fl WiHWULi)MmiimiiinfHfiuuin-uB-fan.iiiim'jiiiimn .. MfvHRiMt , ' &-Z ;KL. J5X- I f Iff 1 i I I! m i V fAf.x J iv 01 a uuu of Alcohol Doctors prescribe very little, if any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and altera tives. This is all in keeping with modern medical science. It explains why Ayer's Sar saparilla Is now made entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. Follow his advice. Wo publUh our formula Wo bun Mil nloohol from our incillalnei Wo urge you to ooui.mII your doctor yers Unless there is daily nctlon of the bow els, poisonous products are absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your doctor about correcting your constipation by taking laxative doses of Ayer's Pills. -IJado by ttio J. O. Ayor Co., Lowolt, Ma. ABOARD" A "MAN"OF-WA"Rr Life Largely Made Up of Scrubbings, Regulations and Inspections. The day's programme aboard a initii-ef-wnr Is calculated to inako the boy who wants to run away to sea sit up and think twice. It varies somewhat according as the ship Is in port or at. K-u nuil under different commands, but lu any ease, from f o'clock- in the morn Ing till 7:!!0 at night, It Is a rather 1renuous round of scrubbings and drills. The recruit realizes very soon tknt the expression "shipshape" means a pood deal. Saturday morning is a tremendous rlcaulug time, called "Held day," which S followed by a half holiday In the afternoon, and on Sunday morning the captain himself Inspects his ship from keel to truck, The marine baud Is sta tioned Just below on the hurricane deck, and the bluejackets stand on the port Ride of the quarter deck and the marines on the starboard, all ready for Inspection. But life Isn't all scrubbing, regain lions and Inspections. On the larger plilps the government furnishes ath letic supplies, and each ninn-of-wnr has her champion boxer ami baseball And football teams. These tennis ure managed or supervised, at least, by nfllccrs, and many an ensign or ljeu tennut who has won his "N" at the Naval academy plays shoulder toshoul tier with his bluejackets. Such fa miliarity would have scandalized old Commodore Tortcr beyond words. St. Nicholas The Elevator Eyes. One of tho greatest hardships fluff cr itl by men who run elevators In the tall ofllce buildings downtown Is the bnd effect It has on their eyes. The cars are ritu at a high rate of speed, and, as the men have to look straight abend of them most of the time, their eyes soon feel the strain of the con stant motion. "I've worked In the subway," re marked one of these elevator men, "and I thought that was pretty bad, hut It Isn't a patch to the way my eyes feel after a day's work In these cars, l r you ever run across an cie Tutor man who seems unusually bad ( tempered toward the close of the bust-1 nexs liny, JU'-t loou at ills eyes ana yor. will bo not to forgive hlni. They gen crully show the strain that has been put on them for eight or ten hours." New York Tress. The total valuation of Town property made by tho council, eliminating de ductions, is 52,08.770,400. !(E are now comfortably located in the J. O. Butler building, opposite the post office. Our fall consignment of Furniture has arrived, bought direct from the factory in car load lots. Remember, we save you money. We have the only exclusive morgue in Webster county, and are prac tical' undertakers and embalmers for Kan sas and Nebraska. Amack & Chamey. TuBrfrt' Xui rcs, and "you bet it's good." Most boys from me country who make their mark in the world arc brought up on Arbucklcs' ARIOSA Coffee. Don't let anybody switch you to drinking something else, which may ruin your stomach and nerves 1 Compli-i with all requiremrnli of the National Pure Food Law. Guarantee No. 20(1, filed at Wail. injtoo. A PARASITE CREEPER. New Zealand's Vegetable Caterpillar l a Most Peculiar Plant. The most extraordinary object I have ever seen Is the New Zealand vegetable caterpillar. The rata is n parasite creeper which first destroys Its forest host anil then crushes It to death and, usurping Its skeleton, becomes a tree Itself. If the rata seedling