The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 27, 1907, Image 1

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    fcA:?X:Kcmx!&iKi!&,Xtt; as
Eight Pages
Home Print
$1 a Year
in Advance
m&?imm!Wi.W3eim k;
.CTkt TiT
litems of News Found In Tho
LiO-1!.!. f Tmnnt Vntiro Arfn
iiwV"" ."...., ....w
nthis Wcok V V V
rai'Vrine liiyiUL' is pretty near done.
Br. r Taylor's limine Is nearly done.
1 IK,1 ,
V ..V. . . ,x . ... .,.HX .., jr. w. v.. ...... .ft, .
L. T. Albright wont to Oumhii .Moii-
f ilnv.
- i M lilncfin L 1tritittii lilt: w4mt IVI f f I Hit I tl
JV'ho Methodist Hpisenpal church is
!dM.jf i now out of debt.
dSjf-l'ark Wiithon is now night police-
Ssi." mo iepoi.
KW". - Hiehurdson will ship live curs
OTili cuttle tomorrow.
$W$h P. Albriuht l'iivc a card
Albright gave
Wednesday evening.
IwVThc standpipc will' be here in a few
rthys. it win ue seventy ieetiiign.
i'M.T. It. Wnnl. noLtmiistor nf t'oivlos.
fc?frPs in the city on business Monday.
Skwi'SVA Kt.rit. rnlHvnv is til bit located in
tch: " v
MFC. L. Cntting, who has been lu'Wls-
xm? .sonsin ior neariv iwo inoiuu.s. mis re-
! 'IH. ', ittrned.
v;. ''8. V. Spokeslleld has moved his fam-
RmM'' y "l tMe ros,u,ni:u Jus w"t of At
HefWprnev WeUard's.
iMMfimTraininaster Dauehy will move into
ftwra'Hiie house now occupied by L. II. Wal
Mwlnee in a few days.
few'' There ,s iin effort being made by our
iSiiif.'Vouiiir oeonle to rent the Moon block
jiall for a club room.
Pr Dr. Dumerell was called to Walnut.
BM, Kans., today, to the bedside of a bro
w5& it. i... i
I'JvJ"iwi wnii is very uiw.
MftVJjYe editor's wife, Mrs. A. C. llosmer,
ik'Mand children, will leave Tuesday iilu-nt
Sfisftfr a short visit in Craig, Mo.
i;?Wohn KcllBB lms ffner
mM$. the S. of V. band boys
ously yiveii
the use of
MW the S. of V. band boy
Whitson's hardware
JK. M. Perkins will move his hard
Kwftvare stock into the room now occupied
WwV Shcrcr's old stock about the loth or
HI Mir.tli of October.
The meeting of the business, men at
L&mllie council chamber last night to in-
gvestigate railway
projects was unite
largely attended.
.1. L. Miller has purelia-i'd the II. T.
lliinn X Co. hariii'ss shon mid nmvoil
1?., ,. ... ,.,.. , ,.
t'i nie siofu in ms iiiiiiusoiue siiire room
on Webs'.er street.
t An effort will be put forth, we un
derstand, in a few days, to incorporate'
a canning factory and get it in running
order for the fruit season.
City Marshal Warner was hunting
ta crook on Saturday, who is wanted
?in Franklin for robbing the brewery
till, but the fellow got away.
The foundation for the standpipe is
about completed. All of the water
mains on hand have been laid ijow and
the work of putting in hydrants will
The 15. ,v M. is bringing back its
men to this city and i preparing to
make an important division of Jlt-d
Cloud as soon as the Uulo bridge is
completed. Several- jnnw trains will
then be put on.
On last Wednesday evening, Septem
ber li.'l. I'ev. Oeorge O. Veiser united in
marriage, Frank P. Snow, of Salem,
Kans., and Miss Lena It. Itrowu, of
New Hampshire. The ceremony took
place at the Holland House,
The residence owned by the late Mrs.
Kidd took tire on Saturday afternoon
and was consumed before aid could be
extended. Frank Uigley occupied the
house, but fortunately got everything
out with but little damage. The prop
erty was worth from 5400 to SWO, fully
It comes put up in a collnpsifrir
,tube with a nozzle, easy to ' appl to
the soreness and inflammation, for any
form of piles, It soothes and relieves
pain, itching and burning. Man Zan
Pile Remedy, Price 50c. Guam steed.
Red Cloud Wins Two Games from Suncr
lorSccond Game Was a Shutout.
