Ji4rMrUrtiAa(l(Aaitba(arvbvb4ttnl(lbaitlrAtl)(d(kbAikAiAtbtbkVtitiiU'i4ti 5 flemsy Jiotes prom 5 GAIHBKEU 1-KUM GATHERED FROM BLUE HILL. (From tho Loader.) Mrs. Ned Grimes was a passenger to Red Cloud Tuesday for u" short visit with her parents. a r At. . xi .,,. ..i ...... wl !,. 'l'liii..u1(ii. ... , . . ,, from Ind ana where ho spent a month .... ... . i .. visiting scenes of his younger days. William Bostwiok's new residence ,,.,.. , . . west of Mrs. Newcomer's is nearly com- , , . . lit .11.. P otod. Carpontor work is about flu !,,,, . i.i.... is hod and plasterers are now taking their turn at it. , .. Wednesday evening of last week nl the home of Wev. Sohubkegel occurred tho marriage of Mi-s Anna Kuhn to Louie Schmidt. Tho cei oniony took place at 7:I!0 in tlio presence of a tow friends and relatives, and the young couple were waited upon by Frank Schmidt as bridegroom and Miss Ber tha Kuhn as bridesmaid. Otto Ortman had a runaway last Thursday which terminated in his got ting bruised up qulto a little and losing considerable cuiticlo from tho side of lilu fund On who lrtultiw i'nv tlin llvni-f Imm r.,,,1 linil rrovntinr, ni,.fnr mm. I us a passenger, and they had got to the Mmool house on thoir way to the conn- try when a couple of the tum camo down, lotting tho tongue drop and thou trouble commenced right. Tho buggy was upset and tho top torn off and the Wiorses getting loose from tho buggy wont through sovoral wiro fences and wore cut up pretty badly. Tho picture man was bruisod up a little. BLADEN (From tho Enterprise.) Frank Ilallcraud Miss Tessio Novak, both of this place, wero married at Red Cloud by County Judge IOdsoti, Tues day. Mr. uud Mrs. James McRrido and children, of Cowlos, visited with M'?? and Mrs. Charles Spoiico and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Horn, Sunday. Charles Spenco and Rov.Foutch wont to Red Cloud Tuesday, taking tho cor nerstone of the Methodist church to Ovoring Bros, to bo ro-chisolod and polished for the re-dedication of next Sunday. They went down in Spouco'b unto. ' J. N. McCuuo has a largo picture of tho Red Cloud baud, separate pictures of the orchestra, saxophone, cornet, rood and horn sections of tho band, all mounted on ono card, which was pre sented to him while in Red Cloud this weok, aud he has it on display in his More window this wook Mr. McCune was a member of the Red Cloud baud nt its tlrst organization. Tho Red Cloud boys are a lino looking set, well uni formed and good musicians that any town should bo proud to possess. They will play hero for tho fair. GUIDE ROCK. (From the Signal.) Martial band boys have The now 8UltS. Robert (iarrison and wife aro homo after an extended ttip in tho west. Sam Doming arrived Tuesday eve- ning to visit relativos and friends here. ! Mis. Aultmau is moving away and Jake Loper will occupy tho house va cated. L. A. Globo is walking with a cane us the result of being thrown from a I Neighboring jouins 1 UUK EXCHANGES OUR EXCHANGES - horso. T. II. Mann and family tiro moving to Formosa, Kan.4. They have boon living on a farm south of town. A.J. Mofford, brother of James Mef ford, left for Iowa Tuesday morning. While hero ho bought propoi ty in Ked .,, ........ .... , , Cloud, and will movo to that plaoo inn ( ,,, . ,, ., , , . C lay ton Cassoll, a small lad two years ,, .. . . .in old, fell faco foremost on tlio sidewalk, . ' .. . . . , . . . ' driving a stick he had in his month ,,,.., , , 4. ., , ) IMS I lUUlll, IHCCIUMIIg Mil) II0SI1 bailly. The little fellows have to learn not to do such things by hard knocks. During tho tent mooting Friday eve ning an exciting runaway occurred. Mr.Nash's horso and buggy was hitched , to tho rack opposite tho tent. It bioke j loose demolishing several other bug. ' gios that were stauding in close prox imity, j Rov. Martin, tho now Christian min ister, will move into tho Hunter prop erty recently vacated by J. A. Shoeloy. His family consists of a wife and ono child. Rov. Aydolot, tho present min- ,,,tert wiM l)reU his flirewoll SOrtllOll on the ''flth T-J- Malonoy, manager of tho cream station at this place, tolls us that ho made perhaps the highest; cream test that has been made in the state. The cream was brought in by Chris Hanson and tested ('). Croam was brought in hy D. C. Morris tested Gl. Tho average cream test is 38. CAMPBELL (From the Citizen.) Tom Logan was up from Republican City figuring on a deal to disposo of his property hero. Hildroth has voted J10,000 to put in waterworks and Upland will vote on a similar proposition next Tuesday. , John Oansinoie. who tins boon down to Lincoln for tin- past month taking treatment, came homo Rat.irduv sliiM.t. ! Iv imnrovec' I ,, ,-,. . , . . , , . , (.eorgo Hrkins has ,ust completed I extensive improvements on Ins resi-1 douce property, a handsome addition now being ready for occupancy. Mr, aud Mrs. Lon Watson have given Fred Jacobson a contract for tho build ing of a generous addition to thoir ros denco property here in town, work on which was commenced yesterday. Alcid Chevalier has located in Macon, whore, in connection with his brother, R. C. Chovalior, ho has opened out in the well and pump business. R. C. is absent on an oxtondod tour, having visited points iu Idaho, Montana, Al berta and Manitoba, aud is now in east ern Canada. RIVERTON (From the Review.) 1-M McAllister of Red Cloud' was on our streets Wednesday. Stewart Albright of Reil Cloud, was transacting business in our city Wedn esday. t Miss Lonnie Thompson and Clyde Coake have gone to Kearney to attend school Rov. T. W. Owen pi cached his fare well sermon last Sunday. He has not been assigned as yet. Frank Shopherdson left Tuesday morning for Lexington, Mo., whore ho Calumet , is the only High Grade Powder offered to the consumer at a Moderate Price It should not bo confused with, the cheap, low grade powders on the one hand, nor the high priced trust powders on ' the other. o military academy. Mr. and i s. John Patton was f)wn to thoir tidy home on the Cftrlea James farm last Sunday, and nit pro paring to nilvo soon. Mrs. Car iihati and hor dachtor rnedfrtmRedCliifpolo., have boon for till past s visiting with Mii Ada miiurou roi mn , i i whore they threo mont Carnahan. An af tern on party was given iv Mrs. B. Shcplier son Tiiursday, in lfnor of Mrs. Otto Vollonburger of ljuooln, who has be i a guest at hor lif no for the past we k. A very deightful wedding to place at John Jalios'at which plnl Miss Myrtle Jam tor Shelton k was married to It (lies- '!'!.,. ,.n...i..tinv At. .,.,.. XIII' Ul 1-IIIWiJV WO 'Ji-l formed by R v.T. W.Owon.aftiwhicli a bountiful -1 le'lding dinner wn I erved in courses. SMI', II CENTIil (Froi n tho Messenger) John Ideiiroturned the first I" last week from Stipulpa, I. T., whertfe has boon visiting a son for several vfeks. I Charlie Ajlams and son Clyde if tho ' Lebanon oouutry, were in tt cty i Thursday tjreparing Charlie's ouso-1 hold' effects, for shipment to C ftrado , having trailed his Oklahoma f ax for Colorado initiated land. I mi !.... m.. .. " r I L1IU UlUlllUUiy iHUUIlUb LUUL )IS uu this market in tho shape of mttor! would pass much bettor as a jecoud hand samplo of oleotnargeriue. t sells for .10 cents a pound aud is nut eur.us good as- tho common countrj mtter brought into tho stores at 15 to: cents a pound. Tho first of October Kansasjioople will have a flat two-coiit ratifif the railroads obey the ordorof