"T '& $'jftyfjir, !? tun Hill tWIpJl i, , wmrWfmMiK''Mmi'miB)ltyft tmWr Wr ! i ' iiJ.flfMWrfBWHUUj . a. .w-tu. k i f I .Free from Alcohol Since May, 1906, Aycr's Sar- saparilla has been entirely Free A fl 4 ft t rrom aiconoi. ir you are in poor health, weak, pale, nerv- ous, ask your doctor about tak ing this non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. If he has a better medicine, take his. Get the best always. This is our advice. A Wo publish our formula 9 yers Wo tinnlth alcohol from our moillcinen We urge you to coiumii your doctor A slucgish liver means a coated tongue, a bad breath, and constipated bowels. The question is, " What is the best thing to do under such circumstances?" Ask your doctor if this is not a good answer : i4Takc laxative doses of Aycr's Pills." Mafio by the J. C. Ayor Co,, Lowoll, Mass. TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of News Found In The Chief of Twenty Years Ago This Week v v A. N, Ratnior whs on the sick list this week. The S. of V. bund is doing good work and learning fast. The electric lights were turned on 'last Saturday evening for the first time. Oneof our watermelon dealers found several pocket knives in his patch the .other day. The mad dog killed by .Marshal "Warner attempted to bite Master Kddie Kniigh. Mrs. C. C. Cox of Amboy fell out of the buggy the other day and received .slight injuries. Frank Quigley has been given a ear jind is now running mail from Kansas City to Oxford. Sam Temple has a longing desire to swerve his county in the capacity of MOtne kind of an otHcial. Ivans A mack was married on the 2.'th of August to Miss Mertie Holm tjraln of Garfield township. Today Uoadmaster W. K. Duuchy enters on his duties as trainmaster, with headquarters at Red Cloud. l' 1. Shields is publishing a lively daily at Rlue Hill and the people of that enterprising burg are supporting it to u man. Henry Newhouse, accompanied by his sister Carrie, is in Indianapolis, where he Is being treated for rheum-, ntie troubles. Several gentlemen from Hostwlek ' were here the first of the week look-; ing up the chances to get bonds for the Missouri Pacific, i Dave Kaley has lost five head of cat tle from hydrophobia. The steers go mad and are very violent. One day this week one of them came very near milking mincemeat of the herd boy. Dave does not know how niunv of At the fair yesterday the young ladles' cqticstriiinship contest was one of the most pleasing features. The Misses Kditli Mck'olghan, Vashti Gard ner, Mary Miner and Rose Ktulgh were the contestants, and their riding was superb. Neither of the young ladies was over sixteen. They made the cir cuit of the track with their ponies on a dead run. The premiums wore award ed as follows: First, Kdith MelCeigan: second. Mary Miner; third, Vashti (inrdncr: fourth, Rose Kmigli. Rett Cloud. (Franklin Sentinel.) Hals oir to Ued Cloud. She certain ly did the right thing by Franklin when her ball team came up Friday. A special was chartered and a little over l.VI people came up with their nine, and that wasn't all. The big band came with them, over twenty strong and superbly uniformed in red suits. I'pon reaching the city they marched in procession to the grounds and pretty nearly made it a Ued Cloud day. Preceding the speaking in the afternoon their baud discoursed some most excellent music and later led their followers to the ball park, and an enthusiastic crowd it was. It swelled our admissions thus day till it almost equalled the banner day of re ceipts. Franklin will surely have a warm spot in her heart for Red Cloud. The game was a fast one and was nip and tuck to; the. end, Franklin finally winning. The one marring discord in the whole thing was the chagrin of Burroughs (and others) because, they could not fire oft" that load of rockets and torches which they had brought with them for "red light" in case of victory. A MESSAGE FROM MARS. His Proof That the Planet Was Inhab ited and Civilized. Kbenezer was driving his master's plow straight and true, but none the less with a thoughtful air. as though his thoughts were elsewhere. And so they were; they were soaring far aloft above the plow and the brown eat Ih 'turned up as to reach Mars. The previous evening Iibenezer had attended u lecture at the village school room on "The Heavens," and what tho lecturer had said