The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 04, 1907, Image 1

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SI a Year
J9 Eight Pages
1i i
I in. Advance
$j Home Print $
J -
And Dedicatory Exercises Held Last
Sunday and Monday. ' i
In 1-7.( "ngrcgntioualistu was plant
ed in Webster county. Nebraska. In
187-1 a Congregational church was or
ganised xxtth members from lnuvalc.
1 ill tin and Red Cloud, and named
the Webster County Congregational
Church. This union continued until
1877, when each church became a sep
arate nrgauiatum. It was the thir
tieth anniversary of the Ited Cloud
Congregational church that was cele
brated 'epteinbiT U'.t- to.
lute-est was added to this serice
by the dedication of nit Rndeavor
room which liad been added to the
already commodious church edifice.
The first service was held Sunday
morning. September i!H. A large audi
ence was present. We-v. S. I. Iiauford
of Lincoln preached the anniversary
and dedicatory .sermon. Two new
members were received into full fel
lowship with the church. The pastor.
Rev. A. A. Cressman. stated that the
new room complete and furnished cost
about SM'i Oilier repairs already
made and in contemplation, including
n furnace, represent an expense of
about 8850. The entire amount of this
indebtedness was provided for, Incit
ing about S'.'.io. An ottering was taUen
in pledges and cash, amounting to
The pastor expressed the heartfelt
thanks of his people to all who have
aided them in beautifying and im
proving their house of worship. Some
125 different individuals and linns
contributed in amounts ranging from
HO cents to ?.".
At the Sunday school session Mrs. C.
.1. Rope read a most interesting histor
ical sketch of the Congregational Sun
day school.
The Junior rally in the afternoon
-was an interesting one. made so by
the help of the Junior choir and the
efficient leadership of Miss Florence
The dedicatory services were held in
connection with the Y. I. S. C. E.
meeting at 0:30 p. m., conducted by
the pastor. Dedicatory and consecra
tion prayer by Wev. Hauford. L. V.
Albright sang a beautiful solo. Mr.
Albright sang at all of the three dedi
catory services that have been held in
connection with the building and en
larging of the Congregational church
At the evening service I'rof. A. 1).
Thompson spoke on young life and its
influence in the church.
Superintendent S. I. Han ford gave
a most interesting and stirring ad
dress on missionary work. The choir
At both this and the morning service
tendered most appropriate music in
an excellent manner. The house was
crowded and all seemed to greatly
enjoy the service.
On Monday it rained all day and
only a few gathered in the afternoon
to listen to the program of retinitis
censes. After listening to Mrs. J. W.
Warren, the only remaining charter
member, who spoke for the Woman's
Missionary Society, the meeting took
a recess until 7:30.
Notwithstanding the bad weather,
Home seventy people gathered for the
evening program. After the devotional
Hervice and t.everal beautiful authems
by the choir, Rev. II 15. Harrison of
Hastings gave a lieiptui ami enjoyable
address, on the mission of the church
Elder P. M. Wrattle of the Christian
church, in a fexv very appropriate re
marks, brought the greetings of the
sister churches of Red Cloud.
Mrs. Howard gave some facts con
cerning the early days of the church.
A. 11. Fierce spoke of the pastors
nnd church officers who have so faith-
fully served the church during all ating, in the presence of a large com
these years. Foremost of these xvas p.uiy of relatives, and friends of the
the first pastor, Rc A. Maxwell, young couple. Dr. Txveedy is a pros
whose portrait was conspicuous ' perous dentist of Lebanon, while his
through all the services. I bride has lived all her life in Smith
C. L. Cottlng paid a glowing tribute county, where she has been a teacher
to all xvlio made up the various choirs in the schools for a number of years,
of the church since its organization. The young couple will reside in Lebit
This was supplemented by words from non.
the pastor of heartfelt appreciation of
the services rendered to the church by I Mothers with little children need no
the faithful singers. j longer fear croup, colds or whooping
Mrs. C. L. C'otting spoke of the cough. Wees Laxative Cough Syrup
faithful xvork ot the Ladies' Aid soei- tastes good. It works off' the cold
ctv and the large amount of money it through the bowels, cuts the phlegm,
has contributed to the church, esjie- clears the head. For young and old.
cially during the last few years. Cttarauteed. Secure a bottle at once.
J, S. dilham was called upon and Sold by Henry Cook's drug store.
responded by giving some lemlnlv
cenees con ec ruing the Rev. A. Mnv
After singing the "Anniversary
Hymn." written by Mrs.
limn, and prayer by the
. A. Ci ess
pastor, the
audience was dismissed, but most of
them remained and had a social time.
Ice cream and cake were served by
the ladies of the church.
A larger number no doubt would
would have been present had it not
rained. Witt, all in all, it was a good
service and the 'J'.tth and IlOth of Sep
tember. 1H07. will long be remembered
as important da.xs in the history of
the Congregational chinch of Wed
The church is now well organized
and well equipped, and starts out with
new hope and new zeal in the .Master's
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Wed Cloud. October 1.
