The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 27, 1907, Image 5

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'' if' '
' t
Roy Win f ivy returned
from u trip to St. .loo, Mo.
The Citizens- Concert l!iiiul is furn
ishing music at the fair ujy linden.
A traveling sin wi'.fr was doing
business on our streets Wednesday.
Place your order for hard eoal anil
uvc draynge. .1. o. Caldwell.
Mrs. Charles Lcuzlcrwus at Hastings
several days tlie tlrst part of the week.
Miss 15 nth Wurivn will do massaging
bhampooing and manieuriug. Phone
J2'l. lf
Oeorgo Morhart and family spent
Sunday visiting with relatlvcsat (Snide
Miss Helen Ilobcy and mother went
to lleatriee Monday for u visit with
Dr. K. F. Haines was in attendance
at the Republican state convention at
imeoln Tuesday.
Mrs. Clarence .lone.s. of Inavale.
vi.sitcd with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jlenry .McCune. .Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cuml. of
Jtlooniington, visited at the home of
.lames Tunquary Sunday.
Sam lleaton, .lr., of Walnut Creek,
has been chosen as a witness in the
l-'rank Murker murder trial. ,
Roy Oatman has had electric lights
put in the Royal in place of the gas
lamps which he has been using.
The annual Ak-sar-ben carnival at
Omaha commenced Wednesday and will
continue until next Friday, lasting ten
The Holland House has been sold
and will close Saturday, to remain so
until the new proprietors arc ready to
A., Will and Harry Roats have or
dered the line constructed so that they
may have electric lights in their homes
ast of the creek.
Misses Maggie Kvans. Anna (lilliam
and Clara Shute, three Guide Rock
ehool teachers, spent Sunday at their
homes in Red Cloud.
W. X. Roberts, of Chariton, Iowa,
arrived Saturday and is now visiting
:it the home of his brother, Ernest
.Roberts, of this place.
Mrs. Charles Milligan and children
returned to their homuat McCook Sun
day, after taking in the baseball tour
nament here last week.
Roy 'Ant and wife returned to their
home in McCook Monday. They have
been visiting with Mrs. Hint's mother,
Mrs. 1 Conover, of this place.
William Raxter, of Red Oak, Iowa,
visited with his cousin, Mrs. Dwight
-Tones, of (Snide Rock, and with other
relatives at Guide Rock and Red Cloud.
Mrs. Sophia Anderson and her
daughter, Mrs. Homer Morgan, left
.yesterday morning for Kansas City,Mo.,
wnere they will visit with Miss Addle
APPLES, Eating
and cooking
$ 1 .80 per bu
GRAPES 35c per
Highest price for pro
duce. Your Patronage is
Solicited by
13he GR.OCER
All the Phonos
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Slgnaturo of CxvMC
We chronicle this week the arrival
of a baby boy at ,Ias. Doyle's.
.Joseph Fogcl and (!eo. Hutchison
were at the I'ladcn fair Wednesday.
Miles r.urden. of Cawker City. Kims., ' " ,h
vttit. ..i ., i.i. ....i..ii !.. ii'i .. ,'Wnrri
........ , mi n-iiuiH,,i in neii i louii
Andy ScchrM of liiverlon was look
ing after business matters in Red Cloud
Tlie Walton and Hobart show, which
was advertised to exhibit in Red Cloud
Wednesday evening, failed to arrive. ,
A. (lotV. who has been fanning north j
of town this summer, isyurdmaster at
this point during the absence of .1. F. i
Al Holdredge. Ry Hancock and Isaac
Sheplicrdsou of Riverton were among
the spectators at the baseball game
Silt unlay
Thirty-live large l'tiglish licrkshirc
boars and sows for sale. The large,
heavy-boned, prolille kind. Culde Hock
Phone line St, i. Tno. Poi.ui:it.
P. W. ICarg, who has been braking
on the fieight out of the city, hasbcen
promoted to yardmaster at Oford, and
will leave for that place in a few days.
Football will be a popular sport here
this winter, if the fact that the boys
around town put in most of their time
practicing with the pigskin is any ev
idence. W.nti:i A good man to handle ex
clusively or as a side line our lubrica
ting oils and paints salary or coin
mission. Fairfax Refining Co., Cleve
land, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Kd ('illard and Allan
Tullcys returned to their home at Nap
once Sunday. They have been visit
ing friends and relatives here and tak
ing iu the baseball tournament.
An etl'ort was made Tuesday to get a
special train to run between Red Cloud
and Rladen on Wednesday, but owing
to the fact that the railway company
asked only S-'-S guarantee the matter
wjis dropped.
Oeorge Hollister, a master mechanic
employed by the R & M., while mak
ing some repairs on a car Wednesday
afternoon, crushed the middle finger
of his right hand so badly that ampu
tation was necessary.
