii'. -j in .. ! uu .... ii sv . . . sv . . . . i:i;avi;k low II. .'. e no .... uu -I' ,,...! ii ... nw i l IIUIIL'L' 1. 1 21) 01 III . s . a . u . it .10 .12 .10 .IS .1!) ;o 7ii II 21 II 21 HW . NW . ft' nu . . II 10 1.1 ol 21 l.-j 27 111 '.I (hi I 711 11 2S o :;o 17 ::n 1.1 110 21 .si 17 10 ."IS hi :l II 21 cur.i'aK. IIIIUL' 1) . 1 11 I - 0 HO , nu nu . ,i 21 OS nw , ' -; in .y in i1 i "- I II '.' h 40 HO i -.); 20 M' .2S .2S .211 J'.l I I -III . .0 :ii -o u, in i o in' v no 11 ll.Vlt.MOXV no !!l 10 ..i i ...1.1.7. i own 1. KaiiKc l: ." I llalali . I l.Ii, ... ..... T.IWII. !l. ltlll!L' 0. , U- sw ,s 27 10 .', ... .iu i: 10 .11! iU 10 .17 .10 .111 .;io ..TJ ' ti. 11' 10 lit so II st pt s II v , pt wv lltt sv S MV . . . 0 lie lltt- H 80 .... 1 l. .'! :.s M .VJ i:: .-) n ii !'.' 02 lii bl in r2 Add. CI TV. Amt. uu IT -i OS s lie L"J S .V! pt w ;i:i r 'j;i u ;i;i '.'l ns oak cki-:i:k. 'town. 1. Knngo 0. 9 II tV 11 O 1111 on. ... n no -Jil l-j !!) iM.M. ..V..I.711 tiAHl-'lKl.ll 41 r kJ I ' MJ Lots 111k. Town. 1 lliingL' 10. ui i i. .a A 1 12 oil . 42 MV XL' I II W SI! 7 ' ' U S to 111 ,V ,J0 to l'J . 2 12 47 :i no (X) lots a ,V t. .11 ;i uu a. ! w no .11 .M 711 1 A: :i 4 :i!l 17 .14 .14 .18 .1!) .10 41 111 a. 4 12 11 !!.. 8e ' ' 11 b'J ! A: 22 II 1(1 1 2 11 17 0U S to 10 w L7.!i is . 11 ..10 ..lit ..14 ..Ill ..HI . .2 '.' f. 1 A: 2 ... uu no . ',' ' ,,'J l'1 -' "w I' fC .. .-'.I II 6-7 II .28 7 ill) i H2 - "i 1:l ! $ ' ;;? in to is. : -J I?1' in to 2i. ..i.I a) Ol I'l a.. I.f 2 ST, 12 82 2.-I l.-i 21 :t(l 2 71 w nv .. II xo ... .. . .. . ,.. i i "' '" '" 12 III! 1 lal'aaS.l. 1 llll.il. 7 J,v A. Tottll. 2. ItilllK' 10. jo ... .i lt I..: !1 7 12 7 12 0 .-.8 Nil 28 Ml 00 !M 72 7li 111 liO 02 ir. st 1 07 is ji:j l.-i 87 .'al 811 :i2 70 28 71 28 III 28 .Ml 111 Ml Ml 07 17 84 .'CI 71 il. hi. bL' lit no ii jit no f-o m , ;i is i. ii ., ... . I . I .10 .11 .1.' .10 .10 .HI ,:t:t ..'!( .::t v( in AV hi to IS. ', 17 07 ti :j on r HV SV . . m lie . . . ('.a MV ' lie lie . . . sv w lie ll nv .... lt Sit' litt" uu w no ..-.. I i- I.". 11. Hi. 7. !! !! 1!J 'i IS ! 10., 1. 20 1102 -i ,v -j-.' ' !! - ....... II t!7 v , .28 . .28 , .28 , .28 . .2S . .2S .a:. (I 117 ' i i:i..l CltKKK 10 .'..'.'.'. Town. a. KiiiiKf ! 18 (' MV 1 w rttt- 0 ii uu 17 m lie 17 lie 21 V HU ii.'l we ill LINN. Town. 1. IttiiiK lilt K 4, a), 0 " i'j-,,' .' -'i.. ? ?5'11 Ar lit V2 .::o " s 2O0i:',2 ft..'!.- !l iiii IllihiiiilMin'H ' A I'S to 11 A- ' " lIVj 12 " u 12 .V lit. .. 21 to 2it. I l.'l .'4 0 11 :i ' " Smith A- Moore'H Add . . III. 20. 21. L'l A: 7 ll nw nw . w sv 7 22 .11 .v: , - ., 7 0 08,.j - '" 7 , '3 .'"ii:i t. us.... 4 a 12 72 L' 10 X 7 il I 10 II 7 7 1 no 22 nv 22 mj 2U KV 21 lie 2j M" 20 Htt- 20 c se 27 sv 2S tt- sv 2S v isu 28 lie !I2 ii :i:i - " 1(1 to 18.... 