The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 16, 1907, Image 4

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t iWVHtvitwa fc'-i-l
I s?
I. 171 i
Does Not
Color Hair
Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now
made from our new improved
formula, does not stain or color
the hair even to the slightest
I degree. Gray hair, white hair,
blonde hair is not made a
i i.. .ir.- e... :. ,.... it..
MliiUC UUI IGI XJUl u wei tunny
does stop fallinc hair. No
question about that.
Dctt not change the color of the hair.
Formula with eoh bottle
m Show It to your
.. 1 t
Aik him about it.
Indeed, we believe it will stop every case
of falling hair unless there is some very
unusual complication, something greatly
affecting the general health. Then you
should consultyourphysician. Also ask
him about the new Ayer's Hair Vigor.
Mtf e by tho J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Man.-
To the voters of the Tenth Judicial
I hereby announce myself a can
didate at the Primaries to be held
September II, 1007, for the Republican
nomination for the olllce of .Midge of
the lOth.ludieial District of Nebraska,
comprising the counties of Webster,
Franklin, Harlan, Adams, Kearney
and l'helps. Respectfully submitted,
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the nomination of Judge of
the Tenth judicial district, on the Re
publican ticket, subject to the will of
the Republican voters, at the primary ,
election to be held September :i, 1U07.
Hastings, Neb. ,1. W. Jami:s.
The Chief is authorized to announce
that William U. Dorsev, of Blooming
ton, Franklin county, is a candidate
for district judge, subject to the will
of the Republican voters of the Tenth
judicial district, at the primary elec
tion to be held September II, 11107.
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the Republican nomination
for County Clerk of Webster County.
Nebraska, subject to the primary elec-1
tion to lie held September 3, 1007. ,
K. W. Uiim.s.
To the Voters of Webster County: j
I hereby announce myself us a can-
innate tor tue iccpuoiican nomination
for the olllce of county clerk of Web
sler county, subject to the decision of
primaries to be held September X
V. .
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the Republican nomination for
County Clerk of Webster county, sub-1
ject to the primary election to be held
September 3, 11)07. .lonx .1. CiAititm:.
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself a 'candi
date for the nomination 6f county com
missioner from the Third district, sub
ject to the will of the Republican
voters at the prinlary election to be
held September X
(liioiun; W. IliMMin,.
To the Voters of Webster County:
I am a candidate for the otlice of
county assessor, subject to the pleasure
of the Republican voters at the pri
mary election to be held September 3.
Hi:.KY C. Scoit.
Furniture, Carpets and Undertaking Goods
Licensed Embalmer
and Undertaker
Calls answered Day or Night
Yours to Please,
Amack & Chaney,
1 hereby announce myself us a can
didate for the olllce of Clerk of the
District Court, subject to the decision
of the Independent voters at the prim
ary to be held September .1, 11)7.
(Jkohoi. V. HnrniSHo.v.
, To the voters of Webster County;
I I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the Republican nomination for
county assessor, subject to the primary
election to be Held hoptomnor .1, MK)7
(ir.oitoK 1'. Catiif.ii.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination to the olllce of
county judge of Webster county, sub
ject to the will of the fusion voters at
the primary election to be held Sep
tember n. I W. KtiM.N.
I I hereby announce myself a candl
dute for re-election to the olllce of
county commissioner from the third
district, subject to the pleasure of the
Republican voters at the primary elec
tion to be held September :i.
11. O. Sawviiii.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination of judge for
Jthe tenth judicial district of Nebraska,
on the Republican ticket, subject to
the decision of the voters at the prim
ary election to be held September .1.
Mitidcu, Neb. L. W. Haoi'K.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for renomination to the ollice of
sheriff of Webster county, on the Re
publican ticket, subject to the primary
election to be held September :i.
O. I). Hkikih.
I desire to announce my candidacy
for renomination to the olllce of treas
urer of Webster county, on the Repub
lican ticket, at the primary election to
be held September It.
W. C. Fiiaiim.
I am a candidate for re-election to
the olllce of superintendent of public
instruction, on the Republican ticket,
subject to the will of the voters at the
primary election to be held Septem
ber 3. Nr.i.i.n: Wir Castki:.
A Lively Runaway.