George Morhart was at Diller, Nebn,
Friday, and while thcru contracted for
a job of plumbing and putting in a hot
water system in a private residency
and a job of putting in a steam heat
ing system in u hotel at that place. "
A. C. Paulson and family arrived in
Red Cloud Wednesday and will make
this their home in the future. Mr.
Paulson was formerly yardmaster at
Oxford, but has been promoted to cor
ductor on Nos. (ill and (il running oil
of Red Cloud.
At the Christian church next Sunday
Sunday .school at 10 a. m. Preachint
and communion at 1 1 a. m. Subject:
'Communion." Christian Kndcavor.
7 p. m., Miss Fdith Osborn, leader.
There will be no preaching at the
Christian church Sunday evening.
Spence Potter and his brother, C. R
Potter, of Wilcox, left Wednesday
morning for a vldt with relatives in
Owego. N. V. C. U. Potter will here
membered by the early settlers of lied
Cloud and vicinity, as he once ran a
store near the old mill, down by the
river bank.
Last Monday was the :.'.1th anniver
sary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
('In is .lorgenson. On that day a num
ber of their friends gathered at their
home and presented them with a siher
set of six pieces as a token of their re
gard. After the presentation of this
appropriate tfift the party partook of
a sumptuous repast that had been pre
pared for them and departed for their
The distance from the homes of kin
dcrgarden and first grade school chil
dren living in the south ward to the
school prevents many of these children
from attending school at present, and
to obviate this ditllculty the board of
education has decided to furnish free
transportation for them to and from
school. Commencing next .Monday a
wagonette will make dally trips, start
ing at the 11. & M. depot and following
the street car line.carryh.g chlhlrenof
these grades to school and returning
with klndergarden children, who only
attend school it, half day sessions, at
noon, and with first grade pupils at -1
o'clock. Thus the school attendunce
will be materially -increased at but
, ' . .
slight cost. I
Slmpcde at the opera house, Sutur I
duybctobcr ft
Ml. Kd Smith is visiting on Walnut
Creel this week. I
Mil and Mrs. C. Ij. Cotting leave i
Moiuly for Omaha and the east.
luilllailcy is putting up a small barn
in tlulilley in the rearof his residence.
.Mi'sl.liilifi Pctre. of Lincoln, ts visit
ing til family of her uncle, .lohn Kel-
MinI) ('. Hell of Lincoln, is visiting
home of Mr. and .Mrs. (ieorge
Hedge, Lee HeTour and
I'rahui were sit the Itladen
fair T'i
Walter Warren and children I
Wl'"1. '
il '
Superior Tuesday morning for j
tth relatives.
Inter is approaching is sag-!
l, the recent cold mornings. '
in beginning to put up their.
is I'ldrege and wife returned
from i
liih.i Monday, where Mrs. Fl
is been undcriroing suriricul
it !
ton I and the Stampede." a v est-,
ern eoi
f'il. Up-to-date, and stands,
to all. At the opera house.
'. October .1.
I Mrs. Harvey Cox of Lincoln,
Mr. i
born t
keil Cloud residents, had a son
hem recently. They have rel-
a lives j
fitl friends in this city.
Id Mrs. A. T. Wiilkei drove to
Vdncsdny, altenoingtlieeoun-
, ty fai
noiiple of days. They report
MMilsniiil n ( i 1 1 1 1 1 1 t' 1 : i i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1
The e minus rainfall of last evening
was we lomed joyously by every one.
and es eially by the prosperous ngri
uulturul'ts who have their fall wheat
I toy
tor car
lie has been running his mo
etwceii Red Cloud and Itladen
(luring t
W Webster county fair this
week, ii'd has been doing a thriving
W. Shields, publisher of The
Hlue Hi
l Leader, and Kd Haas, pro-
tf the Rlue Hill Automobile
were .spectators at Saturday's
baseball game
The (J
liristian Endeavor society gave
nam social at A. 0. (ircen'H
an ice
last wtjok. About thirty-five guests
were present, and the entertainment
was enjoyed by all.
MlssjHeatrlx McAllister gave a birth
day party Tuesday afternoon at her
home. She had fifteen of her little
schoolmates there and entertained them
with g.uues and a delicious lunch.
Roy Hale harnessed up his auto and
took his mother, grandmother and Miss
Sara Crossman to Inavale the first of
the week-. Mrs. and Miss Grossman re
mained to visit with old friends and
relatives for a few days.
Miss Htliel Wondcrly and Mr. John
Rrown' were united in marriage last
Sunday afternoon by Rev. (JeorRe
Hummel, at the home of the bride's
parents in Smith county, Kans. There
were about feventy guests present.
"The (iirl and the Stampede," is free
from dulldess. It awakens the dor
mant side of life and leaves the spec
tator with that feeling of gladness for
having seen a play that is really good,
At the opera house, Saturday, October
Last Monday morning while some
.small boys were playing with a
target rijle iu the northwest part of
town, one shot went through a window
iu .lohn irifl'eth's home, cutting aneat
little hole in the glass and lodging in
tlie opposite Willi.
