The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 16, 1907, Image 7

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Watch Specials
m r
.fen .'? J"" TJ4r5
';Mlnfi nm
We have a particular
ly strong line of good
watches at prices to
save you money. Sil
ver, Silverine, Grold
Filled and Gold Cases
Elgin, Waltham, South Bend,
Rockford and Hamilton
movements. A line of watches having
just the watch you need, at the price you
feel is right. : : : : :
MHWrrHZuMmt-.-i. hiiliZBm
Bring us work of all
kinds. We do it riavht
SS:- l7 JKWCJ.3 , a?'
Newhouse Brothers,
Jewelers and Optometrists.
Burlington Watch Inspectors.
IBS fflffi
scales, bullet moulds and electric ap
paratus of various kinds. Taken to
pollc o headquarters the man broke '
down and confessed. TIo confirmed,
the pollc say, what they had already '
suspected, that Kassak Jelalian was '
tho head and front of the society. ,
promising and the gurdens are unusu
ally productive.
Ringleaders of Secret Society Arrest
ed According to District Attorney
Jerome, One Admits Directing Mur
ders of Priest and Rug Merchant.
New York, Aug. 14. District Attor
ney Jerome announced that the detec
tive bureau has arrested the ringlead
ers of the Hunehakist secret society
and obtained confessions Iroin them,
which will end tho existence of the"
Kassak Jelalian, arrested Sunday
night, has contested to Mr. Jerome
the police say, after a gruelling exam
ination, which lasted more than six
hours, that It was he who directed tho
murders of Father Kasper Vartnln,
whoso body was cut to pieces, and the
wealthy rug inerehant, Tuvshanjian,
killed as he was entering his office
near Union square. He further de
clared, It is said, that he had stood
by while Bedros Hamptsoonian waited
lor tho coming or tho victim aim
pointed out tho doomed man. it Is
given out by Defective 1'etroslne, who
has had the actual investigation In
charge, that Father Martoogesslan,
who has been under arrest in connec
tion with the murders, Is not directly
connected with the society, though ho
Is still believed to have known a great
deal of Its Inner workings.
Lieutenant Petroslne of the New
York detective department recently
encountered In Boston an Armenian
named llancojiau, who offered his
services. Ilancojlan furnished Infor
mation enabling I'etrosine to send a
wire to this city that resulted In the
arrest of Borhas Alllopunerjian. Tho
pollco searched the building where ho
lived and in the cellar, under a coal
heap protected by boards, they found
a number of poisoned daggers, several
Email bombs,, a quantity of poisoned
huji-ts, revolvers and u number of
lai'Vi bottles of hyprocyanlc and sul
phate of ammonia, as well as chemist
O'Leary's Saloon Latest Scene of War
With Dynamite at Chicago.
Chicago, Aug. 14. An explosion,
probably of dynamite, wrecked the
billiard room on the second Uoor of
"Jim" O'Leary's gambling house nnd
saloon at 4181? Halstead street last
night. The concussion of tho explo
bion shook buildings for half a block
around. Investigation, however, ro
vci'led great holes in tho ceiling and
jagged rents In the walls.
Tills Is tho third dynamite outrage
among gamblers during tho last two
months. Two months ago the library
of "Blind John" Condon's residence,
In Michigan avenue and Twenty-sixth
street, was dynamited. A month ago
Mont Tonnes garage in tho rear of
his resldeuco In Belden avenue re
ceived tho same treatment.
All theso outrages are credited to
tho secrot enemies which those gam
bling kinps have mndo among gam
blers they havo driven out of busi
But Moist, Hot Weather Has Brought
Up Corn and Pastures Never Better.
Des Moines, Aug. 14. The average
dally temperature was about three de
grees above the normal, with exces
sive humidity and nearly the normal
amount of sunshine, rendering tho
weather oppressive to man and beast.