is dug up It is found to be springing not from a seed, but from the head of a perfectly fo lined caterpillar. It Is supposed by some that the caterpillar, which on dissection proves to be Internally the exact counterpart of Its living Insect relative, swallows the tiny rata seed while, living and. burrowing Into the ground, becomes. Instead of a chrysalis, the germinating home of the seed, which by some agency turns Its unfortunate foster mother Into wood. Others, however, contend the cater pillar Itself Is produced by the rata, urging In support of their theory that If springing from a seed the shoot would grow out of different parts of the caterpillar Instead of Invariably growing out of the head. The Insect vegetable Is yellowish, about four Inches long and Is fulh ex tended. I have seen them frostily ms up and others that have been kept for v mul ,,ml the nppc;u. .rfoct msoct .nrvctl In wot mice ol ii nerieet insect carved in woou. rear- son's Weekly Wolves Tree Men for Three Houra. Duluth, Minn., Aug. 28. Reuben Wilson and John Robinson of Duluth Heights were treed by wolves and held cnptlvo for threo hours. They ! woro walking on a lonely road near ' tno city limits. rs , mi is Mil HEW CONSTITUTION CARRIES BY A LARGE MAJORITY. HASKELL ELECTED GOVERNOR Democratic Btate Ticket Sweeps Ter ritories Vote lo Very Heavy and Several Days Will Elapse Before Returng Are All In. Oklahoma City, Sept. 18. Itturns reeolved from the larger cities and counties of Oklahoma and Indian Ter ritory this morning Indicate that the constitution of the proposed new state has been adopted by a large majority; that the prohibition clause of the con stitution, which was voted on sep arately, bus also been ratified, and that the Democratic state ticket, head ed by C. N. Haskell for governor, bus been elected over the Republican state ticket, headed by Frank Fruntz, tho present territorial governor of Okla homa. The voting was very heavy. Several days will elapse before com plete returns are lu. The new state elected five congress men. In tho First and Second dis tricts the Republicans expected to elect ex-Delegate to Congress 1$. S. McGulre and ex-Terrltorlal Governor T. n. Ferguson. The Third, Fourth and Fifth dEtrlcts had been conceded to the Democrats, whose candidates lu the respective districts were .lames Davenport, C D. Carter and S. Ferris. The convention that framed the state constitution was heavily Demo cratic and the constitution as com pleted was obnoxious to the Repub licans. Secretary Taft, speaking re cently at Oklahoma City, ndviscd Re publicans to vote against, the consti tution. Because of the strong desire for fctutohood, however, the Repub lican party did not attempt to defeat tho constitution. The new state must await the constitution's endorsement by President Roosevolt, who will either confirm or reject it upon his judgment ns to whether or not it conforms to the enabling act of con gress and the constitution of the United States. In the enabling act congress provided for prohibition In the Indian Territory for twenty-one yoars from Jan. 1, 190G. The prohibi tion clause voted on yestenlny applies the came provision to Oklahoma. Gary Takes Optimistic V.iev. New York. Sopt. 17. E. H. Gary, elm I nn an of the board of directors of the United States Steel corporation, took nn optimistic view of tho busi ness outlook in an Interview. Ho declared that a general quickening of business will follow the sale of $7,000, 000,000 worth of crops, which he ex- 'pects to take place in a few weeks, If tho weather remains favorable. Hearing on Minnesota injunction. St. Paul, Sept. 4. Judge William Lochrcn in tho United States district court began hearing tho argument In tho matter of the application of tho stockholders of tho railroads operntlng in Minnesota for a temporary injunc tion restraining the state frtim at tempting to enforce tho commodity rates contained lu a law passed by the legislature last winter, and tho 2-ccnt passenger rate law, and nlso tho mer chandise rates ordered by the railroad commission Inst week. v General