'Fred and (Ieorge Harris, living in
(avfield precinct, indulged in a small
family quarrel last Tuesday, iu which
Fred took a shot at Oeorge with a shot
gun, but did no damage. (uorgo
siiid it felt veiy much as though some
on,) had thrown a haudfull of corn at
While Horace Rrown and Fied Man
deville were working on the hitter's
new house Tuesday afternoon, the scaf
folding upon which they were working
broke, letting them fall to the cement
sidewalk underneath. The distance
was only six or eight feet, but there is
not much "give" to a cement sidewalk,
and both of the men were bruised up
to some extent, though not seriously
K. R. Dcwolf, a devotee of the art
preservative of all 'other arts In other
words, a member of the printing fra
ternity is now holding down the job
! m-eiimii on the Argus. He arrived
, tm'dy from keeping Water, .
, h"" "ul eoinmenced work Monday
orn...g He is a former reside., of
j thlh aonn "' " "ved horo sixteen
U tt amli I,':,p,,!W f ?'';
"'" ''"" " "- '""" '
the Stillwater neighborhood,
i 9.11
Our new suits arc in and
Prices no higher than usual which means very very S
p lowest for high class merchandise. ?
315 Webster St
First Door North of Post
Charlie Palmer went to Itladen today
on business.
Miss. Kurllla Caldwell left Thursday
night for an extended visit with rela
tives in Kansas City, Mo.
Ren McFarland has bought a new
piano for his home. The pu.ichase was
nuula of L. P. Albright fc Co.
The event of the season. A guaran
teed attraction, "The Oirl and the
Stampede," at the opera house, Satur
day,, October ft,
Red Cloud was well represented at
the fair at Rladen this week. It is
practically impossible to tell of all that
have gone up from here. Roy Hale has
been making regular twice a day trips
with his auto, and many more have
gone in buggies and other vehicles.
Raldy Vest was in trouble again
Wednesday evening. He was arrested
for fast driving and abusing the horses.
At his trial yesterday morning he was
fined SI and was ordered out of town
and was informed that should he re
turn he would bo more severely dealt
Notice to Parents In South Ward.
Owing to distance, many children
from the south ward belonging to Wie
kindergarten and first grade are not
attending school, and to obviate this
diillculty the board of education has
decided to furnish free transportation
to children in theso grades. Commenc
ing noxt Monday, a wagonette will
start daily from the R. it M. depot at
8::t0 o'clock a. in., and convey free of
charge children belonging to the above
mentioned grades. The wagonette route
will be along the street car track, and
parents who wish to avail themselves
j of this transportation for their children
must send them either to the place of
Uiillllilililiiiiiiiillilliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiimniimiii iiiiiiiiimimiLif
$ 1
SOJU J J I LI J J U J 1 1 LLII H U IJ M 1 1 1 1 !! 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M
m m h M' h Bsr mm mL m
A Pure, Wholesome, Reliable
Cream o! Tartar
The cream of tartar used in Dr. Price's Baking Powder
is derived from grapes in the exact form and composi
tion in which it occurs in that luscious, healthful fruit
Improves Hie
To the Healthfullness of the Food
Its Use ev. Protection and
a. uuarantee Against
to b
Suits !
vc invite your careful in-
f X
starting, or to some place along the
car line, there to be picked up "by the
wagonette as it passes. Kindergarten
children will be returned at noon and
first grade children at I o'clock to the
place of starting, the former attending
school In only half day sessions.
It Is claimed indigestion is the na
tional disease. That's why the demand
for Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets keeps in
creasing because they do the work.
Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indiges
tion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two
days' treatment free. Ask your drug
gist about them. Sold by licnryCook's
Ask for Allens's Foot-Ease.
si powder for swollen, tired hot,stnart
ing feet. Sample sent free. Also free
samples of the Foot-Kase. Saltary Corn
Pad, a new invention. Address Allen
S. Olmslead, Le Roy. N. Y.
m m
Accidents In Minnesota Cause Death
of Boy and Girl.
Minneapolis-, Sept. 2C. Two persons
"wore- killed and one Injured In hunt-
ins" accidents In dlffeieui parts ot MIn
neHota, Near Siayton Rert Towser,
agod twelve, son of u furmer, was ac
cidentally shot hy his brother, aged
fourteen, ami died In a short time.
Matt Jamil, aged thirteen, of St.
Paul was. accidentally shot hy his
brother while hunting near McCar
roii's lake, and It may he necessary to
amputate his right leg ubovo tho
N'elllo .1. Manuel, thirteen-year-old
daughter of John Mantiol, an Edea
Prairlo farmer, was accidentally shot
and killed by Albert Schneider.
Schneider was loading a rlllo when It
was discharged, the bullet hitting the
girl In the head.
I II 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 J I HI 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 U
Baking Powder
Flavor and Adds