Mfifak&tiBto THE RED CLOUD CHIEF ' ij C- j Eight Pages All Home Print I auDscripiioii I 4a a. m. cm rv Advance m&&v&we!WJ&i kwwtwi'xyyfywJwmisiBKtf VOLUME XXXV. RED CLOUD, XEHttASKA, AUCUJSTJ50, 1007. NUM15ER 35 lf iBHB) Txl&CTfttt' p.. O f NEARING THE FINISH Candidates Arc on the Anxious Seat And Want It Over. The present campaign has been the inott exasperating to candidates in the history of the county. The new pri mary law has "balled" things up so that none of the candidates can give even a guess at how they are going to come out. Of course the candidates who are up for re-election have cause to feel that they will win out, but the new candidates have no way or esti mating their strength. 12. II. Overman. candidate for the Republican nomination for district judge, lias put up a harder tight than any of the other local candidate, and by all rights should have the support of every Republican voter in Webster county. Mr. Overman is the equal of any of the other candidates in legal learning, is known to everybody, and he has a record as a campaigner that would guarantee his election if he should receive the nomination. In ad dition to the solid vote of Webster county, ho will have strong support in each of the other counties of the dis trict outside of Adams, where Mr. lames will hold the main part of the Votes. It is conceded that Mr. Overman would be the strongest candidate the Kepublieuns could, nominate, but the big vote of Adams county is going to make the resultiloubtfnl until the votes are counted For this reason it is the duty of every Republican in this coun ty to go to the polls next Tuesday and assist in nominating Mr. Overman. In the local contest there is no doubt of the re-nomination of Sheriff Hedge. Treasurer Frahin and' Mrs. Caster on the Republican ticket, while County Clerk DeTour and Circuit Clerk Hutch inson will undoubtedly be re-nominated by the demo-pops. Judge 'Kdson will not have such an easv time. L. A. Ilaskins is making a hard tight for the nomination of county judge, and, as he has hosts of friends over the county, he has a chance to snatch eith er the Populist or Democratic nomina tion from Judge Kdson. and in that event it would make things easy for the Republican nominee, whoever he may be. It is a "toss-up" between I no 1!. Stun ser and .1. S. Gilliam as to who will re ceive the Republican nomination for county judge. Mr. (iilham is a lawyer of undoubted ability, anil Mr. Stanser, while not an attorney, lias a reputation for fairness and good Judgment. The four-cornered light for the Re publican nomination for county cleric makes that.noiuinntion the most doubt ful one of all. All the candidates are well known and honorable citizens of the county. Hut what is the use of guessing? None ot us will know who are tin; successful candidates until the votes are all counted. mim ym 0 You will do belter work for a cup of fragrant delicious ARIOSA Coffee and you will rest better afterwards. Cuts your coffee bills about in half. Sold in one pound packages only, sealed for your protection. Loose coffee isn't the same ' it may be dusty, dirty and bad for your stomach and nerves. Cocrpliet with all requirement! cl llie Ntionl Pure I Food Lw, Guarantee No. 204 1 , tied 41 Wellington. State Fair Notes. From the fact that DM horses were named in the stake races May 1, the races of this fair promise to greatly exceed any had for the past ten years. In the county relay race each county is renrcsented bv four men, each of whom will run i.'2( yards, making the combined race one-half mile in length. Secretary Mellorhas secured Charles Strobel and his airship, which are now making ilights at the Jamestown ex position, to make daily Ilights at the State Fair. The track meet at the State Fair will bo an entirely new feature and is open to all amateurs. The events to be con tested are 100 yard dash, '.'20 yard dash, 440 yard dash, SSO, yard run, mile run, '2 mile run, 120 yard hurdle race, 'J'.'O yard hurdle race, county re lay race. During the State Fair, the first week in September, the city of Lincoln, that boasts the most brilliantly lighted bus iness streets in the United States, will provide street illumination far in ex cess of those had last year. The prep arations contemplate myriads of elec tric lights