The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 23, 1907, Image 7

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t ifc
, N'VvV'V
? WMM ,Mm M m
waicn opecfci
We have a particular
ly strong1 line of good
watches at prices to
save you money. Sil
ver, Silverine, Gold
Filled and Gold Cases
tlie homestead Inw In tracts not ex
ceeding 1G0 acres and nro to bo paid
for at tlu lr nppiniscd value, ranging
from $1.25 to $2.50 per acre, first pay
incut of being made at the tlate of
on try ami other In annual payments.
Necessary blanks and Information can
be i-btalned from tho commissioner of
the g nerul land olllce at Washington
or the teglstor and receiver at Pierre,
S. D.
- X
Elgin, Waltham, South Bend,
, Rockford and Hamilton
movements. A line of watches haying
just the watch you need, at the price you
feel is right. : : : : :
Two Are Dead, Three Injured and
Many Summer Buildings Destroyed.
Old Ot chard, Me., Aug 17 Two
lives were lost and live pel sons wore
Injured, three seriously, as a lesult
of tho lire which swept through this
senshoio lcsoit, causing a loss of
The dead: Philip Partridge ol
Pittsburg, struck by train en route to
lire; unldcntlllcd man, hilled by ex
plosion of soda, tank, head blown olf.
As a result of the lire the resort
season Is abruptly closed, as only one
larre hotel, the Old Orchard, remains.
All trains, Including several extras,
were packed with persons leaving tho
shoie. The burned area extends be
tween the railroad and the ocean lor
nearly half a mllo. The people who
were driven from the hotels were com
pelled to spend the night on the
beach. Utushwood llres were kept go
ing, around which the refugees sut
In shivering groups.
Seventeen summer hotels, sixty cot
Thousands m .Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it
l'ri'il)iiey of Kldm-r 1Im-iim.
Most people do not rc.illzc the alarm'
ing increase and remarkable prcvalency
ii nut. fkitnii; y uu'
orders arc the
most common
diseases that pre
vail, they arc
almost the List
recognized by
patient and phy
sicians, con
tent thnimflrri
irtth iftHtnrfiff the ific', while the m'jj
innl dittiite undermines the s-jstem.
NVlmt To Do.
Theie is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that l)i. Kilmer';
Swituip-Uoot, the gtcat kidney teuiedy,
fultitls everv wtt-h in curing iheiitiuitism,
pain in the kick, kidneys, liver, bladder
and everv putt of the urinary passage.
It con ecu inability to hold water
and vi-uldiiijj )aiu in pacing 1t, or bud
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes Hint unpleasant tic
cessitv of being compelled to go often
during the dav, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon icalied. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing eases. If you need a medicine
you .should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in liftv-cent and nne-ooiiar sues.
You may have a sample bottle and a
ok that tells all fJf'"r..,
filwiltt tt IWltltUlMM lflMtfia'l
i ai'tutki ii'mii'vi p3i
H bv mail. Address Dr. g
.1 Kilmer & Co., P.iug-
1 A V 11 M tti.MA Q.nnu
tages and a score of buildings on,,-' - , - - V, " nTSt
pled by stotes were destroyed. It la limke 7,IIV ,istakc. but remember the
believed that the lire statted I nun an ,mmc j)-r KUmer's Swatnp-Uoot, and
. -.u.... 1 !...... I.. At... .......... .. il... .. a. I . .
overuirneii jump in me uune. oi uie tlie address, IJingn.iinioii, is. .
Hotel Olympia.
Bring us work of all
kinds. We do it right
W0-.Rockfor&Iuv; ( fJxjm
Bk iv 'Jewish! -tmW
Newhouse Brothers,
Jewelers and Optometrists.
'No Corporation So Powerful That It
Is Above Punishment Offending
Trusts to Be prosecuted Honest
Men Need Not Fear.
bles, at least to the extent of having
caused these men to combine to bring
about as much financlnl stress as they
possibly can in order" to discredit the
policy of tho government, and thereby
to secure a reversal of that policy so
that they may enjoy tho fruits of their
own evil doings. That they have mis-
led many good people Into believing
SUFFER that there should bo such reversal of
I policy Is possible. If bo, I am sorry,
but it will not alter my attitude.