Hoard of county commissioners met
in regular session. Members present,
11. CJ. Sawyer, W. Wiehard, J. IS. Over
turn! andT. J. Chaplin. Absent. W. W.
County Judge I. W. Edson asked the
board to guarantee a bond to send A.
W. Martin, a 13-year-old boy, to the
Feeble Minded Institution at Weatrice
for one year, bond not to exceed SOU.
Request granted.
On motion, it was decided to receive
bids, on October V, for coal for the
county offices.
in the matter of the tuxes of Wise
carver (S-'L.tii) anil Ely (SblS). the
clerk was ordered to draw warrants
for the same.
Adjourned to Wednesday, October :.'.
October .1.
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment.
Frank Ferry was appointed road
overseer for district No. 10.
On motion the following claims were
allowed on the general fund and clerk
ordered to draw warrants for same:
U. S. Palmer, ballot box S 0 00
J.H, Kellogg, carpenter work.. 37 70
L. E. Tait, printing 1 00
School district No. 01, election . 00
Lee De Tour, making tax list. . 000 00
Dr. J. K. Rarrett, medical serv
ices ". 00
W. II. Anderson, commissioner 11 M)
W. Richard, commissioner 17 00
Wm. MeCord, bridge work 17 00
Rond of R. W. Koont. as road over
seer was approved.
The county attorney being absent,
all the claims from the cities in con
tagious disease cases were laid over.
Commissioners Anderson, Chaplin
and Overman, appointed to appraise
the southeast quarter of section 30,
town 4, range 11, reported that they
found its just and full value to be S-'2
per acre.
in the matter of the complaint of
J. J. Sehttmm and others, the same
was continued to November 18, at 1
o'clock p. in., on account of the proper
notice not having been given to all
parties interested.
In tiie matter of the injunction suit
of Sheen et al. vs. Lippincott, the
board decided that it was the principal
nartv in the case, havincr exnended
considerable money in building the
f bridgcS) etCM in oponlnjr the road. E.
,J Overman xvas employed to lile the
Ilecessary ,)ai)Crs and defend the suit
j ln the district court.
Adjourned to November lit, 11107.
Spurrier Tweedy.
Wednesday, October 2, at the home
of the bride's parents in Smith county,
Kansas, occurred the marriage of Miss
Wye Spurrier to Dr. II. M. Tweedy of
Lebanon,1 Rev. (S. W. Hummel oUlci-
So Decides the Jury In Jmtyc Frost's
Court at Lincoln.
Frank Warker may yet pay the deatlt
penalty for the murder of his brother
and sister-in-law. Dan Warker midwife,
nearly four years ago. After having
been convicted in the district couit of
Webster county and sentenced to he
hanged, he was taken to the peniten
tiary at Lincoln, there to await the
day of his execution.
Judge F. (. II inner of Kearney in
teiestcd himself in the case and so
well succeeded in his efforts to delay
the course of justice that (lovernor
Mickey granted him a two years re
piiexe. When the day Uniilly arrived
upon which Warker was to be hanged,
Judge Hauler again stepped into the
breach and succeeded in procuring an
other postponement, in order that he
might have a In-uring as to his sanity.
In the first trial the jury disagiecd
and the hanging was again postponed.
hast week he was again placed on
trial, and Sunday morning the jury
returned a verdict that he was sane
within the meaning of the law.
Judge Hatner filed a motion for a
new trial, which will be denied, and
he will then appeal to the supreme
for a stay of execution on the ground
that the instructions of the trial
judge to the jury were prejudicial to
his client. If lie fails in this move, it
is doubtful if he can prevent Warker's
While some of tin' Webster county
witnesses were in Lincoln last week,
Warden Weeiner made the statement to
them that there would never be an
other hanging in the Nebraska peni
tentiary, at least while he was waidcn.
and it may be that the defenders of
murderer have some other move in
view by which they hope to prevent
the execution of the death sentence.
Methodist Assignments.
Hastings district; Dr. N. A. Martin,
presiding elder, Hastings, Nebr.
Ash Creek (supply), (5. W. Hummel.
Wladen, O. O. Fonath.
Wine Hill (supply), T. C. Priestly.
Carleton, J. E. Rippetoe.
Clay Center, Charles Hums.
Cowles, to be supplied.
Davenport, A. A. Wrooks.
Dexveese, Herbert Sheldon.
Doniphan, J. II. Fowler.
Edgar, E. N. Tompkins.
Fairfield, E. M. Furnam.
Fairmont, John (iiillngher.
(icnex'u, C. M. Shepherd.
(Snide Rock (supply), W. S. Fool.
Hardy. A. V. Wilson.
harvard, A. (S. Forman.
Hastings, (Seorge I'. Trites.
Inavale, R. W. E. Hill.
Inland (supply). E. N. Wottom.
Juniata, K. 1. Kilbouru.
