The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1907, Image 5

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I Sort Dickey is tn llatinrs.
iloliu Low, was down from lllvcrlnn
Mo ml ay.
J I ml toy .Miller, punitory ami paper
Coroner Hull was down from Cowles
ThiitMlay. "
Found A child's nndersliirt. Inquito
at tins ofilee.
Keith Points, who lias been in Colo
ratio, is home.
.lolui Vaple of Maryvillo. Mo., is vit-'
itlnj,' with tlie 'rnrnnres.
.Mr. Claivnee Kiser and ehildren left
tins week for lirand .Innetion. Col.
Sr i:or One room in the MolSniro
huildinjr. .J.s. M((Jrii:i..
Albert Oates of Liberal. Kan., is vis
it! up with his cousin. Henry Gilliam.
!y Shepherdson of Uiverton was in
town Monday on his way to the State
Frank Sliepherdson oaine down from
Uiverton Tliur-day to see the ball
Dishwasher wanted at the Hon Ton
llaliery. Salary S.i a week, board and
Mr. and Mrs Tom Ivralik returned
Tuesday morning from a visit in Or
leans. Mr. Hurt lUiekenstatr and Miss Viola
I'Mta left Thursday for a. visit in Asto
ria. Neb.
Among the many visitors "to the
Stat1 Fair this week are Mr. and Mrs.
Js. IS. Iviser.
We don't like to give up yet that
Ebser Overman is defeated for the
jior.ii nation.
George Van Camp came down from
Omaha the first of the week for a visit
to his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton were down
fro-n Walnut Creek Wednesday, guests
of Sirs. Mary Arneson.
Mrs. Charles Milligan and ehildren
left MoudayeveningforMcCook, where
they w ill make their home,
ISert Hatfield of .lamestown, Kans.,
ame in Friday for u visit. His wife
jind daughter accompanied him.
Mrs. lty Sliepherdson was down from
Uiverton Thursday, accompanied by a
.young lady friend from Kansas City.
Mrs. Will Parkos, Jr., arrived home
.Monday evening from an extended
visit in Kentucky, Illinois and Mis
souri. Mrs. Harry Goble, little daughter
and four-wecks-old son, of Fort Cobb,
Okla.. are visiting with relatives in
this vicinity.
Miss Kluom Points, who has bem
visiting in Tacoina, Wash., for the past
five years, is n a visit to her parents
4in Walnut Creek.
.1. K. Johnson came in Thursday from
iJeling, Neb., for a visit with his pa-
All kinds of
Staple Fancy
Your Patronage is
Solicited by
All tho Phonos
Tor Infants nnd Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Slguaturo of
rents. He was accompanied by his
friend. Larson Lund.
Mrs. C. M. Walpolc arrived Sunday
morning from Middlctown, Mo., and
evpects to spend the winter with her
daughter. Mrs. II. It. Goble.
Tlie W. C. T. F. will hold a meeting
net Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock
at tlie home of Mrs. Dow. All mem
bers are requested to be present. Elec
tion of officers.
Joe Ilolcomb, the veteran typesetter
of tlie Chief force, is taking in the
State Fair this week. His place is be
ing taken by his brother. Harm Ilol
comb, of Walnut Creek.
The1 excellent report of Webster
count v's exhibit at the state fair was
furnished by J. C. Ilolcomb, of the i
Chief force, who attended tho meeting
and saw all that was going on.
Mrs. Swearinger and daughter
left Monday morning for their home in
Uellingham, Wash., after having spent
a year and a half here with her father
and mother, Mr. and Mrs J. (). L!nd
ley. Mrs. James Moranville and children,
La Vaughn and Pete, are home from
McCook, where they went to attend
tlie weddingof Mrs Moranville's sister,
Miss Mary Kubick, and Kngincer Per-'
Miss Floy Kobinsonof Moulder. Colo.,
who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Mahlou Points of Walnut Creole, took
the train Sunday evening at Ked Cloud
for Kansas City, where she goes to visit
another aunt.
Mrs. J. It. Mercer left Wednesday
for Arapahoe, Neb., where she will
visit for a month. She will then go to
Omaha, where she will keep house for
her son, Dwight Wilson, who is at
tending college there.
There will tie a regular meeting of
Charity Chapter, No. 47. O. K. S., on
Monday, Sept. 0. All members are re
quested to be present, as there is busi
ness of importance. Mrs. lOli.abcth
Porter, Worthy Matron.
Kobert Highland of Denver, Col.,
was hero this week getting acquainted
witli some of his father's old friends.
He is the son of II. F. Highland, one
of the most popular railroad men who
ever worked in Ked Cloud.