on all the principal sireets. with free modern vaudeville attract ions at the various street corners. The State Fair Hoard has appropria- ted several hundred dollars to carry out the meet, and gold, silver and bronze medals handsomely engraved. will be provided for the winners of first, second mid third places re-pect- ivolv. The members of the team win- ivolv. The members of the team win- n'ug tin county race will each receive a 'gold medal. Entrance to the grounds will be given to all contest ants for days on which they compete. Each contestant must be a member of the Amateur Athletic Union or the Athletic League of North America. Registration can be made, provided he is an thepaymentof '-'.lets, through (icorge M. Pinneo, care Y. M. C. A., Lincoln, Neb. September JMi will be seen the larg est State Fair ever held in Nebraska. The entries to date are 17.1 head of draft horses. ,'00 head of race horses. l.'tO head of cattle. '.'OOO head of swine. '.'00 head of sheep. Poultry to completely till a building Oli.vl 10. Twenty-two county collective exhibits. Art hall filled with textile and art treasures. Mercantile hall filled to overllowing. A grand educa tional exhibit. The product of more than J00 manufacturers in machinery covering acres of ground. New ar rangement of grounds and facilities at an expense of SMO.OOO. (Jood race.-. Nebraska Derby on Tuesday. (iiiide lcss horses. Air ship, Great world renowned bands. Western league base ball. Amateur athletic meet, and all sorts of amusements. The Nebraska State l-air will beat any circus there i- out for varied attractions. The Woodman Blow-out. Last night (Friday) the Modern Woodmen had a great time initiating new members and holding a general love-feast. There were delegations present from Guide Rock, Cowles and Inavale. and eighteen or twenty new members were taken into the order. The exercises opened at (5 o'clock when the Citizens" band gave a concert on the street as a preliminary. Another concert was given at S:!I0. Judge l.W. Kdson delivered the address of wel come, which was responded to by 10. E. Kester of Lincoln. L. P. Albrightalso delivered a short talk, after which the Woodmen adjourned to Masonic hall, where the degree work was given. A feature of the entertainment was the supper served by the mothers of the band boys, from which a neat sum was realized. Red Cloud 5. Webber 0. A ftur-Mt tiering severe defeat at the hands of the all-Kansas team, at Esbon, on Thursday, the Red Cloud boys came home disheartened and were almost afraid to Jackie the Webber team yes terday (Friday). However, they buck led mi their armor and went against what they thought was a losing prop osition. The Webber boys were worse seared than were the Red Clound boys, however, and as a consequence they went down with the second shut-out which they have received froili Red Cloud. Red Cloud's new catcher, lion ner, held the Webber boys tight to the bases and twice when they were near scoring he caught them, licuuct pitch ed his usual strong game and received gilt-edge support at critical times. The features of the game were I trad brook's three-bagger and Doe Nelson's two-bagger. "Lee" Craves did the umpiring. The teams will play again this (Sat urday) afternoon. Of Local Interest. Hastings Uazette: A bachelor never gets as lonesome as the old maids think he does. Mrs. R. 1). Moritz, of Red Cloud, is is in the city visiting friends and tak ing medical treatment. Charles Doty, one of the earliest set tlers in Adams county, died last night. He was s years of age. Oats straw is t-ellinirut 81. .Ml ner load on the local market. Cood alfalfa hay bring- ci per ton and the new crop of prairie hay is worth S3 per ton deliver- erf. Mr. mil Mr-. Oeorge H. Pratt re- ! ,1.,.Ii ,i,is ,.ft...-.nii from ;... ,.n trip abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Fred iva-e. who accompanied them, stopped 5 Xt.w .C1.M.V f,. a Mlort visit wifh relative-. ' n....: 1. . 1 .... " , ' V ti ' returned from Iowa, report that for more than ten davs U,o central portion of thu sttttt! hns li'iiil nbniiiliinut. of ri.ii. llncTi itit tfii'lwiL. itiij litii'it 4 1 ti fall, in many instances than was needed. much more Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at postolllce nt Rd Cloud, Neb. for th week ending August 2!), 1007: Mrs. F A Coon. Rosetta Cheuey. John Heat ley. Loi-h Mecyon. Franei- Scott. Emma Travis. These will b ent to the dead letter otlice Sept. 12. 