Friday and Saturday were the last
two days of tho lied Cloud baseball
tournament, which commenced Mon
day of last week. On each of the last
two days the homo team played and
defeated the Interior aggregation
from Superior. Friday, by a score of
1 to II, and Saturday by a score of 13
too. FrldnyS game was an interesting
one for the spectators as well as for i
the players. Kleven innings had to be
nlnvi'il to (li'i-iiln tln ti.mii The (r.-iine
Saturday was too much like taking
candy from babies to arouse much en
thusiasm. The Superior team was
made up almost entirely of hired
players, among them a few league
men, collected for the express purpose
of erasing Itcd Cloud from the biiso
hn.11 map. Kcd Cloud is still there.
Superior bad three different men in
the pitcher's box. but the homo bat
ters hit them all. The Superior men
showed by an occasional brilliant play
that they knew something of good
ball playing, but tho Ked Cloud team
taught them a lot more. Graves urn-1
pired the game. The grandstand was
not nearly large enough to accomo
date all the spectators at Saturday's
Ked Cloud woli five out of the six
games played during the tournament,
thus rivaling their performance dur
ing the Chautauqua, when they w-jm .
eight out of the nine games played.
The games played during thotourna-,
ment. with the result of each, was as
lied Cloud, '.Ulurr Oak 1.
IluiT Oak 0, lied Cloud -'.
Red Cloud 7, I lard v 0.
lied Cloud H, Hardy :t.
, Game Laws of the State.
The game season in this state open
ed a week ago last Sunday Sep
tember l.. The open season for prairie
chickens, wild pigeons, doves and plo
ver closes November 30, and the open
season for ducks, geese, brunts, cranes,
snipe and other game waterfowls docs
not close until next spring April 10.
The open season for fish is from April
1 to November 15. A number of re
strictions are placed upon tho killmgof
game, however, even in the open sea
son, to prevent tho extinction of game
fowls and fish. The present law limits
the ainouutof game that may bo killed
or caught in one day by one person as
follows: wild geese or prairie chickens
10: game birds of any other varieties.
:.'.; . -M. Game cannot be killed be
fore daylight, nor later than one-half
hour after sundown, nor with any "tlier
weapons thnn an ordinary shoulder
gun or pistol, nor with a steel or other
hard pointed bullet. Fish must not be
caught except in the ordinary manner,
with rod and line, nor with more than
live hooks to a line. The line for
eaeli violation of the game laws is $.
lor each bird, animal or fish unlawful
ly taken or had in possession, or the
offender may be imprisoned in tin,
county jail for a period of ten days for
each bird, animal or fish unlawfully
taken or had in possession. There is
no open season for swan or white crane.
The open season for quail is from the
15th to the 30th of November. Deer,
antelope, beaver, squirrels and song
and insectivorous birds cannot be killed
at any time.
Real Estate Transfers.
For. the week ending Tuesday,
September 10. furnished by the Fort
Abstract Co., L. II, Fort. Manager.
Lillian M Shuck to Joseph Sala-
diu, uw Hi. 1, 10 ...?. ... . f .lino,
Christian Iveoblor to. las Mcllride
Us r,. 7. s blk II. Coule.s ... . s.'.u
John Fish to (Jeo Frit.. w. nel'l. I
1 11 I'lIMM)
Edna A Oatinau to J o Caldwell
Us 1, .',.. I, .l.blk.T.'. Red Cloud
pt n w nw 1, 1, II iino
I, F Stoddard to Fdna A Stod
dard, Its 1, 'J, ;t, blk ., Illuu
Hill , 1.100
Geo Solomau toCM Hamilton, its
1,2, :t, 1 add, Itladeu ClOO
Earl Norris to Thos C Loreu.en,
pi sw kw rt, 1 , 1 1 j . 1200
Lyman Serl to Franz 0 llnschow
so II. 4. HI Hli.-.O
Chas .1 Smith to (Jeo W Simpson
s sw :ifl. i, io :rjoo
W A Adams to school dist No 84
pt ne, no 0, s, 0 .10
Alfred McCall et al to Farmers
Jnil Telephone Co, It P, blk II,
Aed Cloud,.. '. I'-MO
Stephen L Anderson to Andrew
.1 Mefford, Its 13, 14, 15, 10, 17
10, blk 2; south Moon's add R C U.'(0
Total S'.'D.IOO
Mortgages filed, $14100
Commissioners Proceedings.
Board mot September 17, pursuant
to adjournment, with tho following
members present: Overman, Chaliu.
Sawyor and Anderson, C inuiissioner
Richards being absent.