N. 12. Harvey and Lee DeTour were
driving down Webster street about
noon, Wednesday, when the horses be
came frightened at an automobile
standing in the street. The team
whirled around quickly and both men
were spilled out in front of Nelson's
barn. The team dodged between a
couple of dray wagons and a buggy at
the corner of Fifth and Webster, turn
ing west. The buggy was overturned
and, as the harness was new, every
thing held and the buggy finally right
ed itself with the team going at break
neck speed west on Fifth avenue. They
finally turned south and were captured
by Charley Palmer. The buggy top
was slightly torn and the pole was
damaged. Mr. Harvey and Mr. DeTour
both received severe bruises.
An Attack on Overman.
The Woodruff lludget recently pub
lished an article violently attacking 12.
U. Overman. As Woodruff is not in
this judicial district many people will
wonder where the Hudget "gets on."
It is easily explained, .lohn A. Bar
her, editor of the Hudget and proprie
tor of a drug store in that town,
was formerly editor of the Franklin
Sentinel and naturally wishes to boost
W. C. Horsey, Franklin county's" can
didate for the judgeship. It is also
barely possible that sometime in the
past he has been in collision with Mr,
Overman to his sorrow. Anyhow, the
article mentioned will make more
votes for Mr. Overman than it will for
the man It was intended to boost.
Colonel Bill S'terret and the Privilege
He Craved.
When Colonel Hill Slorret first went
to Washington to report the news of
the eapltol for his Texas paper?, he
had desk room In the olllce of General
II. V. Hoynton, thou the militant cor
respondent of the Cincinnati Commer
cial. General Hoynton spoke out In meet
ing. He said things about statesmen
that made the statesmen nngry. lie
had many personal encounters with
patriots whose feelings had boon ruf
fled. Otic night a man came Into Hoyn
ton's otlice loudly proclaiming that he
Intended to shoot Hoynton. The gen
oral grabbed a chair, beat the Intruder
over the head with It, knocked him
down and threw him out. All this time
Sterret sat at his desk, looking on In
great amazement.
When the man landed In the gutter
Sterret came timidly over to Hoynton.
"General," he said, "being a new hand
here, I don't know the practices of this
olllce nor the customs that pertain to
Washington correspondents, and I
didn't want to Intrude. Now that I
have seen what has happened, I trust
yon will allow me n question?"
"Go ahead," said Hoynton.
"When the next man comes In, would
It be too forward If I should crave the
privilege of kicking him a few times In
honor of the sainted Confederate
dead?" Saturday Evening Post.
The Figured Did Not Appear In the
Final Set of Drawings.
A candidate for the royal engineers
some years ago was told by his In
structor to draw up the plans and spec
ifications for a railway viaduct to con
nect two high hills, between which
ran a small stream.
In due course an excellent set of
drawings was presented, one showing
the bridge In Its completion, with a
sketch of the surroundings, and on
which sat two men. with their legs
hanging over the side, fishing. The
drawing was returned with the request
that the men bo removed from the
Upon receiving the paper the second
time the professor discovered that his
instructions had been carried out, but
that the two men were seated on the
bank of the stream, still In quest of
representatives of the tinny tribe.
Again was the paper returned, ami
this time with positive orders to re
move the men from the drawing alto
gether. Imagine the consternation
which overspread the features of the
learned Instructor upon receiving the
papers for a third time to find two
little graves and tombstones with ap
propriate epitaphs situated near the
bank of tho stream. Ills orders had
been obejed and the men removed al
together. London Answers.
Sandy and the Mare.
A Scottish paper tells a story of San
dy Mc , a Forfarshire farmer who
had been spending au hour or two hi
the evening with a friend a couple of
miles away. It was a moonlight night.
and Sandy, after partaking freely of
his friend's hospitality, was riding
quietly home across the sheep pastures
I (v his "guid auld mare." when tuey
j came to au open ditch, which his mare
ret used to cross.
"Hoot awa, Maggie," said the rider,
"this wlnna dao. Ye maun jlst gang
I lie turned back about 100 yards,
wheeled round and gave the mare a
touch of his whip. On she went at a
brisk canter, but as they reached the
edge of tho ditch she stopped dead and
shot Sandy clean over to the other
Gathering himself up, Sandy looked
his mare straight In the face and said:
"Vera wool pitched Indeed, ma lass.
But hoo are ye golu' to get ower yer
sel', eh?"
He Was an Expert at Figures.
After au absence of several years a
one time cavalier of a lady called on
her. He found her in Uie company of
her three children.
"Well, well!" he said. "And how old
nre theyV"
"Johnny," answered the lady, "Is
even, Julia Is five and Maud Is two."