Pleasant Porter Is Dead. Vlnlta, I. T., Sopt. 4. General Pleasant Porter, tho notea chief of tho Creek Indian nation, died' hero following a stroke of paralysis, aged slxty-slx yoars. Second Chief Mety Tiger will succeed General Porter as chief of tho nation. As Exemplified. A learned professor wns dining with thn Dilti'.es and the table was set with the best ware that Mrs. Dlltz's china closet afforded. The guest wns par ticularly Interested In tho display and nilmlriHl it irreatlv. Picking up tho plate In front of him and noting the stamp of the manufacturer en the bot tom of It, he remarked: ""I presumo you know that china, or the art of making It, was discovered by accident?" Just then there was heard In the kitchen, where tho maid was busily at work, n loud crash. "Yes," answered Mrs. Dlltz, with n palued smile, "and most of It Is broken In tho same way." YoutU'u Companion. ciur Language. "He's tho coming man." "Yes; he's ouo of tho best fellows go ing." Baltimore American. The great republic shall live as long na the poorest citizen freely expresses his personal and political oplniou, and no longer. Baltimore American. Lira ta'lklng to some of the waltow nnd tho loader of tho orchestrn. Presently ho zoturncd. "I am very sorry." ho announced, "but tho brother of inadcmolscllo could not have come here. I have Inquired of tho garcoua and of M. Jules there, who forgets no one. They nuswer all tho same." "Thank you very much," she answer fa 20Pe fa fa fa fa fa fa THE PILGRIMS were proper and prudent men. m fa fa fa fa fa fa m fa appeal to proper men today.. The warranty commends them to the prudent 10 Cents a Button $1.00 a Rip fa fa fa fa fa fa O?jtiKl07 rrTM aV I ' " "B Paul Storey, a. I .&t..: Lewis M. Stewahd, Mgr. Red Cloud Business College Goodyear- Marshall system of Book-keeping The Touch .system of Typewriting Attend a complete Business College that will prepare you for an ideal Commercial Life. WRITS-BECOME INTERESTED Fall Opouing Sopt. '.). Entor at any time. Individual Instruction Mercer's Barber Shop Basement of Potter Block. Massaging a Specialty Here Is Relic? for Woniun. Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for women's ills, called Australian Leaf. It is the only certain monthly regulator. Cures female weaknesses, backache, kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. At all druggists or by mall r0 cents. Sample free. Address, The Mother Gray .Co., Ley Roy, N. Y. Don't worry about your kidneys when you can obtain 30 days treat - ment of Pineules for 81. These glob- ules bring relief in the llrat dose. HnfOtnnlip. lumbaiTO and rheumatism yield quickly. If ot satisfied your money refunded. Tills is a fair offer; you caa't lose. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. To cure a cold first move tho bowels. Ilccs Laxative Cough Syrup actb gent ly on the bowels, drives out tho cold, clenrs the head. It's pleasant to take and mothers highly recommend it for colds, croup and whooping cough. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Equally good for young and old. Sold by Henry Cook's drug btore. Now is the time to subscribe. x Dr. Warrick, tho specialist will meet uyo, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses properly litis l Dr. Damerell's oillce, Tuesday, 27 .Rt'J fa fa fa Reduction on 2J fa fa M ens, fa fa fa fa fa fa fa (t m m m m & fa Boys? an( Childr en s LIGHT WEIGHT SUITS A On B. Steward, See. aud Treas. The Crej?g system oi Shorthand Saunders Brothers Klil) CLOUD, - NI BR Canon City, Sunnside, and Genuine Nigger Head Maitland COAL You muy bo particular or some call "cranky," but whnt OUR COAL will ptonso you. Our coal is clean anil wo deliver promptly. Boll Tel. (iO. Rural To). 71 ros. Undertake! s . j , ! We cannot afford to do less than satisfy in quality, style, price and give to you our person al service and careful attention. Calls Answered Night or Day Rural and Bell phones at store and resid n e. Judge Kdson has ruled that there shall bean eloctlon called to decide tho contest in the Sawyer case in distrioi No. 3. f (' "h :? '! t ) i) XJSM