County Judge Kdson cutne before tho
board and stated that, in the matter of
tho ostato or Mrs. Mnrguaretto Light
foot he was hold by law to bo intoiest
ed to such an otontthat his sitting as
judge to tnuko decrees was not adniis
sable and ho therefore asked thoap
point ment of I). C. Tool to act in his
place. On motion of Overman and
second by Chalin, O. CTool was ap
pointed to act as county judge in this
On motion, it was decided to buy u
Smith-Premier typewriter for tho
county dork's- olMce.
J. J. Sehumm, of Oak Creek, came
before tho board and stated that tho
section lino road between sections 511
and .'13, town 4, rango 0, in Oak Creek
precinct, lias been and now is wrong
fully closed by Joseph Winzinger,
who owns tho land on both sidos of it,
and he, Sehumm, asks that tho road be
opened for travol, which was ordered
done by tho board. Tho petition was
signed by Clas Phelps and Herman
Complaint was mad by Richard
Turner that tilth and fUie carcasses of
dead animals has beeuaud is being
deposited along tho public road lead
ing to the river bridge from Ked Cloud,
and lie asks that the nuisance bo aba
ted and that tho board tako proper
action to abate and prevent the nui
sance. On motion, the clerk was instructed
to levy a tax of !) mills in School Dis
trict No. Ill and .' mills in School Dis
No. 82 for bond", and intoiest in each
Overman, Sawyer and Anderson
were appointed. ta ceuumi.tto to ap
praise the southeast quarter in section
HO, own 1, range 11.
Tho board appointed tho following
road ovorseors: District No. 20, Bart
Minor; District No. 45, Oscar Monia;
District No. 4.', Prod Monia.
The bonds of A. A. Boron, J. J.
Sehumm und Fred Monia wore ap
proved. The following claims were allowed
and Warrants ordered drawn on tho
bridgo fund:
John Welgle t 8 20
Chas Boom t 18 20
Piatt & Freose Lumber Co 2143 G?
(Jeo Clauson 107 50
T A Thompson U 00
Bladen Lumbar Co 501 0!)
Chicago Lumber Co ftl.'l 00
Al Turner 5 00
The following claims were allowed
and warrants ordered drawn on tho
general fund:
J. P. Kropp, poor 7 01
J. P. Halo 87 2")
O D I ledge UO 00
T.T Chaplin ;w 10
L 11 Blaeklodgo co attorney.... -17 20
J O Overman '. ... U) GO
O D Hedge, ollico supplies 1) U."
W Lioliard :ji .Tl
V H Thomas, witnoss 2 00
fnmnlips "Ailk nil rnnirmpnts
1 -" ""
" For over thirty years," writes a
gentleman in Los Angeles, " I have
used Arbuclcles Coffee. Many times
my family has tried other coffee only to
come back to our old reliable, unchangeable-Arbuclcles.'
No other coffee has
this uniform never failing aroma, I care
not at what price. I have often wished
I could Jell you urn" Many other
people have the same opinion.
Arbucldet v the first routed packaged
TW IJVJf JTffi. - . ITS 1 '' ."A X H
Nellie Castor, co supt 75 00
Mrs. Whitukor 2 (X)
II GSawyor 10 10
A II Kudd 2 00
Judges and clerks of oloctlon.. 117 50
Kloppiv Baillott, supplies 2.1110.7
Bluo Hill flrodept....
WM Welch Co....
W It Anderson
H U Overman
W II Thomas
Henry Cook
5 00
as oo
28 SO
10 00
1 00
21 75
Boston Book Store I. 'I 00
0 W Hutchinson :iS 85
Fred Maurer 0 00
J W Mclutyro 50 00
Chas Cowley li 05
School dist2li 5 00
FL Hinos 1 00
Ed Ellsworth 18 20
L Shaw 1 80
Minnio Shaw (180
Henry Wicker 18 20
Jury list, April term 22JI 80
Cauviu'lsing board 18 00
M Dunlin...... 4 00
Council Proceedings.
Council met last Saturday evening
in City Clerk Fort's olllce with all mem
bers present.
A Mr. Pyle came before the council
and stated that the standpipe needed
re-scraping and painting, and as he
mafic It his business to go over the
state and do this kind of work, he sta
ted that he would re-scrape and re
paint the standpipe for 8-00. A motion
was made by Councilman Dledcriekand
seconded by Robinson, thattlie matter
be referred to the city engineer, and
lie was instructed to investigate the
condition of the standpipe and make an
estimate of the cost of the work. Mo
tion was carried.
in the matter of the bids for build
ing street crossings and sidewalks that
were advertised for, contracts were
awarded to Studebaker fc Finkcnbind
er, they agreeing to build such cross
ings and sidewalks at the price esti
mated by the city engineer, and they
further agree to put in from one-eighth
to one-fourth more cement than was
specllcd by the city engineer.