"Dear me!" he cried, alarm In his
! voice. "Is it possible time files Ilko
that? Who would think that you had
been married fourteen years?" Phila
delphia Ledger.
Tho Incentive.
"Does your, son study Greek In col
lege?" "Oh. yes. He's very enthusiastic
over It."
"I thought ho didn't care for lan
guages?" "lie doesn't, as a rule, but next year
the football team Is to have Greek
signals and Harry Is trying for the
Meven." Kansas City Independent.
Awako on the Tip Question.
The regular patron was Indignant
ns the waiter spilled the soup.
"You're tipsy!" ho exclaimed.
"Couldn't bo on your tips. See?" re
sponded tho waiter, at least not so Ine
briated as to Impede his mental proc
esses. Philadelphia Ledger.
5 ! '- '5US '-55 5 'S 5. '-55 '-5 '-S '
(f One that is a Sale
g - buyers
Through July we will sell you any LIGHT WEIGHT J5
h SUIT in the store for ;
w 20 ner cent w
i m
fj less than tegular prices i
m Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits all go at this price, m
1 Hats 1
$ Straw Hats at one-half regular. Felt and wool Hats at (ft
(ft cost, some of them at LESS THAN COST. ft
(ft (ft
(ft Gimbels, Americans, Royals (ft
jft (ft
-h Not a Hat reserved. What Stetsons we have can be bought fit
2; at cost.
(ft (ft
(ft Remember, this sale is for cash. A look will satisfy (ft
(ft you that we mean business. (ft
1 Paul Storey, c5& I
'g.g-'g'-g'gg.g.-j.g.jg. gg.i..'.lg.g.4..-e;
Lttwis M. Steward, Mgr.
Red Clovid Business College
system of
The Touch
system of
Attend a complete Business College that will preparo you for au ideal
Commercial Life.
Fall Opening Sept. '.). Enter at any time. Individual Instruction
At n o'clock Wednesday evening, at
the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Amanda Cu minings, on Cedar street, be
tween Fourth and Fifth avenue, occur
red the marriage of her daughter Kth
el to William Hunt,Klder F. M. Branie,
pastor of the Christian church, officia
ting. The wedding was a very quiet
alVair, nqne but the immediete rela
tives of the bride and groom being
present. Both the young people are
well known in Bed Cloud, Mr. Hunt
having been employed at tonsorial
work in this city for a number of years, j
and his bride was born and raised in I
this city. They left on the evening j
train for a short visit at the home of
the groom's parents- near Inavale, after i
which they will spend a few days in t
Colorado, returning to lied Cloud to
make their home.
Speed Program of the Webster County
Fair Association.
Tuesday, Sept. !il S:0 trot, S100;
a::il) pace, 8100; running, one-half mile.
S.'ii); mule race one-half mile, Sl.V, pony
running one-half mile, SltO.
Wednesday, Sept. y.- y::w trot. SlOO;
free-for-all pace,? 1.10; running one-naif
mile, S.M).
Thursday, Sept. Sil '.':20 pace. SI 50;
free-for-all trot, S1.10; novelty raee.SlO;
consolation race, S.'iO.
Friday, Sept. !7 2;:i() trot.'.Slul); free
for-all paee, S1.10; pony running one
half mile, S".V, mule race, one-half mile,
Hntranee fee 5 per cent 5 per cent
additional from money winner.
Consolation purses for horses that
have not won a first money.
American trotting rules to govern.
All persons wishing to enter any, cattle, .sheep, hogs or poultry
at the county fair at Bladen, must
make application to the secretary, 1). S.
l'helps, at Bladen, not later than Sep
tember 1, and send stall and pen fees,
as the association must know this in
J order to know how much more to build,
as nearly all built are taken.
Now is the time to subscribe.
,0 ,t0.010.1.r m
- w w v w
Bargains for Cash i
Od B. Stkwaud, See. and Treas.
The Gregg
system of
Canon City, Sunnyside,
and Genuine Nigger
Head Maitland
You may be particular or what
some call "cranky," but OUR
COAL will please you.
Our coal is clean and we deliver
1 1
Boll Tel. GO.
Rural Tel. 71
Albright Bros.
We cannot afford to do
less than satisfy in
quality, style, price and
give to you our person
al service .and careful
Calls Answered
Night or Day
Rural and Bell pi ones
at store and reside n :e.
Foil Sai.k Horse, buggy and
ness. Inquire Joe Fogel.