The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 27, 1907, Image 7

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Watch Specials
We have a particular
ly strong line of good
watches at prices to
save you money.
ver, Silverine,
Filled and Gold
Elgin, Waltham, South
Rockford and Hamil
movements. A line of watches h
just the watch you need, at the pric
feel is right. : : : :
The 8mlts Were Biting.
John Qtilncy Adams of Massachu
setts, third of thnt name, was very
foml of fishing and not especially fond
of his legal profession. One day, the
Rtory runs, u case In which he wan
counsel wan down for trial In a Mus
bnehusetts court. Mr. Adams did not
make IiIh appearance, but sent a letter
to the Judge. Thnt worthy gentleman
read It and then postponed the en so
with the announcement:
"Mr. Adams In detained on Impor
tant business."
It was afterward learned by a col
league of Adams that Hie letter read
as follows:
"Hear Judge Kor tho sake of old
Iziutk Walton, please continue my ease
till Friday. The smelts are biting, and
I can't leav("
Hor Selection.'
Blanche The most dllllcult thing Is
to make up one's mind what to take
and what to leave behind. Ilonrlotto
Oh. 1 don't think so. V take all my
frocks and leave my husband. Ulrc.
Fault of a Woman's Watch.
Miss lllhorn It seems to run very
well for about a day and a half, and
then It will not go at all. "Watchmak
erYes; It should lie wound occasion
ally. Jewelers' ( 'Ircular-Weekly.
Bring us work of all
kinds. We do it right
Newhouse Brothers,
1 Jewelers and Optometrists.
Burlington Watch Inspectors
und many anxious wives and others
failed to And members of their fam
ilies who worked in the mine, the
scene wag pitiful. The priests and
ministers moved among the peopH
consoling them 'ami begging them to
be calm.
Attorney Hainer Announces He Will
Appeal from Nebraska Schedule.
Lincoln, Sept. 23. Ex-Coiigrossninn
1&- J. Hainer announced definitely that
tho centralized creameries will light
In the courts the new ratCB on cream
promulgated by the state railway com
mission, alleging thnt they were made
for the purpose of discriminating
against tho established plants. Ho Is
preparing a protest to file with the
commission and will appeal to the
courts agnlnst the now rates, which
advance the cost of transporting cream
long distances.
Beavers Released from Prison.
Pittsburg, Sept. 25. George W.
Beavers, formerly of tho postal do
pnrtment, who wns sentenced to liu
prfs7nment In connection with the
postal frauds several years ago, was
released from the penitentiary at
Moundsvlllo, W. Va.
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it,
Vroviili'lli-r of KM lie jr tli'iiti.
Most people do not iculic the alarm
Ing increase and remarkable prevalence
in Kinney disease.
While kidney dis
orders aro the
most common
diseases that pre
vail, they arc
almost the List
recognized by
patient and phy
sicians, irio (vnj-
iri'rt (lorlorini the (frcl, while the ony
inal dmttsfi undermines the svstcm.
Whnt To Do.
There is coint'oit in the Knowledge po
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer'
Sainp-Uoot, the great Kidney lemcdy,
fulfills every wish in curing iheuinatUm,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the miliary tmvnge.
It cot reels inability to hold water
and scalding pain Iu'passlng it, or lu.l
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and ovei comes that unpleasant ne
cessitv of being compelled lo go often
during the day, Vmd to get up many
times during the night. The mild an.f
thecxtrnotdinaryelTcct of Swamp-Root
is soon realized.' It stands the highc-l
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a nicdiciui
you should have life best. Sold by drug
gists in fiftv-cent and one-dollar si.c.
You mav haven sample bottle and :i
1 1. .!... ...11., ..It fll-
UUUK. nun itun uii rSU
about it, both sent free i
bv mail. Atldress Dr.
Kilmer & Co., P.iug-
hainton. N. Y. When Bwamp-tioot.
writing mention this paper and don't
make any mistake, but remember this
name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
the address, liiughamtou, N. Y.