Frequent shower mainly at night, ,
with heavy dews und fogs, Interfered
with farm operations In haying, har
vesting and thteshlng. Except in tho
northwest district, the rainfall was
generally excessive. Reports Indicate
that some progress was made during
tho latter half of tho week In hay
making, harvesting and threshing. '
The corn ciop has made very rapid
advancement In all well cultivated ;
fields. Pastures havo never been bet-,
ter. Potatoes on dry soil are very I
Drinks Wood Alcohol and Goes Blind.
Central City, Nob., Aug. 14. Charles
E. Brown, a barber, Is suffering from a
peculiar aflllction. Last week ho
drank a quantity of bay rum contain
ing wood alcohol, and since then has
been almost totally blind. His mind
Is also affected, so that he Is dlfudent
over tho loss of his sight, snying that
he would just as soon be blind as not.
Chicago Gas Tank Explodes.
Chicago, Aug. 14. Ten laborers
wore injured, one fatally, by an explo
lion of a gas tank located at Seventy
first street and Chicago avenue.
R. E. Stewart to Step Down.
Lincoln. Aug. 12. Cyrus E. Whlto
of Faribault, Minn., has been appoint
ed superintendent of tho deaf and
dumb institute at Omaha, to succeed
11. E. Stewart. Tho change will tako
place Sept. 1.
Killed at a Crossing.
Lushton, Nob., Aug. 12. While
crossing the Kansas City and Omaha
railroad tracks, a wagon driven by
Lynn BlUIngton and Ell Oryall was
struck by a train. Bllllngtou was
killed and Oryall injured.
Kearney Man to Be Consul.
Kearney, Neb., Aug. 10. Senator
Norris Brown received word from tho
department at Washington that his
request for tho appointment of James
Leitch of Kearney as vice consul gen
oral to Salvador has been granted.
X .
Change on the Burlington.
Lincoln, Aug. 12. Announcement
was made ot the appointment of W.
F. Ackerman of Lincoln to bo assist
ant superintendent of motive power
of the Burlington railroad system west
of the Missouri river. For live years
he has been superintendent of tho
Burlington shops at Ilavelock.
Army of Philippines Meets,
Kansas City, Aug. 14. Tho annual
meeting of the Society of the Army of
jthe Philippines began with many vet
erans present. Genoral Arthur Mac
Arthur, commander-in-chief, presided.
Declares Democrats More United than
They Have Ever Been.
St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 14. William
J. Bryan, In addressing a Democratic
cn.u heie, said tho campaign of 1908
would embrace three Issues, the trusts,
the tariff and railroads. Government
ownership of railroads would not bo
an Issue, but imperialism and labor
would llguro to some extent. Tho la
bor question Mr. Bryan reviewed un
der three heads, arbitration, govern
ment by injunction, and lite eight-hour
"The present prosperity of the Unit
ed States ionics Irom two somcus,"
ho said. "The Increased volume of
money and the era, of unpreeeilentod
good crops."
"It was never a question of metals,"
ho paid, in referring to the silver
question, "but merely a question of
the value of money.
"The Republicans are of the opinion
there Is only one man in the party
who can lead them to success, lie Is
tho most popular matt ' In tho party.
It does not follow that ho Is the best
known man, for there are many men
in Washington who are quite as well
known as he. But Roosevelt Is the
popular idol bocatibo he Is the only
man who has the nerve to repudiate
planks of tho Republican platform and
adopt planks from tho Democratic,
"Tho Democrats are more united
than they have been for ten years and
the Republicans are morn divided
titan they have been since I had
knowledge ol them. The Republicans
have just entered tho valley of tho
shadow of death."
train'as anIxperimemt ,
Burlington Road Promises to Try New
Service at Sidney Six Months.