tho qtlroad commissioners made at tho heng in Topoka recently. Tho railroadvofus od to accept tho order of tho rllroad commissioners to present any ouilonco which might bo thought to bo npessa ry to show tho reasonableness f- tin- reasonableness of the two-cent Ire in Kansas. State housoofllciais goarally boliovo that tho railroads willj Ul0 rilto- T,Iy 800" to have rant h hint f some other place tlmt this I)0 ,loM0 atto1, tho proper show rOtlld k ro s'stl"o was made by tho road ,ds,ki t oxA'Ot he two cent faro is confidently to Octoboi. lst tod LEBANON. (From tho Argus.) A. J. Forgoy was in Esbon Wednes day on business. I Isaac Myers wont to Clyde, Wins., Monday after another car of watermel ons. Miss Eva Myers returned Momlay evening from her visjt with her rela tives in Nebraska. Mrs. Doc Nelson of Rod Cloud, came up from Gaylord, whtro she has been visiting, Monday morning, aud drove f i om hero home. O.S.Stanley was so unfortunate as to got his foot in tho way of a corn cutting machine, last week. Ho has been gotting around since by tho aid of a pair of crutches. . As Norman Hutchinson was at work ill a well for W. S. Avdelot. a nli.mi of . v .j .. .- CM... I I!.... .....1. .).... ....r..l I.. .... 1.1 I. iiilHIUI I u- lllllIJIUli III M llllll IUUIV- ing a scalp wound that took seven i stitchos to dose it up. Ho is about again and a weok or so will see him as good as over. FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Tho little girl of Mr. and .Mrs. V. O. Kiuikin died Sunday at their homo in this city attor a short illness. Tho fit- noral withhold Monday forenoon, inter ment being in tho llloomington oeino- lory. ' MissKato Richard, daughtorof Mr. and Mrs. William Richard, and Mr. Chester Uutnbaugh, wero united in iniiri.igi Wednesday evening of this week, ut the bride's home southeast of j llpll0(. 1 Miirrlego licenses granted Would 0. Uoudicau, Campbell, OuronoKchain- peau.l iimpboll. Chester Shelton. Wiv ertou, Myrtle .lames, Wivorton. Wool; .1. Frost, Campbell, Lena M. Mareollle, Campbell. Charles II. Feller, Camp bell, Anna M. Hourich, Campbell. BLOOMINGTON (From the Advocate) The Douglas -Paulson breeding barn is now up aud enclosed. Mrs. K. L. Jones has touted tho Moore property ill the north part of town and has moved into the same. J B. McGrew of this place and C. Hildreth or Franklin, wero in Umauu this weok attending a bankers' conven tion, Rev, Leouard aud wifo are lu Mo Cook this week attending tho Method ist conference. It is thought that he will be returned here, will attend t What Dees a Hlfth School Do For a Younft- Nan? (A. E. Wintiliip in Neb. Toucher.) One of the most absurd of the old fogy notions Is that high .school docs not pay. First, that it does not pay the stu dent. Second, that it docs not pay the public. Look at the absurdity of those prop ositions. Without the equivalent of a high school education one cannot cuter any college, university, or tir.st class pro fessional normal school, cannot become a physician, lay wor, preacher or teach 't civil engineer, mining engineer, lllvllltl'C.t. Ill" I'lltl'l1 IIIIV III llll' 1IIVlflii.ltiti "- "- --.--- ...... ........ . ...... ;..,. Hereafter, not to go to a .school or academy is to close the door of hope, prospect or aspiration for professional life. There arc a hundred thousand of the best business positions in mercantile houses. mntiufacturimr nhiuts :inilrni1- mm! iti-iwii-ittfiML. !. ti... i ..:..! ci,.i , ! loan coi potations in the I lilted .States for which no young man will be eon . sidercd at all unless lie has the equiv alent of a high school education. I ri'l i i.. . -i .i i ... i l,0,v are 'I nunilred thousand of the Ul,!,t phtc-es in industrial establihhments 