Councilman McCall was selected to
go before the county commissioners
and ask them to build the culvert across
the road in the draw west of town.
Councilman Dicderick introduced a
resolution that sidewalks be built be
fore a number of lots in the south ward,
thereby completing the sidewalk from
the main part of town to the depot.
Clerk was instructed to draw a war
rant on the general fund in favor of
the county treasurer for SHU. 07. being
the amount of taxes due on the F. iv M.
Council granted William Tabor priv
ilege' of cutting a stovepipe hole
through the south wall of the F. Sr, M.
bank building to connect with the
chimney of the bank building.
It is a well known fact that persons
living in the pine forests do not suffer
from kidney diseases. One dose of
Pineules at night usually relieves
backache. 30 days treatment SI, Your
money money refunded if not satisfied.
Sold by Henry Cook's drug store.
rit lhr Nf.linnnl Pittv Fnnfl I jiw. CiiiarAntift
3& f J i
qavc thcm Anamon AnoTc
couftTiyTHCSufiSHifics upon if IPOWERTHWTURriEDTHCWILOf- T .0 .3T , .7 V
r ,. ... m- . -s j
together. That it coiti you lot is due limply
to our coffee bullae) bciag to 'much greater
than any competitor, in fact, it it Urger than the
next four largest firmi in the world combined.
We naturally can and actually do give better
coffee in ARIOSA than anyoneeue can give
for the price; Being the ilaadard article it u
told at the narrowed KitrjM of profit.
Some grocers will try to sell
you instead loose cotloc, which the
Grocer Co-
(Successors to John Grltieth)
Staole and Fancy
A full assortment of Seasonable
Goods kept in Slock.
Call and Sec Us. We will try to
Please You.
425 Webster Street.
Boll phono 102.
hid. phono 1J
letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postoUico at Red Cloud, Neb
for tho week onding Soptember 2G, '0v
Stewart Bell.
R A MnEachson.
Mrs S P Snydor. , j .
Thoso will bn sent to tho dead letttTj
office October 10. 1U07, if not called for',
before. When calling for above'ploiWv
say "advertised."
T. C. Hacikkk, PostmastWi
.Mothers with little children 'neRic
longer fear croup, colds or whoopiugSf
cough. Bees Laxative Cough Syruj?
tastes good. It works off tho cold
through the, bowels, cuts.thc phlegm.,,
clears the head. Forycnmg Mnij,oiir
Guaranteed. Secure ii bottle at oiiee
Sold by Henry CoolcVi drugstore.-' ,
Kufo Dorthio shellod corn Motidny,'
morning. . tbfftff
Parties from Hastingsvore hullhnj:'
alfalfa in this neighborhood last weakr;-
Dava Tribel and family aro contem
plating spending a few days at thir
Bladen fair. j
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Richardson re
turned Friday from a week's visit it
Brown county, Kansas.
Mrs. Charley Henderson has beein
enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs.
Shogart, and her mother, Mrs. Pkiimiv
and also a brother, Mr. Pitman, all t
Mrfl. J. II. Groonlhnlgh expect U
leave Friday morning for Fairlleld to
inako a snort visit with old friends
Sho will be accompanied by Mrs. Ah
by of Mt. Hope.
Mrs. John Kenzac and Mrs Dart
Frlbel returned last Saturday from
week's visit in Weeping Wator. They
wgro accompanied on their return by
their nophow, Emery Do Wolf, a form
er resident of Stillwater, who moved
from here sixtoon yaars ago. Mr. De
Wolf has learned tho printer's trade in ,
tho last fow years, and has accepted iv
position in the Aruus ollico at HevT
Cloud, and began work there Mondny,
Nv 9041. filrvl ril Wrfshinolnn. '.!v
, .,- ;ov.
sold in scaled!
'SWvTip v VsL tor your t
M ,
roR your
package bearing his name.
Don't take it, neither the tools nor trie prir
indicate its cup quality, Ne matter vrbue yom
buy ArbucLIet' ARIOSA or what yoa pay
for it. It's the tame old uaKorw ArbuckleaT
ARIOSA Coffee.
If your grocer wiM not supply, wike to
"--. 1. - i .