8 r; ' h 21 ft Ti A: 0.11 "i J2 13 11 i .120 to 22.... 11 !! :r. in k H....1.-. :' l.-i A: UI....1.-I a -i l.i: 10 88i i v. ih'cs ani. ':! I1 a to iTW 10 Mil i . a 14 21 Add. 1 78 i ":i cAitnrru's ist ltlal) L'l.OUl). I la. .'t t Town. 2. Kiiiibl' 10. . (( a; e sv !!0 ll ."i i ... ."a" w m. :J 11 ."I-, .,...".. nw ill -7 -IS I ,,":',"'' hi:i n.oru. ,s i j.. Tottll. 1. ItaiiSL' 11. j;' l(, .aT," pt ,, nw.. I li hJJ KAI.KY ' V , ('i :?J son's pt HW tt' . . 2 .13 I I .. 11 iu " II HO J 12 .!S ; y. l. , S (il! !1 11 SS -. a It I II llll " ' 1 , !,:" ' .'.. pt lot i....io .-12 io a'.j;;" a. He ims l :t t .-,..;; A: 2 12 41 So ..;i . . I .".I Ol . . 1 8 00 ..I 1 11.1 . . II 0 0(1 ..IS 7 12 . . 7 3 112 Ar JACK- ADII. . . 1 2.'i 111 . . 1 Ui " . . 1 120 111 .. 1 71 . . 1 1 07 . . 2 4 Oil ..2 1 1)7 . . 5 2 81) ui;u 1,-i.uuu. Tottll. 2. ItilllKi' It 1 .V: 2 8 7 00 I l. I u a? lie 2 pt c nw ... 2 pt ll w ... 2 h 7 'lie 10 uw IK -2 r.lll to il l.'i 127 14 I 2'J4 A- r. l.'i 2(1 74 ,.', ItAlK'UKK'S ADD. ,1- .',? " I- 10 r -i to 24 2 10 04 10 7'U:i to 18.... .'I 2 14 I.IJTSi ADD. pt ne se ll w nu aw uVi XC....20 17 10 bl- 2T 2.1 4 be 27 10 72 o lie 28 0 07 pt lie lie . ..i' 11 X lit u sw . . .:i.i :i o.i pt ne '.. .HO 2 7(1 11 AT IN. Town. ti. ItiiiiKe 11. se 2,'i 17 20 (U.r.NWOOD. Tottll. 4. ItiiiiKe 11.. pt 8- iw-. . 7 M pt se 8 20 its II lW 11 S 77 pt Hi! lie . ..18 48 pt ne lie ...18 II ilO nw 21 20 H7 nw 2 !S2 !a I lo 4 2 iI2 .'8 .". ic 0 7 A; 8 II to 12.... JACKSON'S 4 (SI l.'i Ml 0 40 ADD. I.". 1 4 28 ItAll.lUIAD ADD. 1 lo II 1 At 2 lit .V 14.... 17 to 21..., 1 8 08 7 12 .'! MS H 20 .8.1' .' 117 l.'l 7(1 mi 01 :i2 2.- II 112 14 (111 II 81 l.'i 2.". 11 7.1 :i 20 2S IM1 20 2.1 12 (i.". 7 0!) :mi to 21..., aV HI., .Vr .V aV Ar .V aV .V .V 21.. 28. , IS. , 111., '-'.I. , 28.. iiO., IS 211 1 WATaNi'T cki:i:k. Tottll. 1. Kiiiikl' 12 1 lot it I .'HI 7 lo 10.... 7 lot s .. lots 7 aV llltH ll aV pt II III! e n- . . II lie . . h no ii- .... ne HI! ne :; 4 llll l.'S aVr ll.... H 14 21i:i 12 20 711 1." a.- It.... 12 II 21II17 ..- IS.... 12 17 Slei Ill S.. 10. H !) .10 ..10 ..lit , . l.'i ,.17 , .18 .III 1 -' 1 1 1 r 1 l 1; lil'l IMfl.l , lk CAIMSIMt'S 2.1 1 .V- 2 2 Ii A- 4 2 S (17 ADD. 1 78 .-1 ar. 71 2 14 7 is 11 .v.' 20 :u '7 an 1 .V 2 :i 12 :iii a to It it in is 11 18 11 to 17.... :i 210 01 I'ATMllAS snt DIV 11 11' . mv 11 tt' sw . no ... 20 aV V 1 1 ..'IS .'III 111-12 ii ,'M.ii2ii:ni A :i7. Klll-J'.'ll ir. is::.". 11 no 11 10 112 vi:isi:ifs 17 711 , .20 1 52 DO 70 2 lilt ADD. 1 2 5fl 1 2 D2 I II llll I (17 1 5 :io 1 21 .21 iiv 22 S KW 28 t. M' 2! I 1NAVAI.I. 1 a Town, 2. ltnnce 12. '! to ." i li ll is n.Vti in 1: nt e II w 7 Mi la I 2U 85 II to III t 2.! 