1M w"cli a young man will get extra k'00'1 "fiw and a sure job immediately "P" K"lnation, because he has grad .. uated. Andrew Carnegie has given as a rea son for the great .success of his steel ' plants that he was the manufacturer to buy scholarships and pay a pre mium on it. I When a prominent railroad man said that he would employ no young man for a n j' position that had promotion ahead who had not at least a high school education, was asked what he meant by it in view of the fact that neither he nor his associates had such an education, he replied: "There was no high school for me when I was a young man. but today a high school education is so easy that a boy who will not get it shows that he cares more for getting to work than ho does for getting ready to work." The four years that a boy works while he might be in a night school amount to little. Few boys of this class have a hundred dollars in the bank by the time they have graduated, and that means not more than six dollars a year for life, whereas, in any line of work a fellow can earn ten to fifteen times six dollars a year more if he had made good use or his high school opportun ities. There are several cities in wnieh the business houses have a standing offer for earnest high school graduates whom the principal will recommend, and at a wage greater to start with than they would be getting if they had been out at work for the four years. I.n a variety of ways it is easy to deo.onstrate that a young man gains for life, financially, by getting ready for life work. $cond, does it pay the public? )it the average graduates of the high suhiols pay ten times as much taxes, dirtotly and indirectly, as those who haj. not had any education above the gra ninar school, taken as a whole. T em"'M' this can only be applied w,v'v tntv ,ms bt'l'n "(,(h1 fm' P"1'- liclliigh school for at least thirty years. but it is true wherever there h is been a lnh school for ten years, if we take onh persons of the age that would persons haw given them an opportunity to haw gone to the high school. Or, if you confine the comparison to thoe who actually graduated from the grammar school and went to school no more, with those wjio did go to school for a higher preparation for work, and the taxes they pay into the treasury, directly and indirectly, are decidedly greater than that by the former class. This is easily demonstrated when wo i'""hlur the taxes on the houses in which they live, the places In which they do business and on the various places of business and professional men whom they patronie. Indirect taxation is all too little con sidered iu educational economies. Do you know that l'incsalve Carbol i.ed acts like a poultice in drawing out inflammation and poison? It is an tiseptic, For cuts, burns, cracked hands, ccenia it is immediate relief, i.'ie. Sold by Henry Cook. Wo want a good news correspondent at Inavale and one at Cowles. We will furnish all the stationery and postage riwintnfl mill will wmiiiI 'Pin. Plitof v... iury to eaeh correspondent without charge. Call at this oflieo or write for ' instructions. Your skin should be clear aud bright if your liver is in normal condition. Dade's Little Liver Pills uct on the liver, and headuche, constipation and biliousness disappear. Price 25 cents. The last Kansas legislature enacted a law "requiring tlyj school otllcers 6' uvery district in ine siaie mj pruviuu mu American Hag for the school building. Notice of Tax Sale. Nollco In hereby given that the tinderslRiieil. on the Flxlli ilar of November. lti, pnrc-biu-ed of the county treasurer' of Webster county. Ni brnskn. nt nrivntt' sale, the following described real eMnte. fold for dtdlinjucul tHXUH for the