1H07, if not called for before. When calling for above ploase say "advertised." PURE QHuflKiJH The Revival Meeting, The chorus in the meeting directed by Miss Mildred Hazelrigg, wttli Mr, 11. C. Robbins at the organ, has clone excellent work and has been faithful in every service. Several beautiful special selections have been rendered. A quartet composed of Misses Hazel rigg and Sherman and Messrs. Holmes and Argabright sang Thursday eve ning. Arrangements have been made by Rev. Hrauic to baptize converts at. the close of the evening services. Persons confessing Christ often prefer baptism "the same hour of the night." Services every evening tills weelc, and the Lord's Day morning nul eve ning. Let all come and hear the evan gelist, Mrs. Hazelrigg. preach. Another Runaway. N. K. Harvey's team ran away again on Thursday, smashing the buggy and throwing the occupants into the road. Mrs. Harvey and daughter Nettie wen; just leaving Red Cloud for home when the team became frightened and, mak ing a Midden turn in llie road, headed ,,Hul fo1' town. Mrs. Harvey and Miss Harvey were thrown out. The team ' down Fourth avenue, turned north at the Holland House and were ""'.V hrought to a halt by running lu ln "" "' "t,'" P'le near the Home of KaUo1' ";"",,'' I" ll'e ""'"t" l''t f of tmvn' 'I'lli' was the same team that ni" Invay " w',,,c "go and spilled Mr. Harvey and Lee DeTour in the street. ' " " Rn Estate Transfer. 1 i 1,'' ll' weekending Tuesday, August S7. furnished by the Fort Ab- straetCo., L. II. Fort. Co. Harriet C Drown to W A Drown Its 4. ;., blk :. Red Cloud S Elucid Martin to Joshua J Mar tin. It 1, blk II, Illuc Hill .... James ) liutler toll E II, blk HI, Red Cloud ,00 :iooo Total. r.01.00 Mortgages tiled. SKS7I.L'0. Moitgages released. 707."i 00 Ask for Allcns's Foot-Ease. a powder for swollen, tired hot. smart ing feet. Sample sent free. Also free samples of the Fool-Ease SaituryC irn Pud. a new invention. Address A Her. IS. Olmstead, Le Roy. N. V, TheLabelonthisCanSays The if lI TrWBHlTtM CREAMof TARTAR For Pure Food Dr. PRICE'S Cream Baking Powder A PURE, CREAM OF TARTAR POWDER MADE FROM GRAPES ft . mTa Wedding Bells. Schultz-Whltc. A surp'rlsc wedding occurred Wednes day evening when Lucien White, of Mercer's tousorial parlor, was married to Miss Luccna Schult., the popular saleslady in Hadell's dry goods store. Judge. Kdson performed the ceremonj at the Holland House and the young couple took the train for Denver im mediately afterward. They will re main in Colorado a few days, and will then let urn to Red Cloud to make their home. Roth young people are exceedingly well liked by all who know them. NcCunc-Etlicrton. Roy Ktherton and Miss Laura Mc Cune slipped up to Hlnomiiigtnu Tues day evening and when they returned home Wednesday morning they were man and wife, to the surprise of their many friends. 8 Ptoitmn Tin following Imuran, will be given nt tin Comtmrntiimul chinch Tue.tihiy .'VtMilnir, Septem ber Huh. by Mix Georgia Scott iintl nthci-j: . ) An ilea I'lublinx . Grlcir ' '1 Schuzo MeiwlelsHolm Mix (ioorjda Scott. 2. Hum let - Sob-clod Mfwrt U'lin. Kennedy. Mo-isr Cutting, Helium :i. Ue.ow-dlt IhMiiiii - Alunrd , .,,, , r' ,'1,,, pu)in;L. . - tl ' M,,,K,MiaulKu;c.reta Sett " i. 'ffi J At i'arttntr ' Koji octed lltttT Imtt eroinc Holier '1 '1 hv (ili-nmlnir Kj-i-h Milt: Dnwll .mi km jov-pinm- nil veer s I Noctiluu Op ir,. Nii ' "( lmproinitu-()i. IK! MIhk Gcorrln Scott Mm. l'lort-nce Mitchell, Accoinpiinbit AdmlsHlim i'i cuiitn. Chopin Schubert Marrlaftc Licenses. Lucien White. Luccna R. Sehultz. Married by Judge Kdson. Rav T. Kly. Thlra C. Hubbard. Married bv Rev. Austin. It is claimed indigestion is the na tional disease. That's why the demand for Ring's Dyspep-ia Tablets keeps In creasing because they do the worlt. Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indiges tion, bloating, etc.. yield quickly. Twit days' treatment free. Ask your drug gist about them. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. My TARTAR New Pare Food Law protects you you protect yourself by examining the label to see that it says PURE J .