Miss Georgia Scott's recital, which
was postponed until next Tuesday eve
ning, promises to be a very successful
alVair. Prof, linker of McCook, who is
well known here for his splendid vio
lin playing, will give a solo
The many friends of Ralph Foe will
lie pleased to learn that lie has been
appointed agent for the Iturlington at
Alliance, Neb. This is one of the
most important stations in Nebraska,
and wc are glad to see a Red Cloud boy
get it.
K. D. Veatch, "the rambler." was in
Red Cloud Wednesday on his'wav from
Aurora to lilooinington. Mr. Veatch
is one of the most successful newspa
per circulators and boosters Jin Ne
braska, and has just finished up a big
contract at Aurora.
Conductor Miller has rented the Sam
Foe place and has moved his family to
Red Cloud. As fast as the train crews
recently transferred from Oxford can
rent houses they will move here.
There are still several of them who
have been unable to secure suitable
It comes put up in a collapsible
tube with a no..le, easy to apply to
the soreness and inflammation, for any
form of piles. It soothes and relieves
pain, itching and burning. Man Zun
Pilu Remedy. Price 50c. Guaranteed.
Sold by Henry Cook's drug store.
Christian Church regular services:
Sunday, Sept. 8, 10 a. in.. Sunday
school: 11 a. in., com
munion; S p. m., preaching. Subject
for morning. " Friendship of Christ";
evening, "Conversion 1. Its Necessity;
2. How Accomplished; :i. How Proven."
Kvery one cordially Invited to attend.
Roy Dickey, who is serving in the
capacity of a baker on Admiral Dewey's
famous flagship, the Olympla. is hero
visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Dickey. Hoy enlisted early this
year and lias been on the Atlantic sta
tion. He expects to make a cruise
around the world upon his return.
Ray Palmer, who lias been holding
down the day operator job at Arapa
hoe as a substitute, came homo Tues
day night. Ray learned telegraphy in
the Red Cloud Htislnebs College and re-
rooeiud his practical training under
Jack Kdwards. at the ISurlington sta
tion. Hi' is now able t make good
I an, pla -o the want to put him
Notice to Patents in the South Ward
Parents who have children between
yfj sf- mo agesoi oauii s ytaisano are Keep
C&&U24 ing tliem out of school because tlioj
deem the distance too great for them
to walk to the North Ward school are
requested to report their names to L.
11. Fort, secretary of the school board,
not later than Thursday. Sept. P..
It is ci. limed indigestion is the na
tional disease. That's why the demand
for King's Dyspepsia Tablets keeps In
creasing because they do tlie work. '
Stomach trouble, dyspepsia. Indigos-1
lion, bloating, etc.. yield quickly. Two
lavs' treatment free. Ask your drug
gist about thorn. Sotd by llenr,
Cook's drug store.
"Haldy" Vest, who Is now working
for the Uiverton livery barn, got a bad i
kick from a horse Tuesday evening.
, liile driving to ICed l loud with in
I traveling man a tug became unhitched i
and Kahlv" got out and hooked him
,.p. Just as i.e had finished hooking
the tug the horse gave him a vicious
kick in the back of the head, lauding
him between Hie circle of the buggy
and bos. The team started to run.
1 hut the knight of the grip had hold of
the reins and succeeded in stopping
I them. Haldy" was unconscious when
ho was picked up after the buggy had
, run over nini. Hesides a bad gash In
i the buck of the head, he also had a
fractured rib.
The game between Hod Cloud and
Webber last Saturday afternoon was
K't one, but rain interfered with
tho playing. Had it not been for the
batting of Kit Harris of Superior, who
played short for the Webber aggrega-1
tion, there would have been 11 different
tale to toll. Harris got twojtwo-bag-gois
at times when hits wore needed,
and as a result of his good hitting
Webber came out of the soulHo with a
score of three to one against Red
Cloud. Dahl. who pitched for Webber, I
had thirteen stuikeouts to his credit, j
while Groves of llo-twiok, who did the
twirling for Red Cloud, had "eight.
The Webber boys got five singles and ,
two doubles ofV Groves. On the pari. 1
of Red Cloud. Ifradbrook. liohnor, and
Smith each got doubles, and Lain and
Smith singled, but the hits were scat
tered and did not count for much.
AskforAllcns's Foot-Ease,
a powder for swollen, tired hot, smart
ing feet. Sample sent free. Also free
samples of the Foot-Kase Miitary Corn
Pad, a new invention. Address Allen
S. Olmstcad, Le Roy. N. Y.
Earner Lonfctln.
