The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 20, 1907, Image 5

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Kditor link' of the Nut ion. luis .sold
V. fine driving team.
ohn Anltz and wife are home from
t' ir trip to Colorado.
Vuj. May of Campbell, was in cd
t )iid Wediduy.
inlam Crow of Guide Rock was a
It '1 ('loud visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Lulni of Mine Hill, is visiting
w tli her brother W. C. Frahm.
Herbert Robinson returned Tuesday
from it visit with relatives at Crete.
uror..ii: -One room in tin- MeGuiiv
1 Iding. ,Ls. Mctii'im:.
Mrs. .1. A. lirown returned home
'.m Hasting the lirst of the week.
''ave Meyers conductor on No. tilt
nvil 01 has resigned and ha? gone east.
Miss Heulah Taylor returned Wedn
esday from a visit with friends in Or
leans. '.orn to Mr. and Mrs. Marion Pickett
a nine pound girl last Sunday after-ll-JOn.
"Cap" Ilouekln left for Siloam
Springs, ArUansas, the first of the
Mrs. Pearl Smith Bly,' of MeCook, is
visiting with her parents in Red
C oud.
Miss Iluth Warren will do massaging
shampooing and manieuriug. Phone
I SI. tf
This firm carries a large assortment
o! excellent monuments constantly on
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sherwood were
in Kansas City a couple of days this
Klrio Henry of Guide Rock was at
tending the ball games the first of
tnis week.
.'no. Marsh and family of Guide
Rock were spectators at the ball game
(Jharlie Iiushcc and family left Mon
day for a visit with relatives in New
York state.
Mrs. Stewart left Wednesday morn
ing for a visit with relatives in Co
lumbus, Ohio.
P 11. Kizer and wfo returned Mon
dav from a visit with relatives in
Lincoln, Neb.
Miss Edna Henderson of Womer is
visiting with her sister Mrs. D. II.
Kaley, this week.
Mr. linker, manager of Cambridge
ball team is in the city attending the
bull gaiiy: this week.
Miss Sarah Grosman, of Davenport,
Neb., is in the city visiting her brother,
Mr. Emanuel Grossman.
.las. Smith, of Pickeral, Nebraska,
-wan visiting the last of the week with
tins Routs and family
I'M Reiher ar.d family who have
been visiting in Germany this summer
sailod the 'J7 for home.
Mrs. Chas. Eldridgo who went to
MELONS, 1 0c
APPLES, Eating
and cooking
, $ 1 .80 per bu
GRAPES 35c per
Highest price for pro-
Your Patronage is
Solicited by
All tho Phones
For Infants and Children,
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signaturo of
Omaha some time ago for an operation
Is getting along nicely.
Miss Ella Rradshaw has accepted
position with the Hell Tu I phone Co.,
of this city.
Mrs. .1. C. Wolfe is visiting her
daughter Mrs. George on Willow
.loe Rarta is the father of a baby
girl. Horn Monday.
Morgan Davis of Cowles was taking
in tin; ball game on Thursday.
Morris Groat is visiting with rela
tives in Red Cloud. Morris has been
running a blacksmith shop in Edison
Miss Grace Mann of Oxford arrived
in Red Cloud Thursday for a visit with
her lister Etllo at the Burlington.
G. L. Rurney of MeCook is taking
W. Miller's place during the hitters
George, Ileflouower started for'
Lincoln the first of the week to attend ,
the state university. I
Charles Palmer was In MeCook re
cently on business. j
Pearl the little two year old '
daughter of Frank Kling, living near '
Cowles, died quite suddenly this morn
ing of cholera infantum. !
Mrs John Hansen returned from a
visit with her sister, Mrs. ICellog at
Topeka, Ivan.
Clarence Lewis and wife returned
home the first of the week.
diet Cox broke his linger in a base
ball game between the married men
and batchelors at Lester last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jorgenson will
celebrate their silver wedding next
Alcid Longton and his bride return
ed this morning from their honey
moon trip to Denver.
II. C. Cutter has gone to Texas to
buy, cattle.
Mr, and Mrs. II. E. Ilaughtaling
retnrned to their home in Almena,
Kansas on Wednesday.
The ladies of the Christian Church
will give their annual bazar and
dinner on December 14.
Miss Ada Skjelver left Friday for
MeCook were she has secured a posi
tion in the public schools.
Mr. Will Woods of Chicago was
visiting with Miss Eva Foster in Red
Cloud the lirst of the week.
MUs Rernice Marker loaves Satur
day for Peru, Nebraska, where she
will attend the normal school.
Miss Mary Damerell left Thursday
morning for an extended visit with
her mother in Washington, I). C.
In honor of Mrs. C. L. Cotting's
birthday on Wednesday, her friends
gave her a very pleasant surprise.
C. E. Potman of Cowles passed
through Red Cloud Mondav on hib
way to the Panhandle of Texas.
The tenth grade were entertained
at a watermelon party by Miss Stella
Helllebower last Tuesday evening.