Bodies of VictimB piled on Top or
Each Other at Bottom of Shaft Like
6o Many Pelts of Leather Pitiful
Scenes at Shaft.
Negauuee, Mielw, Sept. 21. -By u
cage plunging 750 et down the shaft
ol the Jones & Laughliii Stool com j
Iiauy's mine eleven men were killed
und tieven latally Injureil. Tim tngo,
with its human freight, was b. ing low-!
ered on its (list trip for the day whuu
j jthe brako on the hoisting drum sud
denly failed to hold Two other men
sprang to the assistance ol tho one at
the brake wliel, but their combined
efforts did not avail, and the wiro
cable continued to unreel from the)
dium like thread from a bobbin. Thu
cage sdiot down a couple of bundled
feet bclore a kink in tho too rapidly i
paying out cable caused it to purl and '
from that pohit tho cage hud a sheer,
drop to tlie bottom of the shaft. Tho
Hafety catcher, with which it was
eTfuipped, lulled to operate. Tho surg
ing of the cable in its mad IllgTit toio,
t ouT part of the bide or the engine
house, and ripped out ssvuial of tho
Bhcaves In and about tho shaft houst '
Workmen at the bottom of tho iiiiuu
lnunedlhtely set about the tahJ of re
moving the dead. Tho bodies lay In f
one pile, a mass of llMess Ucsh nbii,
blood. Tho bones of the bodies "woru I
eo shattered that tho men, when thoy
Rockefeller's Present Holdings Worth,
Nearly $109,000,000. .
New York, Sept. Sl--Ttecotik of tho
stockholders of tho Standard Oil com
pany of N'ew Jersoy, laid bare at tho
hearing of this government's suit for
the dissolution of th alleged oil com
bine, disclosed the Uul that John IJ.
ard Oil I'oiifmiiiy of New Jersey were
Instituted Un- stock has steadily do
dined, iintjl It Is now around $440.
This lepreients a. loss of over $100,
000.000 on the holdings of John D.
Rockefeller. Tho shrinkage In the
market, value of the stock uIho affects
thi University of Chicago to the ox-
t of about $2,000,000.
. -- ' - -
1 ri
St; tc Board Reduces Passenger Rate
to Two and One-Half Cents.
oux Falls. S. D., Sept. 21. Tho
stir board of railroad commissioners
nit iited n lesolnUon by uiianimoufl
vol" redii'ing the maximum passenger
fur on all standard gauge rallroaus
In the stale from 'i to 2'.. cents per
lnili'. the order to become eifectlvo
Oct. 15.
Neander's "One Work."
Doctors, when they send away a
busy man for several weeks of rest,
do not consider that to one accustomed
to work an enforced rest Is both Irrl
tatlng and depressing.
N'candcr, the famous church histo
rian, had promised his physician on be
ing ordered to Carlsbad to drink Its
famous waters that he would take no
books with him except one work, which
the doctor with reluctance allowed.
On the morning of the historian's de
parture Hie doctor, wishing to say
goodbjV to his patient, called at his
door and" saw a cart laden with heavy
"But, dent professor," mild tho phy
sician, with the emphasis of displeas
ure, "you promised mo to take no
books with you."
"Yes, doctor," replied the childlike
professor, "but you allowed me ono
work, so I thought I might take the fa
thers with me to Carlsbad."
The "one work" included three or
four score volumes.
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances a specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and
The Bon Ton
W. 5. BBNSB, Proprietor.
Jaekson-1 lea ven bless him! He
kIk. wml cnniblencc ill me when the
clouds were dark and threatening.
Vllson--ln what way'.' Jackson-He
lent me an umbrella. Loudon 'lele
fell, were oiled "on ton of each olhor. Hockefellor owns 247.I.D2 ahiues
like so many pelts of leather. Seven
Ynen wero found still alive. They mo
fatally butt.