about Mars being In habited profoundly impressed Fben ezcr. As he mechanically guided his horses and his plow something struck him suddenly on the head, and ho dropped senseless to the ground. A balloonist passing overhead had acci dentally dropped an empty whisky bot tle upon Kbenezor's fortunately thick skull. When he recovered conscious ness the balloon had passed out of sight, but the cut on his head and the blood stained bottle at his feet remained. Ebonozcr gasped In amazement and awe us he gazed all around the wide brown fields and the blue sky above. Then he picked up the bottle and Htnelled at It and at once deserted his team in great excitement nnd set off postliaste for the vicarage. "I inun tell vicar Mars be 'uablted right enough," he muttered. "Civil ized, too; they drinks whisky." Lou don Express. 'm'x "r - " - "rr - r - r w k to . A FASHION FROM WAR. Real Estate Transfers. For the week ending Tuesday, August 'J7, furnished by the Fort Ab stract Co., L. II. Fort, Co. Lena Dose to Harm Hose, w d, lot 1. blk 1. Ituschow's add blk.SHW.OO Joseph II. Newcome et til to Wil liam II. Spelker of c d s e II :i 10 100.00 John L. Marker to Milo S. Mar ker, w d, lots .1, 0, 7, blk 'J'.', lied Cloud '.100.00 Leroy K. Sampson to Sarah F. lviinmel. :t to blk '.', Spencer's add to Rladeu )... 000.00 Fred 11. Kortfelt to John T. Romford, w d, lots f and 0. blk 10. Smith X- .Mercer's add, Ued Cloud 1.100.00 Total Mortgages filed. S.'.IIO. Mottgages released. SIJ.V). .sr.oi.oo How Flat Watches T(k Place of the Old Time "Turnips." When the neat man takes unto him self a watch as thin as parchment he little thinks that that thin watch re sults from army regulations. Up to the time of the allies taking Paris the ordinary watch was convex In shape and called from its outline a "turnip." The officers of the Russian and other armies objected to this be cause Its bulbous form made the mil form of a man on parade look untidy, whether It were carried In the coat or the fob. In Paris, however, they found that the watchmakers of the Palais Royal had contrived a chronometer which got over the dllllculty. Flat watches were the fashion In Paris. The English when they ap peared In the streets of the French capital inarched In not In gala dress such as the others wore, but In the raiment which they had worn on cam paign. Great was the Impression which their habiliments created, but they at once adopted the smart flat watch and brought it back to England for our own manufacturers to copy. London Standard. to to to to to to to to to to to to to m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to ft 20PerCent THE PILGRIMS were proper and prudent men. CwrUI07 DatcbMMfc C foment'. Y. 'VSL to to to to to to to to Reduction on to to M ens, Boys' an Childr en s appeal to proper men today. The warranty commends them to the prudent 10 Cents a Button $1.00 a Rip LIGHT WEIGHT SUITS Dedicated to Red Cloud. m:i (i.oir vs. si I'Kiiuut. (! somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright, The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are' light; And somewhere men are laughing and somewhere children shout Rut there's no joy now for we'uns. since Red Cloud was knocked out! The above was sent us on a postal from Milwaukee. Wis., but with no signature. We can guess the author though, and submit the poem as a good one on our game with Red Cloud on a score of ',' to 1. Superior Express. V..vn:i -A good man to handle ex clusively or as a side line our lubrica- them have been bitten, but hopes that ting oils and paints salary or com live of them are all that have been (lis- mission. Fairfax Refining Co., C'leve-oa-si'd. land. Ohio. DE are now comfortably located in the J. O. Butler building, opposite the post office. Our fall consignment of Furniture has arrived, bought direct from the factory in car load lots. Remember, we save you money. We have the only exclusive morgue in Webster county, and are prac tical undertakers and embalmers for Kan sas and Nebraska. Amack & CKaney. A Ready Answer. When George Francis Train was giv ing evidence before the metropolitan board of aldermen of London In favor or his scheme for laying a tramway up Ludgato hill, a. noble lord among his Interlocutors suddenly fixed the old pioneer with his monocle and said; "May I ah ask a question, Mr. ah Train?" "That Is