112 20 1 1(1 78,21. 22 Ar 2.1. 1 lit 70 21, 25 A- 211 I lie . . . ho . , . hV . . ,..(. l'1j W lltt- . . I! .10 ..12 ..111 '. .'25 .20 . .20 :i till 4 UI 1 25 57 a (J!) 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ICOWI.I.K :i to o 7 7 7:t i TVl.r.HS ADD. ;j l...iUtKTT'S ADD. II VIM.AdK. u to l.i. ... l oi :;iii in :t 10 to 2."... . 1 .i till 12 A: n:. mini; itucK vii.- ii to I..M.M:. 10 ;j 7 ... . 1 I I 1, i.. i:i i s n to i::... s - !l 10 to 111.. s to 111... is ,V 111.., -O to 2(1. . S .V- !...., . to 10... 10 I 1 to S. .., 11 to Hi.., I .(I S. .. . I 1 1 1 I I 1 .'.1 !." ,V; 111.... I ii ni n - ii j i L' lo 7 to II .... 1 7 1 112 KS to 17.... 4 1 :i 7 . i . ! .11 .12' .11 .1.-1 .!.". .Ill lxt HI (i til s ."" S to 11 . "a is t to :i 2 (Ml ,-, ,: (I 1 'M III ,V 14 . . i (H i." ,v us s 71 wp l-.Vii. i IIS I to ....... 1 Add. jl to .' II KS li to S. . If .v"li itos i:iiim .1 .IS t t !-, ,l js VANCirs 11 .V tit 12. I 7 to ii a lit 11 A. 12. I .1 "T - l.aivai, 1 -, .'. i ( .' I! 1 .. 7 ,V S ,i 10 ., T Si II. 82 H ill II 7 10-U to 14. 8 1-(I1011 .. '"J IS.. 4 to 0 1 Oil 1 (Ml TAMIOT'S 7 to 12 ..... " ....... a .1,'V;..I4 to 7... in 4. '.''I'-VAVAlai: VII. X....:) U) 1 to 7 A: 8 to 22 to 21.. Sllli lllv I iv Oi'ill'nrP. 14 2 UI to 24.. .7 nil W ll(lHillft.A 10 7(J 0.1 C Ar 2.'..70 ft. II 8 24 Wl I F 4 IIS S.V lOdx.V).'. ft.. II r, 78 40 lUaAIIlJN 'IlaIaA(!12. 1 to St.. It 12 0 ..11 . 11 . IL ..VJ 12 . 12 1.' to 17 t. ll 4 A: 10 . I A- '. : 1 iAT (1 nil A: 20. , to 21., It is a well known fact that pevM.un living in the pine forests do not iU'er from kidney diseases. One ' m .t' l'ineules at night usually re.u- mh iiumiiriir. .iw nays treaiment il Y. p.- nione.V money refunded if not-at.slie .-Mini uy iienry look s drug sto.e. Just Received, a Car of FLOUR. AT PLUMB'S FLOUR and FEED STORE 14 70 Sit MS 42 (18 .'.4 71 7II 121 781 You can save monev ;o taking 500 pounds of him. i: L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer nesiuencn: nirr. rinnr cnniii oi Red Cloud Mill, 101 South Webstm Btreec. Can be foundat.home every forei UUUll, ( Terms reasonable. Don't Buy Land nor Leal Money on Real Estate without gutting- one of 'feel's perfect Abstracts of Title. TI oldest and most reliable set Abstract books in Webster -SIO.OOO bond filed and approv Represents six of the best lj suranee companies doing but ness in the state. LOANS MADE on CITY PKQPERTII o. c. . Red Cloud, Nei OffJce In Ovorlng Blmck. Phones: Bell 98, Farmer ifMsp 1 7 2 Oi .'!! 8 2-1 Id l( i H) jt 10 to - I 2 ,8 12 1(! , Bl 2 ii'i 0 OK in tiH 4 (111 Add. r to i n 2S III .1 tilt III r, ,)t :t (7 1 IK . . ss il .' ui in I SK :i !7 tr S2 IT iff .in 7!1 70 A 10 !l . 'i ." 11 - 12; - sll i.' : nr I : uVO 5