Thniifi'.inds of people soon qpngnv
11 gated about tho mine, shatt. In tho
! ciotvU were the wiyos and cttlldrun o(
tlift 200 men who, ro employed In the
1 . 'mine. Kach thought that hop hutrtmiul
or parent qr- 11 ton was In tho cage.
nearly live- tlm s ub nujcli btoek as an)
olhei individual h!u (-holder, and thirl
he and hK associate.-, who signed tho
Hust. agreement in liW still control
a majority of the Standard Gil stock.
Rlea&urod by thu present murkct price 1
ot $liq a shnio, the holdings of Mr.
RVkfTollor in the Standard Oil coin
puny have a value of $10'J,000,000. Tiro
There was no way of relieving tho.' stockholdois' K-cord ol Aug. u, ku,
suspentso uid tho fallen oago blocked' shows that the Univeislty of (JhMago
the exit, it was fully two hours bo- Is tho owner of 5.U00 hhares of iJtaiid
fore tho cable was adjusted o that ar'l Oil stock.
tio cago could bo raised to the sur-j Tlio depreciation In tho Vprico or
face During all this time, women, i Sraudurd Oil stock within tho past ten
with bnhles in tlieir armf., cried hv-f a. al,out lll tl,,l lhe "Bltntlon
torlcaily or fainted. When nil the against the comppny began, has been
minors came from under the grouudj inore tlian $UJ0 a share. Since tho
- legal proceedings aljjstjhe Stand;
1 Auto Collides With Trolley.
Denver, Sopl. 21. Soven persons
were injured, throe perhaps fatally, as
the result of a collision between an
automobile and an electric far. .Mrs.
William Kciris and son of Chicago
and tho chauffeur will probably die.
Disraeli's Nuptial Joke.
There win a little Joke between them
(Idsniell and his wife) which I heard
from the late dean of Salisbury. "You
know I married you for your money,"
Disraeli would ssiy to her. "Oh. yi'S.
lnit If you were to marry me again you
voiild ninny me for love". Vas the
lvgular repl. "Oh, yes!'yTur husband
would exclaim, aud tlio. little nuptial
comedy ended.
Hut what I trfVm'H, said to lleriuil Os
borne once vtinui. ids marriage Is much
better wonih tho telling. II was at a
dinner piu'ly. after dinner when tho
men wore.iiluno. "What did you mar
ry her 'for';" Osborpe asked In his
chanv'teiislie way. liNrnell twiddled
his Svluegluss In the pause that fol
lowed this point blank Inquiry. '1 lien
lib lifted his head slowly and looked
'the other very oxprcs-dvely In the
face. "I'or a reason." io said, "which
you could never understand gratitude."-
From "Lord lU'iteoiisIleld and
Other Tory Memories," by T. 13. Keb-bel.
What It Proved.
Miss Youngtbliig-lb)o-hoo.n'oo5 'OVtir-'
ley's given me a ring set. -with a V.ieun J
little turquoise. Her Mother-'lVliafs
1111 emblem of coustaut-y. Mis Young
thing It bm't! ItNfiroof of'.ttiiglne'Sl)
Do You
When ?ou aro hungry cad
want Bomethlff nice in tb
meat line, drop into my
market. We have the nicest
kind of
nnd UVeats. fish, and game
in Season. Wo think, und
almost know, thrttweenn
please you. Give us a
SSCoon Bros.,
Successors to
1 - Jtssst sis si
Do you know that it will pay YOU. as
well as US, to buy your Building Ma
terial and Coal at ourynrds? Not only
that our pricos avehaoi: lower, or at
least as low, as thoso of our competit
ors, but hkoause wo tako especial euro
of und protect all can bo olassod as
Coal. Lumber.
City Dray and Express Line.
Teacher What became of the chll
I'ron of Agamemnon? Pupil (after ma
ture ilellberatlou) I thluk thoy'rejleud
byHhls time.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Residence i88.
Offie 119