Once for all, let me say that, as far
ns I am concerned, and for the eight
een mouths of my administration that
remain, there will be no change in
tho policy we have steadily pursued,
nor let up in tho effort to secure the
tices. This Is tho view announced
from time to time with clamorous In
sistence, now by a group of predatory
Provlncotown, MaBS., Aug. 21. Tho u, ''oucy we nBVB sieauuy pursueu, capitalists, now by a group of sinister
laying of the cornerstone of the Capo m,r lt!l " in ino uuort lo b-Jt-,,,re l,ie anarchistic leaders and agitators,
Cod Pilgrim memorial monument gave ,Il,,,ehL neviun.e m mo iu, mr i whenever a special champion of either
Pri.Rl.lPnt miimnvfilt lil flrr nnnnr. regaru uns contest as one in cieier- ciaa8 no matter how evil his General
tunlty ot the summer to break sllenco mine who Bha11 n,le th,s sovernraeiit Hfe. is acquitted of some one specific
upon public questions and the forty tho People through their govern-, cr,e, Sucn ft vew l8 xviclccl. wheth
minutes' speech which he delivered mental agents, or a few ruthless and er a,,pHecl to capitalist or labor leador,
from a nlatform on ton of Town hill aeieimweu men, wnose weaun maaes to rIch innn or 00r mnn an,i aM Uiatj
was one .r vigorous directness upon t,iem I'"lculnrly formidable because l nove Bftj(l nB to desirable and undo
matters of nntlonal importance. Ho t they Hre beh,nd U!e breastworhs of Elra,jle cltlzoiw remains true."
touched on the nuestiou of national corporate organization. A bauunet was held at the
Attorney General Bonaparte Holds Up
Chicago Investigation.
Chicago, Aug. 15. Judge I.andla
postponed until Sept. 3 the grand Jury
investigation of the charges of rebut-
t.... ...... I. ...I (!.. I 1.l........ .....! tllnn I
1I1U llKllllil II1U I1J1IIK11 III1U lilfll
railroad, growing out of tho recent
trial which resulted In the conviction
of the Standard Oil company of In
dinnn. It was the original intention
to commence the investigation Aug.
27, hut Judge Laudls said that he hud
received a notlllcatlou Horn Attorney
General Honaparte that tho Chicago
and Alton had been piomlsed immu
nity, and tho judge ordered the ad
journinent In order that the records of
the caso might be looked into.
A transcript or mo record in tuo
Standard Oil caso will be sent to At-
tornov Oeuornl Honanarte for examina
tion and If ho concludes that tho rait- I
road fulfilled its promise in the Stand
ard Oil case, tho grand jury will not
Investigate further.
Finds Stolen Horses,
ncnklwnnn. Neb., Aug. 20. John
Mlchlef of Hyannls nrrlved In town
and found some horsea stolon from
him and others nenr Hyannls three
weeks ago. The thief had disposed of
lev moan.? In Its" ultimate analvnls n Uio noises ami gone.
healthy and prosperous expansion of
business activities, of honest business
men and honest corporations.
Undesirable Citizens.
"There is, unfortunately, a certain
number of our fellow countrymen who
seem to accej.t wiu view iiiul unless a. ot a qimrrel some weeks ngo.
man uuii uu imituu giuiiy ui some mr
ticular crime he shnll be counted a
good citizen, no matter how Infamous
the life he had led, no matter how
Burlington Watch Inspectors.
t f
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances a specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and
The Bon Ton
W. S. BENSB, Proprietor.
Stabbing Affray at Pawnee. i
Pawnee City, Neb., Aug. 17. Saul
Allmugh was stabbed to death at Iiu-j
bols by Frank Forun, according to
Foran's story, who Is now In jail here. '
I It appears tho killing was the result
Olsen l8 Missing With Cash.
Omaha, Aug. 1C Theodore Olson,
former cltv comntroller and vice con-
pernicious his doctrines or his prac- Bi 0f Denmark at Omaha for twenty
yearB, Is missing from the city and Is
Bald to be a defaulter in an amount
ranging from $12,000 to $13,000.
sovereignty nnd state rights and made
it clear that la his opinion there must
be no stinting of the authority of toll
general government to deal with cor
porations doing an interstate business,
Tho feature of his address was his ad
ocacy of a national Incorporation law
nnd his stand In relation to violators
of the law, especially corporations.