Sidney, la., Aug. 1 1.-1'. S. Eustlfl,
passenger tralllc manager ol the Bur
lington s stent, lu.h just visited Sid
ney, la., on a peculiar mission. Sid
ney people petitioned the Burlington
to Increase the service on tho blanch
through Sidney. Mr. Eustis came to
Sidney, whore, In a court room used
lor a public meeting, ho usked for
statements from the citizens. One,
made by Judge A. B. Thornoll, pro
posed that the Burlington put on an
other train each way. and if at the end
of six months the income was not re
munerative the set vice should bo
abandoned. Mr. Eustls agreed to the
experiment. Tho branch passenger
amounts to ?175 per month, and .tho
freight, to three cars a day. It is al
leged that the present passenger ser
vice costs the company $42 per clay,
or about $1.0ii0 a month, the three cars
of freight sv day making up tho difference.
t MM M MMMft
Thousands m Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it
l'rcMilt'iicr of Klilni'j- IMm-iiki).
Most people do not rc.ilizc the alarm
ing increase anil reiiiark.iblo prcvalency
oi Kiuiicyiisc.ic.
While kjilney dis
orders arc the
most common
diseases pre
vail, they are
almost the last
recognized by
patient and phy
sicians, irho cm
tent thnnnclnvH
tn'llt t!fl''tori'u '(' if '-', vl:!'- the cvi'y
iiml ilistitDC mulct tunas the j-yMoui.
Wlint To I)o.
There Iscoinfott in the knowledge so
often expressed, 'that Di. Kilmer'.-
Swniup-Uool, thegicat kidney lcnteily,
fulfills everv M in curing theutnntinui,
pain in the nark, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every pntt of the uriiiHty jissnje.
It correct inability to hold u.iter
ami scalding pain iu"pasiilg it, or bail
effects following use ot liquor, wine or
beer, ami ovei conies that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often '
dining the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild ami
the extraordinary elTcct of Swamp-Root
is soon teali.ed." It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a nicdieuio
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists tit fiftv-ceut ami one-dollar
You may nave a sample nome aim a
book that tells all
about it, bothsent free I
bv mail. Address I)i.
K'iliner & Co., lling-
hatnton, N. X. When
writum mention this
make auv mistake, but temembcr tho
name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, mill
the address, llinghamtoti, N. V.
Ilomsnt Bwntnp-Itoot.
paper and don't
" i itiimwuiirti i
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances a specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and
The Bon Ton
W. S. Bl:NSU, Proprietor.
Barrincjton Escapes Noose.
St. Louis, Aug. 14. When "Ijorrt"
Frederick Seymour BarrlnMon, who Is
In jail at Clay ton, was notified that
Governor Folk had commuted his nut
tence to life Imprisonment, ho re
ceived tho Information in sullen si
lence. He declined to make any ex
pression. He will be taken to Jeffer
son City penitentiary in a few days.
Dan Patch Paces Fast Mile.
Galesburg, 111., Aug. 1-1. In an exhi
bition race against his own record,
Dan Patch paced a mile In lu'lV'i here,
breaking the track record made by
lilm one year ago of i:o7:!ic. The
quarters wese as follows: U!)'., 5S'.,
l:27'j, l:5Ci. Dan Patch had "a
pacemaker and a wind shield.
Do You
Train Inspector Found Dead.
Peru, Intl., Aug. 14. Simon Ward,
nlrbiaiMj Inspector for the Chicago,
Cincinnati and Louisville railroad, was
found dead tinder a train. Whether
tho death was by accident or suicide
la a myutery.
Meat ?
When vou nvo hungry and
want soinothlg nice In tho
meat line, drop into my
market. We have tho nicest,
kind of
and meats, Hsb, and game
in season. Wo think, and
almost know, that wo can
please you. Give us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
Do you know that it will pay VOU. as
woll as US, to buy your Building Ala
torial and (joal at ouryards? Not only
that our prioos average lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but because wo tako ospooial care
of and protect all can bo ulasied as
City Dray and Express Line.
Gpods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Residence 188. Offie iif