Mrs. John Crans left Thursday for a
visit in Kansas City and Ohio. She
expects to be gone about two mouths.
C. W. Conner who has been visiting
with his sister Mrs. L. II. Rust re
turned to his home in Reaver City
Mrs. Doc Nelson returned Monday
fnm Kirwin, Kans., where she has
been visiting relatives for a coiipie of
Mrs. Josie Moranville took the morn
ing train Tuesday, for Indiana to see
her father, Stroup Rothrock, who Is
very ill.
Mrs. R. Muntz and daughter left
last Monday for Ortonville, Minn.,
where they will make their home the
Robt. Moore urn! Vint Solldny of
MeCook together with their wives
were visiting relatives in Red Cloud
Herbert Plumb is attending school
at Drake University at Des Moines,
Iowa, where ho expects to fit himself
for the Ministry.
It is stated on good authority that
Tom Auld, President of the State Rank
of Red Cloud, is paying "Rix's" way
across the pond.
Miss Nellio. Rutlege, accompanied by
lint ffiHiciv r,,f llimf1 tn ftmrilm .!. ....
she has been attending school, last
Wednesday morning.
I Grant Bailey son of Jud Bailey of
this city has been promoted to dts- '
tributiug olllcer of the coal depart
ment of the It. .V M,
The .Juniors of the Congregational
church will again resume their meet
ings next Sunday at a::it p. tu. All
members and those interested are ex
pected to be presetjt.
I Misses Rate and Ethel Whltaker ami ,
1 Noah Waggoner and family left Mon
day for Carlisle to attend a meeting of
Hie Rrcthrcn church tills week.
Alviu tiimpp and wife returned from .
their wedding trip Tuesday evening
I and are now comfortably situated in.
their home on Fourth avenue. i
Thirty-five large English Hcrhshlro
boars and sows for sale. The large,
heavy-honed, prnlifht kind. Guide Rock
I Phonu line i), '2. Tnos. Poi. unit's. A good man to handle c,
i elusively or as a side line our lubrica
ting oils and paints salary or coin
mission. Fairfax Refining Co.. Clcve-
! laud, Ohio.
I Mrs. W. 1). Mathews of Table Rock
is visiting at the home of her sister-'
in-luw Mrs. A. T. Walker in the eltv. '
She will go to Norton, Kas., to visit!
other relatives before her return home.
Tho school board contemplate furn
ishing a wagonette to be used in
bringing the small kindergarten
children in the south ward to school.
Swede Hunter, Tom Jones Harry
Coulson and u number of other luavale
and Walnut creek sports were attend
ing the baseball tournament this week.
Ernest Ferryman moved his family
to Red Cloud from Oxford last Satur
day. Mr, Ferryman Is braking on the
freight between this city and Oxford.
Raneyele, a bridge foreman on the
MeCook division of the It. fc M., was
killed last Saturday night at Alma
by falling between the cars and being
run over.
A. Fredrickson left Tuesday evening
for MeCook and Reaver City, where he
will visit for a few days and will go
then for a visit with his parents in
Ernest Ferryman had the misfortune
to break his arm again Monday morn
ing at Alma. This is the second time
this arm has been broken in the last
two months.
Miss Alison Cowden was given a
surprise party last Saturday afternoon
in honor of her ninth birthday.
About fifteen of her little friends
were present,
Dr. Warrick the specialist will meet
eye, ear, nose, and throat patients
and those needing glasses properly fil
led at Dr. Damerell's olllce Tuesday
Oct. I. Hours 11 too.
The enrollment in the schools at the
end of the second week of scnool was
314 in the grades in tho North ward
and ttl in the High School with 127
scholars attending school in the
Damerel building.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chafln of
Faragnt, Iowa arrived in Red Cloud
Tuesday for a, visit with Mrs. Chatln's
sister Mrs. Ira Trucblood after which
they will go to their new home in
Rawlins county Kansas.
The meeting of the contributors to
the library fund which was called
for last Tuesday evening was post
poned to next Tuesday evening at the
Coinmericinl Club room.
Mrs. Eva Grout recently erected a
fine granite monument for her father
and moiher, lr. and Mrs. A. I).
Brown. Overlng Bros, and Company.'
of this city did the work.
OveringBros. & Co. placed two hand
some granite monuments in our city
cemetery this week. One at tho grave
of Solon It. Carpenter and theotheron
the Fred Peterson lot for his wife.
Walter Cox spent si few days vibiting
with his family in Red Cloud the first
of this week. Walter expects to be
through with his contract of electric
light wiring in Friend in a couple of
Mr. and Mrs. Uiman Holdredgc and
Mrs. John Storey of Cowles were visit
ing with Mrs. Mary Arneson of this
city the fore part of the week. These
people were among the early pioneers
of this county.