"With emphasis ho declared that tho
administration would not waver in its
determination "to punish certain mal
No Vindictive Prosecution.
hnll and later the president
I "I wish there to be no mistake on . driven to tho wharf( whre ,10 boanIed
the Mayflower, which
o'clock for Oyster Bay.
sailed at 4
this point. It Is Idle to ask me not
to prosecute criminals, rich or poor. -But
I desire no less emphatically to'
have It understood that wo hnvo un-1
dertaken and will undertake no action I
of a vindictive type, and above all ' Fifty-Five Thousand Acres in
no action which shall Inflict groat or1 Reservation Near' Pierre.
unmerited suffering upon tho Innocent
stockholders and upon the public as
a whole. Our purpose Is to act with
Washington, Aug. 17. The presi
dent has issued a proclamation open
ing 55,000 acres of public lands, form-
efactors of great wealth." Bald he: "1,!,!r"U!" 0ltirn?T ' ,n the ,ower Brule Indian' resor
'During the present trouble with th ' Xi, L '" Y R" vut.on.These lands are situated about
of grent wealth who hns earned his
tun immu umithunut nf TJIfivfn a it
wealth honestly and used It wisely, we tf ,re 3a,(, t0 be valuabIe fr
recognise a good cl Izen worthy of cllUura, Ilurp08e8 ftntl much of them
a i' P,Hf ""Pe.?', "UBJ!!!5?..?.a" e cultivated without irrigation.
Ulll uu IllJIiC uiiudi. iiiuuciu tuiiuiltwun
through corporations, and our pur-
the stock mnrket, I have of course re
ceived countless requests and sugges
tions, public and private, that I
should say or do something to easa
the situation. There Is a world-wide. "" " , ' l u- u""D'i " '""'" " "'"" '" Improved lands in thnt vicinity sell
financial disturbance. It Is felt in" Imfa" t A'0', "'"n, ";',"" 'or JIB to $2B per acre. They will be
the bourses of Paris and Berlin andl f.088 ' h,ear"S '"?,"'?, '3 a' s r under the drawing system,
British consols are lower, while prices' ons that ? wt "' uulZtZZ"'1" l U'e ni U8Cd '" ,,L'nlnB U'
of railway securiVes have also depre-' '? M L" It lnlJH Huntley lands In Montana during June
chnnge the disturbance has been par
ticularly severe, most of It, I believe,
to bo due to mntters not particularly
confined to tho United ptato3 and to
matters wholly unconnected with any
governmental action, but It may we(l
il"""muo of 1i4h vnntv K'nnVi nn..lln..t will l.
and generous dividends for capital em-- rcqured r0 exccuto fln ;imavlt befor(
pioyeu eiumr in hjuiiuhib u, wuum.- m .... ., p, .- .
corporate activity and therefore for
generally prosperous business condl-
. .! Alt .!.,. ,. nmnn,ll.ln mlM.
ernrlentTn !,t?T,nnt,?,n V SJ deaUn aTbtween man and man
enrnent, In which, gentleme-. it will. . ... b0(1IenCQ to the ,IIW. 0ur
Ing an honest business venture, are! ,and (,8tr,ct nn(J esent san;o
the factors necessary for successful .,, ,,,, ,, , , .,. m-
, ..w .... . .,..u -w.-wsiw w . avrW
not leaver, to punish certain malo
fnctUfH of great wealth, has be"en re-
BnonslblOj for something; of the trou-J
aim is to help every honest mnn,
every honqsj. corporation and our Hol
land ofllce, between 9 o'clock Monday,
Oct. 7, and 4 p. m. on Saturday, Oct.
12. On Oct. 14 the drawing will take
place, and on the following Monday
the successful applicants will begin
to mako entry.
These lands are to be entered under
W. H. Streeter Dead.
Aurora, Neb., Aug. 20. W. H.
Streeter, president or the First Na
tional bank or Aurora, and n wealthy
pioneer settler of Hamilton country,
died here. Ho leaves un estnte valued
at about ?.00,000. A widow survives
Do You
When 7011 nre hungry and
want somethig nice in tho
ment lino, drop into my
mnrket. We have tlio nicest
kind of
and meats, fish, and game
in season. rWe think, and
almost know, that wo can
please you. Give us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
$ i
Do you know that it will pay YOU. as
well as' US, to buy your Building Ma
terial aud Coal at ouryards? Not only
that our' prices aveiuoe lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but bkoaose we take especial care
of and protect all can be clashed as
Coal. Lumber.
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Residence 18S.