Kenesaxv, E. M. Heed.
Lawrence, E. V. Price.
Nelson, J. Henry Stitt.
Nora (supply), C. S. Cole.
Oak (supply), W. Z. Cole.
Ong (supply), C. M. Wells.
Pauline, W. II. Shoac.
Prosscr, W. T. Decius.
Red Cloud, M. T. Stifficr.
Shicklcy, W. N. Kunkel.
Superior, J. M. Enibree.
Sutton, John Calvert.
Trumbull, A. W. Urosstnan.
W. M. llrooks left xvithout appoint
ment to attend a Methodist school.
C. P. Metcalf, missionary to Flag
staff, Ariz.
Real Estate Transfers.
For the xveek ending Tuesday,
October 1, furnished by the Fott Ab
stract Co., L. II. Fort, Manager.
0 II Hamilton to Ezra M Letner,
lots 1, a and a, blk I, first add
to Wladen, xvd 81100
Ola Iverson to Era M Letner,
lots 1 and .', blk WJ, Wladen, wd 'i'i:
Lizie (Jilroy to S M True, lots 17
and 18. blk 7, luavale, deed. . . . 700
August Kuhn et al to Ferdinand
Wadeinan. sw4 a(i-t-K), qcd.... 1
William J Harris to Wiiliafu A
ImholV, part lots It and 4, Rob.
erts' add to (Snide Rock, xxd.. MOO
Mottgages filed, 71.10.
Mottgages released, S.lfttio.
Noxv is the time to fciibscribe.
Items of News Found In The
Chief of Twenty Ycir Ago
This Week v v V
'W-'W W-'WAw'WWAo A-A, A-fW "J
W. F Micr is on the sick list.
1! W. Fulton went west Monday.
John Yeiser went to Akron this morn-
W. IN. Richardson was in nenxor mis (
Mrs. Dr. Week is visiting witli friends ,
in this city. ,
D. R. Spanogle was in Campbell the
fltst of the week.
.Situ timber is nursing aboil tight on
the end of bis nose.
S. W. Hummel returned this morning '
from liis visit in town. I
Miss Laura Mcltride of (Snide Rock
xvas in the city Sunday. i
J. II. Wailey returned from (Snide
Rock Saturday morning. I
Dick Cray has taken a position as
switchman in the R. xl, M. yards in tills
Miss Anna Knowles, of Jacksonville,
Ore., niece of Will Parks, is visiting in
tin city.
I C Wolf.. 1... w ...... .1 tit,. I.'.iiirl 1
retiieu me
Avenue hotel and will re-furnish and
re-open it in a few days.
James Einigh has rented the corner
building known as the Sherwood build
ing and will start a meat market.
J. M. Cox. from Hamilton county,
this stat', was in Red Cloud this xveck
" There's Never a Law o God or
Man Runs North of Fifty-three."
The hercs fight to rccove-r 5
his property and his efforts
to win the woman he loves
from a powerful, unscrupu
lous and favored rival make
that brilliant story of the
Klondike 0
The Spoilers
By Rex E. Beach
By Rex E. Beach .
Illustrated by Grant and Copyrighted
This story of "the hunger'for gold digged out of
the hills, and the blinding hunger of man for wo
man and for woman's love," being a vivid picture
of the Klondike before the reign of law.
buying stock. He purchitsod p."! head
of feeders fioin W. N Richardson.
M. W. Hiekeison. who is now in Lin
coin taking treatment for hiseyes. wilt
have to stay there about six weeks.
Horace Spanogle entertained a mini'
her of his young fi lends on Thursday
exciting. It was his tenth birthday.
The peanut boy on the W. .! M. at
this point had ills chest stolen from
him the other day and carried clear to
Our enterprising butcher and packer,
yu.t (i NV jdscy, is making big prep-
illations for packing pork this seas. u.
lie calculates to pack from .i.00i to
10.000 hogs, and has recently
mid has recently added a
i hirce slntiirhtcrimr room. tAxl.'i. for the
hog department, and w ill soon put in
a xvatcr motor for poxxer and other
xvise improve his business. I logs aver
age Si) a head, or SllO.OOO for the 10.000
head packed. Resides that, Mr. Linil
sey expends about $10,000 per month
In his regular business.
The Eafttcs Soar.
Red Cloud Aerie No. 1.V17, Fraternal
Older of Eagles, had a big time last
Wednesday night. Four new Eaglets1
were taught how to fly, and after the
initiatory work xvas completed the
, sixty members present enjoyed a gen
I nine Dutch lunch, the material for
(itKt.-ii iioiu fttitttiiii'i'i in t m tt tit. fn rt .
""" "" ......-. -v ' .. .......1.,
of Omaha.
We want a good news co.
at luavale and one at Coxvles.
furnish all the stationery and Vi
requited, and will setui i .' i Chief.,,
ularly to each eorrcp ' nit xvhhon
charge. Call at this J or writ .
t.s,' '