An Ice social at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Groon next Friday evening,
It is in the Interest of the young peo
ple's Christian Endeavor., Teams for
all wishing to go will be at the Con
gregational church at 7;30.
n W llltn flliine. Kvni'llnrr Plinc
... II, IMWI -.'. .- . w. ....f, W....I , .
Fulton, M. u. itcrgrnnu, .ioe uenry,
Mr. Trebault, R. A. Colllo and Frank
Mackelmoyer wore In atteudence at
the Buotenback-Macklemeyer trial in
the county court last Wednesday
Our new suits arc in and wc invite your careful in
spection. NEW FALL SUITS
y Prices no higher than usual which means very very
ovt(iSt or hjgh chlSS merchandise,
315 Webster St
First Door North of Post
The young ladies of the Congrega
tional church has charge of the
"market" next Saturday at .Fulton's
store in the Interest of tho building
fund. Come and petroni.e the young
peopleand ge.t something good for your
Sunday dinner.
The pastor of the Congregational
church will preach next Sunday upon
tho following themes: Morning "In
fidelity versus Christianity." Evening
"Christ at the Door." The full choir
will be present as usual, and add in
terest to the services. All kindly In
vited. The M. W. A. team of this city went
down to Guide Rock last Monday
evening and assisted in the initiation
of twelve candidates into the mys
teries of the Woodcraft. There were
fourteen or fifteen of the team and all
are pleased with the treatment which
was given them,
Among the delegates appointed by
Govenor Sheldon to represent Ne
braska at the Fanner's National Con
gress to be held in Oklahoma City,
Okla., October 17 to 22, we find the
following from this county: C. E.
Pntman, L. C. Peisiger, C. W. Kaley,
W. 13. Thome and Gurrettu Ohmstede.
Mahlan Points of Walnut Creek has
a carload of fat white hogs about
ready to ship. They are a very even
lot and make a fine appcaraifce and we
think they ought to bring the top price
in the market. Mr. Points Is consider
ed one of the most successful hog
raisers in those parts.
The little baby of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Richardson died last Monday
afternoon and was taken to Amack
and Chaney's undertaking rooms and
prepared for burial. This was quite a
sad a flair as the twin of the baby was
burled in Holdredge just a short
time ago.
The Webster county W. C. T. U. will
have a rest room and headquarters on
the fair grounds at Bladen during the
fair. Mrs. L. S. Corey, state organizer,
of Lincoln, will have charge of the tent
and assist the otllcers in making every
one comfortable and will be pleased to
meet the ladies of Webster county.
Luncheon will be served at any time In
the kitchen booth. Everybody is in
vited to call and make themselves at
home. Mrs. Li mi Logan, county president.
fcrf "Baking Powder
The finest in the world
When ordering ask for Dr. Price's by name, else
the grocer may forget the kind you are accustomed to.
to b
- KlIiEY GO.
It is claimed Indigestion is tho na
tional disease. That's why the demand
for Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets keeps in
creasing because they do tho work.
Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indiges
tion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two
days' treatment free. Ask your drug
gist about tliein. Sold by Henry
Cook's drug store.
The Ladies' Clio club will hold their
first meeting of the year on Saturday
October ft, at Mrs. Letsou's. Member
please take notice. Program for tho
day. Roll call. "Men of the Period."
Lesson. "Expansion of the Republic
1800-11100," first half. Leader Mrs.
Kaley. Current events Leader, Mrs.
Rlacklcdge. Critic, Mrs. Overlng,
At the Christian church at. 10 a, in.
Sunday school, II a.m. preaching and
and communion. Subject: St. Matt, ft,
III. 7 p. m,, Christian Endeavor, 8 p.
in,, preaching, subject, "Why I am
What I Am." I Pet., :i 1ft. "But san
ctify the Lord God in your hearts and
be ready always to give an answer to
every man that asketh you a reason of
the hope that is in you, with meekness
and fear." Men admire good in hu
man Uy.
Ask for Al lens's Foot-Ease,
a powder for swollen, tired hot, smart
ing feet. Sample sent free. Also free
samples of the Foot-Ease Saltary Corn
Pad, a new invention. Address Alien
S. Olinstcad, Le Roy. N. Y.
Cosmopolitan Dinners.
"You can pay your money in New
York mid got any sort of dinner you
UIjo and of every possible national
Uy." declared the man about town.
'You can get an Italian dinner with
spaghetti, a French dlnnor with frogs'
legs, an Irish dinner with Homo sort of
Btew, a Hungarian dinner with gou
lash, a Russian dinner with caviare, a
Spanish dinner with frljoles and a
southern dinner with corn ponu." New
Y.ork Press.
Account!; Squared
Forco of Habit. ' ,
"I-I must not Union to you, Mr. Peu
nyullno," protested the blushing girl,,
with eyes downcast. "You are onlyi
trifling, nnd-nnd, besides, It Is getting
Into." '
"Please hear mo out, MIsa nclcm,",
pleaded the Infatuated young reporter.'
Til cut It down to 250 words."
A. 1
J- ' v. 1. , .