Alcid Longtin, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. N. Longtin, and Miss Agnes
Harnerworo married Wednesday morn
ing at r::t0, Father Fit.gerahl olliciat
ing. The yoiing couple left on No. 1 1
for Denver. We understand that Mr.
Longtin and Charley Godsoy have made
arrangements for the purchase of
Sheard's barber shop, and wlil take
possession the first of October.
Tho following program will lo idvcn nl tho '
CoiiKirwitionnl church Tuesday i-wnimr, Si'ptwn
hor 10th, by Mlas (leorttla Scott ami othcrm I
. 1 An (It'ti I-'ruhlinir . . . Grli'ir '
1 Schuro. MeiiileUsolm
Mi.sH licurKlu Scott.
2. Quartet "While Soft Stnivt nro Uuiimlnir."
lowno 1
Missi-s luou. Keniuily, Monirii Cottintr. Sullnut,
3. Iiolovwl it fit Morn Alwnnl
Miss Ilolen Ovvimun
4. Violin Solo Pror. linker.
r I.a Klli-nip Itotr 1
"' 1 Uebestruumc! . I,inzt
MiH CcorKid Scott
C. Duel "I.Iidit at Kvuntitlc" Jcronio
Miss HhIuij Knby. Mr. Glen Wnlkcr
) At Parting . Uogt-rs ,
' I Thy Gleaming Kytn . . Mao Powell j
Mi"w Jincphlnl! Mlir
q j Noctuuro-Op 10. NoJ Chopin
" 1 Impromptu Op. 112 Schuliertl
Miss Georgiu Scott
Mr. Florence Mitchell, Accompanist.
Admission 25 centx.
Hearing on Minnesota Injunction.
St. Paul, Sept. 4. Judfio William
Lochron In tho United States district
court began hearing the arginnont In
tho matter of tho application of tho
stockholders of tho railroads operating
In Minnesota for a tempoiary Injunc
tion restraining tho state from at
tempting to enforce tho commodity
rates contained in a law passed hy tho
legislature last winter, and the 2-cent
passenger rate law, and also tho mer
chandise rates ordered hy the railroad
commissyon Inst week.
General Pleasant Porter Is Dead.
YInlta, I. T., Sept. 1. General
Pleasant Porter, tho noted chiei of
the Creek Indian nation, died hero ,
following a stroke of paralysis, ngud
sixty-six ygars. Second Chief Moty 1
Tiger will succeed Ctenoral Porter as
chlof of tho nation.
Wolves Tree Men for Three Hours.
Duiuth, Minn., Aug. 2S. Reuben
Wilson anu .101111 iiuuuisuu i'u
Heights wore treed hy wolves and
hold captive for threo hours. Thoy
wore wall lug on a lonely road near
tno city limits.
Men's, Boys' and Children's
at Real Bargains
2o Per Cent Discount Sale
now on
HATS AT COST. Straw Hats at
OneHalf Price.
J . r f .1 1 .1
ome and get your stnare or the good things.
315 Webster St.
First Door North of Post
SlS Jar
:5W$l3iPte T W la la ha at .wVt
fLfllTLNL -idyl
y 'Uv'3fcA ESPECIALLY "I A R 6&f
i&eltfliss Comio Automobile Parade- I) 2rasrtlKv
ts&v7W(M Grand Clcctricat Parade.- Ul XZizJfi
f5i" 'a)Jx'-'9j1 WEDNESDAY NIGHT, OCT. 2.V Y VLuVV J
mhiif Ladic-s Float- Parade- AL W S
WSkVW CoronaHon and Grand Ball - VaA
Red Cloud, Wednesday, Sept. fll
Comes But Once a Year! 2 The Big Show!
Gollmar Bros
1 ,. Smm&
ers an(j hippodrome features.
wild beasts.
2 performances; doors open
glittering street parade at 10
,?.. n. .rJflBKW4.Gr.xrt-Kffsasvi'-8vj
1 wmmKM8&k i Sh
1 &frffl&m&?F''iv v.wm .;
mmrj&mMim&m- erie and
mtAisisvvrm'mts is?. .. .. a -, i -
m.aP,vx-MtW!VtWfiW'S3fMv-k anci -ooiouicu
W: Tm:Mm" conBresS of wo
- KflMY GO.
Greatest of American
Premier of Nation's Amuse
ment Enterprises!
Circrs, Hippodrome, Nenag-
Monster Allegoric
1 pageant a'
rid-famed rid-
ers, acrobats, aenatists, jest
A marvelous collection or
. 1
at i and 7Np. m. Grand, golci
a. m,