yent 1WH. Hiid hltunted In Ked Cloud. Wt'bMereoiitil). NcbniKfcn. to wit- I.otH slxtten (10) and iwveii teen (17). block eleven (11 . Smith Moore'i ml dltlon to Ked Cloud. Webster eoiinty. Nebtimkn. mid liixeil In the nHineof K I. Anderson. The tibou- limned person iind hII otlur petsoriH uhocinlm hii luterc-it In the iibovc lain will tnkc nollco Unit the time nf redtniitlon of. snlcl hind from mid tax Mile will expire on thcTthdny of No ember. A 1) il ".after which I u III imply for n tux deed to nil of the nboie ImikI which I not rediemed .1 8. IIoiikiitmin. Puled llilMVd duy of .July. 1IW. Notice of Tax Sale, Notice l hereby kIu-ii tlmt the underiliriied. on ihu (ith duy of November, 1W5. ptirrliiiteil i.f the eoiint trwiHiirer ol Weblir cotintv. Nehru mi. nt prlvntc Mile, the followlnu tlcM-rloe'l tenl etnte Mild for iluliiiqiiMit bixes for the veiir 11KII, mid sltiuitid In Ked rloud. Webcier coiiuiv. Ne brHk'i, to wit- Lots tour 1 1) live (fi)nnil 'lxiil). in bhi'k ten ill'), of I.eDne'h iidilulon to l(e riouu. NehriivkH, tiixcd In the iiiiuie of Kditlt Ilrynnt. j 'I be iibove nnnied person mid nil otlie win DiiilcotliHt the tlineoriedenptlonof Mild hunt from Mild tnx Mile will expire on theTih dny of iiniiii Mil iiuuil in llllMinove IIIIIII Will ItlKO Nmi'lllher A.I) Ill7 iiII.t ulili.li I ulllm.i.U- tor h ihx ilfed for nil of theHbove Iniid tlmt fit not redeemed. I.ouia Hanky. IbitedthN llth iIhj of July, MOT. Notice of Tax Sale. Notice Ih hereby given that the umlerMmieit on the 2d duy or Jnminry iwm tiurchiiK'd of the county treasurer of Webster county Nebrnskn nt prlvntc unle. the following described renl cetiite sold for delinquent tHxei for the yerh lHMi to KH)I Inclusive, nnd Mtunted In Ited Cloud. Web Mt-r county. Nebrnskn to-wlt: Loin Uk-ien (M nnd Twelve (12) In block Fourteen (II) In HhIcv t JHCkcon'H addition to ked Cloud. WcbMer county. Nebrnskn, nnd taxed In the name of Im U Martin. The nbove unuicd person nnd nil pernon ubo claim nn Interest In the above premlsex will Inki nottre that the time of redemption of unid hunt for said tax sale will expire on the 2d day nf Jannary 1WJ8, nfter which I will apply for a Imx uitcu iu uu vi inu ouove uesenneu tiremise . which arc not redeemed. Ciiaui.kh It. I)LL. uaiea sepiemoei 18, ID INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM CUKED IN 3 DAYS. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon. Ind.. gays; "My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism lu every muscle and Joint: tier Bufferlni? waa terrlblu aud her body and face were Bwollen almost be yond recognition: had been In bed six weekn and had eight physicians, but received mi benefit until she tried Dr. Detrlioii'a Ktllef for Rheumatism. It gave Immediate rellet mm she was able to walk about In three davs. i nm sure It saved her life." Sold by U. "E. Orlee. DrugKlfct. Red Cloud. Just Received, a Car of FLOUR. AT PLUMB'S FLOUR and FEED STORE You can save money by taking 500 pounds of him. Protection! T5he Medical Chemical Co.'s Hog Powders are the best on the market. Expell the worms, allay the fever, sweeten the. stomach and place the hog in a healthy condition. They are sold on a guaran tee, or your money back. Parties wishing any of these will consult our agent, W.H. WALTER, nod cioud, meb. Agents wanted. Write Super A: Wil cox, Rivet ton, Neb, L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer v'RWldence: 'First door South of lted Cloud Mill, 101 South Wobster street. Can be found'at home every fore noon. Terms reasonable. I wf 1 A fl i v ) 'V SSW3rr.sA "StwiMai "; imAxs. i -..? .... .-.-., ! . wtoutsmamur wwp? vrj-vJ-u jiJuii-iU zMnmwft-'r..iawutMMc- -hmi MiMM iMiwNff"rt61'--'''"'' i w muu3in.