what I nm here for, my lord," he replied. "You know, of course, how very nar row Is Ludgato hill. Suppose that when I go down to the Mansion House In my carriage one of my horses should slip on your rails and break his leg, would you pay for the horse?" Tho reply came like a Hash. "My lord, if you could convince mo that your horse would not have fallen If the rails had not been there I certainly should pay." Harper's Weekly. Paul Storey, She Clothier to t to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to W Tit For Tat. "A United States senator," said n young pliyslcian, "uuuressea tne ciass I was gradunted from on oureomtnonce nient day. lie advised us In this ad dress to bo broad and generous In our views. lie said ho once saw two fa mous physicians Introduced at a re ception. Thoy were deservedly fa mous, but they were of opposing schools, and tho regular, as ho shook the other by tho hand, said softly: " 'I am glad to meet you ns a gen tleman, sir, though I can't admit that you nre a physician.' "'And I,' said tho honieopathlst, smiling faintly, 'nm glad to meet you as a physician, though I can't admit yon are a gentleman.' " Lewis M. Stew.uid, Mgr.' On D. Stewaiid, Sec. and Treas. Red Clcrud Business College Goodyear-Marshall syitem of Book-keeping The Toucii system of Typewriting The Grcg syitem ol Shorthand Attend a complete Business College that will prepare you for an ideal Commeicial Life. WRITE-BECOME INTERESTED Fall Opening Sept. :i. Enter at any time. Individual Instruction Mercer's Barber Shop Basement of Potter Block. Massaging a Specialty Parnell's Apology. Mr. rarnell, on April 1, 187S, char acterized a statement made by Henry James as "a legal quibble" worthy of the honorable nnd lonrnod member from whom It proceeded. "I must Inform tho honorable mem ber," said the speaker, "that an ex pression of that kind Is unwarrantable and must bo withdrawn." Mr. Parnoll apologized for having used the expression. "I will say," he added, "that the statement was tnoro worthy of the Ingenuity of a petty ses slons attorney than of a lawyer of tho ability of tho honorable and learned gentleman." Here Is Relief for Women. Mother (5ray, a nur.se in New York, discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for women's ills, called Australian Leaf. It is the only certain nunthly regulator. Cures female weaknesses, backache, kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. At all druggists or by mail r0 cents. Sample free. Address, The Mother dray Co., Ley Roy, N. Y. Saunders Brothers RKI) CLOUD, - NEBR. Canon City, Sunnside, and Genuine Nigger Head Maitland COAL You may bo particular or what some call "cranky," but OUR COAL will please you. Our coal is clean and we deliver promptly. Boll Tel. 60. Rural Tel. 71 Didn't Moan It. Magistrate (discharging prisoner) Now, then, I would advise you to keep away from bad company. Prisoner (feollngly)-Thank, you, sir. You won't see mo here again. London Tit-Hits. Not only to appear good ought man to ' lut to be so both privately nud publicly.-riuto. Don't worry about your kidneys when you can obtain HO days treat-1 ment of IMneules for SI. These glob ules bring relief in the first dose. ' Hackache, lumbago and rheumatism yield quickly. If not satisfied your money refunded. This is a fair otter; you can't lose. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. To euro a cold first move the bowels. Rees Laxative Cough Syrup acts gent ly on the bowels, drives out the cold, clears the head. It's pleasant to take and mothers highly recommend it for colds, croup and whooping euugh. It l guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Kqually good for young and old. Sold by Henry Cook's drugstore. Now is the time to subscribe. Albright Bros. Undertakers We cannot afford to do less than satisfy in quality, style, price and give to you our person al service and careful attention. Calls Answered Night or Day Rural and Bell phones at store and resid. n :e. An art student recently painted the- fir. Warrick, the specialist will meet ' picture of a dog under a tree so life- eye, ear, nose and throat patients and like that it was impossible to distin tiiose needing glasseh properly fitted at j gulsh the bark of the tree from that of Dr. DamereU'b olllce, Tuesday, 27. 13 ' the dog. '. . iggffipau3iajquf MjaflJggaf m.miHrr